Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Scientific Reports Earth Sciences Table of Contents e-alert: 29 April 2014

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  29 April 2014   
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Earth & Environmental Sciences

California Niño/Niña


Chaoxia Yuan, Toshio Yamagata


The present study shows the existence of intrinsic coastal air-sea coupled phenomenon in the coastal ocean off Baja California and California in boreal summer for the first time. …


Quenching ilmenite with a high-temperature and high-pressure phase using super-high-energy ball milling


Takeshi Hashishin, Zhenquan Tan, Kazuhiro Yamamoto et al.


The mass production of highly dense oxides with high-temperature and high-pressure phases allows us to discover functional properties that have never been developed. To date, the …


6Li-loaded directionally sensitive anti-neutrino detector for possible geo-neutrinographic imaging applications


H. K. M. Tanaka, H. Watanabe


Despite the latent and unique benefits of imaging uranium and thorium's distribution in the earth's interior, previously proposed experimental techniques used to identify the …


Microbial mediated formation of Fe-carbonate minerals under extreme acidic conditions


Mónica Sánchez-Román, David Fernández-Remolar, Ricardo Amils et al.


Discovery of Fe-carbonate precipitation in Rio Tinto, a shallow river with very acidic waters, situated in Huelva, South-western Spain, adds a new dimension to our understanding …


Heteroatom-enriched and renewable banana-stem-derived porous carbon for the electrochemical determination of nitrite in various water samples


Rajesh Madhu, Vediyappan Veeramani, Shen-Ming Chen


For the first time, high-surface-area (approximately 1465 m2 g−1), highly porous and heteroatom-enriched activated carbon (HAC) was prepared from banana stems (Musa paradisiaca, …

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Research Fellow


The University of Warwick 


Postdoctoral Fellow


Medical University of South Carolina 


Research Associate


University of Leicester 


Postdoctoral Research Associate


University of Liverpool 


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University of Bristol 


Postdoctoral Research Fellow


Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 


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27 August 2014 Hannover, Germany


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