Thursday, July 16, 2015

Nature News highlights: 16 July 2015

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  16 July 2015    

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        • Featured  

      Building the 21st century scientist


      Why is STEM education so hard? One of the reasons is that intuition and tradition are poor guides for teaching tough topics. Leading academics offer their advice and a roadmap for a course correction in colleges and universities, but it is clear that change is happening at innovative science-focused programmes all over the world. Starting young is important. But so is continuing to learn throughout one's career. Read More

        • Latest News  

      Pluto's massive mountains hint at geological mysteries

      15 July 2015

      Latest images from New Horizons mission show a crazy-quilt terrain, and a surprisingly youthful Charon. Read More


      Iranian researchers welcome nuclear deal

      15 July 2015

      Lifted sanctions could boost international scientific collaboration. Read More


      Buckyballs in space solve 100-year-old riddle

      15 July 2015

      Spheres of carbon-60 responsible for mysterious cosmic-light features. Read More

        • More Stories  

      Pluto mapper predicted dwarf planet's weird geology

      15 July 2015

      Astronomer Marc Buie has studied the dwarf planet for decades. Read More


      'Speedometer' neurons discovered in rat brains

      15 July 2015

      Nobel laureates identify speed cells as a crucial component of the mammalian navigation system. Read More


      Why we are teaching science wrong, and how to make it right

      15 July 2015

      Active problem-solving confers a deeper understanding of science than does a standard lecture. But some university lecturers are reluctant to change tack. Read More


      First robust genetic links to depression emerge

      15 July 2015

      Discoveries energize hunt for genes connected to mental illness. Read More


      Reading, writing and high-energy physics

      15 July 2015

      A look at some of the most innovative science-education programmes from kindergarten to university. Read More


      The scientist of the future

      15 July 2015

      A special issue of Nature examines what is needed to grow the next generation of scientists. Read More


      The week in science: 10–16 July 2015

      15 July 2015

      Report criticizes the APA for colluding on torture; South Korean government is sued over MERS; and Pluto gets sized up by New Horizons. Read More


      Smart shots bring Nigeria to brink of polio eradication

      15 July 2015

      The nation has embraced the latest research and innovative approaches to vaccination. Read More


      'Organs-on-chips' go mainstream

      15 July 2015

      Drug companies put in vitro systems through their paces. Read More


      Don't distort policy in the name of national pride

      15 July 2015

      Dyna Rochmyaningsih offers a lesson from Indonesia on what can go wrong when governments use research to make a country look good. Read More


      Scientists jubilant as Pluto mission phones home — safe

      14 July 2015

      New Horizons probe reconnects with Earth after journey past dwarf planet. Read More


      Oldest animal sperm found inside fossilized worm cocoon

      14 July 2015

      Preserved 50-million-year-old cell remains may give clues to evolution of earthworms and leeches. Read More


      An open access journal dedicated to highlighting the most important scientific advances in Parkinson's disease research, spanning the motor and non-motor disorders of Parkinson's disease.

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        • Jobs  
      Science jobs of the week


      Professor in Environmental Chemistry 715851


      Aarhus University 


      Professor of Lipid and Membrane Biology (211-0377)


      University of Copenhagen 


      Professor / Associate Professor in Environmental Chemistry


      Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) 


      Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences


      University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy 


      Director of Scientific Research


      The British Museum 


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