Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Scientific Reports Biology Table of Contents e-alert: 29 April 2014

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  29 April 2014   
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Biological Sciences

Relating significance and relations of differentially expressed genes in response to Aspergillus flavus infection in maize


Matthew C. Asters, W. Paul Williams, Andy D. Perkins et al.


Aspergillus flavus is a pathogenic fungus infecting maize and producing aflatoxins that are health hazards to humans and animals. Characterizing host defense mechanism and …


Plant nitrogen uptake drives responses of productivity to nitrogen and water addition in a grassland


Xiao-Tao L, Feike A. Dijkstra, De-Liang Kong et al.


Increased atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition and altered precipitation regimes have profound impacts on ecosystem functioning in semiarid grasslands. The interactions between …


The effect of inhibition of host MreB on the infection of thermophilic phage GVE2 in high temperature environment


Min Jin, Yanjiang Chen, Chenxi Xu et al.


In eukaryotes, the manipulation of the host actin cytoskeleton is a necessary strategy for viral pathogens to invade host cells. Increasing evidence indicates that the actin …


Heterogeneous Structure of Stem Cells Dynamics: Statistical Models and Quantitative Predictions


Paul Bogdan, Bridget M. Deasy, Burhan Gharaibeh et al.


Understanding stem cell (SC) population dynamics is essential for developing models that can be used in basic science and medicine, to aid in predicting cells fate. These models …


Chromosomal DNA deletion confers phage resistance to Pseudomonas aeruginosa


Shuai Le, Xinyue Yao, Shuguang Lu et al.


Bacteria develop a broad range of phage resistance mechanisms, such as prevention of phage adsorption and CRISPR/Cas system, to survive phage predation. In this study, Pseudomonas …


Transittability of complex networks and its applications to regulatory biomolecular networks


Fang-Xiang Wu, Lin Wu, Jianxin Wang et al.


We have often observed unexpected state transitions of complex systems. We are thus interested in how to steer a complex system from an unexpected state to a desired state. Here …


Combined staurosporine and retinoic acid induces differentiation in retinoic acid resistant acute promyelocytic leukemia cell lines


Dong-zheng Ge, Yan Sheng, Xun Cai


All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) resistance has been a critical problem in acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) relapsed patients. In ATRA resistant APL cell lines NB4-R1 and NB4-R2, …


Induction of Associative Olfactory Memory by Targeted Activation of Single Olfactory Neurons in Drosophila Larvae


Takato Honda, Chi-Yu Lee, Maki Yoshida-Kasikawa et al.


It has been postulated that associative memory is formed by at least two sets of external stimuli, CS and US, that are transmitted to the memory centers by distinctive conversing …


Epigenome rejuvenation: HP1β mobility as a measure of pluripotent and senescent chromatin ground states


Maria Manukyan, Prim B. Singh


We measured the dynamics of an essential epigenetic modifier, HP1β, in human cells at different stages of differentiation using Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP). …


Alternative splicing contributes to the coordinated regulation of ferritin subunit levels in Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)


Xuan-Zhao Jiang, Lin Cong, Jin-Zhi Niu et al.


A constant ratio of ferritin heavy chain homolog (HCH) and light chain homolog (LCH) subunits seems to be required to compose the ferritin heteropolymer protein in insects. …


Evaluation of neonatal jaundice in the Makkah region


Abdulaziz Alkhotani, Essam Eldin Mohamed Nour Eldin, Amal Zaghloul et al.


The aims of this study were to detect the frequency at which the different types of neonatal jaundice occur in Makkah and to estimate the malondialdehyde (MDA) levels. This study …


The frequent shift to intermediate flora in preterm delivery cases after abnormal vaginal flora screening


Hiroshi Honda, Takanori Yokoyama, Yumiko Akimoto et al.


The effect of screening and treatment for abnormal vaginal flora on the reduction of preterm deliveries remains controversial. We evaluated whether this screening and treatment …


Factors influencing repeated seed movements by scatter-hoarding rodents in an alpine forest


Bo Wang, Jin Chen, Richard T. Corlett


Scatter-hoarding rodents are effective dispersal agents for many plant species. Several studies have shown that rodents repeatedly re-cache seeds. The re-caching process often has …


Single cell genome analysis of an uncultured heterotrophic stramenopile


Rajat S. Roy, Dana C. Price, Alexander Schliep et al.


