Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Scientific Reports Biology Table of Contents e-alert: 24 May 2016

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  24 May 2016   
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Biological Sciences

An essential role for the baseplate protein Gp45 in phage adsorption to Staphylococcus aureus


Xuehua Li, Cengiz Koç, Petra Kühner et al.


Despite the importance of phages in driving horizontal gene transfer (HGT) among pathogenic bacteria, the underlying molecular mechanisms mediating phage adsorption to S. aureus


Hepatitis B virus inhibits intrinsic RIG-I and RIG-G immune signaling via inducing miR146a


Zhaohua Hou, Jian Zhang, Qiuju Han et al.


Previous studies showed that hepatitis B virus (HBV), as a latency invader, attenuated host anti-viral immune responses. miRNAs were shown to be involved in HBV infection and …


Horizontal Gene Transfer of Pectinases from Bacteria Preceded the Diversification of Stick and Leaf Insects


Matan Shelomi, Etienne G. J. Danchin, David Heckel et al.


Genes acquired by horizontal transfer are increasingly being found in animal genomes. Understanding their origin and evolution requires knowledge about the phylogenetic …


Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide modulates trophoblast-derived cell line function and interaction with phagocytic cells through autocrine pathways


Daiana Vota, Daniel Paparini, Vanesa Hauk et al.


Trophoblast cells migrate and invade the decidual stroma in a tightly regulated process to maintain immune homeostasis at the maternal-placental interface during the first weeks …


Genetic manipulation of iron biomineralization enhances MR relaxivity in a ferritin-M6A chimeric complex


Marina Radoul, Limor Lewin, Batya Cohen et al.


Ferritin has gained significant attention as a potential reporter gene for in vivo imaging by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, due to the ferritin ferrihydrite core, …


CT-Finder: A Web Service for CRISPR Optimal Target Prediction and Visualization


Houxiang Zhu, Lauren Misel, Mitchell Graham et al.


The CRISPR system holds much promise for successful genome engineering, but therapeutic, industrial, and research applications will place high demand on improving the specificity …


Corrigendum: CpG island erosion, polycomb occupancy and sequence motif enrichment at bivalent promoters in mammalian embryonic stem cells


Anna Mantsoki, Guillaume Devailly, Anagha Joshi



Abrogation of collagen-induced arthritis by a peptidyl arginine deiminase inhibitor is associated with modulation of T cell-mediated immune responses


Joanna Kawalkowska, Anne-Marie Quirke, Fatemeh Ghari et al.


Proteins containing citrulline, a post-translational modification of arginine, are generated by peptidyl arginine deiminases (PAD). Citrullinated proteins have pro-inflammatory …


Predominance of sperm motion in corners


Reza Nosrati, Percival J. Graham, Qiaozhi Liu et al.


Sperm migration through the female tract is crucial to fertilization, but the role of the complex and confined structure of the fallopian tube in sperm guidance remains unknown. …


Corrigendum: Genetic affinities of the Jewish populations of India


Gyaneshwer Chaubey, Manvendra Singh, Niraj Rai et al.



Corrigendum: The genome sequence of the outbreeding globe artichoke constructed de novo incorporating a phase-aware low-pass sequencing strategy of F1 progeny


Davide Scaglione, Sebastian Reyes-Chin-Wo, Alberto Acquadro et al.



Exome Sequencing and Gene Prioritization Correct Misdiagnosis in a Chinese Kindred with Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy


Hui Chen, Xueya Zhou, Jing Wang et al.


Inherited neuropathies show considerable heterogeneity in clinical manifestations and genetic etiologies, and are therefore often difficult to diagnose. Whole-exome sequencing …


Abnormal topological organization of the white matter network in Mandarin speakers with congenital amusia


Yanxin Zhao, Xizhuo Chen, Suyu Zhong et al.


Congenital amusia is a neurogenetic disorder that mainly affects the processing of musical pitch. Brain imaging evidence indicates that it is associated with abnormal structural …


Interrupting peptidoglycan deacetylation during Bdellovibrio predator-prey interaction prevents ultimate destruction of prey wall, liberating bacterial-ghosts


Carey Lambert, Thomas R. Lerner, Nhat Khai Bui et al.


The peptidoglycan wall, located in the periplasm between the inner and outer membranes of the cell envelope in Gram-negative bacteria, maintains cell shape and endows osmotic …


Causes and consequences of intra-specific variation in vertebral number


Petter Tibblin, Hanna Berggren, Oscar Nordahl et al.


