Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Scientific Reports Earth Sciences Table of Contents e-alert: 24 March 2015

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  24 March 2015   
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Earth & Environmental Sciences

Insights into perfluorooctane sulfonate photodegradation in a catalyst-free aqueous solution


Xian-Jin Lyu, Wen-Wei Li, Paul K. S. Lam et al.


Photodegradation in the absence of externally added chemicals could be an attractive solution for the removal of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in aqueous environment, but the …


Effects of waterlogging on carbon assimilate partitioning in the Zoigê alpine wetlands revealed by 13CO2 pulse labeling


Jun-Qin Gao, Ju-Juan Gao, Xue-Wen Zhang et al.


Waterlogging has been suggested to affect carbon (C) turnover in wetlands, but how it affects C allocation and stocks remains unclear in alpine wetlands. Using in situ 13CO2


Virtual water trade and time scales for loss of water sustainability: A comparative regional analysis


Prashant Goswami, Shiv Narayan Nishad


Assessment and policy design for sustainability in primary resources like arable land and water need to adopt long-term perspective; even small but persistent effects like net …


Sedimentary geology of the middle Carboniferous of the Donbas region (Dniepr-Donets basin, Ukraine)


Douwe J. J. van Hinsbergen, Hemmo A. Abels, Wolter Bosch et al.


The Paleozoic Dniepr-Donets Basin in Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia forms a major hydrocarbon province. Although well- and seismic data have established a 20 km thick stratigraphy, …


Elevated levels of perfluoroalkyl acids in family members of occupationally exposed workers: the importance of dust transfer


Jianjie Fu, Yan Gao, Thanh Wang et al.


The exposure pathways of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) to humans are still not clear because of the complex living environment, and few studies have simultaneously investigated …


Elevated CO2 shifts the functional structure and metabolic potentials of soil microbial communities in a C4 agroecosystem


Jinbo Xiong, Zhili He, Shengjing Shi et al.


Atmospheric CO2 concentration is continuously increasing, and previous studies have shown that elevated CO2 (eCO2) significantly impacts C3 plants and their soil microbial …


Revealing sub-μm and μm-scale textures in H2O ice at megabar pressures by time-domain Brillouin scattering


Sergey M. Nikitin, Nikolay Chigarev, Vincent Tournat et al.


The time-domain Brillouin scattering technique, also known as picosecond ultrasonic interferometry, allows monitoring of the propagation of coherent acoustic pulses, having …


Hidden Benefits of Electric Vehicles for Addressing Climate Change


Canbing Li, Yijia Cao, Mi Zhang et al.


There is an increasingly hot debate on whether the replacement of conventional vehicles (CVs) by electric vehicles (EVs) should be delayed or accelerated since EVs require higher …


Increased plant productivity and decreased microbial respiratory C loss by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria under elevated CO2


Ming Nie, Colin Bell, Matthew D. Wallenstein et al.


Increased plant productivity and decreased microbial respiratory C loss can potentially mitigate increasing atmospheric CO2, but we currently lack effective means to achieve …


Exploring the potential of phyllosilicate minerals as potassium fertilizers using sodium tetraphenylboron and intensive cropping with perennial ryegrass


Ting Li, Huoyan Wang, Jing Wang et al.


In response to addressing potassium (K) deficiency in soil and decreasing agricultural production costs, the potential of K-bearing phyllosilicate minerals that can be directly …


Insights into the Role of Humic Acid on Pd-catalytic Electro-Fenton Transformation of Toluene in Groundwater


Peng Liao, Yasir Al-Ani, Zainab Malik Ismael et al.


A recently developed Pd-based electro-Fenton (E-Fenton) process enables efficient in situ remediation of organic contaminants in groundwater. In the process, H2O2, Fe(II), and …


A novel composite conductive microfiltration membrane and its anti-fouling performance with an external electric field in membrane bioreactors


Jian Huang, Zhiwei Wang, Junyao Zhang et al.


Membrane fouling remains an obstacle to wide-spread applications of membrane bioreactors (MBRs) for wastewater treatment and reclamation. Herein, we report a simple method to …


CORRIGENDUM: Landscape cultivation alters δ30Si signature in terrestrial ecosystems


Floor I. Vandevenne, Claire Delvaux, Harold J. Hughes et al.



Electrochemical detection of aqueous Ag+ based on Ag+-assisted ligation reaction


Peng Miao, Kun Han, Bidou Wang et al.


In this work, a novel strategy to fabricate a highly sensitive and selective biosensor for the detection of Ag is proposed. Two DNA probes are designed and modified on a gold …


Quo vadis? Microbial profiling revealed strong effects of cleanroom maintenance and routes of contamination in indoor environments


Christine Moissl-Eichinger, Anna K. Auerbach, Alexander J. Probst et al.


Space agencies maintain highly controlled cleanrooms to ensure the demands of planetary protection. To study potential effects of microbiome control, we analyzed microbial …

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