A broad swath of eukaryotic microbial biodiversity cannot be cultivated in the lab and is therefore inaccessible to conventional genome-wide comparative methods. One promising …


Dual Inhibitory Pathways of Metallofullerenol Gd@C82(OH)22 on Matrix Metalloproteinase-2: Molecular insight into drug-like nanomedicine


Seung-gu Kang, Raul Araya-Secchi, Deqiang Wang et al.


Cancer metastasis is an important criterion to evaluate tumor malignancy. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play a crucial role in cancer proliferation and migration by virtue of …


Single cell imaging of Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase using an irreversible inhibitor


Anna Turetsky, Eunha Kim, Rainer H. Kohler et al.


A number of Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) inhibitors are currently in development, yet it has been difficult to visualize BTK expression and pharmacological inhibition in vivo in …


Induction of functional tissue-engineered skeletal muscle constructs by defined electrical stimulation


Akira Ito, Yasunori Yamamoto, Masanori Sato et al.


Electrical impulses are necessary for proper in vivo skeletal muscle development. To fabricate functional skeletal muscle tissues in vitro, recapitulation of the in vivo niche, …


Stimulation with the Aureobasidium pullulans-produced β-glucan effectively induces interferon stimulated genes in macrophage-like cell lines


Daisuke Muramatsu, Koji Kawata, Shiho Aoki et al.


A β-(1,3),(1,6)-D-glucan produced by A. pullulans (AP-PG) is known to be an immune stimulating agent. In this study, we demonstrate that the stimulation with AP-PG effectively …


Cryptococcus terricola is a promising oleaginous yeast for biodiesel production from starch through consolidated bioprocessing


Ayumi Tanimura, Masako Takashima, Takashi Sugita et al.


Starch is considered a potential feedstock for biofuel production, particularly in light of the large-scale landfilling of food waste and other starchy materials worldwide. Lipid …


Genomic analysis of the blood attributed to Louis XVI (1754–1793), king of France


Iñigo Olalde, Federico Sánchez-Quinto, Debayan Datta et al.


A pyrographically decorated gourd, dated to the French Revolution period, has been alleged to contain a handkerchief dipped into the blood of the French king Louis XVI (1754–1793) …


High-throughput identification and dendritic cell-based functional validation of MHC class I-restricted Mycobacterium tuberculosis epitopes


Smita K. Nair, Georgia D. Tomaras, Ana Paula Sales et al.


Emergence of drug-resistant strains of the pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) and the ineffectiveness of BCG in curtailing Mtb infection makes vaccine development for …


Evolution: Why all plumes and jets evolve to round cross sections


A. Bejan, S. Ziaei, S. Lorente


Turbulent curtains of smoke rise initially as flat plumes and, above a certain height, they become round plumes. The same evolution of cross-sectional shape is exhibited by jets …


Reductive Methylation and Mutation of an Anthrax Toxin Fusion Protein Modulates its Stability and Cytotoxicity


Christopher Bachran, Pradeep K. Gupta, Silke Bachran et al.


We characterized an anti-cancer fusion protein consisting of anthrax lethal factor (LF) and the catalytic domain of Pseudomonas exotoxin A by (i) mutating the N-terminal amino …


Potent hepatitis C inhibitors bind directly to NS5A and reduce its affinity for RNA


David B. Ascher, Jerome Wielens, Tracy L. Nero et al.


Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection affects more than 170 million people. The high genetic variability of HCV and the rapid development of drug-resistant strains are driving the …


In vivo therapeutic potential of Dicer-hunting siRNAs targeting infectious hepatitis C virus.


Tsunamasa Watanabe, Hiroto Hatakeyama, Chiho Matsuda-Yasui et al.


The development of RNA interference (RNAi)-based therapy faces two major obstacles: selecting small interfering RNA (siRNA) sequences with strong activity, and identifying a …


A rapid and robust selection procedure for generating drug-selectable marker-free recombinant malaria parasites


Giulia Manzoni, Sylvie Briquet, Veronica Risco-Castillo et al.


Experimental genetics have been widely used to explore the biology of the malaria parasites. The rodent parasites Plasmodium berghei and less frequently P. yoelii are commonly …


Searching for effective forces in laboratory insect swarms


James G. Puckett, Douglas H. Kelley, Nicholas T. Ouellette


Collective animal behaviour is often modeled by systems of agents that interact via effective social forces, including short-range repulsion and long-range attraction. We search …


A Vectorial Semantics Approach to Personality Assessment


Yair Neuman, Yochai Cohen


Personality assessment and, specifically, the assessment of personality disorders have traditionally been indifferent to computational models. Computational personality is a new …


Label-free blood plasma test based on surface-enhanced Raman scattering for tumor stages detection in nasopharyngeal cancer


Duo Lin, Jianji Pan, Hao Huang et al.


