Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Leukemia - Table of Contents alert Volume 30 Issue 11

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Volume 30, Issue 11 (November 2016)

In this issue
Original Articles
Letters to the Editor

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Are mild/moderate acquired idiopathic aplastic anaemia and low-risk myelodysplastic syndrome one or two diseases or both and how should it/they be treated?

S Nakao and R P Gale

Leukemia 2016 30: 2127-2130; advance online publication, September 2, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.206

Full Text



Prof. Thomas Büchner (22 September 1934–5 August 2016)—A leading European hematologist and AML trialist

W E Berdel, R Hehlmann, D Hoelzer and W Hiddemann

Leukemia 2016 30: 2131-2132; advance online publication, September 9, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.241

Full Text



A review of new agents evaluated against pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia by the Pediatric Preclinical Testing Program

L Jones, H Carol, K Evans, J Richmond, P J Houghton, M A Smith and R B Lock

Leukemia 2016 30: 2133-2141; advance online publication, July 15, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.192

Abstract | Full Text

Therapeutic potential of targeting sphingosine kinases and sphingosine 1-phosphate in hematological malignancies

C Evangelisti, C Evangelisti, F Buontempo, A Lonetti, E Orsini, F Chiarini, J T Barata, S Pyne, N J Pyne and A M Martelli

Leukemia 2016 30: 2142-2151; advance online publication, July 27, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.208

Abstract | Full Text

Survival control of malignant lymphocytes by anti-apoptotic MCL-1

Y Fernández-Marrero, S Spinner, T Kaufmann and P J Jost

Leukemia 2016 30: 2152-2159; advance online publication, August 1, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.213

Abstract | Full Text

Original Articles



RUNX1 mutations in acute myeloid leukemia are associated with distinct clinico-pathologic and genetic features

V I Gaidzik, V Teleanu, E Papaemmanuil, D Weber, P Paschka, J Hahn, T Wallrabenstein, B Kolbinger, C H Köhne, H A Horst, P Brossart, G Held, A Kündgen, M Ringhoffer, K Götze, M Rummel, M Gerstung, P Campbell, J M Kraus, H A Kestler, F Thol, M Heuser, B Schlegelberger, A Ganser, L Bullinger, R F Schlenk, K Döhner and H Döhner for the German-Austrian Acute Myeloid Leukemia Study Group (AMLSG)

Leukemia 2016 30: 2160-2168; advance online publication, May 3, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.126

Abstract | Full Text

Rationale and efficacy of proteasome inhibitor combined with arsenic trioxide in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia OPEN

S Ganesan, A A Alex, E Chendamarai, N Balasundaram, H K Palani, S David, U Kulkarni, M Aiyaz, R Mugasimangalam, A Korula, A Abraham, A Srivastava, R A Padua, C Chomienne, B George, P Balasubramanian and V Mathews

Leukemia 2016 30: 2169-2178; advance online publication, August 18, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.227

Abstract | Full Text


Genomic disruption of the histone methyltransferase SETD2 in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia OPEN

H Parker, M J J Rose-Zerilli, M Larrayoz, R Clifford, J Edelmann, S Blakemore, J Gibson, J Wang, V Ljungström, T K Wojdacz, T Chaplin, A Roghanian, Z Davis, A Parker, E Tausch, S Ntoufa, S Ramos, P Robbe, R Alsolami, A J Steele, G Packham, A E Rodríguez-Vicente, L Brown, F McNicholl, F Forconi, A Pettitt, P Hillmen, M Dyer, M S Cragg, C Chelala, C C Oakes, R Rosenquist, K Stamatopoulos, S Stilgenbauer, S Knight, A Schuh, D G Oscier and J C Strefford

Leukemia 2016 30: 2179-2186; advance online publication, May 20, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.134

Abstract | Full Text


A novel hypoxia-selective epigenetic agent RRx-001 triggers apoptosis and overcomes drug resistance in multiple myeloma cells

D Sharma Das, A Ray, A Das, Y Song, Z Tian, B Oronsky, P Richardson, J Scicinski, D Chauhan and K C Anderson

Leukemia 2016 30: 2187-2197; advance online publication, April 27, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.96

Abstract | Full Text

Proteasome inhibitor-adapted myeloma cells are largely independent from proteasome activity and show complex proteomic changes, in particular in redox and energy metabolism OPEN

