Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 4, 2012 - Tufts opens pet obesity clinic

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September 4, 2012
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News for animal health professionals

  Veterinary Medicine Update 
  • Tufts opens pet obesity clinic
    In an effort to combat the American pet obesity epidemic, veterinarian and board-certified veterinary nutritionist Deborah Linder opened an obesity clinic at Tufts University last month. The facility provides exams and nutrition and lifestyle recommendations aimed at decreasing a pet's weight and improving health. The pet obesity epidemic mirrors the human obesity problem in the U.S., and while it can be a touchy subject to raise, veterinary experts agree that obesity in pets must be addressed because it exacerbates many medical conditions and makes animals prone to other ailments. The Boston Globe (tiered subscription model) (9/1) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
  • Study: Humans likely bred dogs with a knack for providing comfort
    A new study suggests dogs have an uncanny ability to detect unrest in any human, not just their owner, and that may be exactly why certain ones were bred over others, leading to the empathetic canine companions we live with today, according to researcher Deborah Custance. Another study showed that a human hand signal registered activity in the caudate region of dogs' brains, indicating that dogs have an innate ability to respond to humans. Discovery (8/31) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
  • Other News
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  Animal News 
  • Pet care recommendations are drawn from science, not hearsay
    In response to a question about cancer and flea and tick prevention, veterinarian Michael Watts emphasizes that veterinarians are experts on animal health and they base their recommendations on scientific research as well as on their experience treating thousands of animals per year. Dr. Watts says parasites cause many instances of suffering that could easily have been prevented. "I am convinced using modern, veterinary-quality products presents less of a health risk than the parasites they prevent," he writes. The Culpeper Star-Exponent (Va.) (9/4) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
  • Veterinarians base vaccine advice on guidelines, circumstances
    Indoor cats who occasionally escape and have an outdoor adventure should be tested at least every other year for feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukemia, writes veterinarian John de Jong, not only to protect their health, but to protect the health of other cats they may come into contact with. Dr. de Jong emphasizes that vaccine and testing guidelines do exist but veterinarians will also consider a pet's individual circumstances when formulating a preventative care plan. Boston Herald (9/2) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
  • What does your pet preference say about you?
    People have long categorized themselves by pet preference, and a new poll adds to data showing how affinity for dogs or cats aligns with other personality traits. Dog lovers tend to be rural-dwelling extroverts who contact animal control for stray kittens, enjoy slapstick humor and think Paul McCartney is the best Beatle. Cat owners tend to be creative urbanites who are likely to rescue stray kittens themselves, find puns and irony more entertaining and list George Harrison as their favorite Beatle. Mother Nature Network (9/1) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
  • Other News
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  Around the Office 
  • Getting the right insurance to protect your business
    Depending on the needs of your business, you might want to get employment practices liability insurance or life insurance for key individuals, according to Dusty Farber of CBIZ Benefits & Insurance Services. It's generally a better idea to work with a full-service provider instead of several separate agents, Farber notes. Intuit Small Business Blog (8/31) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
  • Facebook's resources for small businesses
    Facebook's recently updated business site provides useful resources, including best practices and assistance to get started on advertising, Monika Jansen writes. It also includes stories about brands that have had success on the platform. NetworkSolutions.com (8/31) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
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  Featured Content 

  Association News 
  • Podcast: Epilepsy and Seizures
    Epilepsy is a common neurologic disorder seen in animals. It is often a very sudden and frightening event for an owner when they witness their animal having a seizure for the first time. One of the ways an owner can be better prepared if they are confronted with this situation is by gaining an understanding of what is happening and how to react. In the latest AVMA Animal Tracks podcast, Dr. Tom Walker, assistant professor of pharmacology and toxicology at Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, talks about epilepsy and seizures. Listen to the podcast. LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
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The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice."
--Ernest Hemingway,
American author

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