Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Scientific Reports Biology Table of Contents e-alert: 01 November 2016

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  01 November 2016   
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Biological Sciences

Antagonistic autoregulation speeds up a homogeneous response in Escherichia coli


Guillermo Rodrigo, Djordje Bajic, Ignacio Elola et al.


By integrating positive and negative feedback loops, biological systems establish intricate gene expression patterns linked to multistability, pulsing, and oscillations. This …


Disease-mediated bottom-up regulation: An emergent virus affects a keystone prey, and alters the dynamics of trophic webs


Pedro Monterroso, Germán Garrote, Ana Serronha et al.


Emergent diseases may alter the structure and functioning of ecosystems by creating new biotic interactions and modifying existing ones, producing cascading processes along …


Alpha-enolase on apical surface of renal tubular epithelial cells serves as a calcium oxalate crystal receptor


Kedsarin Fong-ngern, Visith Thongboonkerd


To search for a strategy to prevent kidney stone formation/recurrence, this study addressed the role of α-enolase on apical membrane of renal tubular cells in mediating calcium …


Scanning of selection signature provides a glimpse into important economic traits in goats (Capra hircus)


Dailu Guan, Nanjian Luo, Xiaoshan Tan et al.


Goats (Capra hircus) are one of the oldest livestock domesticated species, and have been used for their milk, meat, hair and skins over much of the world. Detection of selection …


Odor-induced mood state modulates language comprehension by affecting processing strategies


Lin Wang, Bin Zhou, Wen Zhou et al.


It is controversial whether mood affects cognition by triggering specific processing strategies or by limiting processing resources. The current event-related potential (ERP) …


Cerebellar theta burst stimulation modulates the neural activity of interconnected parietal and motor areas


Elias Paolo Casula, Maria Concetta Pellicciari, Viviana Ponzo et al.


Voluntary movement control and execution are regulated by the influence of the cerebellar output over different interconnected cortical areas, through dentato-thalamo …


Identifying reproducible cancer-associated highly expressed genes with important functional significances using multiple datasets


Haiyan Huang, Xiangyu Li, You Guo et al.


Identifying differentially expressed (DE) genes between cancer and normal tissues is of basic importance for studying cancer mechanisms. However, current methods, such as the …


Fluorescently labeled circular DNA molecules for DNA topology and topoisomerases


Maxwell Gu, Andrea Berrido, Walter G. Gonzalez et al.


DNA topology plays essential roles in several fundamental biological processes, such as DNA replication, recombination, and transcription. Typically agarose gel electrophoresis …


Sex differences in colonization of gut microbiota from a man with short-term vegetarian and inulin-supplemented diet in germ-free mice


Jing-jing Wang, Jing Wang, Xiao-yan Pang et al.


Gnotobiotic mouse model is generally used to evaluate the efficacy of gut microbiota. Sex differences of gut microbiota are acknowledged, yet the effect of recipient’s gender on …


Rawcopy: Improved copy number analysis with Affymetrix arrays


Markus Mayrhofer, Björn Viklund, Anders Isaksson


Microarray data is subject to noise and systematic variation that negatively affects the resolution of copy number analysis. We describe Rawcopy, an R package for processing of …


Jolkinolide B induces apoptosis and inhibits tumor growth in mouse melanoma B16F10 cells by altering glycolysis


Caixia Gao, Xinyan Yan, Bo Wang et al.


Most cancer cells preferentially rely on glycolysis to produce the energy (adenosine triphosphate, ATP) for growth and proliferation. Emerging evidence demonstrates that the …


Opportunistic brood theft in the context of colony relocation in an Indian queenless ant


Bishwarup Paul, Manabi Paul, Sumana Annagiri


Brood is a very valuable part of an ant colony and behaviours increasing its number with minimum investment is expected to be favoured by natural selection. Brood theft has been …


Filarial infection influences mosquito behaviour and fecundity


Katherine Gleave, Darren Cook, Mark J. Taylor et al.


Understanding vector-parasite interactions is increasingly important as we move towards the endpoint goals set by the Global Programme for the Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis …


microRNAs Involved in the Control of Innate Immunity in Candida Infected Caenorhabditis elegans


Lingmei Sun, Lingtong Zhi, Shumaila Shakoor et al.


The role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in regulating innate immune response to Candida albicans infection in Caenorhabditis elegans is still largely unclear. Using small RNA SOLiD deep …


Development and characterization of a microfluidic model of the tumour microenvironment


Jose M. Ayuso, María Virumbrales-Muñoz, Alodia Lacueva et al.


The physical microenvironment of tumours is characterized by heterotypic cell interactions and physiological gradients of nutrients, waste products and oxygen. This tumour …


Evolutionary study of Yersinia genomes deciphers emergence of human pathogenic species


Shi Yang Tan, Irene Kit Ping Tan, Mui Fern Tan et al.


On record, there are 17 species in the Yersinia genus, of which three are known to be pathogenic to human. While the chromosomal and pYV (or pCD1) plasmid-borne virulence genes …


Conformity cannot be identified based on population-level signatures


Alberto Acerbi, Edwin J. C. van Leeuwen, Daniel B. M. Haun et al.


Conformist transmission, defined as a disproportionate likelihood to copy the majority, is considered a potent mechanism underlying the emergence and stabilization of cultural …


Serological and molecular epidemiology of canine adenovirus type 1 in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in the United Kingdom


David Walker, Seán A. Fee, Gill Hartley et al.


Canine adenovirus type 1 (CAV-1) causes infectious canine hepatitis (ICH), a frequently fatal disease which primarily affects canids. In this study, serology (ELISA) and …


An extract from Taxodium distichum targets hemagglutinin- and neuraminidase-related activities of influenza virus in vitro


Chung-Fan Hsieh, Yu-Li Chen, Chwan-Fwu Lin et al.


Influenza virus remains an emerging virus and causes pandemics with high levels of fatality. After screening different plant extracts with potential anti-influenza activity, a …


Glycosylation changes in the globular head of H3N2 influenza hemagglutinin modulate receptor binding without affecting virus virulence


Irina V. Alymova, Ian A. York, Gillian M. Air et al.


Since the emergence of human H3N2 influenza A viruses in the pandemic of 1968, these viruses have become established as strains of moderate severity. A decline in virulence has …


Pyk2 activates the NLRP3 inflammasome by directly phosphorylating ASC and contributes to inflammasome-dependent peritonitis


I-Che Chung, Chun-Nan OuYang, Sheng-Ning Yuan et al.


