March 2012 Volume 4, Issue 3 |
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 | Editorial
Research Highlights
News and Views
In Your Element
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Editorial | Top |
Of polemics and progress p141 doi:10.1038/nchem.1294 Disagreements are common in science and can lead to better understanding, but must be handled carefully. Full Text | PDF
Thesis | Top |
Zen and the art of molecules pp142 - 144 Michelle Francl doi:10.1038/nchem.1279 Michelle Francl wonders what it is that makes a molecule elegant. Full Text | PDF
Research Highlights | Top |
Chemical sensing: Attoreactor arrays | Natural product synthesis: The halichondrin C campaign | Atmospheric chemistry: Important intermediates | Coordination polymers: Side chains chip in | Main group chemistry: Boron and flat
Blogroll | Top |
Blogroll: For safety's sake p147 doi:10.1038/nchem.1292 Full Text | PDF
News and Views | Top |
Perspectives | Top |
Good vibrations in enzyme-catalysed reactions pp161 - 168 Sam Hay and Nigel S. Scrutton doi:10.1038/nchem.1223

This Perspective discusses contemporary ideas for enzymatic reactions that invoke a role for fast 'promoting' (or 'compressive') motions or vibrations that, in principle, can facilitate enzyme-catalysed reactions. With an emphasis on hydrogen-transfer reactions, experimental, theoretical and computational approaches that have lent evidence to this controversial hypothesis are discussed. Abstract | Full Text | PDF
Taking Ockham's razor to enzyme dynamics and catalysis pp169 - 176 David R. Glowacki, Jeremy N. Harvey and Adrian J. Mulholland doi:10.1038/nchem.1244

Enzyme-catalysed reactions can involve significant quantum tunnelling and show kinetic isotope effects with complex temperature dependences. In this Perspective, reaction dynamics and enzyme catalysis are linked to transition-state-theory frameworks. It is shown that a multi-state model using standard transition-state theory can account for complex experimental data without invoking a role for enzyme dynamics. Abstract | Full Text | PDF
Articles | Top |
The promoting effect of adsorbed carbon monoxide on the oxidation of alcohols on a gold catalyst pp177 - 182 Paramaconi Rodriguez, Youngkook Kwon and Marc T. M. Koper doi:10.1038/nchem.1221

Adsorbed carbon monoxide typically acts to poison the oxidation of alcohols on heterogeneous catalysts and electrocatalysts. Here, it is shown that carbon monoxide that has been adsorbed irreversibly on a Au(111) surface can act as a promoter for this process by enhancing the scission of C–H bonds in the alcohol to yield the corresponding aldehyde. Abstract | Full Text | PDF
Darwinian evolution of an alternative genetic system provides support for TNA as an RNA progenitor pp183 - 187 Hanyang Yu, Su Zhang and John C. Chaput doi:10.1038/nchem.1241

The pre-RNA-world hypothesis postulates that RNA was preceded in the evolution of life by a simpler genetic material. Here, Darwinian evolution methods were used to generate a threose nucleic acid (TNA) aptamer. This result provides evidence that TNA could have served as an ancestral genetic system during an early stage of life. Abstract | Full Text | PDF | Chemical compounds
Structure and catalytic properties of the most complex intergrown zeolite ITQ-39 determined by electron crystallography pp188 - 194 Tom Willhammar, Junliang Sun, Wei Wan, Peter Oleynikov, Daliang Zhang, Xiaodong Zou, Manuel Moliner, Jorge Gonzalez, Cristina Martínez, Fernando Rey and Avelino Corma doi:10.1038/nchem.1253

Solving the structure of zeolites is often challenging because of their small particle size. Now, electron crystallography reveals the structure of a family of complex intergrown zeolite materials. These zeolites contain unique pair-wise 12-ring channels that intersect with 10-ring channels, and are promising catalysts for converting gasoline into diesel fuel. Abstract | Full Text | PDF
Quadruple bonding in C2 and analogous eight-valence electron species pp195 - 200 Sason Shaik, David Danovich, Wei Wu, Peifeng Su, Henry S. Rzepa and Philippe C. Hiberty doi:10.1038/nchem.1263