This study aims to evaluate the feasibility of a label-free nanobiosensor based on blood plasma surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) method for exploring variability of …


Apoptosis Therapy in Cancer: The First Single-molecule Co-activating p53 and the Translocator Protein in Glioblastoma


Simona Daniele, Sabrina Taliani, Eleonora Da Pozzo et al.


In the complex scenario of cancer, treatment with compounds targeting multiple cell pathways has been emerging. In Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM), p53 and Translocator Protein …


2′-Epi-uscharin from the Latex of Calotropis gigantea with HIF-1 Inhibitory Activity


Supawadee Parhira, Guo-Yuan Zhu, Ren-Wang Jiang et al.


Two stereoisomeric cardenolides, uscharin (1) and a new compound, 2′-epi-uscharin (2), were isolated from the latex of Calotropis gigantea (Asclepiadaceae). Their structures were …


On-chip in vitro cell-network pre-clinical cardiac toxicity using spatiotemporal human cardiomyocyte measurement on a chip


Tomoyuki Kaneko, Fumimasa Nomura, Tomoyo Hamada et al.


To overcome the limitations and misjudgments of conventional prediction of arrhythmic cardiotoxicity, we have developed an on-chip in vitro predictive cardiotoxicity assay using …


Real-time single-cell imaging of protein secretion


Yoshitaka Shirasaki, Mai Yamagishi, Nobutake Suzuki et al.


Protein secretion, a key intercellular event for transducing cellular signals, is thought to be strictly regulated. However, secretion dynamics at the single-cell level have not …


Anti-inflammatory effects of green soybean extract irradiated with visible light


Keiko Tanaka, Yasushi Ohgo, Yuki Katayanagi et al.


We conducted a preliminary investigation of the effects of visible light irradiation on plant extracts, and we observed a strong suppressive effect on interleukin (IL) 2 …


Viability of Long-Term Gene Therapy in the Cochlea


Patrick J. Atkinson, Andrew K. Wise, Brianna O. Flynn et al.


Gene therapy has been investigated as a way to introduce a variety of genes to treat neurological disorders. An important clinical consideration is its long-term effectiveness. …


Face age modulates gaze following in young adults


Francesca Ciardo, Barbara F. M. Marino, Rossana Actis-Grosso et al.


Gaze-following behaviour is considered crucial for social interactions which are influenced by social similarity. We investigated whether the degree of similarity, as indicated by …


A high-performance thioredoxin-based scaffold for peptide immunogen construction: proof-of-concept testing with a human papillomavirus epitope


Elena Canali, Angelo Bolchi, Gloria Spagnoli et al.


Escherichia coli thioredoxin has been previously exploited as a scaffold for the presentation/stabilization of peptide aptamers as well as to confer immunogenicity to peptide …


Exploring the boundary between a siphon and barometer in a hypobaric chamber


Stephen Hughes, Som Gurung


Siphons have been used since ancient times, but exactly how they work is still a matter of debate. In order to elucidate the modus operandi of a siphon, a 1.5 m high siphon was …


Functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to assess cognitive function in infants in rural Africa.


Sarah Lloyd-Fox, M. Papademetriou, M. K. Darboe et al.


Cortical mapping of cognitive function during infancy is poorly understood in low-income countries due to the lack of transportable neuroimaging methods. We have successfully …


Genome-wide microRNA expression profiles in hippocampus of rats with chronic temporal lobe epilepsy


Meng-Meng Li, Teng Jiang, Zhen Sun et al.


The expression and functions of microRNAs (miRNAs) in chronic temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), the most common type of refractory epilepsy in adults, are poorly understood currently. …


Non-mulberry silk fibroin influence osteogenesis and osteoblast-macrophage cross talk on titanium based surface


Deboki Naskar, Sunita Nayak, Tuli Dey et al.


The titanium and its alloys are used as orthopedic dental implants due to their mechanical and bio-inert properties. The bare metal implants are not the ultimate answer for better …


Mutated tumor alleles are expressed according to their DNA frequency


John C. Castle, Martin Loewer, Sebastian Boegel et al.


The transcription of tumor mutations from DNA into RNA has implications for biology, epigenetics and clinical practice. It is not clear if mutations are in general transcribed …

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