The inflammasome adaptor protein, ASC, contributes to both innate immune responses and inflammatory diseases via self-oligomerization, which leads to the activation of the …


Orexin signaling regulates both the hippocampal clock and the circadian oscillation of Alzheimer’s disease-risk genes


Zhixiong Ma, Weiliang Jiang, Eric Erquan Zhang


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a circadian clock-related disease. However, it is not very clear whether pre-symptomatic AD leads to circadian disruption or whether malfunction of …


Antileukemic Scalarane Sesterterpenoids and Meroditerpenoid from Carteriospongia (Phyllospongia) sp., Induce Apoptosis via Dual Inhibitory Effects on Topoisomerase II and Hsp90


Kuei-Hung Lai, Yi-Chang Liu, Jui-Hsin Su et al.


Two new scalarane sesterterpenoids, 12β-(3′β-hydroxybutanoyloxy)-20,24-dimethyl-24-oxo-scalara-16-en-25-al (1) and 12β-(3′β


Reconstituted B cell receptor signaling reveals carbohydrate-dependent mode of activation


Rina F. Villar, Jinal Patel, Grant C. Weaver et al.


Activation of immune cells (but not B cells) with lectins is widely known. We used the structurally defined interaction between influenza hemagglutinin (HA) and its cell surface …


Ductular reaction-on-a-chip: Microfluidic co-cultures to study stem cell fate selection during liver injury


Amranul Haque, Pantea Gheibi, Gulnaz Stybayeva et al.


Liver injury modulates local microenvironment, triggering production of signals that instruct stem cell fate choices. In this study, we employed a microfluidic co-culture system …


Targeting Non-classical Myelin Epitopes to Treat Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis


Xiaohua Wang, Jintao Zhang, David J. Baylink et al.


Qa-1 epitopes, the peptides that bind to non-classical major histocompatibility complex Ib Qa-1 molecules and are recognized by Qa-1-restricted CD8+ regulatory T (Treg) cells, …


High-resolution MALDI mass spectrometry imaging of gallotannins and monoterpene glucosides in the root of Paeonia lactiflora


Bin Li, Dhaka Ram Bhandari, Andreas Römpp et al.


High-resolution atmospheric-pressure scanning microprobe matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (AP-SMALDI MSI) at 10 μm pixel size was performed …


A dual specificity kinase, DYRK1A, as a potential therapeutic target for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma


Aneesha Radhakrishnan, Vishalakshi Nanjappa, Remya Raja et al.


Despite advances in clinical management, 5-year survival rate in patients with late-stage head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) has not improved significantly over the …


Pollen/TLR4 Innate Immunity Signaling Initiates IL-33/ST2/Th2 Pathways in Allergic Inflammation


Jin Li, Lili Zhang, Xin Chen et al.


Innate immunity has been extended to respond environmental pathogen other than microbial components. Here we explore a novel pollen/TLR4 innate immunity in allergic inflammation. …


Rapid and sustained cognitive recovery in APP/PS1 transgenic mice by co-administration of EPPS and donepezil


Hye Yun Kim, Hyunjin Vincent Kim, Dongkeun K. Lee et al.


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by sequential progression of pathological events, such as aggregation of amyloid-β proteins, followed by …


Smooth deuterated cellulose films for the visualisation of adsorbed bio-macromolecules


Jielong Su, Vikram S. Raghuwanshi, Warwick Raverty et al.


Novel thin and smooth deuterated cellulose films were synthesised to visualize adsorbed bio-macromolecules using contrast variation neutron reflectivity (NR) measurements. …


Single-Multiplex Detection of Organ Injury Biomarkers using SPRi based Nano-Immunosensor


Effat Zeidan, Siqi Li, Zhiguo Zhou et al.


The clinical assessment of multiple organ dysfunctions at early stages is recognized to be an important factor in prompting definitive treatment decisions that prevent …


Metabolomics reveals the protective of Dihydromyricetin on glucose homeostasis by enhancing insulin sensitivity


Liang Le, Baoping Jiang, Wenting Wan et al.


Dihydromyricetin (DMY), an important flavanone found in Ampelopsis grossedentata, possesses antioxidative properties that ameliorate skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity and exert …


lncRNA H19/miR-675 axis regulates cardiomyocyte apoptosis by targeting VDAC1 in diabetic cardiomyopathy


Xiangquan Li, Hao Wang, Biao Yao et al.


We previously established a rat model of diabetic cardiomyopathy (DCM) and found that the expression of lncRNA H19 was significantly downregulated. The present study was designed …


Three-dimensional ultrastructural analyses of anterior pituitary gland expose spatial relationships between endocrine cell secretory granule localization and capillary distribution


Munetake Yoshitomi, Keisuke Ohta, Tomonoshin Kanazawa et al.


Endocrine and endothelial cells of the anterior pituitary gland frequently make close appositions or contacts, and the secretory granules of each endocrine cell tend to …


Shedding light on cell compartmentation in the candidate phylum Poribacteria by high resolution visualisation and transcriptional profiling


Martin T. Jahn, Sebastian M. Markert, Taewoo Ryu et al.


Assigning functions to uncultivated environmental microorganisms continues to be a challenging endeavour. Here, we present a new microscopy protocol for fluorescence in situ


Ubc13 haploinsufficiency protects against age-related insulin resistance and high-fat diet-induced obesity


Erina Joo, Toru Fukushima, Norio Harada et al.


Obesity is associated with low-grade inflammation that leads to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes via Toll-like Receptor (TLR) and TNF-family cytokine receptor (TNFR) …


Nanocellulose size regulates microalgal flocculation and lipid metabolism


Sun Il Yu, Seul Ki Min, Hwa Sung Shin


Harvesting of microalgae is a cost-consuming step for biodiesel production. Cellulose has recently been studied as a biocompatible and inexpensive flocculant for harvesting …


Synthesis of Micelles Guided Magnetite (Fe3O4) Hollow Spheres and their application for AC Magnetic Field Responsive Drug Release


Madhuri Mandal Goswami


This paper reports on synthesis of hollow spheres of magnetite, guided by micelles and their application in drug release by the stimulus responsive technique. Here oleyelamine …


Myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2C: a novel target gene of miR-214-3p in suppressing angiotensin II-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy


Chun-Mei Tang, Fang-zhou Liu, Jie-Ning Zhu et al.


The role of microRNA-214-3p (miR-214-3p) in cardiac hypertrophy was not well illustrated. The present study aimed to investigate the expression and potential target of miR-214-3p …


Understanding Longitudinal Wood Fiber Ultra-structure for Producing Cellulose Nanofibrils Using Disk Milling with Diluted Acid Prehydrolysis


Yanlin Qin, Xueqing Qiu, J.Y. Zhu


Here we used dilute oxalic acid to pretreat a kraft bleached Eucalyptus pulp (BEP) fibers to facilitate mechanical fibrillation in producing cellulose nanofibrils using disk …


Air exposure of coral is a significant source of dimethylsulfide (DMS) to the atmosphere


Frances E. Hopkins, Thomas G. Bell, Mingxi Yang et al.


