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Produced with support from: Tongji Hospital | | | |  | | | Latest Articles | View all Articles | | | Glacial ice and atmospheric forcing on the Mertz Glacier Polynya over the past 250 years |  | P. Campagne, Xavier Crosta, M.N. Houssais, D. Swingedouw, S. Schmidt, A. Martin, E. Devred, S. Capo, V. Marieu, I. Closset and G. Massé |  | The Mertz Glacier Polynya—a site of sea ice production and Antarctic Bottom Water formation—was strongly impacted following the calving of a massive iceberg in 2010. Here, the authors present a 250-year long sea ice reconstruction from the region and present evidence for a ~70-year calving cyclicity. |  | 24 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7642 |  | Earth Sciences Climate science Oceanography | 
Unravelling the hidden ancestry of American admixed populations OPEN |  | Francesco Montinaro, George B.J. Busby, Vincenzo L. Pascali, Simon Myers, Garrett Hellenthal and Cristian Capelli |  | The genetic make-up of people living in the Americas has been shaped heavily by migration. Here the authors use a haplotype-based approach to reconstruct American genomic ancestry using genotype data from 2,500 individuals, revealing a previously unrecognized genetic contribution from European and African populations. |  | 24 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7596 |  | Biological Sciences Genetics | 
Increased sensitivity to climate change in disturbed ecosystems |  | György Kröel-Dulay, Johannes Ransijn, Inger Kappel Schmidt, Claus Beier, Paolo De Angelis, Giovanbattista de Dato, Jeffrey S. Dukes, Bridget Emmett, Marc Estiarte, János Garadnai, Jane Kongstad, Edit Kovács-Láng, Klaus Steenberg Larsen, Dario Liberati, Romà Ogaya, Torben Riis-Nielsen, Andrew R. Smith, Alwyn Sowerby, Albert Tietema and Josep Penuelas. |  | The role of successional state in determining ecosystem sensitivity to climate change is largely unknown. Here, the authors subject seven European shrublands to moderate warming and drought conditions over 14 years and show that responsiveness is associated with the dynamic state of the ecosystem. |  | 24 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7682 |  | Earth Sciences Climate science Ecology | 

Protease-degradable electrospun fibrous hydrogels |  | Ryan J. Wade, Ethan J. Bassin, Christopher B. Rodell and Jason A. Burdick |  | Electrospinning is a useful method of biomaterial fabrication, but a lack of bioactivity in the final construct can limit their application as mimics for biological matrices. Here, the authors fabricate a degradable electrospun scaffold as an in vitro and in vivo mimic of the extracellular matrix. |  | 23 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7639 |  | Biological Sciences Materials science | 

In situ X-ray diffraction monitoring of a mechanochemical reaction reveals a unique topology metal-organic framework |  | Athanassios D. Katsenis, Andreas Puškarić, Vjekoslav Štrukil, Cristina Mottillo, Patrick A. Julien, Krunoslav Užarević, Minh-Hao Pham, Trong-On Do, Simon A. J. Kimber, Predrag Lazić, Oxana Magdysyuk, Robert E. Dinnebier, Ivan Halasz and Tomislav Friščić |  | Ball milling chemical reactions are of interest due to their environmental credentials and potential to achieve new reactions and materials. Here, the authors isolate a metastable material with a previously unknown net topology by in situ monitoring of the mechanosynthesis of a metal organic framework. |  | 23 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7662 |  | Chemical Sciences Inorganic chemistry Materials science Physical chemistry | 

Field-induced density wave in the heavy-fermion compound CeRhIn5 |  | Philip J. W. Moll, Bin Zeng, Luis Balicas, Stanislaw Galeski, Fedor F. Balakirev, Eric D. Bauer and Filip Ronning |  | Strong electron correlations often lead to unusual electronic ground states. Here, the authors present evidence for a density wave in the compound CeRhIn5, the first for a so-called heavy-fermion metal where electrons have a very high effective mass. |  | 23 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7663 |  | Physical Sciences Condensed matter | 