Intraspecific variation in vertebral number is taxonomically widespread. Much scientific attention has been directed towards understanding patterns of variation in vertebral …


High light intensity plays a major role in emergence of population level variation in Arabidopsis thaliana along an altitudinal gradient


Antariksh Tyagi, Amrita Yadav, Abhinandan Mani Tripathi et al.


Environmental conditions play an important role in the emergence of genetic variations in natural populations. We identified genome-wide patterns of nucleotide variations in the …


Unpeeling the layers of language: Bonobos and chimpanzees engage in cooperative turn-taking sequences


Marlen Fröhlich, Paul Kuchenbuch, Gudrun Müller et al.


Human language is a fundamentally cooperative enterprise, embodying fast-paced and extended social interactions. It has been suggested that it evolved as part of a larger …


Contribution of the pod wall to seed grain filling in alfalfa


Hui Wang, Longyu Hou, Mingya Wang et al.


Three genotypes of alfalfa viz. Medicago sativa (Zhongmu No. 1, Zhongmu No. 2) and M. varia (Caoyuan No. 3) grown in the filed were investigated for the contribution of pod wall …


Comparative Analysis of VOCs in Exhaled Breath of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Patients


Changsong Wang, Mingjuan Li, Hongquan Jiang et al.


Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is an incurable neurological degenerative disease. It can cause irreversible neurological damage to motor neurons; typical symptoms include …


Proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 via enhancing signal transducer and activator of transcription 3-dependent cJun expression mediates retinal neovascularization


Raj Kumar, Nikhlesh K. Singh, Gadiparthi N. Rao


Despite the involvement of proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (Pyk2) in endothelial cell angiogenic responses, its role in pathological retinal angiogenesis is not known. In the …


Genetic variant in CXCL13 gene is associated with susceptibility to intrauterine infection of hepatitis B virus


Zhihua Wan, Xiaofang Lin, Tongyang Li et al.


Intrauterine infection of hepatitis B virus (HBV), which accounts for the majority of mother-to-child transmission, is one of the main reasons for the failure of combined …


Increased arachidonic acid-containing phosphatidylcholine is associated with reactive microglia and astrocytes in the spinal cord after peripheral nerve injury


Dongmin Xu, Takao Omura, Noritaka Masaki et al.


Peripheral nerve injury (PNI) triggers cellular and molecular changes in the spinal cord. However, little is known about how the polyunsaturated fatty acid-containing …


Participants’ above-chance recognition of own-heart sound combined with poor metacognitive awareness suggests implicit knowledge of own heart cardiodynamics


Ruben T. Azevedo, Salvatore Maria Aglioti, Bigna Lenggenhager


Mounting evidence suggests that interoceptive signals are fundamentally important for the experience of the self. Thus far, studies on interoception have mainly focused on the …


Ancient Human Migration after Out-of-Africa


Daniel Shriner, Fasil Tekola-Ayele, Adebowale Adeyemo et al.


The serial founder model of modern human origins predicts that the phylogeny of ancestries exhibits bifurcating, tree-like behavior. Here, we tested this prediction using three …


Novel application of hydrophobin in medical science: a drug carrier for improving serum stability


Liqiang Zhao, Haijin Xu, Ying Li et al.


Multiple physiological properties of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) ensure that it is a promising drug candidate for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. However, the in vivo


CXCR6 marks a novel subset of T-betloEomeshi natural killer cells residing in human liver


Kerstin A. Stegmann, Francis Robertson, Navjyot Hansi et al.


Natural killer cells (NK) are highly enriched in the human liver, where they can regulate immunity and immunopathology. We probed them for a liver-resident subset, distinct from …


Embryo Microinjection of Selenomethionine Reduces Hatchability and Modifies Oxidant Responsive Gene Expression in Zebrafish


J. K. Thomas, D. M. Janz


In previous studies we demonstrated that exposure to selenomethionine (SeMet) causes developmental toxicities in zebrafish (Danio rerio). The objectives of this study were to …


Selection of Reference Genes for Gene Expression Studies related to lung injury in a preterm lamb model


Prue M. Pereira-Fantini, Anushi E. Rajapaksa, Regina Oakley et al.


Preterm newborns often require invasive support, however even brief periods of supported ventilation applied inappropriately to the lung can cause injury. Real-time quantitative …


GBIQ: a non-arbitrary, non-biased method for quantification of fluorescent images


Youichirou Ninomiya, Wei Zhao, Yumiko Saga


Non-arbitrary and non-biased quantification of fluorescent images is an essential tool for the data-centric approach to biological systems. Typical application is high-content …


Proteomic profiling of small-molecule inhibitors reveals dispensability of MTH1 for cancer cell survival


Tatsuro Kawamura, Makoto Kawatani, Makoto Muroi et al.