Corals are prolific producers of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP). High atmospheric concentrations of the DMSP breakdown product dimethylsulfide (DMS) have been linked to coral …


Heme-mediated apoptosis and fusion damage in BeWo trophoblast cells


Mingli Liu, Salifu Hassana, Jonathan K. Stiles


Placental malaria (PM) is a complication associated with malaria infection during pregnancy that often leads to abortion, premature delivery, intrauterine growth restriction and …


Molecular evidence of RNA polymerase II gene reveals the origin of worldwide cultivated barley


Yonggang Wang, Xifeng Ren, Dongfa Sun et al.


The origin and domestication of cultivated barley have long been under debate. A population-based resequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the single copy of RPB2 gene was used …


Exploring the intrinsic differences among breast tumor subtypes defined using immunohistochemistry markers based on the decision tree


Yang Li, Xu-Qing Tang, Zhonghu Bai et al.


Exploring the intrinsic differences among breast cancer subtypes is of crucial importance for precise diagnosis and therapeutic decision-making in diseases of high heterogeneity. …


The impact of reward and punishment on skill learning depends on task demands


Adam Steel, Edward H. Silson, Charlotte J. Stagg et al.


Reward and punishment motivate behavior, but it is unclear exactly how they impact skill performance and whether the effect varies across skills. The present study investigated …


Recombinant antibodies for specific detection of clostridial [Fe-Fe] hydrogenases


Rahul Mangayil, Matti Karp, Urpo Lamminmäki et al.


Biological hydrogen production is based on activity of specific enzymes called hydrogenases. Hydrogenases are oxygen sensitive metalloenzymes containing Ni and/or Fe atoms at the …


Plasma Ang2 and ADAM17 levels are elevated during clinical malaria; Ang2 level correlates with severity and expression of EPCR-binding PfEMP1


Jens E. V. Petersen, Sixbert I. Mkumbaye, Anna V. Vaaben et al.


The pathogenesis of Plasmodium falciparum malaria involves a complex interplay between parasite adhesion and inflammatory response that includes release of cytokines and …


Synchronizing stochastic circadian oscillators in single cells of Neurospora crassa


Zhaojie Deng, Sam Arsenault, Cristian Caranica et al.


The synchronization of stochastic coupled oscillators is a central problem in physics and an emerging problem in biology, particularly in the context of circadian rhythms. Most …


Isolated exopolysaccharides from Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG alleviated adipogenesis mediated by TLR2 in mice


Zhen Zhang, Zhigang Zhou, Yu Li et al.


The fibroblast cell line of 3T3-L1 was used as a cell model for screening and evaluating the feasibility of probiotic components in improving animal lipid metabolisms. The …


Cristae remodeling causes acidification detected by integrated graphene sensor during mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization


Ted D. Pham, Phi Q. Pham, Jinfeng Li et al.


The intrinsic apoptotic pathway and the resultant mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP) via BAK and BAX oligomerization, cytochrome c (cytc) release, and caspase …


Galvanic microcells as control agent of indoor microorganisms


Wojciech Spisak, Andrzej Chlebicki, Mariusz Kaszczyszyn


Today, fungicides are part of the basic tool kit for indoor surface maintenance. However, fungi develop resistance to fungicides, which consequently accelerates the evolution of …


A novel screen for genes associated with pheromone-induced sterility


Alison L. Camiletti, Anthony Percival-Smith, Justin R. Croft et al.


For honey bee and other social insect colonies the ‘queen substance’ regulates colony reproduction rendering workers functionally sterile. The evolution of worker reproductive …


Identification of lncRNA functions in lung cancer based on associated protein-protein interaction modules


Chih-Hsun Wu, Chia-Lang Hsu, Pei-Chun Lu et al.


Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have been found to play important roles in various biological processes; however, many of their functions remain unclear. In this study, we present …


Molecular cloning and expression of an encoding galactinol synthase gene (AnGolS1) in seedling of Ammopiptanthus nanus


YuDong Liu, Li Zhang, LiJing Chen et al.


Based on the galactinol synthase (AnGolS1) fragment sequence from a cold-induced Suppression Subtractive Hybridization (SSH) library derived from Ammopiptanthus nanus (A. nanus) …


Neuromodulatory effects of offline low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study


Yu-Sun Min, Jang Woo Park, Seong Uk Jin et al.


Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the primary motor cortex (M1) can modulate cortical excitability and is thought to influence activity in other brain areas. …


Comparative proteomic analysis of extracellular vesicles isolated from porcine adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem/stromal cells


Alfonso Eirin, Xiang-Yang Zhu, Amrutesh S. Puranik et al.


Extracellular vesicles (EVs) isolated from mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) contribute to recovery of damaged tissue. We have previously shown that porcine MSC-derived EVs …


Non-toxigenic environmental Vibrio cholerae O1 strain from Haiti provides evidence of pre-pandemic cholera in Hispaniola


Taj Azarian, Afsar Ali, Judith A. Johnson et al.


Vibrio cholerae is ubiquitous in aquatic environments, with environmental toxigenic V. cholerae O1 strains serving as a source for recurrent cholera epidemics and pandemic …


Determining putative vectors of the Bogia Coconut Syndrome phytoplasma using loop-mediated isothermal amplification of single-insect feeding media


Hengyu Lu, Bree A. L. Wilson, Gavin J. Ash et al.


Phytoplasmas are insect vectored mollicutes responsible for disease in many economically important crops. Determining which insect species are vectors of a given phytoplasma is …


RSK1 protects P-glycoprotein/ABCB1 against ubiquitin–proteasomal degradation by downregulating the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 R1


Kazuhiro Katayama, Chiaki Fujiwara, Kohji Noguchi et al.


P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is a critical determinant of multidrug resistance in cancer. We previously reported that MAPK inhibition downregulates P-gp expression and that P-gp …


Survival of mature T cells depends on signaling through HOIP


Kazumi Okamura, Akiko Kitamura, Yoshiteru Sasaki et al.


T cell development in the thymus is controlled by a multistep process. The NF-κB pathway regulates T cell development as well as T cell activation at multiple differentiation …


Novel Functional Role of NK3R Expression in the Potentiating Effects on Somatolactin α Autoregulation in grass carp pituitary cells


Guangfu Hu, Mulan He, Anderson On Lam Wong


In our previous study, NKB/NK3R system has been shown to act at the pituitary level to up-regulate SLα synthesis and secretion in grass carp. However, whether NK3R expression can …


Available sustainable alternatives replace endangered animal horn based on their proteomic analysis and bio-effect evaluation


Rui Liu, Fei Wang, Qiong Huang et al.