G P Soriano, L Besse, N Li, M Kraus, A Besse, N Meeuwenoord, J Bader, B Everts, H den Dulk, H S Overkleeft, B I Florea and C Driessen

Leukemia 2016 30: 2198-2207; advance online publication, April 27, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.102

Abstract | Full Text

Early relapse following initial therapy for multiple myeloma predicts poor outcomes in the era of novel agents

N Majithia, S V Rajkumar, M Q Lacy, F K Buadi, A Dispenzieri, M A Gertz, S R Hayman, D Dingli, P Kapoor, L Hwa, J A Lust, S J Russell, R S Go, R A Kyle and S K Kumar

Leukemia 2016 30: 2208-2213; advance online publication, May 23, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.147

Abstract | Full Text


Incorporation of molecular data into the Revised International Prognostic Scoring System in treated patients with myelodysplastic syndromes

A Nazha, M Narkhede, T Radivoyevitch, D J Seastone, B J Patel, A T Gerds, S Mukherjee, M Kalaycio, A Advani, B Przychodzen, H E Carraway, J P Maciejewski and M A Sekeres

Leukemia 2016 30: 2214-2220; advance online publication, May 20, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.138

Abstract | Full Text


Mesenchymal stromal cell-derived extracellular vesicles rescue radiation damage to murine marrow hematopoietic cells

S Wen, M Dooner, Y Cheng, E Papa, M Del Tatto, M Pereira, Y Deng, L Goldberg, J Aliotta, D Chatterjee, C Stewart, A Carpanetto, F Collino, S Bruno, G Camussi and P Quesenberry

Leukemia 2016 30: 2221-2231; advance online publication, May 6, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.107

Abstract | Full Text

Letters to the Editor


Clinical response to ibrutinib is accompanied by normalization of the T-cell environment in CLL-related autoimmune cytopenia

S Schliffke, N Akyüz, C T Ford, T Mährle, T Thenhausen, A Krohn-Grimberghe, S Knop, C Bokemeyer and M Binder

Leukemia 2016 30: 2232-2234; advance online publication, May 25, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.157

Full Text

Aberrations identified by genomic arrays in normal karyotype CMML can be detected in 40% of patients, but do not add prognostic information to molecular mutations

C Vetro, C Haferlach, T Haferlach, M Zenger, N Nadarajah, W Kern and M Meggendorfer

Leukemia 2016 30: 2235-2238; advance online publication, May 25, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.158

Full Text

MicroRNA-155 induces AML in combination with the loss of C/EBPA in mice

M F Alemdehy, H W J de Looper, F G Kavelaars, M A Sanders, R Hoogenboezem, B Löwenberg, P J M Valk, I P Touw and S J Erkeland

Leukemia 2016 30: 2238-2241; advance online publication, June 4, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.171

Full Text

A germline ERBB3 variant is a candidate for predisposition to erythroid MDS/erythroleukemia

E M Braunstein, R Li, N Sobreira, B Marosy, K Hetrick, K Doheny, C D Gocke, D Valle, R A Brodsky and L Cheng

Leukemia 2016 30: 2242-2245; advance online publication, June 15, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.173

Full Text

Mutations in the JAK/STAT and RAS signaling pathways are common in intestinal T-cell lymphomas

A Nicolae, L Xi, T H Pham, T-A Pham, W Navarro, H G Meeker, S Pittaluga, E S Jaffe and M Raffeld

Leukemia 2016 30: 2245-2247; advance online publication, June 22, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.178

Full Text

Clinical impact of GATA2 mutations in acute myeloid leukemia patients harboring CEBPA mutations: a study of the AML study group

F Theis, A Corbacioglu, V I Gaidzik, P Paschka, D Weber, L Bullinger, M Heuser, A Ganser, F Thol, B Schlegelberger, G Göhring, C-H Köhne, U Germing, P Brossart, H-A Horst, D Haase, K Götze, M Ringhoffer, W Fiedler, D Nachbaur, T Kindler, G Held, M Lübbert, M Wattad, H R Salih, J Krauter, H Döhner, R F Schlenk and K Döhner

Leukemia 2016 30: 2248-2250; advance online publication, July 4, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.185

Full Text

Differences in prognosis of stereotyped IGHV3-21 chronic lymphocytic leukaemia according to additional molecular and cytogenetic aberrations