The bonding order of multiply bonded main-group elements is conventionally thought to be limited to triple bonds. Now, using high-level theoretical methods, it is shown that C2 and its isoelectronic molecules CN+, BN and CB− are quadruply bonded, featuring not only one σ - and two π-bonds, but also one weak ‘inverted’ bond. Abstract | Full Text | PDF See also: News and Views by Grunenberg
Selection of supramolecular chirality by application of rotational and magnetic forces pp201 - 207 N. Micali, H. Engelkamp, P. G. van Rhee, P. C. M. Christianen, L. Monsù Scolaro and J. C. Maan doi:10.1038/nchem.1264

It is shown here that the proper combination of physical forces can induce chirality during the self-assembly of achiral molecules. Rotation and effective gravity created by high magnetic fields during the nucleation phase, together with the magnetic alignment of the nanoaggregates initially formed, control the enantioselectivity of porphyrin assemblies. Abstract | Full Text | PDF See also: News and Views by Barron
Optimizing the specificity of nucleic acid hybridization pp208 - 214 David Yu Zhang, Sherry Xi Chen and Peng Yin doi:10.1038/nchem.1246

High-fidelity pairing of nucleic acid polymers is important in the development of sensors and for the application of DNA nanotechnology. Here, a set of hybridization probes is described that discriminates single-base changes with high specificity. The probes function robustly across many different temperatures, salinities and nucleic acid concentrations. Abstract | Full Text | PDF See also: News and Views by Altan-Bonnet & Kramer
Controlling on-surface polymerization by hierarchical and substrate-directed growth pp215 - 220 L. Lafferentz, V. Eberhardt, C. Dri, C. Africh, G. Comelli, F. Esch, S. Hecht and L. Grill doi:10.1038/nchem.1242

The bottom-up construction of covalently linked molecular architectures on surfaces has recently been demonstrated, but only rather simple structures can be obtained in such one-step connection processes. A sequential approach has now been used to induce the selective connection of molecules with a programmed reactivity, enabling network formation with high selectivity. Abstract | Full Text | PDF | Chemical compounds See also: News and Views by Champness
Strongly coupled binuclear uranium–oxo complexes from uranyl oxo rearrangement and reductive silylation pp221 - 227 Polly L. Arnold, Guy M. Jones, Samuel O. Odoh, Georg Schreckenbach, Nicola Magnani and Jason B. Love doi:10.1038/nchem.1270

The oxo groups in the common trans-uranyl ion — present in the majority of known uranium compounds — are linear and inert. Now, a new reduced binuclear uranium–dioxo compound with very strong metal coupling and remarkable air stability has been formed through oxo migration and silylation. Abstract | Full Text | PDF
Chemoselective synthesis of ketones and ketimines by addition of organometallic reagents to secondary amides pp228 - 234 William S. Bechara, Guillaume Pelletier and André B. Charette doi:10.1038/nchem.1268

To achieve chemoselective additions of organometallics to carbonyls, it is important to consider the combination of acylating agent and organometallic as a reactive pair rather than either one in isolation. Here, a chemoselective, controlled and general methodology for the conversion of secondary amides to ketones and ketimines is described. Abstract | Full Text | PDF | Chemical compounds
Erratum | Top |
Binary fluorous tagging enables the synthesis and separation of a 16-stereoisomer library of macrosphelides p235 Dennis P. Curran, Mantosh K. Sinha, Kai Zhang, Jesse J. Sabatini and Dae-Hyun Cho doi:10.1038/nchem.1271 Full Text | PDF See also: Article by Curran et al.
In Your Element | Top |
The deeds to deuterium p236 Dan O'Leary doi:10.1038/nchem.1273 Dan O'Leary examines Harold Urey's decision to name the mass-2 hydrogen isotope 'deuterium'. Full Text | PDF
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