Thursday, August 30, 2012

Nature Methods Contents: September 2012 Volume 9 pp 847 - 929

Nature Methods

Specialty enzymes for sequencing workflows
Epicentre's unique enzymes are becoming standard tools in sequencing-based applications. CircLigase™ ssDNA Ligase is a key component of ribosomal profiling workflows, while RNase R is being used to study RNA processing. Visit Epicentre's online Enzyme Guide for information.

September 2012 Volume 9, Issue 9

In This Issue
This Month
Research Highlights
Methods in Brief
Tools in Brief
Technology Feature
News and Views
Brief Communications
Application Notes


Light sheet microscopy is a powerful alternative to established fluorescence imaging methods, especially when it comes to 3D imaging deep within tissue or whole living organisms.

Recently a panel of experts introduced this technique in a webinar. If you want to know more about the advantages of light sheet microscopy, register here to receive a free offline copy of the webinar and related documentation.

Recommend to library

In This Issue


In This Issue



Moving bottom-up science closer to the top   p847
To secure Europe's leadership in research and innovation, the European Union should prioritize its investment in researcher-originated projects.

This Month


The author file: Scott Manalis   p849
Vivien Marx
Musical microfluidics to watch and weigh growing cells

Points of view: Into the third dimension   p851
Nils Gehlenborg and Bang Wong
Three-dimensional visualizations are effective for spatial data but rarely for other data types.



Prevention of overfitting in cryo-EM structure determination   pp853 - 854
Sjors H W Scheres and Shaoxia Chen

The Coherent X-ray Imaging Data Bank   pp854 - 855
Filipe R N C Maia

Evolutionary diagnosis method for variants in personal exomes   pp855 - 856
Sudhir Kumar, Maxwell Sanderford, Vanessa E Gray, Jieping Ye and Li Liu

Neonatal desensitization does not universally prevent xenograft rejection   pp856 - 858
Miroslaw Janowski, Anna Jablonska, Hanna Kozlowska, Inema Orukari, Segun Bernard, Jeff WM Bulte, Barbara Lukomska and Piotr Walczak

See also: Correspondence by Kelly et al.

Reply to "Neonatal desensitization does not universally prevent xenograft rejection"   p858
Claire M Kelly, Victoria H Roberton, Stephen B Dunnett and Anne E Rosser

See also: Correspondence by Janowski et al.

Research Highlights


Life, simulated
A computer model of a bacterium accounts for gene function and predicts unexpected emergent properties.

Making PTMs a priority
Researchers describe an approach to zero in on post-translational modifications likely to have important regulatory functions.

DNA: stretch for the camera
Using a special nanochannel chip, genome maps can be constructed from single DNA molecules in any laboratory.

When pathogens come in handy
Bacterial proteins are used to rewire signaling pathways in yeast and mammalian cells.

Moved by sound
Acoustic tweezers nudge cells or particles with sound waves.

Cancer gene discovery goes viral
Examining how proteins from tumor viruses affect their cellular targets helps researchers zero in on the human genes that drive cancer.

A sensor that makes sense
A 'neutralizer displacement assay' provides a general platform for electrochemistry-based sensing of any class of analyte molecule.

JOBS of the week
Manager, Methods Development
Allen Institute for Brain Science
Postdoctoral Postdoctoral position in unconvential methods of modification of carbon nanotubes
IMDEA Nanoscience
PhD Positions in Unconvential Methods of Modification of Carbon Nanotubes
IMDEA Nanoscience
Senior Bioinformatics Postdoctoral Research Assistant
University of Dundee
Postdoctoral Position in Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Southern Denmark
Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of Southern Denmark
More Science jobs from
Sterilization Procedures Technology, Equipment & Validation
14th Nov - 15th Nov 2012
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Methods in Brief


The apoptotic phosphoproteome | Single-cell transcriptome sequencing | Glycosyltransferase discovery | Profiling chromatin at specific loci

Tools in Brief


Cis-regulatory annotation in the mouse | Functional single-cell screening | Rapid neuronal differentiation | Enhanced personal genomes

Technology Feature


Pulling on single molecules   pp873 - 877
Natalie de Souza
Single-molecule methods to apply and measure force and displacement are expanding mechanobiology.

News and Views


Evaluating protein interactions through cross-linking mass spectrometry   pp879 - 881
David L Tabb
New bioinformatics tools enable the recognition of neighboring amino acids in protein complexes.

See also: Brief Communication by Yang et al. | Brief Communication by Walzthoeni et al.

Deconstructing myelination: it all comes down to size   pp883 - 884
Ragnhildur Thóra Káradóttir and John Henry Stockley
Through a collaborative effort, engineers and neuroscientists have created a method, using electrospun nanofibers as surrogate neuronal axons, to piece together the complexities of myelination.

See also: Article by Lee et al.



Biobanks, consent and claims of consensus   pp885 - 888
Zubin Master, Erin Nelson, Blake Murdoch and Timothy Caulfield
Many scholars claim there is a consensus on broad consent for biobanking. We analyzed the literature in PubMed and found no evidence for consensus. Public perception studies report mixed findings on consent, but many biobanks adopt broad consent. A belief in consensus may stem from knowledge of biobank consent practices.