The use of endangered animal products in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and other ethno-medicines is culturally widespread across many regions of Asia. In the present study, …


Synthesis and biological evaluation of matrine derivatives containing benzo-α-pyrone structure as potent anti-lung cancer agents


Lichuan Wu, Guizhen Wang, Shuaibing Liu et al.


Matrine, an active component of root extracts from Sophora flavescens Ait, is the main chemical ingredient of Fufang Kushen injection which was approved by Chinese FDA (CFDA) in …


The conformational dynamics of H2-H3n and S2-H6 in gating ligand entry into the buried binding cavity of vitamin D receptor


Wei-Ven Tee, Adiratna Mat Ripen, Saharuddin Bin Mohamad


Crystal structures of holo vitamin D receptor (VDR) revealed a canonical conformation in which the ligand is entrapped in a hydrophobic cavity buried in the ligand-binding domain …


A model for cyclic mechanical reinforcement


Zhenhai Li, Fang Kong, Cheng Zhu


Mechanical force regulates a broad range of molecular interactions in biology. Three types of counterintuitive mechanical regulation of receptor–ligand dissociation have been …


Targeting inflammasome/IL-1 pathways for cancer immunotherapy


Beichu Guo, Shunjun Fu, Jinyu Zhang et al.


The inflammatory microenvironment has been shown to play important roles in various stages of tumor development including initiation, growth, and metastasis. The inflammasome is …


Chronic multiscale imaging of neuronal activity in the awake common marmoset


Yoshiyuki Yamada, Yoshifumi Matsumoto, Norio Okahara et al.


We report a methodology to chronically record in vivo brain activity in the awake common marmoset. Over a month, stable imaging revealed macroscopic sensory maps in the …


Cortical neurons of bats respond best to echoes from nearest targets when listening to natural biosonar multi-echo streams


M. Jerome Beetz, Julio C. Hechavarría, Manfred Kössl


Bats orientate in darkness by listening to echoes from their biosonar calls, a behaviour known as echolocation. Recent studies showed that cortical neurons respond in a highly …


NOGO-A/RTN4A and NOGO-B/RTN4B are simultaneously expressed in epithelial, fibroblast and neuronal cells and maintain ER morphology


Olli Rämö, Darshan Kumar, Erika Gucciardo et al.


Reticulons (RTNs) are a large family of membrane associated proteins with various functions. NOGO-A/RTN4A has a well-known function in limiting neurite outgrowth and restricting …


Ovariectomy upregulated the expression of Peroxiredoxin 1 & 5 in osteoblasts of mice


Juan Du, Wei Feng, Jing Sun et al.


Peroxiredoxin (PRX), a family of peroxidases, is associated with various biological processes such as the detoxification of oxidants and cell apoptosis. Besides, the …


Simultaneous delivery of Paclitaxel and Bcl-2 siRNA via pH-Sensitive liposomal nanocarrier for the synergistic treatment of melanoma


Teegala Lakshminarayan Reddy, Koteswara Rao Garikapati, S. Gopal Reddy et al.


pH-sensitive drug carriers that are sensitive to the acidic (pH = ~6.5) microenvironments of tumor tissues have been primarily used as effective drug/gene/siRNA/microRNA carriers …


Sebum and Hydration Levels in Specific Regions of Human Face Significantly Predict the Nature and Diversity of Facial Skin Microbiome


Souvik Mukherjee, Rupak Mitra, Arindam Maitra et al.


The skin microbiome varies across individuals. The causes of these variations are inadequately understood. We tested the hypothesis that inter-individual variation in facial skin …


Genome-wide identification of endogenous RNA-directed DNA methylation loci associated with abundant 21-nucleotide siRNAs in Arabidopsis


Jian-Hua Zhao, Yuan-Yuan Fang, Cheng-Guo Duan et al.


In Arabidopsis, the 24-nucleotide (nt) small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) mediates RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM) and transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) of transposable …


Infantile Hemangioma Originates From A Dysregulated But Not Fully Transformed Multipotent Stem Cell


Shaghayegh Harbi, Rong Wang, Michael Gregory et al.


Infantile hemangioma (IH) is the most common tumor of infancy. Its cellular origin and biological signals for uncontrolled growth are poorly understood, and specific …


Crystal structures and inhibition of Trypanosoma brucei hypoxanthine–guanine phosphoribosyltransferase


David Terán, Dana Hocková, Michal Česnek et al.


Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) is a life-threatening infectious disease caused by the protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma brucei (Tbr). Due to the debilitating side effects of …


Differential expression of long non-coding RNAs in three genetic lines of rainbow trout in response to infection with Flavobacterium psychrophilum


Bam Paneru, Rafet Al-Tobasei, Yniv Palti et al.


Bacterial cold-water disease caused by Flavobacterium psychrophilum is one of the major causes of mortality of salmonids. Three genetic lines of rainbow trout designated as …


The robustness of ecosystems to the species loss of community


Qing Cai, Jiming Liu


To study the robustness of ecosystems is crucial to promote the sustainable development of human society. This paper aims to analyze the robustness of ecosystems from an …


S100A8 promotes migration and infiltration of inflammatory cells in acute anterior uveitis


Yuqin Wang, Zuhui Zhang, Laihe Zhang et al.


Uveitis, the pathologic condition of inflammation of the uvea, frequently leads to severe vision loss and blindness. S100A8 is a calcium-binding protein which mainly expresses in …


Homophily in coauthorship networks of East European sociologists


Marian-Gabriel Hâncean, Matjaž Perc


We study to what degree and how homophily and network properties affect individual citation counts of researchers in the sociology departments of three East European countries, …


CRISPR RNA-guided FokI nucleases repair a PAH variant in a phenylketonuria model


Yi Pan, Nan Shen, Sabine Jung-Klawitter et al.


The CRISPR/Cas9 system is a recently developed genome editing technique. In this study, we used a modified CRISPR system, which employs the fusion of inactive Cas9 (dCas9) and …


An inhibitor of fibroblast growth factor receptor-1 (FGFR1) promotes late-stage terminal differentiation from NGN3+ pancreatic endocrine progenitors


Yzumi Yamashita-Sugahara, Masahito Matsumoto, Manami Ohtaka et al.


Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) provide a potential resource for regenerative medicine. To identify the signalling pathway(s) contributing to the development of …


Changes in microbial communities, photosynthesis and calcification of the coral Acropora gemmifera in response to ocean acidification


Guowei Zhou, Tao Yuan, Lin Cai et al.


