Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Nature Communications - 4 September 2012

Nature Communications
Weekly Content Alert
04 September 2012
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Lenhardt et al. report the formation of the greenhouse gas methane by wood- and soil-degrading fungi.
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Nature Reviews Cancer
Author: Douglas C. Wallace

This Poster highlights some recent discoveries that have led to a renewed interest in the function of mitochondria in cancer cells. Mitochondria carry out a number of crucial functions in cells and these can be altered through mutations in either the nuclear DNA or the mitochondrial DNA.

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Reconstructing plate-motion changes in the presence of finite-rotations noise
Giampiero Iaffaldano, Thomas Bodin and Malcolm Sambridge
Reconstructing short-term plate-motion changes through time provides important geodynamical information, but data noise is a problem at fine temporal resolution. This study presents a trans-dimensional hierarchical Bayesian framework that eliminates noise without loss of temporal resolution.
04 Sep | Nat Commun 3:1048 doi:10.1038/ncomms2051 (2012)
Earth sciences Geology and geophysics
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (515 kB) |
Supplementary Information

The use of the sex pheromone as an evolutionary solution to food source selection in caterpillars
Erwan Poivet, Kacem Rharrabe, Christelle Monsempes, Nicolas Glaser, Didier Rochat, Michel Renou, Frédéric Marion-Poll and Emmanuelle Jacquin-Joly
Sex pheromones are used by adult members of a species to attract a mate. This study proposes that the larvae of the cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis are attracted to sex pheromones and prefer a food source containing it, suggesting an alternative use of the sex pheromone to trigger food search in caterpillars.
04 Sep | Nat Commun 3:1047 doi:10.1038/ncomms2050 (2012)
Biological sciences Ecology 
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (581 kB) |
Supplementary Information

Evidence for methane production by saprotrophic fungi
Katharina Lenhart, Michael Bunge, Stefan Ratering, Thomas R. Neu, Ina Schüttmann, Markus Greule, Claudia Kammann, Sylvia Schnell, Christoph Müller, Holger Zorn and Frank Keppler
Methane is an important anthropogenic greenhouse gas and is thought to be produced by industrial processes and prokaryotic methanogenic Archaea. In this study, the saprotrophic fungi, Basidiomycetes, is shown to produce methane in the absence of methanogenic Archaea.
04 Sep | Nat Commun 3:1046 doi:10.1038/ncomms2049 (2012)
Biological sciences Ecology 
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (949 kB) |
Supplementary Information

Efficacy of the β2-adrenergic receptor is determined by conformational equilibrium in the transmembrane region OPEN
Yutaka Kofuku, Takumi Ueda, Junya Okude, Yutaro Shiraishi, Keita Kondo, Masahiro Maeda, Hideki Tsujishita and Ichio Shimada
Many drugs exist that target the β-adrenergic receptor, but they have different efficacies. Kofuku et al. use NMR to show that methionine 82 in the transmembrane domain undergoes conformational changes depending on whether agonists or inverse agonists are bound, explaining the differential drug efficacy.
04 Sep | Nat Commun 3:1045 doi:10.1038/ncomms2046 (2012)
Biological sciences Biochemistry 
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (793 kB) |
Supplementary Information

The allosteric vestibule of a seven transmembrane helical receptor controls G-protein coupling OPEN
Andreas Bock, Nicole Merten, Ramona Schrage, Clelia Dallanoce, Julia Bätz, Jessica Klöckner, Jens Schmitz, Carlo Matera, Katharina Simon, Anna Kebig, Lucas Peters, Anke Müller, Jasmin Schrobang-Ley, Christian Tränkle, Carsten Hoffmann, Marco De Amici, Ulrike Holzgrabe, Evi Kostenis and Klaus Mohr
Class A seven transmembrane helical receptors harbour vestibules at the entrance to the ligand-binding domain. Here, Bock et al. use probes to monitor the conformation of the M2 muscarinic receptor and show that the vestibule alters the extent of receptor movement.
04 Sep | Nat Commun 3:1044 doi:10.1038/ncomms2028 (2012)
Biological sciences Biophysics 
Chemical biology 
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (798 kB) |
Supplementary Information