Since recent publications suggested that the survival of cancer cells depends on MTH1 to avoid incorporation of oxidized nucleotides into the cellular DNA, MTH1 has attracted …


Honokiol suppresses TNF-α-induced neutrophil adhesion on cerebral endothelial cells by disrupting polyubiquitination and degradation of IκBα


Po-Jen Chen, Yu-Ling Wang, Liang-Mou Kuo et al.


Adhesion molecules expressed on cerebral endothelial cells (ECs) mediate leukocyte recruitment and play a significant role in cerebral inflammation. Increased levels of adhesion …


Mechanism of p27 Unfolding for CDK2 Reactivation


Soumya Lipsa Rath, Sanjib Senapati


Cell-cycle regulatory protein, CDK2 is active when bound to its complementary partner protein, CyclinA or E. Recent discovery of the Kip/Cip family of proteins has indicated that …


A large aberrant stem ichthyosauriform indicating early rise and demise of ichthyosauromorphs in the wake of the end-Permian extinction


Da-Yong Jiang, Ryosuke Motani, Jian-Dong Huang et al.


Contrary to the fast radiation of most metazoans after the end-Permian mass extinction, it is believed that early marine reptiles evolved slowly during the same time interval. …


Quantitative evidence for the effects of multiple drivers on continental-scale amphibian declines


Evan H. Campbell Grant, David A. W. Miller, Benedikt R. Schmidt et al.


Since amphibian declines were first proposed as a global phenomenon over a quarter century ago, the conservation community has made little progress in halting or reversing these …


The independent contribution of miRNAs to the missing heritability in CYP3A4/5 functionality and the metabolism of atorvastatin


Ju-E Liu, Bin Ren, Lan Tang et al.


To evaluate the independent contribution of miRNAs to the missing heritability in CYP3A4/5 functionality and atorvastatin metabolism, the relationships among three levels of …


Interferon-γ and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Polarize Bone Marrow Stromal Cells Uniformly to a Th1 Phenotype


Ping Jin, Yuanlong Zhao, Hui Liu et al.


Activated T cells polarize mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) to a proinflammatory Th1 phenotype which likely has an important role in amplifying the immune response in the tumor …


Small molecule activation of NOTCH signaling inhibits acute myeloid leukemia


Qi Ye, Jue Jiang, Guanqun Zhan et al.


Aberrant activation of the NOTCH signaling pathway is crucial for the onset and progression of T cell leukemia. Yet recent studies also suggest a tumor suppressive role of NOTCH …


α-Synuclein induced toxicity in brain stem serotonin neurons mediated by an AAV vector driven by the tryptophan hydroxylase promoter


Oi Wan Wan, Eunju Shin, Bengt Mattsson et al.


We studied the impact of α-synuclein overexpression in brainstem serotonin neurons using a novel vector construct where the expression of human wildtype α-synuclein is driven by …


Cryopreserved Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Maintain Potency in a Retinal Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury Model: Toward an off-the-shelf Therapy


Oliver W. Gramlich, Anthony J. Burand, Alex J. Brown et al.


The ability to use mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) directly out of cryostorage would significantly reduce the logistics of MSC therapy by allowing on-site cryostorage of …


Reproductive concessions between related and unrelated members promote eusociality in bees


Aline C. R. Andrade, Elder A. Miranda, Marco A. Del Lama et al.


Animal societies exhibit remarkable variation in their breeding strategies. Individuals can maximize their fitness by either reproducing or by helping relatives. Social …


Conditional Disease Development extracted from Longitudinal Health Care Cohort Data using Layered Network Construction


Venkateshan Kannan, Fredrik Swartz, Narsis A. Kiani et al.


Health care data holds great promise to be used in clinical decision support systems. However, frequent near-synonymous diagnoses recorded separately, as well as the sheer …


The scanning electron microscope in microbiology and diagnosis of infectious disease


Christine G. Golding, Lindsey L. Lamboo, Daniel R. Beniac et al.


Despite being an excellent tool for investigating ultrastructure, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is less frequently used than transmission electron microscopy for microbes …


Two-Photon Enzymatic Probes Visualizing Sub-cellular/Deep-brain Caspase Activities in Neurodegenerative Models


Linghui Qian, Cheng-Wu Zhang, Yanli Mao et al.