With the increasing anthropogenic CO2 concentration, ocean acidification (OA) can have dramatic effects on coral reefs. However, the effects of OA on coral physiology and the …


A novel approach using C. elegans DNA damage-induced apoptosis to characterize the dynamics of uptake transporters for therapeutic drug discoveries


Arturo Papaluca, Dindial Ramotar


Organic cation transporter (OCT) function is critical for cellular homeostasis. C. elegans lacking OCT-1 displays a shortened lifespan and increased susceptibility to oxidative …


Prevalence of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Qingdao City, China, 2010–2014


Fachun Jiang, Zhentang Zhang, Liyan Dong et al.


Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) was considered to be transmitted by Apodemus agrarius and Rattus norvegicus, the principal animal hosts of Hantaan virus and Seoul …


HCV core protein inhibits polarization and activity of both M1 and M2 macrophages through the TLR2 signaling pathway


Qianqian Zhang, Yang Wang, Naicui Zhai et al.


Hepatitis C virus (HCV) establishes persistent infection in most infected patients, and eventually causes chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma in some …


Estimating Lion Abundance using N-mixture Models for Social Species


Jerrold L. Belant, Florent Bled, Clay M. Wilton et al.


Declining populations of large carnivores worldwide, and the complexities of managing human-carnivore conflicts, require accurate population estimates of large carnivores to …


Goblet Cell Hyperplasia Requires High Bicarbonate Transport To Support Mucin Release


Giulia Gorrieri, Paolo Scudieri, Emanuela Caci et al.


Goblet cell hyperplasia, a feature of asthma and other respiratory diseases, is driven by the Th-2 cytokines IL-4 and IL-13. In human bronchial epithelial cells, we find that …


Identification of different respiratory viruses, after a cell culture step, by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS)


Adriana Calderaro, Maria Cristina Arcangeletti, Isabella Rodighiero et al.


In this study matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS), a reliable identification method for the diagnosis of bacterial and …


Revealing the diversity of extracellular vesicles using high-dimensional flow cytometry analyses


Geneviève Marcoux, Anne-Claire Duchez, Nathalie Cloutier et al.


Extracellular vesicles (EV) are small membrane vesicles produced by cells upon activation and apoptosis. EVs are heterogeneous according to their origin, mode of release, …


Hi-C-constrained physical models of human chromosomes recover functionally-related properties of genome organization


Marco Di Stefano, Jonas Paulsen, Tonje G. Lien et al.


Combining genome-wide structural models with phenomenological data is at the forefront of efforts to understand the organizational principles regulating the human genome. Here, …


Procedural performance following sleep deprivation remains impaired despite extended practice and an afternoon nap


Irma Triasih Kurniawan, James Nicholas Cousins, Pearlynne L. H. Chong et al.


The negative impact of sleep loss on procedural memory is well established, yet it remains unclear how extended practice opportunities or daytime naps can modulate the effect of …


Global functional profiling of human ubiquitome identifies E3 ubiquitin ligase DCST1 as a novel negative regulator of Type-I interferon signaling


Sajith Nair, Pradeep Bist, Neha Dikshit et al.


Type I interferon (IFN-I) mediated innate immune response controls virus infections by inducing the expression of interferon stimulated genes (ISGs). Although ubiquitination …


Biocatalysis on the surface of Escherichia coli: melanin pigmentation of the cell exterior


Martin Gustavsson, David Hörnström, Susanna Lundh et al.


Today, it is considered state-of-the-art to engineer living organisms for various biotechnology applications. Even though this has led to numerous scientific breakthroughs, the …


Differential expression of lncRNAs during the HIV replication cycle: an underestimated layer in the HIV-host interplay


Wim Trypsteen, Pejman Mohammadi, Clarissa Van Hecke et al.


Studying the effects of HIV infection on the host transcriptome has typically focused on protein-coding genes. However, recent advances in the field of RNA sequencing revealed …


Molecular phylogeny of Polyneoptera (Insecta) inferred from expanded mitogenomic data


Nan Song, Hu Li, Fan Song et al.


The Polyneoptera represents one of the earliest insect radiations, comprising the majority of hemimetabolous orders, in which many species have great economic importance. Here, …


Fine-scale partitioning of genomic variation among recruits in an exploited fishery: causes and consequences


Jonathan B. Puritz, John R. Gold, David S. Portnoy


Conservation and management of exploited species depends on accurate knowledge of how genetic variation is partitioned across a fishery, especially as it relates to recruitment. …


β-Arrestin 1’s Interaction with TC45 Attenuates Stat signaling by dephosphorylating Stat to inhibit antimicrobial peptide expression


Jie-Jie Sun, Hui-Ting Yang, Guo-Juan Niu et al.


Impaired phosphatase activity leads to the persistent activation of signal transducers and activators of transcription (Stat). In mammals, Stat family members are often …


Analyses of RNA-Seq and sRNA-Seq data reveal a complex network of anti-viral defense in TCV-infected Arabidopsis thaliana


Chao Wu, Xinyue Li, Song Guo et al.


In order to identify specific plant anti-viral genes related to the miRNA regulatory pathway, RNA-Seq and sRNA-Seq were performed using Arabidopsis WT and dcl1-9 mutant line. A …


Functional kinomics establishes a critical node of volume-sensitive cation-Cl cotransporter regulation in the mammalian brain


Jinwei Zhang, Geng Gao, Gulnaz Begum et al.


Cell volume homeostasis requires the dynamically regulated transport of ions across the plasmalemma. While the ensemble of ion transport proteins involved in cell volume …


Valproate inhibits MAP kinase signalling and cell cycle progression in S. cerevisiae


Kristelle Desfossés-Baron, Ian Hammond-Martel, Antoine Simoneau et al.


The mechanism of action of valproate (VPA), a widely prescribed short chain fatty acid with anticonvulsant and anticancer properties, remains poorly understood. Here, the yeast


Comprehensive analysis of trihelix genes and their expression under biotic and abiotic stresses in Populus trichocarpa


Zhanchao Wang, Quangang Liu, Hanzeng Wang et al.


Trihelix genes play important roles in plant growth and development and responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. Here, we identified 56 full-length trihelix genes in Populus …


Integrated presentation of ecological risk from multiple stressors


Benoit Goussen, Oliver R. Price, Cecilie Rendal et al.


Current environmental risk assessments (ERA) do not account explicitly for ecological factors (e.g. species composition, temperature or food availability) and multiple stressors. …


Opportunistic fungal pathogen Candida glabrata circulates between humans and yellow-legged gulls


Mohammed Hashim Al-Yasiri, Anne-Cécile Normand, Coralie L’Ollivier et al.


