Thursday, July 16, 2015

Nature Reviews Microbiology contents August 2015 Volume 13 Number 8 pp 457-523

Nature Reviews Microbiology


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August 2015 Volume 13 Number 8
Nature Reviews Microbiology cover
Impact Factor 23.574 *
In this issue
Research Highlights
News and Analysis

Also this month
 Featured article:
A functional perspective on phenotypic heterogeneity in microorganisms
Martin Ackermann
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Antimicrobial Resistance
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Bacterial physiology: Obg controls bacterial persistence
p457 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro3526
A new study shows that the GTPase Obg controls bacterial persistence by causing membrane depolarization via a mechanism that involves transcriptional activation of the toxin gene hokB.

Viral evolution: Keeping a watchful eye on Ebola
p457 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro3528
Three new papers report large-scale genome surveillance studies for two countries affected by the 2014 Ebola virus outbreak, Guinea and Sierra Leone.

Malaria: Hitting all stages of the parasite life cycle
p458 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro3530
This study describes a novel antimalarial drug that targets Plasmodium falciparum translation elongation factor 2 and therefore acts against all stages of the parasite life cycle.


Microbiome: Modifying the gut to treat liver diseases | Bacterial evolution: Plague starts with Pla | Viral infection: TRIMming immune responses to dengue | Bacterial evolution: An intriguing new bacterial phylum | Structural biology: CRISPR preorders for Cas | Techniques & applications: A first genome assembly for nanopore sequencing

JOBS of the week
Postdoctoral Researcher in Immunology
New York University School of Medicine
Postdoc Position in Molecular Microbiology
University of Copenhagen
Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Immunology
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Laboratory Research Scientist
The Francis Crick Institute
Research / Academic Opportunities in Infectious Diseases
Imperial College London
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Genomics and Clinical Microbiology
Cambridge, UK
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Genome watch: The chronicles of virus-host affairs
Pinky Langat & Velislava Petrova
p460 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro3529
This month's Genome Watch highlights a new large-scale serological platform for the simultaneous detection of multiple human viruses in a single drop of blood.
Viral apoptotic mimicry
Ali Amara & Jason Mercer
p461 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro3469
Viral apoptotic mimicry, defined by the exposure of phosphatidylserine on the pathogen surface, is emerging as a common theme used by enveloped viruses to promote infection. In this Progress article, Amara and Mercer discuss how viruses acquire phosphatidylserine and how this mimicry might facilitate cell entry and evasion of the immune response.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
HIV-1 capsid: the multifaceted key player in HIV-1 infection
Edward M. Campbell & Thomas J. Hope
p471 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro3503
In this Review, Campbell and Hope describe the interactions between the HIV-1 capsid core and several cellular factors that enable efficient HIV-1 genome replication, timely core disassembly, nuclear import and viral integration into the genome of the target cell.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
HIV-1 assembly, release and maturation
Eric O. Freed
p484 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro3490
In this article, Eric Freed reviews recent progress in elucidating the steps involved in HIV-1 assembly, release and maturation, highlighting how these events are orchestrated by the viral Gag precursor protein and how this information is being used to develop novel anti-HIV-1 therapeutics.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
A functional perspective on phenotypic heterogeneity in microorganisms
Martin Ackermann
p497 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro3491
Phenotypic heterogeneity is a ubiquitous feature of microbial communities, even within groups of genetically identical cells. In this Review, Martin Ackermann describes the molecular mechanisms that lead to phenotypic heterogeneity and discusses how heterogeneity can increase survival and productivity of microbial populations.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
Discovery of microbial natural products by activation of silent biosynthetic gene clusters
Peter J. Rutledge & Gregory L. Challis
p509 | doi:10.1038/nrmicro3496
Microorganisms produce a wealth of structurally diverse specialized metabolites with great potential for use in medicine and agriculture. In this Review, Rutledge and Challis provide an overview of the approaches that are available to identify and activate cryptic microbial biosynthetic gene clusters, which represent an untapped reservoir of useful metabolites.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
Nature Microbiology: Call for Papers
Launching in January 2016, Nature Microbiology is now open for submissions and inviting high-quality submissions. The journal will cover all aspects of microorganisms be it their evolution, physiology and cell biology, their interactions with each other, with a host, with an environment, or their societal significance.
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*2014Journal Citation Report (Thomson Reuters, 2015)

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