Targeted diversity generation by intraterrestrial archaea and archaeal viruses OPEN |  | Blair G. Paul, Sarah C. Bagby, Elizabeth Czornyj, Diego Arambula, Sumit Handa, Alexander Sczyrba, Partho Ghosh, Jeff F. Miller and David L. Valentine |  | Diversity-generating retroelements (DGRs) are genetic elements that introduce sequence variation within target genes in bacteria and their viruses. Here, Paul et al. report the discovery of DGRs in an archaeal virus and in two archaea from marine and terrestrial subsurface environments, respectively. |  | 23 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7585 |  | Biological Sciences Genetics Microbiology Virology | 
Analysing human neural stem cell ontogeny by consecutive isolation of Notch active neural progenitors OPEN |  | Reuven Edri, Yakey Yaffe, Michael J. Ziller, Naresh Mutukula, Rotem Volkman, Eyal David, Jasmine Jacob-Hirsch, Hagar Malcov, Carmit Levy, Gideon Rechavi, Irit Gat-Viks, Alexander Meissner and Yechiel Elkabetz |  | Profiling pluripotent stem cell (PSC)-derived neural progeny is of fundamental interest for characterizing stem cell differentiation. Here, the authors analyse neural progenitors consecutively derived from human PSCs, showing dynamic stage-specific transcriptional patterns for distinct neural progenitors. |  | 23 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7500 |  | Biological Sciences Genetics Molecular biology | 
The amino-terminal structure of human fragile X mental retardation protein obtained using precipitant-immobilized imprinted polymers |  | Yufeng Hu, Zhenhang Chen, Yanjun Fu, Qingzhong He, Lun Jiang, Jiangge Zheng, Yina Gao, Pinchao Mei, Zhongzhou Chen and Xueqin Ren |  | Obtaining a protein crystal structure can be hampered by molecular flexibility. Here, the authors use precipitant-immobilized molecularly imprinted polymers to produce high quality crystals, such as of the fragile X mental retardation protein N-terminal domain, allowing for a detailed structural and functional analysis. |  | 23 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7634 |  | Biological Sciences Biochemistry Materials science | 
Efficient hole-blocking layer-free planar halide perovskite thin-film solar cells |  | Weijun Ke, Guojia Fang, Jiawei Wan, Hong Tao, Qin Liu, Liangbin Xiong, Pingli Qin, Jing Wang, Hongwei Lei, Guang Yang, Minchao Qin, Xingzhong Zhao and Yanfa Yan |  | Lead halide perovskite solar cells use hole-blocking layers to allow a separate collection of positive and negative charge carriers and to achieve high-operation voltages. Here, the authors demonstrate efficient lead halide perovskite solar cells that avoid using this extra layer. |  | 23 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7700 |  | Physical Sciences Applied physics Optical physics | 

The HIF-1/glial TIM-3 axis controls inflammation-associated brain damage under hypoxia OPEN |  | Han Seok Koh, Chi Young Chang, Sae-Bom Jeon, Hee Jung Yoon, Ye-Hyeon Ahn, Hyung-Seok Kim, In-Hoo Kim, Sung Ho Jeon, Randall S. Johnson and Eun Jung Park |  | The targeting of inflammation has emerged as a promising therapeutic strategy for cerebral ischaemia. Here the authors show that TIM-3, a member of the T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain protein family, is upregulated in glial cells and plays a role in inflammation-associated brain injury under hypoxic conditions. |  | 20 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7340 |  | Biological Sciences Neuroscience | 

Genome-wide identification of microRNA expression quantitative trait loci |  | Tianxiao Huan, Jian Rong, Chunyu Liu, Xiaoling Zhang, Kahraman Tanriverdi, Roby Joehanes, Brian H. Chen, Joanne M. Murabito, Chen Yao, Paul Courchesne, Peter J. Munson, Christopher J. O’Donnell, Nancy Cox, Andrew D. Johnson, Martin G. Larson, Daniel Levy and Jane E. Freedman |  | As important post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression, microRNAs play a key role in the generation of complex phenotypes. Here, Huan et al. identify miR-eQTLs in whole blood samples to create a roadmap linking regulation of microRNA expression to complex diseases. |  | 20 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7601 |  | Biological Sciences Genetics | 

Polymorphic phase transition mechanism of compressed coesite |  | Q.Y. Hu, J.-F. Shu, A. Cadien, Y. Meng, W.G. Yang, H.W. Sheng and H.-K. Mao |  | Silicon dioxide is one of the most abundant natural compounds and its various crystalline phases are widely studied. Here, using synchrotron X-ray diffraction and theoretical modelling, the authors discover a polymorphic phase transition involving previously unknown triclinic phases of silicon dioxide. |  | 20 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7630 |  | Physical Sciences Materials science | 

