Thursday, July 16, 2015

Oncogene - Table of Contents alert Volume 34 Issue 29

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Frontiers in Cancer Science 2015
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2 - 4 November
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Volume 34, Issue 29 (July 2015)

In this issue
Original Articles

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Oncogenesis is an online-only, open access journal exploring the molecular basis of cancer and related phenomena. The journal seeks to promote diverse and integrated areas of molecular biology, cell biology, oncology, and genetics.

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How do glycolytic enzymes favour cancer cell proliferation by nonmetabolic functions?

H Lincet and P Icard

Oncogene 2015 34: 3751-3759; advance online publication, September 29, 2014; 10.1038/onc.2014.320

Abstract | Full Text

Original Articles


Anticipatory estrogen activation of the unfolded protein response is linked to cell proliferation and poor survival in estrogen receptor α-positive breast cancer

N Andruska, X Zheng, X Yang, W G Helferich and D J Shapiro

Oncogene 2015 34: 3760-3769; advance online publication, September 29, 2014; 10.1038/onc.2014.292

Abstract | Full Text

Survivin as a therapeutic target in Sonic hedgehog-driven medulloblastoma

S N Brun, S L Markant, L A Esparza, G Garcia, D Terry, J-M Huang, M S Pavlyukov, X-N Li, G A Grant, J R Crawford, M L Levy, E M Conway, L H Smith, I Nakano, A Berezov, M I Greene, Q Wang and R J Wechsler-Reya

Oncogene 2015 34: 3770-3779; advance online publication, September 22, 2014; 10.1038/onc.2014.304

Abstract | Full Text

NOTCH1 activation in breast cancer confers sensitivity to inhibition of SUMOylation

M P Licciardello, M K Müllner, G Dürnberger, C Kerzendorfer, B Boidol, C Trefzer, S Sdelci, T Berg, T Penz, M Schuster, C Bock, R Kralovics, G Superti-Furga, J Colinge, S M Nijman and S Kubicek

Oncogene 2015 34: 3780-3790; advance online publication, September 29, 2014; 10.1038/onc.2014.319

Abstract | Full Text

Protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPN3 inhibits lung cancer cell proliferation and migration by promoting EGFR endocytic degradation

M-Y Li, P-L Lai, Y-T Chou, A-P Chi, Y-Z Mi, K-H Khoo, G-D Chang, C-W Wu, T-C Meng and G-C Chen

Oncogene 2015 34: 3791-3803; advance online publication, September 29, 2014; 10.1038/onc.2014.312

Abstract | Full Text

Differential roles of STAT3 in the initiation and growth of lung cancer

J Zhou, Z Qu, S Yan, F Sun, J A Whitsett, S D Shapiro and G Xiao

Oncogene 2015 34: 3804-3814; advance online publication, October 6, 2014; 10.1038/onc.2014.318

Abstract | Full Text

TMPRSS2:ERG blocks neuroendocrine and luminal cell differentiation to maintain prostate cancer proliferation

Z Mounir, F Lin, V G Lin, J M Korn, Y Yu, R Valdez, O H Aina, G Buchwalter, A B Jaffe, M Korpal, P Zhu, M Brown, R D Cardiff, J L Rocnik, Y Yang and R Pagliarini

Oncogene 2015 34: 3815-3825; advance online publication, September 29, 2014; 10.1038/onc.2014.308

Abstract | Full Text

The formyl peptide receptor 1 exerts a tumor suppressor function in human gastric cancer by inhibiting angiogenesis

N Prevete, F Liotti, C Visciano, G Marone, R M Melillo and A de Paulis

Oncogene 2015 34: 3826-3838; advance online publication, September 29, 2014; 10.1038/onc.2014.309

Abstract | Full Text

Myeloid zinc-finger 1 (MZF-1) suppresses prostate tumor growth through enforcing ferroportin-conducted iron egress

Y Chen, Z Zhang, K Yang, J Du, Y Xu and S Liu

Oncogene 2015 34: 3839-3847; advance online publication, October 6, 2014; 10.1038/onc.2014.310

Abstract | Full Text

LKB1 reduces ROS-mediated cell damage via activation of p38

H-G Xu, Y-X Zhai, J Chen, Y Lu, J-W Wang, C-S Quan, R-X Zhao, X Xiao, Q He, K D Werle, H-G Kim, R Lopez, R Cui, J Liang, Y-L Li and Z-X Xu

Oncogene 2015 34: 3848-3859; advance online publication, September 29, 2014; 10.1038/onc.2014.315

Abstract | Full Text

Bidirectional effect of CD200 on breast cancer development and metastasis, with ultimate outcome determined by tumor aggressiveness and a cancer-induced inflammatory response

N Erin, A Podnos, G Tanriover, Ö Duymuş, E Cote, I Khatri and R M Gorczynski

Oncogene 2015 34: 3860-3870; advance online publication, September 29, 2014; 10.1038/onc.2014.317

Abstract | Full Text

Genomic interaction between ER and HMGB2 identifies DDX18 as a novel driver of endocrine resistance in breast cancer cells

A M Redmond, C Byrne, F T Bane, G D Brown, P Tibbitts, K O’Brien, A D K Hill, J S Carroll and L S Young

Oncogene 2015 34: 3871-3880; advance online publication, October 6, 2014; 10.1038/onc.2014.323

Abstract | Full Text



Bax deficiency prolongs cerebellar neurogenesis, accelerates medulloblastoma formation and paradoxically increases both malignancy and differentiation

I Garcia, A J Crowther, V Gama, C R Miller, M Deshmukh and T R Gershon

Oncogene 2015 34: 3881; 10.1038/onc.2015.204

Full Text

FHIT loss confers cisplatin resistance in lung cancer via the AKT/NF-κB/Slug-mediated PUMA reduction

D-W Wu, M-C Lee, N-Y Hsu, T-C Wu, J-Y Wu, Y-C Wang, Y-W Cheng, C-Y Chen and H Lee

Oncogene 2015 34: 3882-3883; 10.1038/onc.2015.203

Full Text

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