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Earth & Environmental Sciences

Retention Mechanisms of Citric Acid in Ternary Kaolinite-Fe(III)-Citrate Acid Systems Using Fe K-edge EXAFS and L3,2-edge XANES Spectroscopy


Jianjun Yang, Jian Wang, Weinan Pan et al.


Organic carbon (OC) stability in tropical soils is strongly interlinked with multivalent cation interaction and mineral association. Low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs) …


Seafloor heterogeneity influences the biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships in the deep sea


Daniela Zeppilli, Antonio Pusceddu, Fabio Trincardi et al.


Theoretical ecology predicts that heterogeneous habitats allow more species to co-exist in a given area. In the deep sea, biodiversity is positively linked with ecosystem …


Embryo Microinjection of Selenomethionine Reduces Hatchability and Modifies Oxidant Responsive Gene Expression in Zebrafish


J. K. Thomas, D. M. Janz


In previous studies we demonstrated that exposure to selenomethionine (SeMet) causes developmental toxicities in zebrafish (Danio rerio). The objectives of this study were to …


Elevational sensitivity in an Asian ‘hotspot’: moth diversity across elevational gradients in tropical, sub-tropical and sub-alpine China


L. A. Ashton, A. Nakamura, C. J. Burwell et al.


South-western China is widely acknowledged as a biodiversity ‘hotspot’: there are high levels of diversity and endemism, and many environments are under significant anthropogenic …


Indoor radiocaesium contamination in residential houses within evacuation areas after the Fukushima nuclear accident


Hiroko Yoshida-Ohuchi, Takashi Kanagami, Yasushi Satoh et al.


Indoor contaminants were investigated from July 2013 to January 2015 within ninety-five residential houses in five evacuation zones, Iitate village, Odaka district, and the towns …


Soil Fertility Map for Food Legumes Production Areas in China


Ling Li, Tao Yang, Robert Redden et al.


Given the limited resources of fossil energy, and the environmental risks of excess fertilizer on crops, it is time to reappraise the potential role of food legume biological …


Evolutionary potential and adaptation of Banksia attenuata (Proteaceae) to climate and fire regime in southwestern Australia, a global biodiversity hotspot


Tianhua He, Haylee D’Agui, Sim Lin Lim et al.


Substantial climate changes are evident across Australia, with declining rainfall and rising temperature in conjunction with frequent fires. Considerable species loss and range …


Marked long-term decline in ambient CO mixing ratio in SE England, 1997–2014: evidence of policy success in improving air quality


D. Lowry, M. E. Lanoisellé, R. E. Fisher et al.


Atmospheric CO at Egham in SE England has shown a marked and progressive decline since 1997, following adoption of strict controls on emissions. The Egham site is uniquely …


The microbiomes and metagenomes of forest biochars


Genevieve L. Noyce, Carolyn Winsborough, Roberta Fulthorpe et al.


Biochar particles have been hypothesized to provide unique microhabitats for a portion of the soil microbial community, but few studies have systematically compared biochar …


Growth responses of Ulva prolifera to inorganic and organic nutrients: Implications for macroalgal blooms in the southern Yellow Sea, China


Hongmei Li, Yongyu Zhang, Xiurong Han et al.


The marine macrophyte Ulva prolifera is the dominant green-tide-forming seaweed in the southern Yellow Sea, China. Here we assessed, in the laboratory, the growth rate and …


Removal of polychlorinated naphthalenes by desulfurization and emissions of polychlorinated naphthalenes from sintering plant


Mengjing Wang, Wenbin Liu, Meifang Hou et al.


The sintering flue gas samples were collected at the inlets and outlets of the desulfurization systems to evaluate the influence of the systems on PCNs emission concentrations, …


High-resolution Imaging of pH in Alkaline Sediments and Water Based on a New Rapid Response Fluorescent Planar Optode


Chao Han, Lei Yao, Di Xu et al.


A new dual-lumophore optical sensor combined with a robust RGB referencing method was developed for two-dimensional (2D) pH imaging in alkaline sediments and water. The pH sensor …


Limits of agricultural greenhouse gas calculators to predict soil N2O and CH4 fluxes in tropical agriculture


Meryl Richards, Ruth Metzel, Ngonidzashe Chirinda et al.


Demand for tools to rapidly assess greenhouse gas impacts from policy and technological change in the agricultural sector has catalyzed the development of ‘GHG calculators’— …


Promoting the bio-cathode formation of a constructed wetland-microbial fuel cell by using powder activated carbon modified alum sludge in anode chamber


Lei Xu, Yaqian Zhao, Liam Doherty et al.