Coherent creation and destruction of orbital wavepackets in Si:P with electrical and optical read-out OPEN |  | K.L. Litvinenko, E.T. Bowyer, P.T. Greenland, N. Stavrias, Juerong Li, R. Gwilliam, B.J. Villis, G. Matmon, M.L.Y. Pang, B. Redlich, A.F.G. van der Meer, C.R. Pidgeon, G. Aeppli and B.N. Murdin |  | Impurity spins in silicon can be controlled with microwaves and then read-out electrically, offering a promising platform for quantum information applications. Here, the authors show that terahertz pulses can be used to address the orbital degree of freedom as well, which can also be detected electrically. |  | 20 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7549 |  | Physical Sciences Atomic and molecular physics Nanotechnology Optical physics | 

Polymer-metal hybrid transparent electrodes for flexible electronics OPEN |  | Hongkyu Kang, Suhyun Jung, Soyeong Jeong, Geunjin Kim and Kwanghee Lee |  | Building printable electronics demands flexible and transparent electrodes that can be fabricated on plastic substrates. Here, Kang et al. report a polymer-metal hybrid electrode that has a small bending radius of <1 mm, a sheet resistance of 10 Ω sq−1 and a transparency in the visible range of >95%. |  | 19 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7503 |  | Physical Sciences Materials science | 
Recurrent chromosomal gains and heterogeneous driver mutations characterise papillary renal cancer evolution OPEN |  | Michal Kovac, Carolina Navas, Stuart Horswell, Max Salm, Chiara Bardella, Andrew Rowan, Mark Stares, Francesc Castro-Giner, Rosalie Fisher, Elza C. de Bruin, Monika Kovacova, Maggie Gorman, Seiko Makino, Jennet Williams, Emma Jaeger, Angela Jones, Kimberley Howarth, James Larkin, Lisa Pickering, Martin Gore et al. |  | Papillary renal cell carcinoma (pRCC) is a subtype of kidney cancer characterized by highly variable clinical behaviour. Here the authors sequence either the genomes or exomes of 31 pRCCs and identify several genes in sub-clones and large copy number variants in major clones that may be important drivers of pRCC. |  | 19 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7336 |  | Biological Sciences Cancer Genetics | 
Semiconductor/relaxor 0–3 type composites without thermal depolarization in Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-based lead-free piezoceramics |  | Ji Zhang, Zhao Pan, Fei-Fei Guo, Wen-Chao Liu, Huanpo Ning, Y. B. Chen, Ming-Hui Lu, Bin Yang, Jun Chen, Shan-Tao Zhang, Xianran Xing, Jürgen Rödel, Wenwu Cao and Yan-Feng Chen |  | Piezoelectric materials are used as sensors or actuators in many devices. Here, the authors demonstrate that semiconducting ZnO particles embedded into a Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-based matrix improve its piezoelectric properties, promising an alternative to presently used lead-based materials. |  | 19 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7615 |  | Physical Sciences Condensed matter Materials science | 
Rise and fall of subclones from diagnosis to relapse in pediatric B-acute lymphoblastic leukaemia OPEN |  | Xiaotu Ma, Michael Edmonson, Donald Yergeau, Donna M. Muzny, Oliver A. Hampton, Michael Rusch, Guangchun Song, John Easton, Richard C. Harvey, David A. Wheeler, Jing Ma, HarshaVardhan Doddapaneni, Bhavin Vadodaria, Gang Wu, Panduka Nagahawatte, William L. Carroll, I-Ming Chen, Julie M. Gastier-Foster, Mary V. Relling, Malcolm A. Smith et al. |  | Genetic heterogeneity and clonal evolution contribute to cancer progression. Here Ma et al. use deep whole-exome sequencing to identify recurrently mutated pathways and clonal architecture in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, shedding light on the evolutionary trajectory from diagnosis to relapse |  | 19 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7604 |  | Biological Sciences Cancer Genetics | 