The opportunistic pathogenic yeast Candida glabrata is a component of the mycobiota of both humans and yellow-legged gulls that is prone to develop fluconazole resistance. …


Oocyte aging-induced Neuronatin (NNAT) hypermethylation affects oocyte quality by impairing glucose transport in porcine


Ying-Ying Gao, Li Chen, Tao Wang et al.


DNA methylation plays important roles in regulating many physiological behaviors; however, few studies were focused on the changes of DNA methylation during oocyte aging. Early …


Diverse Colletotrichum species cause anthracnose of tea plants (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) in China


Yu-Chun Wang, Xin-Yuan Hao, Lu Wang et al.


Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum is one of the most severe diseases that can afflict Camellia sinensis. However, research on the diversity and geographical distribution of


Interspecific variation of warning calls in piranhas: a comparative analysis


Geoffrey Mélotte, Régis Vigouroux, Christian Michel et al.


Fish sounds are known to be species-specific, possessing unique temporal and spectral features. We have recorded and compared sounds in eight piranha species to evaluate the …


Transcriptome analyses provide insights into the phylogeny and adaptive evolution of the mangrove fern genus Acrostichum


Zhang Zhang, Ziwen He, Shaohua Xu et al.


The mangrove fern genus Acrostichum grows in the extremely unstable marine intertidal zone under harsh conditions, such as high salt concentrations, tidal rhythms and long-term …


NPNT is Expressed by Osteoblasts and Mediates Angiogenesis via the Activation of Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase


Vincent Kuek, Zhifan Yang, Shek Man Chim et al.


Angiogenesis plays an important role in bone development and remodeling and is mediated by a plethora of potential angiogenic factors. However, data regarding specific angiogenic …


Expression of varied GFPs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: codon optimization yields stronger than expected expression and fluorescence intensity


Misato Kaishima, Jun Ishii, Toshihide Matsuno et al.


Green fluorescent protein (GFP), which was originally isolated from jellyfish, is a widely used tool in biological research, and homologs from other organisms are available. …


Fluorescent protein tagging of endogenous protein in brain neurons using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knock-in and in utero electroporation techniques


Takeshi Uemura, Takuma Mori, Taiga Kurihara et al.


Genome editing is a powerful technique for studying gene functions. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene knock-in has recently been applied to various cells and organisms. Here, we …


HASE: Framework for efficient high-dimensional association analyses


G. V. Roshchupkin, H. H. H. Adams, M. W. Vernooij et al.


High-throughput technology can now provide rich information on a person’s biological makeup and environmental surroundings. Important discoveries have been made by relating these …


Domestication and ontogeny effects on the stress response in young chickens (Gallus gallus)


Maria Ericsson, Per Jensen


Domestication is thought to increase stress tolerance. The connection between stressor exposure, glucocorticoids and behavioural responses has been studied in adults, where …


Angiotensin II type-1 receptor (AT1R) regulates expansion, differentiation, and functional capacity of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells


João Luiz Silva-Filho, Celso Caruso-Neves, Ana Acacia Sá Pinheiro


Angiotensin II (Ang II) and its receptor AT1 (AT1R), an important effector axis of renin-angiotensin system (RAS), have been demonstrated to regulate T-cell responses. However, …


The Southampton-York Natural Scenes (SYNS) dataset: Statistics of surface attitude


Wendy J. Adams, James H. Elder, Erich W. Graf et al.


Recovering 3D scenes from 2D images is an under-constrained task; optimal estimation depends upon knowledge of the underlying scene statistics. Here we introduce the …


Super-resolution imaging of fluorescently labeled, endogenous RNA Polymerase II in living cells with CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing


Won-Ki Cho, Namrata Jayanth, Susan Mullen et al.


Live cell imaging of mammalian RNA polymerase II (Pol II) has previously relied on random insertions of exogenous, mutant Pol II coupled with the degradation of endogenous Pol II …


Lipocalin 2 (LCN2) is a promising target for cholangiocarcinoma treatment and bile LCN2 level is a potential cholangiocarcinoma diagnostic marker


Kun-Chun Chiang, Ta-Sen Yeh, Ren-Chin Wu et al.


Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a devastating disease due to resistance to traditional chemotherapies and radiotherapies. New therapeutic strategies against CCA are urgently needed. …


Genome-wide methylation analysis identified sexually dimorphic methylated regions in hybrid tilapia


Zi Yi Wan, Jun Hong Xia, Grace Lin et al.


Sexual dimorphism is an interesting biological phenomenon. Previous studies showed that DNA methylation might play a role in sexual dimorphism. However, the overall picture of …


Problems and Solutions in Click Chemistry Applied to Drug Probes


Weilong Zhong, Bo Sun, Cheng Lu et al.


Small-molecule fluorescent probes have been widely used in target identification, but this method has many disadvantages. For example, the identified proteins are usually …


Multiple and diverse structural changes affect the breakpoint regions of polymorphic inversions across the Drosophila genus


Eva Puerma, Dorcas J. Orengo, Montserrat Aguadé


Chromosomal polymorphism is widespread in the Drosophila genus, with extensive evidence supporting its adaptive character in diverse species. Moreover, inversions are the major …


Diagnostic Value and Surgical Implications of the 3D DW-SSFP MRI On the Management of Patients with Brachial Plexus Injuries


Ben-Gang Qin, Jian-Tao Yang, Yi Yang et al.


Three-dimensional diffusion-weighted steady-state free precession (3D DW-SSFP) of high-resolution magnetic resonance has emerged as a promising method to visualize the peripheral …


Opposite-sex attraction in male mice requires testosterone-dependent regulation of adult olfactory bulb neurogenesis


Roberta Schellino, Sara Trova, Irene Cimino et al.


Opposite-sex attraction in most mammals depends on the fine-tuned integration of pheromonal stimuli with gonadal hormones in the brain circuits underlying sexual behaviour. …


Structural elucidation of estrus urinary lipocalin protein (EULP) and evaluating binding affinity with pheromones using molecular docking and fluorescence study


Durairaj Rajesh, Subramanian Muthukumar, Ganesan Saibaba et al.


Transportation of pheromones bound with carrier proteins belonging to lipocalin superfamily is known to prolong chemo-signal communication between individuals belonging to the …


Solution conformation and flexibility of capsular polysaccharides from Neisseria meningitidis and glycoconjugates with the tetanus toxoid protein


Ali Saber Abdelhameed, Gordon A. Morris, Fahad Almutairi et al.


The structural integrity of meningococcal native, micro-fluidized and activated capsular polysaccharides and their glycoconjugates – in the form most relevant to their potential …


Albumin Homodimers in Patients with Cirrhosis: Clinical and Prognostic Relevance of a Novel Identified Structural Alteration of the Molecule


Maurizio Baldassarre, Marco Domenicali, Marina Naldi et al.