Spin-enhanced organic bulk heterojunction photovoltaic solar cells
Ye Zhang, Tek P. Basel, Bhoj R. Gautam, Xiaomei Yang, Debra J. Mascaro, Feng Liu and Z. Valy Vardeny
One of the obstacles to improving the efficiency of organic photovoltaic solar cells is the recombination of polaron pairs at the interface between donor and acceptor molecules. By doping cells with galvinoxyl radicals, Zhang et al. demonstrate a mechanism that overcomes this problem via a spin-flip process.
04 Sep | Nat Commun 3:1043 doi:10.1038/ncomms2057 (2012)
Physical sciences Applied physics 
Materials science
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (750 kB) |
Supplementary Information

Discovery of acetylene hydratase activity of the iron–sulphur protein IspH
Ingrid Span, Ke Wang, Weixue Wang, Yonghui Zhang, Adelbert Bacher, Wolfgang Eisenreich, Kai Li, Charles Schulz, Eric Oldfield and Michael Groll
The iron–sulphur enzyme IspH catalyses the final step of the methylerythritol phosphate isoprenoid biosynthesis pathway. Span et al. report that IspH can hydrate acetylenes to aldehydes and ketones, in addition to its role as a 2H+/2e- reductase.
04 Sep | Nat Commun 3:1042 doi:10.1038/ncomms2052 (2012)
Biological sciences Biochemistry 
Chemical biology
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (1,664 kB) |
Supplementary Information

The amniote paratympanic organ develops from a previously undiscovered sensory placode
Paul O'Neill, Siu-Shan Mak, Bernd Fritzsch, Raj K. Ladher and Clare V.H. Baker
The paratympanic organ in the avian middle ear is similar to the fish spiracular organ, but its developmental origin is unresolved. O'Neill et al. use fate mapping to show that the avian paratympanic organ and its afferent neurons arise from a placode that is distinct from the origin of the fish spiracular organ.
04 Sep | Nat Commun 3:1041 doi:10.1038/ncomms2036 (2012)
Biological sciences Developmental biology 
Evolution Neuroscience 
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (1,811 kB) |
Supplementary Information

Phase-locking to a free-space terahertz comb for metrological-grade terahertz lasers
L. Consolino, A. Taschin, P. Bartolini, S. Bartalini, P. Cancio, A. Tredicucci, H. E. Beere, D. A. Ritchie, R. Torre, M. S. Vitiello and P. De Natale
Frequency comb synthesizers are important for metrology, but they have been difficult to use as frequency rulers in the terahertz region due to their low power. Consolino et al. phase-lock a quantum cascade laser to a free-space-propagating terahertz comb, demonstrating that they can overcome this limitation.
04 Sep | Nat Commun 3:1040 doi:10.1038/ncomms2048 (2012)
Physical sciences Applied physics 
Optical physics 
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (437 kB)

Naphthol radical couplings determine structural features and enantiomeric excess of dalesconols in Daldinia eschscholzii
Wei Fang, Shen Ji, Nan Jiang, Wei Wang, Guo Yan Zhao, Su Zhang, Hui Ming Ge, Qiang Xu, Ai Hua Zhang, Ying Lao Zhang, Yong Chun Song, Jie Zhang and Ren Xiang Tan
The dalesconol natural products are biosynthesised in an enantiomeric excess of 67%, rather than as a single enantiomer or a racemate. Tan et al. report that this unusual enantioselectivity is a result of the dominance of particular conformers of naphthol dimer intermediates.
04 Sep | Nat Commun 3:1039 doi:10.1038/ncomms2031 (2012)
Chemical sciences Biochemistry 
Chemical biology 
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (1,001 kB) |
Supplementary Information