The intellectual disability protein RAB39B selectively regulates GluA2 trafficking to determine synaptic AMPAR composition OPEN |  | Maria Lidia Mignogna, Maila Giannandrea, Antonia Gurgone, Francesca Fanelli, Francesco Raimondi, Lisa Mapelli, Silvia Bassani, Huaqiang Fang, Eelco Van Anken, Massimo Alessio, Maria Passafaro, Silvia Gatti, José A. Esteban, Richard Huganir and Patrizia D’Adamo |  | Mutations in the RAB39B gene, which encodes a protein involved in vesicular trafficking, are associated with intellectual disability, but the impact of RAB39B loss of function on synaptic activity is not known. Here the authors show that RAB39B interacts with PICK1, and that this interaction is critical for the translocation of AMPA receptor subunits into the Golgi. |  | 18 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7504 |  | Biological Sciences Cell biology Neuroscience | 

Single-step deposition of high-mobility graphene at reduced temperatures |  | D.A. Boyd, W.-H. Lin, C.-C. Hsu, M.L. Teague, C.-C. Chen, Y.-Y. Lo, W.-Y. Chan, W.-B. Su, T.-C. Cheng, C.-S. Chang, C.-I. Wu and N.-C. Yeh |  | Current methods for depositing large-area, high-mobility graphene films are complicated by multiple processing steps and high temperatures. Here, the authors demonstrate a plasma chemistry that quickly produces high-mobility graphene on copper in a single step, at reduced temperatures (<420 °C). |  | 18 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7620 |  | Physical Sciences Materials science Nanotechnology | 
Soft network composite materials with deterministic and bio-inspired designs OPEN |  | Kyung-In Jang, Ha Uk Chung, Sheng Xu, Chi Hwan Lee, Haiwen Luan, Jaewoong Jeong, Huanyu Cheng, Gwang-Tae Kim, Sang Youn Han, Jung Woo Lee, Jeonghyun Kim, Moongee Cho, Fuxing Miao, Yiyuan Yang, Han Na Jung, Matthew Flavin, Howard Liu, Gil Woo Kong, Ki Jun Yu, Sang Il Rhee et al. |  | Soft biological composites have great potential in areas such as artificial tissue constructs and bio-integrated devices, but receive little attention. Here, the authors design soft biomimetic materials that can precisely reproduce the non-linear mechanics of relevant biological materials. |  | 18 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7566 |  | Physical Sciences Applied physics Bioengineering Materials science | 
A PAX1 enhancer locus is associated with susceptibility to idiopathic scoliosis in females OPEN |  | Swarkar Sharma, Douglas Londono, Walter L. Eckalbar, Xiaochong Gao, Dongping Zhang, Kristen Mauldin, Ikuyo Kou, Atsushi Takahashi, Morio Matsumoto, Nobuhiro Kamiya, Karl K. Murphy, Reuel Cornelia, null null, L. Karol, K. Rathjen, D. Sucato, J. Birch, C. Johnston, B. S. Richards, T. Milbrandt et al. |  | Girls are tenfold more likely than boys to require surgical treatment for idiopathic scoliosis, a common paediatric skeletal disorder. Here, Sharma et al. identify the first sexually dimorphic idiopathic scoliosis risk locus, and demonstrate that it may play a role in the regulation of spinal cells. |  | 18 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7452 |  | Biological Sciences Genetics Molecular biology | | | | | |  | | | Latest Corrigendum | | | | Corrigendum: αB-crystallin interacts with and prevents stress-activated proteolysis of focal adhesion kinase by calpain in cardiomyocytes |  | Michelle B.M. Pereira, Aline M. Santos, Danieli C. Gonçalves, Alisson C. Cardoso, Sílvio R. Consonni, Fabio C. Gozzo, Paulo S. Oliveira, Ana Helena M. Pereira, Alana R. Figueiredo, Ana O. Tiroli-Cepeda, Carlos H.I. Ramos, André A. de Thomaz, Carlos L. Cesar and Kleber G. Franchini |  | 23 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7508 |  | Biological Sciences Cell biology Medical research | | |  | | | Latest Erratum | | | | Erratum: Different thresholds of ZEB1 are required for Ras-mediated tumour initiation and metastasis |  | Yongqing Liu, Xiaoqin Lu, Li Huang, Wei Wang, Guomin Jiang, Kevin C. Dean, Brian Clem, Sucheta Telang, Alfred B. Jenson, Miriam Cuatrecasas, Jason Chesney, Douglas S. Darling, Antonio Postigo and Douglas C. Dean |  | 19 March 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms7699 |  | Biological Sciences Cancer Molecular biology | | |  | | Advertisement |  | Reach the widest possible audience in the shortest possible time
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