Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Bone Marrow Transplantation - Table of Contents alert Volume 51 Issue 11

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Bone Marrow Transplantation


Volume 51, Issue 11 (November 2016)

In this issue
Special Reports
Original Articles
Letters to the Editor

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Marking 30 years of BMT publishing excellence - 1986 to 2016 

Springer Nature is pleased to mark 30 years of Bone Marrow Transplantation journal publishing. We are commemorating the anniversary by giving everyone access to the 10 most cited BMT articles of all time and publishing an editorial by original editor Robert Gale that looks back over the journal's history.



Thirty years of Bone Marrow Transplantation

R P Gale

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1411-1412; advance online publication, July 4, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.175

Full Text



Is there really a specific graft-versus-leukaemia effect?

R P Gale and E J Fuchs

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1413-1415; advance online publication, July 11, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.183

Full Text



A scoping review of caregiver burden during allogeneic HSCT: lessons learned and future directions

A J Applebaum, M Bevans, T Son, K Evans, M Hernandez, S Giralt and K DuHamel

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1416-1422; advance online publication, June 13, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.164

Abstract | Full Text

Life after transplant: are we becoming high maintenance in AML?

A M Brunner, A T Fathi and Y B Chen

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1423-1430; advance online publication, June 20, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.160

Abstract | Full Text

Special Reports


Relapse of AML after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: methods of monitoring and preventive strategies. A review from the ALWP of the EBMT

P Tsirigotis, M Byrne, C Schmid, F Baron, F Ciceri, J Esteve, N C Gorin, S Giebel, M Mohty, B N Savani and A Nagler

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1431-1438; advance online publication, June 13, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.167

Abstract | Full Text

What is the P-value anyway?

R P Gale and M-J Zhang

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1439-1440; advance online publication, July 11, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.184

Full Text

Original Articles



Outcome of allogeneic stem cell transplantation for AML and myelodysplastic syndrome in elderly patients (⩾ 60 years)

M Pohlen, C Groth, T Sauer, D Görlich, R Mesters, C Schliemann, G Lenz, C Müller-Tidow, T Büchner, W E Berdel and M Stelljes

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1441-1448; advance online publication, June 13, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.156

Abstract | Full Text


Autologous stem cell transplant for multiple myeloma patients 70 years or older

E Muchtar, D Dingli, S Kumar, F K Buadi, A Dispenzieri, S R Hayman, R C Wolf, D A Gastineau, R Chakraborty, W J Hogan, N Leung, P Kapoor, M Q Lacy, S V Rajkumar and M A Gertz

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1449-1455; advance online publication, July 4, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.174

Abstract | Full Text


Comparable outcomes between younger (⩽ 40 years) and older (>40 years) adult patients with severe aplastic anemia after HLA-matched sibling stem cell transplantation using fludarabine-based conditioning

S H Shin, Y W Jeon, J H Yoon, S A Yahng, S E Lee, B S Cho, K S Eom, Y J Kim, S Lee, C K Min, H J Kim, S G Cho, D W Kim, W S Min and J W Lee

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1456-1463; advance online publication, June 27, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.171

Abstract | Full Text


Haploidentical, unmanipulated G-CSF-primed peripheral blood stem cell transplantation for high-risk hematologic malignancies: an update

W-R Huang, H-H Li, C-J Gao, J Bo, F Li, L-P Dou, L-L Wang, Y Jing, L Wang, D-H Liu and L Yu

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1464-1469; advance online publication, June 20, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.166

Abstract | Full Text

Long-term outcomes of HLA-haploidentical stem cell transplantation based on an FBCA conditioning regimen compared with those of HLA-identical sibling stem cell transplantation for haematologic malignancies

H Long, Z G Lu, C Y Song, Y X Huang, J H Xu, J X Xu, L Deng, S F Tu, Y Z He, X Lin, K Y Guo and B Y Wu

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1470-1475; advance online publication, June 20, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.170

Abstract | Full Text


Unrelated donor search prognostic score to support early HLA consultation and clinical decisions

K Wadsworth, M Albrecht, R Fonstad, S Spellman, M Maiers and J Dehn

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1476-1481; advance online publication, June 6, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.162

Abstract | Full Text


Incidence and severity of crucial late effects after allogeneic HSCT for malignancy under the age of 3 years: TBI is what really matters

D Bresters, A Lawitschka, C Cugno, U Pötschger, A Dalissier, G Michel, K Vettenranta, M Sundin, A Al-Seraihy, M Faraci, P Sedlacek, A B Versluys, A Jenkins, P Lutz, B Gibson, A Leiper, M A Diaz, P J Shaw, R Skinner, T A O'Brien, N Salooja, P Bader and C Peters

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1482-1489; advance online publication, June 27, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.139

Abstract | Full Text


Bacterial meningitis in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients: a population-based prospective study

K E B van Veen, M C Brouwer, A van der Ende and D van de Beek

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1490-1495; advance online publication, July 4, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.181

Abstract | Full Text

Letters to the Editor


The impact of hepatitis B core antibody levels on HBV reactivation after allogeneic hematopoietic SCT: an 11-year experience at a single center

S K Bae, T Gushima, N Saito, I Yamanaka, T Shimokawa, Y Matsuo, S Yoshida, I Kawano, H Henzan, S Shimoda, T Eto and K Takahashi

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1496-1498; advance online publication, June 6, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.149