Lysine methylation of VCP by a member of a novel human protein methyltransferase family
Stefan Kernstock, Erna Davydova, Magnus Jakobsson, Anders Moen, Solveig Pettersen, Gunhild M. Mælandsmo, Wolfgang Egge-Jacobsen and Pål Ø. Falnes
Methyltransferases modify cellular proteins in addition to DNA and histones. These authors identify a new family of lysine-specific methyltransferases and show that a member of this family, which is associated with tumour metastasis, methylates the ATP-dependent protein chaperone VCP/p97.
04 Sep | Nat Commun 3:1038 doi:10.1038/ncomms2041 (2012)
Biological sciences Biochemistry 
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (1,458 kB) |
Supplementary Information

Ultrafast magnetization enhancement in metallic multilayers driven by superdiffusive spin current
Dennis Rudolf, Chan La-O-Vorakiat, Marco Battiato, Roman Adam, Justin M. Shaw, Emrah Turgut, Pablo Maldonado, Stefan Mathias, Patrik Grychtol, Hans T. Nembach, Thomas J. Silva, Martin Aeschlimann, Henry C. Kapteyn, Margaret M. Murnane, Claus M. Schneider and Peter M. Oppeneer
Spin dynamics in magnetic materials can be driven by ultrafast light pulses, resulting in transient magnetization changes on femtosecond timescales. Rudolph et al. find that in magnetic trilayers the magnetization of one layer can be enhanced by superdiffusive spin currents from adjacent layers.
04 Sep | Nat Commun 3:1037 doi:10.1038/ncomms2029 (2012)
Physical sciences Condensed matter 
Optical physics 
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (717 kB) |
Supplementary Information

Blind topological measurement-based quantum computation
Tomoyuki Morimae and Keisuke Fujii
Blind quantum computation is a protocol that permits an algorithm, its input and output to be kept secret from the owner of the computational resource doing the calculation. Morimae and Fujii propose a strategy for topologically protected fault-tolerant blind quantum computation that is robust to environmental noise.
04 Sep | Nat Commun 3:1036 doi:10.1038/ncomms2043 (2012)
Physical sciences Theoretical physics 
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (645 kB)

Hard magnetic ferrite with a gigantic coercivity and high frequency millimetre wave rotation OPEN
Asuka Namai, Marie Yoshikiyo, Kana Yamada, Shunsuke Sakurai, Takashi Goto, Takayuki Yoshida, Tatsuro Miyazaki, Makoto Nakajima, Tohru Suemoto, Hiroko Tokoro and Shin-ichi Ohkoshi
Permanent magnets based on magnetic ferrites such as Fe3O4 and Fe2O3 are used in a wide range of applications. This study demonstrates that introducing rhodium into nanoparticles consisting of the ε phase of Fe2O3 gives rise to a very high coercivity.
04 Sep | Nat Commun 3:1035 doi:10.1038/ncomms2038 (2012)
Physical sciences Materials science Nanotechnology
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (520 kB) |
Supplementary Information

Extracellular ATP mediates mast cell-dependent intestinal inflammation through P2X7 purinoceptors OPEN
Yosuke Kurashima, Takeaki Amiya, Tomonori Nochi, Kumiko Fujisawa, Takeshi Haraguchi, Hideo Iba, Hiroko Tsutsui, Shintaro Sato, Sachiko Nakajima, Hideki Iijima, Masato Kubo, Jun Kunisawa and Hiroshi Kiyono
Mast cells are mediators of type I allergic disease and inflammation. Here, Kurashima et al. show that mast cells are increased in the colons of mice with colitis, and that activation of the cells and subsequent inflammation can be blocked by inhibition of the purinoceptor, P2X7.
04 Sep | Nat Commun 3:1034 doi:10.1038/ncomms2023 (2012)
Biological sciences Immunology 
Medical research
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (1,287 kB) |
Supplementary Information
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