Decompensated cirrhosis is associated to extensive post-transcriptional changes of human albumin (HA). This study aims to characterize the occurrence of HA homodimerization in a …


Particulate matter emissions from biochar-amended soils as a potential tradeoff to the negative emission potential


Sujith Ravi, Brenton S. Sharratt, Junran Li et al.


Novel carbon sequestration strategies such as large-scale land application of biochar may provide sustainable pathways to increase the terrestrial storage of carbon. Biochar has …


Renoprotective Effects of Metformin are Independent of Organic Cation Transporters 1 & 2 and AMP-activated Protein Kinase in the Kidney


Michael Christensen, Jonas B. Jensen, Steen Jakobsen et al.


The type-2 diabetes drug metformin has proven to have protective effects in several renal disease models. Here, we investigated the protective effects in a 3-day unilateral …


Terahertz reflectometry imaging for low and high grade gliomas


Young Bin Ji, Seung Jae Oh, Seok-Gu Kang et al.


Gross total resection (GTR) of glioma is critical for improving the survival rate of glioma patients. One of the greatest challenges for achieving GTR is the difficulty in …


Discrimination of transgenic soybean seeds by terahertz spectroscopy


Wei Liu, Changhong Liu, Feng Chen et al.


Discrimination of genetically modified organisms is increasingly demanded by legislation and consumers worldwide. The feasibility of a non-destructive discrimination of …


System analysis of gene mutations and clinical phenotype in Chinese patients with autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease


Meiling Jin, Yuansheng Xie, Zhiqiang Chen et al.


Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is the most common inherited kidney disorder mainly caused by mutation in PKD1/PKD2. However, ethnic differences in …


Identification and validation of candidate epigenetic biomarkers in lung adenocarcinoma


Iben Daugaard, Diana Dominguez, Tina E. Kjeldsen et al.


Lung cancer is the number one cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. DNA methylation is an epigenetic mechanism that regulates gene expression, and disease-specific …


A Reduction-Based Sensor for Acrolein Conjugates with the Inexpensive Nitrobenzene as an Alternative to Monoclonal Antibody


Masayuki Takamatsu, Koichi Fukase, Ritsuko Oka et al.


Acrolein, a highly toxic α, β–unsaturated aldehyde, has been a longstanding key biomarker associated with a range of disorders related to oxidative stresses. One of the most …


Mesenchymal stem cells with Sirt1 overexpression suppress breast tumor growth via chemokine-dependent natural killer cells recruitment


Yang Yu, Yan Liu, Chen Zong et al.


Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are generally used in regenerative medicine, tissue engineering and therapy for immune disorder diseases. However, due to the immunosuppressive …


Evaluating the transferability of 15 European-derived fasting plasma glucose SNPs in Mexican children and adolescents


Christine Langlois, Arkan Abadi, Jesus Peralta-Romero et al.


Genome wide association studies (GWAS) have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that are associated with fasting plasma glucose (FPG) in adult European populations. …


Maltodextrin enhances biofilm elimination by electrochemical scaffold


Sujala T. Sultana, Douglas R. Call, Haluk Beyenal


Electrochemical scaffolds (e-scaffolds) continuously generate low concentrations of H2O2 suitable for damaging wound biofilms without damaging host tissue. Nevertheless, retarded …


HULC cooperates with MALAT1 to aggravate liver cancer stem cells growth through telomere repeat-binding factor 2


Mengying Wu, Zhuojia Lin, Xiaonan Li et al.


The dysregulation of lncRNAs has increasingly been linked to many human diseases, especially in cancers. Our results demonstrate HULC, MALAT1 and TRF2 are highly expressed in …


Brain white matter plasticity and functional reorganization underlying the central pathogenesis of trigeminal neuralgia


Tian Tian, Linying Guo, Jing Xu et al.


Peripheral nerve damage does not fully explain the pathogenesis of trigeminal neuralgia (TN). Central nervous system changes can follow trigeminal nerve dysfunction. We …


ADAMTS-10 and -6 differentially regulate cell-cell junctions and focal adhesions


Stuart A. Cain, Ewa J. Mularczyk, Mukti Singh et al.


ADAMTS10 and ADAMTS6 are homologous metalloproteinases with ill-defined roles. ADAMTS10 mutations cause Weill-Marchesani syndrome (WMS), implicating it in fibrillin microfibril …


Non-targeted transcriptomic effects upon thyroid irradiation: similarity between in-field and out-of-field responses varies with tissue type


Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz et al.


Non-targeted effects can induce responses in tissues that have not been exposed to ionizing radiation. Despite their relevance for risk assessment, few studies have investigated …


MiR1918 enhances tomato sensitivity to Phytophthora infestans infection


Yushi Luan, Jun Cui, Weichen Wang et al.


Late blight of tomato is caused by the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora infestans. In our previous work, we identified and characterized a miR1918 in P. infestans (pi-miR1918), and …


Form, shape and function: segmented blood flow in the choriocapillaris


M. A. Zouache, I. Eames, C. A. Klettner et al.


The development of fluid transport systems was a key event in the evolution of animals and plants. While within vertebrates branched geometries predominate, the choriocapillaris, …


LMO2 attenuates tumor growth by targeting the Wnt signaling pathway in breast and colorectal cancer


Ye Liu, Di Huang, Zhaoyang Wang et al.


The proto-oncogene LIM-domain only 2 (lmo2) was traditionally considered to be a pivotal transcriptional regulator in hematopoiesis and leukemia. Recently, the cytosolic …


Establishment of a translational endothelial cell model using directed differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells from Cynomolgus monkey


Eva C. Thoma, Tobias Heckel, David Keller et al.


Due to their broad differentiation potential, pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) offer a promising approach for generating relevant cellular models for various applications. While …


Network Consistency Projection for Human miRNA-Disease Associations Inference


Changlong Gu, Bo Liao, Xiaoying Li et al.


Prediction and confirmation of the presence of disease-related miRNAs is beneficial to understand disease mechanisms at the miRNA level. However, the use of experimental …


Soluble P-selectin rescues viper venom–induced mortality through anti-inflammatory properties and PSGL-1 pathway-mediated correction of hemostasis


Der-Shan Sun, Pei-Hsun Ho, Hsin-Hou Chang


Venomous snakebites are lethal and occur frequently worldwide each year, and receiving the antivenom antibody is currently the most effective treatment. However, the specific …


Involvement of voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) in dengue infection


Kunlakanya Jitobaom, Natthida Tongluan, Duncan R. Smith


During infection, dengue virus (DENV) proteins interact with host cellular constituents promoting the remodeling of the cell to facilitate virus production. While a number of …


Zebrafish as a new model to study effects of periodontal pathogens on cardiovascular diseases


Magdalena Widziolek, Tomasz K. Prajsnar, Simon Tazzyman et al.


Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg) is a keystone pathogen in the aetiology of chronic periodontitis. However, recent evidence suggests that the bacterium is also able to enter the …


Red blood cell thickness is evolutionarily constrained by slow, hemoglobin-restricted diffusion in cytoplasm


Sarah L. Richardson, Pawel Swietach


During capillary transit, red blood cells (RBCs) must exchange large quantities of CO2 and O2 in typically less than one second, but the degree to which this is rate-limited by …


NtKRP, a kinesin-12 protein, regulates embryo/seed size and seed germination via involving in cell cycle progression at the G2/M transition


Shujuan Tian, Jingjing Wu, Fen Li et al.


Kinesins comprise a superfamily of microtubule-based motor proteins involved in essential processes in plant development, but few kinesins have been functionally identified …


Two flagellar BAR domain proteins in Trypanosoma brucei with stage-specific regulation


Zdenka Cicova, Mario Dejung, Tomas Skalicky et al.


Trypanosomes are masters of adaptation to different host environments during their complex life cycle. Large-scale proteomic approaches provide information on changes at the …


tDCS over left M1 or DLPFC does not improve learning of a bimanual coordination task


Kathleen Vancleef, Raf Meesen, Stephan P. Swinnen et al.


Previously, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the primary motor cortex (M1) has resulted in improved performance in simple motor tasks. For a complex bimanual …


A role for intestinal TLR4-driven inflammatory response during activity-based anorexia


Liliana Belmonte, Najate Achamrah, Séverine Nobis et al.


Anorexia nervosa (AN) is associated with low-grade systemic inflammation and altered gut microbiota. However, the molecular origin of the inflammation remains unknown. Toll-like …


Brain responses to facial attractiveness induced by facial proportions: evidence from an fMRI study


Hui Shen, Desmond K. P. Chau, Jianpo Su et al.


Brain responses to facial attractiveness induced by facial proportions are investigated by using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), in 41 young adults (22 males and 19 …


One compound of saponins from Disocorea zingiberensis protected against experimental acute pancreatitis by preventing mitochondria-mediated necrosis


Rui Zhang, Li Wen, Yan Shen et al.


Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a painful inflammatory disorder of the exocrine pancreas, ranking as the most common gastrointestinal reasons for hospitalization with no specific …


Simvastatin induces cell cycle arrest and inhibits proliferation of bladder cancer cells via PPARγ signalling pathway


Gang Wang, Rui Cao, Yongzhi Wang et al.


Simvastatin is currently one of the most common drugs for old patients with hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerotic diseases by reducing cholesterol level and …


Specificity Evaluation and Disease Monitoring in Arthritis Imaging with Complement Receptor of the Ig superfamily targeting Nanobodies


Fang Zheng, Harris Perlman, Patrick Matthys et al.


Single-photon emission computed tomography combined with micro-CT (SPECT/μCT) imaging using Nanobodies against complement receptor of the Ig superfamily (CRIg), found on tissue …


Racial differences in microRNA and gene expression in hypertensive women


Douglas F. Dluzen, Nicole Noren Hooten, Yongqing Zhang et al.


Systemic arterial hypertension is an important cause of cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality. African Americans are disproportionately affected by hypertension, in fact …


The use of targeted genomic capture and massively parallel sequencing in diagnosis of Chinese Leukoencephalopathies


Xiaole Wang, Fang He, Fei Yin et al.


Leukoencephalopathies are diseases with high clinical heterogeneity. In clinical work, it’s difficult for doctors to make a definite etiological diagnosis. Here, we designed a …


Linearized texture of three-dimensional extracellular matrix is mandatory for bladder cancer cell invasion


Massimo Alfano, Manuela Nebuloni, Raffaele Allevi et al.


In the fields of biomaterials and tissue engineering simulating the native microenvironment is of utmost importance. As a major component of the microenvironment, the …


Label-free detection of microRNA based on coupling multiple isothermal amplification techniques


Xiangjiang Zheng, Li Niu, Di Wei et al.


MicroRNA (miRNA) was a promising class of cancer biomarkers. Here we developed a label-free method for sensitive measurement of let-7d miRNA based on multiple amplification …


Comparative venomics of Psyttalia lounsburyi and P. concolor, two olive fruit fly parasitoids: a hypothetical role for a GH1 β-glucosidase


Hugo Mathé-Hubert, Dominique Colinet, Emeline Deleury et al.


Venom composition of parasitoid wasps attracts increasing interest – notably molecules ensuring parasitism success on arthropod pests – but its variation within and among taxa is …


Single 5 μm diameter needle electrode block modules for unit recordings in vivo


H. Sawahata, S. Yamagiwa, A. Moriya et al.


Investigations into mechanisms in various cortical areas can be greatly improved and supported by stable recording of single neuronal activity. In this study, fine silicon wire …


MicroRNA-939 restricts Hepatitis B virus by targeting Jmjd3-mediated and C/EBPα-coordinated chromatin remodeling


Cuncun Chen, Min Wu, Wen Zhang et al.


Multi-layered mechanisms of virus host interaction exist for chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, which have been typically manifested at the microRNA level. Our previous …


Variation in structure of proteins by adjusting reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generated from dielectric barrier discharge jet


Ji Hoon Park, Minsup Kim, Masaharu Shiratani et al.


Over the last few years, the variation in liquid chemistry due to the development of radicals generated by cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) has played an important role in plasma …


Mesenchymal state of intimal cells may explain higher propensity to ascending aortic aneurysm in bicuspid aortic valves


Shohreh Maleki, Sanela Kjellqvist, Valentina Paloschi et al.


Individuals with a bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) are at significantly higher risk of developing aortic complications than individuals with tricuspid aortic valves (TAV) and …


Disabled-2 Determines Commitment of a Pre-adipocyte Population in Juvenile Mice


Wensi Tao, Robert Moore, Yue Meng et al.


Disabled-2 (Dab2) is a widely expressed clathrin binding endocytic adaptor protein and known for the endocytosis of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) family receptors. Dab2 also …


Spatial and temporal movements in Pyrenean bearded vultures (Gypaetus barbatus): Integrating movement ecology into conservation practice


Antoni Margalida, Juan Manuel Pérez-García, Ivan Afonso et al.


Understanding the movement of threatened species is important if we are to optimize management and conservation actions. Here, we describe the age and sex specific spatial and …

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