S Jeromin, C Haferlach, F Dicker, T Alpermann, T Haferlach and W Kern

Leukemia 2016 30: 2251-2253; advance online publication, July 14, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.189

Full Text

Adult acute myeloid leukemia with trisomy 11 as the sole abnormality is characterized by the presence of five distinct gene mutations: MLL-PTD, DNMT3A, U2AF1, FLT3-ITD and IDH2

A-K Eisfeld, J Kohlschmidt, K Mrózek, J S Blachly, D Nicolet, K Kroll, S Orwick, A J Carroll, R M Stone, A de la Chapelle, J C Byrd and C D Bloomfield

Leukemia 2016 30: 2254-2258; advance online publication, July 20, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.196

Full Text

Standardization of molecular monitoring for chronic myeloid leukemia in Latin America using locally produced secondary cellular calibrators OPEN

M S Ruiz, M Medina, I Tapia, J Mordoh, N C P Cross, I Larripa and M Bianchini

Leukemia 2016 30: 2258-2260; advance online publication, July 25, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.197

Full Text

HLA polymorphism and risk of multiple myeloma

M Beksac, L Gragert, S Fingerson, M Maiers, M-J Zhang, M Albrecht, X Zhong, W Cozen, A Dispenzieri, S Lonial and P Hari

Leukemia 2016 30: 2260-2264; advance online publication, July 27, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.199

Full Text

The prognostic significance of trisomy 4 in acute myeloid leukaemia is dependent on age and additional abnormalities OPEN

L Chilton, R K Hills, A K Burnett and C J Harrison

Leukemia 2016 30: 2264-2267; advance online publication, July 25, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.200

Full Text

Concurrent PI3K and NF-κB activation drives B-cell lymphomagenesis OPEN

H Y Jin, M Lai, J Shephard and C Xiao

Leukemia 2016 30: 2267-2270; advance online publication, July 25, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.204

Full Text

Somatic PHF6 mutations in 1760 cases with various myeloid neoplasms

T Mori, Y Nagata, H Makishima, M Sanada, Y Shiozawa, A Kon, T Yoshizato, A Sato-Otsubo, K Kataoka, Y Shiraishi, K Chiba, H Tanaka, K Ishiyama, S Miyawaki, H Mori, T Nakamaki, R Kihara, H Kiyoi, H P Koeffler, L-Y Shih, S Miyano, T Naoe, C Haferlach, W Kern, T Haferlach, S Ogawa and K Yoshida

Leukemia 2016 30: 2270-2273; advance online publication, August 1, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.212

Full Text

Vascular events and risk factors for thrombosis in refractory anemia with ring sideroblasts and thrombocytosis

M M Patnaik, T L Lasho, C M Finke, C A Hanson, R L King, R P Ketterling, N Gangat and A Tefferi

Leukemia 2016 30: 2273-2275; advance online publication, August 1, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.216

Full Text

Rapid conversion of chronic myeloid leukemia to chronic myelomonocytic leukemia in a patient on imatinib therapy

J S Khorashad, S K Tantravahi, D Yan, C C Mason, Y Qiao, A M Eiring, K Gligorich, T Hein, A D Pomicter, A G Reid, T W Kelley, G T Marth, T O'Hare and M W Deininger

Leukemia 2016 30: 2275-2279; advance online publication, August 2, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.218

Full Text



Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia patients with RAS pathway mutations show high in vitro myeloid colony formation in the absence of exogenous growth factors OPEN

K Geissler, E Jäger, A Barna, T Alendar, E Ljubuncic, T Sliwa and P Valent

Leukemia 2016 30: 2280-2281; advance online publication, August 18, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.235

Full Text



RUNX1 mutations in acute myeloid leukemia are associated with distinct clinico-pathologic and genetic features

V I Gaidzik, V Teleanu, E Papaemmanuil, D Weber, P Paschka, J Hahn, T Wallrabenstein, B Kolbinger, C H Köhne, H A Horst, P Brossart, G Held, A Kündgen, M Ringhoffer, K Götze, M Rummel, M Gerstung, P Campbell, J M Kraus, H A Kestler, F Thol, M Heuser, B Schlegelberger, A Ganser, L Bullinger, R F Schlenk, K Döhner and H Döhner for the German-Austrian Acute Myeloid Leukemia Study Group (AMLSG)

Leukemia 2016 30: 2282; 10.1038/leu.2016.207

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