MFC centered hybrid technologies have attracted attention during the last few years due to their compatibility and dual advantages of energy recovery and wastewater treatment. In …


Interactions of Multiple Atmospheric Circulation Drive the Drought in Tarim River Basin


Yong-Ping Wu, Guo-Lin Feng, Bai-Lian Li


Global warming is likely to cause overall drying of land surfaces and aridity increasing leading to expansion of dry climate zones. There is an increased risk of extremely arid …


Decoupled form and function in disparate herbivorous dinosaur clades


Stephan Lautenschlager, Charlotte A. Brassey, David J. Button et al.


Convergent evolution, the acquisition of morphologically similar traits in unrelated taxa due to similar functional demands or environmental factors, is a common phenomenon in …


Tsunami waves extensively resurfaced the shorelines of an early Martian ocean


J. Alexis P. Rodriguez, Alberto G. Fairén, Kenneth L. Tanaka et al.


It has been proposed that ~3.4 billion years ago an ocean fed by enormous catastrophic floods covered most of the Martian northern lowlands. However, a persistent problem with …


Punctuated Shutdown of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during Greenland Stadial 1


Alan Hogg, John Southon, Chris Turney et al.


The Greenland Stadial 1 (GS-1; ~12.9 to 11.65 kyr cal BP) was a period of North Atlantic cooling, thought to have been initiated by North America fresh water runoff that caused a …


On the Variability and Increasing Trends of Heat Waves over India


P. Rohini, M. Rajeevan, A. K. Srivastava


Over India, heat waves occur during the summer months of April to June. A gridded daily temperature data set for the period, 1961–2013 has been analyzed to examine the …


Dynamic compression of dense oxide (Gd3Ga5O12) from 0.4 to 2.6 TPa: Universal Hugoniot of fluid metals


N. Ozaki, W. J. Nellis, T. Mashimo et al.


Materials at high pressures and temperatures are of great current interest for warm dense matter physics, planetary sciences, and inertial fusion energy research. …


What drivers phenotypic divergence in Leymus chinensis (Poaceae) on large-scale gradient, climate or genetic differentiation?


Shan Yuan, Linna Ma, Chengyuan Guo et al.


Elucidating the driving factors among-population divergence is an important task in evolutionary biology, however the relative contribution from natural selection and neutral …


Densely charged polyelectrolyte-stuffed nanochannel arrays for power generation from salinity gradient


Su Hong Kwak, Seung-Ryong Kwon, Seol Baek et al.


We devised anodized aluminium oxide (AAO) frame-supported polyelectrolytic ion-exchange membranes for the application of electrical power generation systems where salinity …


Diverse Chemistry of Stable Hydronitrogens, and Implications for Planetary and Materials Sciences


Guang-Rui Qian, Haiyang Niu, Chao-Hao Hu et al.


Nitrogen hydrides, e.g., ammonia (NH3), hydrazine (N2H4) and hydrazoic acid (HN3), are compounds of great fundamental and applied importance. Their high-pressure behavior is …


The burden of COPD mortality due to ambient air pollution in Guangzhou, China


Li Li, Jun Yang, Yun-Feng Song et al.


Few studies have investigated the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) mortality fraction attributable to air pollution and modification by individual characteristics of …


Nutritional properties of the largest bamboo fruit Melocanna baccifera and its ecological significance


Balaji Govindan, Anil John Johnson, Sadasivan Nair Ajikumaran Nair et al.


Melocanna baccifera is a unique bamboo which produces the largest fruits in the grass family. Its gregarious flowering once in 45–50 years in north east India and adjacent …


The simple neuroendocrine-immune regulatory network in oyster Crassostrea gigas mediates complex functions


Zhaoqun Liu, Lingling Wang, Zhi Zhou et al.


The neuroendocrine-immune (NEI) regulatory network is a complex system, which plays an indispensable role in the immunity of the host. In the present study, the bioinformatical …


Subtle reproductive impairment through nitric oxide-mediated mechanisms in sea urchins from an area affected by harmful algal blooms


Oriana Migliaccio, Immacolata Castellano, Davide Di Cioccio et al.


The health of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, a key species in the Mediterranean Sea, is menaced by several pressures in coastal environments. Here, we aimed at assessing …


Integrative microbial community analysis reveals full-scale enhanced biological phosphorus removal under tropical conditions


Yingyu Law, Rasmus Hansen Kirkegaard, Angel Anisa Cokro et al.


Management of phosphorus discharge from human waste is essential for the control of eutrophication in surface waters. Enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) is a …


Lingunite-a high-pressure plagioclase polymorph at mineral interfaces in doleritic rock of the Lockne impact structure (Sweden)


Amar Agarwal, Boris Reznik, Agnes Kontny et al.