Imaging without lenses: achievements and remaining challenges of wide-field on-chip microscopy   pp889 - 895
Alon Greenbaum, Wei Luo, Ting-Wei Su, Zoltán Göröcs, Liang Xue, Serhan O Isikman, Ahmet F Coskun, Onur Mudanyali and Aydogan Ozcan
In this perspective, the authors present the basic features of lens-free computational imaging tools and report performance comparisons with conventional microscopy methods. They also discuss the challenges that these computational on-chip microscopes face for their wide-scale biomedical application.

Brief Communications


A mouse model to identify cooperating signaling pathways in cancer   pp897 - 900
Monica Musteanu, Leander Blaas, Rainer Zenz, Jasmin Svinka, Thomas Hoffmann, Beatrice Grabner, Daniel Schramek, Hans-Peter Kantner, Mathias Müller, Thomas Kolbe, Thomas Rülicke, Richard Moriggl, Lukas Kenner, Dagmar Stoiber, Josef Martin Penninger, Helmut Popper, Emilio Casanova and Robert Eferl
The mouse cancer model 'Multi-Hit' allows for the evaluation of oncogene cooperativities in tumor development based on stochastic Cre-recombination events. Cells with cooperating oncogenes are positively selected and give rise to tumors. The approach is used to study Ras downstream effector pathways in tumorigenesis.

False discovery rate estimation for cross-linked peptides identified by mass spectrometry   pp901 - 903
Thomas Walzthoeni, Manfred Claassen, Alexander Leitner, Franz Herzog, Stefan Bohn, Friedrich Förster, Martin Beck and Ruedi Aebersold
xProphet, a tool using a target-decoy strategy, determines false discovery rate in mass-spectrometry data of chemically cross-linked peptides.

See also: News and Views by Tabb

Identification of cross-linked peptides from complex samples   pp904 - 906
Bing Yang, Yan-Jie Wu, Ming Zhu, Sheng-Bo Fan, Jinzhong Lin, Kun Zhang, Shuang Li, Hao Chi, Yu-Xin Li, Hai-Feng Chen, Shu-Kun Luo, Yue-He Ding, Le-Heng Wang, Zhiqi Hao, Li-Yun Xiu, She Chen, Keqiong Ye, Si-Min He and Meng-Qiu Dong
pLink, software for data analysis of cross-linked proteins coupled with mass spectrometry, estimates false discovery rate and enables analysis of protein complexes without extensive purification.

See also: News and Views by Tabb

A high-throughput approach for measuring temporal changes in the interactome   pp907 - 909
Anders R Kristensen, Joerg Gsponer and Leonard J Foster
A combination of protein correlation profiling-stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture and size-exclusion chromatography allows stoichiometric analysis of changes in the human interactome in response to a growth factor.

Direct observation of mammalian cell growth and size regulation   pp910 - 912
Sungmin Son, Amit Tzur, Yaochung Weng, Paul Jorgensen, Jisoo Kim, Marc W Kirschner and Scott R Manalis
Precise mass measurement on single mammalian cells is combined with imaging to monitor changes in cellular mass during the cell cycle over many generations.

Accurate gene synthesis with tag-directed retrieval of sequence-verified DNA molecules   pp913 - 915
Jerrod J Schwartz, Choli Lee and Jay Shendure
Gene synthesis is currently limited by the need to use error-prone oligonucleotide building blocks. Dial-out PCR overcomes the sequence verification bottleneck by using unique sequence tags and massively parallel sequencing to identify and selectively retrieve error-free DNA molecules of interest from complex mixtures.

The New BD FACSJazz™ Cell Sorter
Perfectly tuned cell sorting is now available with the new BD FACSJazz. Built on a proven, dependable platform, it may change the way you'll think of cell sorting with ease of operation, affordability, and a benchtop fit. Exceedingly capable performance whether as a soloist or part of your core lab ensemble.



A culture system to study oligodendrocyte myelination processes using engineered nanofibers   pp917 - 922
Seonok Lee, Michelle K Leach, Stephanie A Redmond, S Y Christin Chong, Synthia H Mellon, Samuel J Tuck, Zhang-Qi Feng, Joseph M Corey and Jonah R Chan
Primary rat oligodendocytes were cultured in the presence of electron-spun nanofibers of varying sizes as a model to study myelination processes in the mammalian central nervous system. The authors study the role of fiber diameter on the initiation of concentric wrapping by oligodendrocytes.

See also: News and Views by Karadottir & Stockley

Fractional proliferation: a method to deconvolve cell population dynamics from single-cell data   pp923 - 928
Darren R Tyson, Shawn P Garbett, Peter L Frick and Vito Quaranta
A method is presented to model cell proliferation from tracked automated time-lapse imaging of cell populations. The resulting fractional proliferation graphs permit visualization of dynamic changes in the dividing and nondividing subsets of the population.




Drosophila Brainbow: a recombinase-based fluorescence labeling technique to subdivide neural expression patterns   p929
Stefanie Hampel, Phuong Chung, Claire E McKellar, Donald Hall, Loren L Looger and Julie H Simpson

Application Notes


Long-span, mate-pair scaffolding and other methods for faster next-generation sequencing library creation   
Cheng-Cang Wu, Rosa Ye, Svetlana Jasinovica, Megan Wagner, Ronald Godiska, Amy Hin-Yan Tong, Si Lok, Amanda Krerowicz, Curtis Knox, David Mead and Michael Lodes

High-content analysis of biomarker intensity and distribution in 3D microtissues   
Marcel Waschow, Stefan Letzsch, Karin Boettcher and Jens Kelm

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