Full Text

Impact of KIR/HLA genetic combinations on double umbilical cord blood transplantation outcomes. Results of a French multicentric retrospective study on behalf of the Société Francophone de Greffe de Moelle et de Thérapie Cellulaire (SFGM-TC) and the Société Francophone d’Histocompatibilité et d’Immunogénétique (SFHI)

P Rettman, F Malard, N Legrand, O Avinens, J-F Eliaou, C Picard, A Dormoy, X Lafarge, M de Matteis, A Kennel, P Loiseau, A Devys, A Boudifa, L Absi, M Fort, D Masson, F Quainon, I Theodorou, A Batho, A Parissiadis, F Delbos, M Drouet, D Senitzer, E Marry, N Raus, I Yakoub-Agha, A Cesbron, C Retière and K Gagne

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1499-1503; advance online publication, June 6, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.151

Full Text

Management of refractory autoimmune hemolytic anemia via allogeneic stem cell transplantation

L Rotenstein, A Nathan, I Ghobrial, J Antin and A Parnes

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1504-1506; advance online publication, June 6, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.152

Full Text

Focused extracorporeal shock wave for osteonecrosis of the femoral head with leukemia after allo-HSCT: a case series

W Sun, F Gao, W Guo, B Wang, Z Li, L Cheng and W Wang

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1507-1509; advance online publication, June 6, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.155

Full Text

Risk of serious bloodstream infections is low in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients with fevers due to antithymocyte globulins and alemtuzumab

B Horn, S O'Kane, R L Wattier, J T Wahlstrom, A Melton, M J Cowan and C C Dvorak

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1510-1512; advance online publication, June 6, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.157

Full Text

High prevalence of small- and large-fiber neuropathy in a prospective cohort of patients with moderate to severe chronic GvHD

E Bilic, V Delimar, L Desnica, D Pulanic, E Bilic, M Bakovic, L M Curtis, R S Seiwerth, M M Stipetic, R Ceovic, T K Pulanic, I Aleric, O Milos, R Vrhovac, D Nemet and S Z Pavletic

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1513-1517; advance online publication, June 6, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.158

Full Text

High incidence of severe chronic GvHD after HSCT with sibling donors. A single center analysis

M Remberger, G Afram, M Sundin, M Uhlin, K LeBlanc, A Björklund, J Mattsson and P Ljungman

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1518-1521; advance online publication, June 6, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.159

Full Text

Successful matched unrelated donor stem cell transplant in Hemoglobin Bart's disease

M Y Elsaid, C M Capitini, C A Diamond, M Porte, M Otto and K B DeSantes

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1522-1523; advance online publication, June 13, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.153

Full Text

GvHD prophylaxis with tacrolimus plus sirolimus after reduced intensity conditioning allogeneic transplantation: results of a multicenter study

R Parody, L López-Corral, O Lopez-Godino, C Martinez, R Martino, C Solano, P Barba, D Caballero, I García-Cadenas, J L Piñana, F J Marquez-Malaver, L Vazquez, A Esquirol, J C H Boluda, F Sanchez-Guijo and J A Pérez-Simon on behalf of the GETH (Grupo Español de TrasplanteHematopoyético)

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1524-1526; advance online publication, June 13, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.163

Full Text

Long-term follow-up of patients with relapsed or refractory non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma receiving allogeneic stem cell transplantation

C S Link, F Mies, J Scheele, M Kramer, J Schetelig, R Ordemann, M Hänel, M Bornhäuser, G Ehninger and F Kroschinsky

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1527-1529; advance online publication, June 13, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.165

Full Text

Pulmonary function after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is significantly better in pediatric recipients following reduced toxicity compared with myeloablative conditioning

R Majzner, C Sandoval, A J Dozor, Z Jin, C van de Ven, R Dalal, E Morris, L Harrison, K Wolownik, S Fabricatore, L A Baxter-Lowe and M S Cairo

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1530-1532; advance online publication, June 20, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.172

Full Text

Unusual magnetic resonance imaging presentation of post-BMT cerebral toxoplasmosis masquerading as meningoencephalitis and ventriculitis

K J Helton, G Maron, E Mamcarz, V Leventaki, Z Patay and Z Sadighi

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1533-1536; advance online publication, June 27, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.168

Full Text

Differences in stem cell transplantation activity among regions in Spain: an economic explanation

I Espigado, M Ortega-Ortega, R Montero-Granados, N Rodriguez-Torres and F J Márquez-Malaver

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1537-1539; advance online publication, July 4, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.177

Full Text

Dexamethasone palmitate for patients with engraftment syndrome is associated with favorable outcome for children with hematological malignancy

H Sakaguchi, K Matsumoto, N Yoshida, K Narita, M Hamada, S Kataoka, N Miyagawa, T Yoshikawa, M Ito and K Kato

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1540-1542; advance online publication, July 4, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.178

Full Text

Heterogeneous response to recombinant thrombomodulin by grade of sinusoidal obstructive syndrome after pediatric stem cell transplantation

J Inagaki, K Kurauchi, R Fukano, M Noguchi and J Okamura

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1543-1545; advance online publication, July 4, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.179

Full Text

Haploidentical transplantation with post-transplant cyclophosphamide following reduced-intensity conditioning for osteopetrosis: outcomes in three children

T L Bahr, T Lund, N M Sando, P J Orchard and W P Miller

Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 51: 1546-1548; advance online publication, July 4, 2016; 10.1038/bmt.2016.180

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