Lingunite nanocrystals and amorphous plagioclase (maskelynite) are identified at the contacts between augite and labradorite wedge-shaped interfaces in the doleritic rocks of the …


Zinc isotope ratios of bones and teeth as new dietary indicators: results from a modern food web (Koobi Fora, Kenya)


Klervia Jaouen, Melanie Beasley, Margaret Schoeninger et al.


In order to explore the possibilities of using zinc (Zn) stable isotope ratios as dietary indicators, we report here on the measurements of the ratio of stable isotopes of zinc (


Multiple response optimization of the coagulation process for upgrading the quality of effluent from municipal wastewater treatment plant


Na Li, Yi Hu, Yong-Ze Lu et al.


To meet the high quality standard of receiving water, the coagulation process using polyferric chloride (PFC) was used to further improve the water quality of effluent from …


The Soil Geochemistry in the Beardmore Glacier Region, Antarctica: Implications for Terrestrial Ecosystem History


W. B. Lyons, K. Deuerling, K. A. Welch et al.


Although most models suggest continental Antarctica was covered by ice during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) it has been speculated that endemic species of soil invertebrates …


Rotating carbon nanotube membrane filter for water desalination


Qingsong Tu, Qiang Yang, Hualin Wang et al.


We have designed a porous nanofluidic desalination device, a rotating carbon nanotube membrane filter (RCNT-MF), for the reverse osmosis desalination that can turn salt water …


Efficient artificial mineralization route to decontaminate Arsenic(III) polluted water - the Tooeleite Way


Arindam Malakar, Bidisa Das, Samirul Islam et al.


Increasing exposure to arsenic (As) contaminated ground water is a great threat to humanity. Suitable technology for As immobilization and removal from water, especially for …


Self-assembly modified-mushroom nanocomposite for rapid removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution with bubbling fluidized bed


Fei Xu, Xu Liu, Yijiao Chen et al.


A self-assembled modified Pleurotus Cornucopiae material (SMPM) combined with improved Intermittent Bubbling Fluidized Bed (IBFB) was investigated to remove the hexavalent …


Contrasting movement strategies among juvenile albatrosses and petrels


Sophie de Grissac, Luca Börger, Audrey Guitteaud et al.


Animal movement is a fundamental eco-evolutionary process yet the behaviour of juvenile animals is largely unknown for many species, especially for soaring seabirds which can …


Methyl iodine over oceans from the Arctic Ocean to the maritime Antarctic


Qihou Hu, Zhouqing Xie, Xinming Wang et al.


Studies about methyl iodide (CH3I), an important atmospheric iodine species over oceans, had been conducted in some maritime regions, but the understanding of the spatial …


Automated microseismic event location using Master-Event Waveform Stacking


Francesco Grigoli, Simone Cesca, Lars Krieger et al.


Accurate and automated locations of microseismic events are desirable for many seismological and industrial applications. The analysis of microseismicity is particularly …


Jurassic zircons from the Southwest Indian Ridge


Hao Cheng, Huaiyang Zhou, Qunhui Yang et al.


The existence of ancient rocks in present mid-ocean ridges have long been observed but received less attention. Here we report the discovery of zircons with both reasonably young …


Gross rainfall amount and maximum rainfall intensity in 60-minute influence on interception loss of shrubs: a 10-year observation in the Tengger Desert


Zhi-Shan Zhang, Yang Zhao, Xin-Rong Li et al.


In water-limited regions, rainfall interception is influenced by rainfall properties and crown characteristics. Rainfall properties, aside from gross rainfall amount and duration …


Resuspension and atmospheric transport of radionuclides due to wildfires near the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 2015: An impact assessment


N. Evangeliou, S. Zibtsev, V. Myroniuk et al.


In April and August 2015, two major fires in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (CEZ) caused concerns about the secondary radioactive contamination that might have spread over Europe. …


A systems biology pipeline identifies new immune and disease related molecular signatures and networks in human cells during microgravity exposure


Sayak Mukhopadhyay, Rohini Saha, Anbarasi Palanisamy et al.


Microgravity is a prominent health hazard for astronauts, yet we understand little about its effect at the molecular systems level. In this study, we have integrated a set of …


Synergetic enhancement of gold nanoparticles and 2-mercaptobenzothiazole as highly-sensitive sensing strategy for tetrabromobisphenol A


Xuerong Chen, Liudi Ji, Yikai Zhou et al.


Various gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were in-situ prepared on the electrode surface through electrochemical reduction under different potentials such as −0.60, −0.50, −0.40, −0.30 …


A robust operational model for predicting where tropical cyclone waves damage coral reefs


Marji Puotinen, Jeffrey A. Maynard, Roger Beeden et al.


Tropical cyclone (TC) waves can severely damage coral reefs. Models that predict where to find such damage (the ‘damage zone’) enable reef managers to: 1) target management …

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