|  |  |  | Volume 13, Issue 6 (September 2012) |  | In this issue
Original Articles
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|  | | | Original Articles | Top |  | mBin1b transgenic mice show enhanced resistance to epididymal infection by bacteria challengeZ Fei, S Hu, L Xiao, J Zhou, H Diao, H Yu, S Fang, Y Wang, Y Wan, W Wang, Y He, C Wang, G Xu, Z Wang, Y Zhang and J Fei Genes Immun 2012 13: 445-451; advance online publication, April 26, 2012; 10.1038/gene.2012.13 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Possible KIR-driven genetic pressure on the genesis and maintenance of specific HLA-A,B haplotypes as functional genetic blocksC Capittini, C Tinelli, M Guarene, A Pasi, C Badulli, I Sbarsi, F Garlaschelli, A L Cremaschi, C Pizzochero, C Monti, L Salvaneschi and M Martinetti Genes Immun 2012 13: 452-457; advance online publication, May 10, 2012; 10.1038/gene.2012.14 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Evidence that deletion at FCGR3B is a risk factor for systemic sclerosisC McKinney, J C A Broen, M C Vonk, L Beretta, R Hesselstrand, N Hunzelmann, G Riemekasten, R Scorza, C P Simeon, V Fonollosa, P E Carreira, N Ortego-Centeno, M A Gonzalez-Gay, P Airo, M Coenen, J Martin, T R D J Radstake and T R Merriman Genes Immun 2012 13: 458-460; advance online publication, May 3, 2012; 10.1038/gene.2012.15 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Classical HLA-DRB1 and DPB1 alleles account for HLA associations with primary biliary cirrhosisP Invernizzi, M Ransom, S Raychaudhuri, R Kosoy, A Lleo, R Shigeta, A Franke, F Bossa, C I Amos, P K Gregersen, K A Siminovitch, D Cusi, P I W de Bakker, M Podda, M E Gershwin, M F Seldin and The Italian PBC Genetics Study Group Genes Immun 2012 13: 461-468; advance online publication, May 10, 2012; 10.1038/gene.2012.17 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | High-throughput antibody sequencing reveals genetic evidence of global regulation of the naïve and memory repertoires that extends across individualsB S Briney, J R Willis, B A McKinney and J E Crowe, Jr Genes Immun 2012 13: 469-473; advance online publication, May 24, 2012; 10.1038/gene.2012.20 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Association of celiac disease genes with inflammatory bowel disease in Finnish and Swedish patientsA S Parmar, M Lappalainen, P Paavola-Sakki, L Halme, M Färkkilä, U Turunen, K Kontula, A Aromaa, V Salomaa, L Peltonen, J Halfvarson, L Törkvist, M D'Amato, P Saavalainen and E Einarsdottir Genes Immun 2012 13: 474-480; advance online publication, May 17, 2012; 10.1038/gene.2012.21 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Lineage-specific adjacent IFNG and IL26 genes share a common distal enhancer elementP L Collins, M A Henderson and T M Aune Genes Immun 2012 13: 481-488; advance online publication, May 24, 2012; 10.1038/gene.2012.22 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | CD14 polymorphisms correlate with an augmented risk for celiac disease in Italian patientsE Catamo, L Segat, S Lenarduzzi, V Petix, M Morgutti and S Crovella Genes Immun 2012 13: 489-495; advance online publication, May 31, 2012; 10.1038/gene.2012.23 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mce1 protein complex initiates rapid induction of transcription of genes involved in substrate traffickingR Stavrum, H Valvatne, A-K Stavrum, L W Riley, E Ulvestad, I Jonassen, T M Doherty and H M S Grewal Genes Immun 2012 13: 496-502; advance online publication, June 14, 2012; 10.1038/gene.2012.24 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Variation in human genes encoding adhesion and proinflammatory molecules are associated with severe malaria in the VietnameseS J Dunstan, K A Rockett, N T N Quyen, Y Y Teo, C Q Thai, N T Hang, A Jeffreys, T G Clark, K S Small, C P Simmons, N Day, S E O'Riordan, D P Kwiatkowski, J Farrar, N H Phu and T T Hien in collaboration with the MalariaGEN Consortium39 Genes Immun 2012 13: 503-508; advance online publication, June 7, 2012; 10.1038/gene.2012.25 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Genome-wide association study identifies common variants at TNFRSF13B associated with IgG level in a healthy Chinese male populationM Liao, F Ye, B Zhang, L Huang, Q Xiao, M Qin, L Mo, A Tan, Y Gao, Z Lu, C Wu, Y Zhang, H Zhang, X Qin, Y Hu, X Yang and Z Mo Genes Immun 2012 13: 509-513; advance online publication, June 7, 2012; 10.1038/gene.2012.26 Abstract | Full Text |  | Corrigendum | Top |  | Genome-wide association study identifies common variants at TNFRSF13B associated with IgG level in a healthy Chinese male populationM Liao, F Ye, B Zhang, L Huang, Q Xiao, M Qin, L Mo, A Tan, Y Gao, Z Lu, C Wu, Y Zhang, H Zhang, X Qin, Y Hu, X Yang and Z Mo Genes Immun 2012 13: 514; advance online publication, July 12, 2012; 10.1038/gene.2012.31 Full Text |  |  |  |  | Advertisement |  | |  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Natureevents is a fully searchable, multi-disciplinary database designed to maximise exposure for events organisers. The contents of the Natureevents Directory are now live. The digital version is available here.
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