Caspases work as a double-edged sword in maintaining cell homeostasis. Highly regulated caspase activities are essential during animal development, but dysregulation might lead …


Structure of the Dictyostelium Myosin-II Heavy Chain Kinase A (MHCK-A) α-kinase domain apoenzyme reveals a novel autoinhibited conformation


Qilu Ye, Yidai Yang, Laura van Staalduinen et al.


The α-kinases are a family of a typical protein kinases present in organisms ranging from protozoa to mammals. Here we report an autoinhibited conformation for the α-kinase …


Efficient selective breeding of live oil-rich Euglena gracilis with fluorescence-activated cell sorting


Koji Yamada, Hideyuki Suzuki, Takuto Takeuchi et al.


Euglena gracilis, a microalgal species of unicellular flagellate protists, has attracted much attention in both the industrial and academic sectors due to recent advances in the …


Corrigendum: Length Distribution of Ancestral Tracks under a General Admixture Model and Its Applications in Population History Inference


Xumin Ni, Xiong Yang, Wei Guo et al.



Identification of novel KIF11 mutations in patients with familial exudative vitreoretinopathy and a phenotypic analysis


Jia-Kai Li, Ping Fei, Yian Li et al.


KIF11 gene mutations cause a rare autosomal dominant inheritable disease called microcephaly with or without chorioretinopathy, lymphedema, or mental retardation (MCLMR). …


Overexpression of spinach non-symbiotic hemoglobin in Arabidopsis resulted in decreased NO content and lowered nitrate and other abiotic stresses tolerance


Xuegui Bai, Juan Long, Xiaozhao He et al.


A class 1 non-symbiotic hemoglobin family gene, SoHb, was isolated from spinach. qRT-PCR showed that SoHb was induced by excess nitrate, polyethylene glycol, NaCl, H2O2, and …


Respiratory Syncytial Virus whole-genome sequencing identifies convergent evolution of sequence duplication in the C-terminus of the G gene


Seth A. Schobel, Karla M. Stucker, Martin L. Moore et al.


Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is responsible for considerable morbidity and mortality worldwide and is the most important respiratory viral pathogen in infants. Extensive …


PLPP/CIN regulates bidirectional synaptic plasticity via GluN2A interaction with postsynaptic proteins


Ji-Eun Kim, Yeon-Joo Kim, Duk-Shin Lee et al.


Dendritic spines are dynamic structures whose efficacies and morphologies are modulated by activity-dependent synaptic plasticity. The actin cytoskeleton plays an important role …


SUMO5, a Novel Poly-SUMO Isoform, Regulates PML Nuclear Bodies


Ya-Chen Liang, Chia-Chin Lee, Ya-Li Yao et al.


Promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies (PML-NBs) are PML-based nuclear structures that regulate various cellular processes. SUMOylation, the process of covalently conjugating …


Cell type-dependent Erk-Akt pathway crosstalk regulates the proliferation of fetal neural progenitor cells


Ji heon Rhim, Xiangjian Luo, Dongbing Gao et al.


Neural progenitor (NP) cells are the multipotent cells that produce neurons and glia in the central nervous system. Compounds regulating their proliferation are key to both …


Suppression of 14-3-3γ-mediated surface expression of ANO1 inhibits cancer progression of glioblastoma cells


Young-Sun Lee, Jae Kwang Lee, Yeonju Bae et al.


Anoctamin-1 (ANO1) acts as a Ca2+-activated Cl channel in various normal tissues, and its expression is increased in several different types of cancer. Therefore, understanding …


Dlg5 maintains apical polarity by promoting membrane localization of Crumbs during Drosophila oogenesis


Jun Luo, Heng Wang, Di Kang et al.


Apical-basal polarity plays critical roles in the functions of epithelial tissues. However, the mechanisms of epithelial polarity establishment and maintenance remain to be fully …


Identification of host genes leading to West Nile virus encephalitis in mice brain using RNA-seq analysis


Mukesh Kumar, Mahdi Belcaid, Vivek R. Nerurkar


Differential host responses may be critical determinants of distinct pathologies of West Nile virus (WNV) NY99 (pathogenic) and WNV Eg101 (non-pathogenic) strains. We employed …


Dynamical state of the network determines the efficacy of single neuron properties in shaping the network activity


Ajith Sahasranamam, Ioannis Vlachos, Ad Aertsen et al.


Spike patterns are among the most common electrophysiological descriptors of neuron types. Surprisingly, it is not clear how the diversity in firing patterns of the neurons in a …


The Fd-GOGAT1 mutant gene lc7 confers resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae in rice


Honglin Chen, Chunrong Li, Liping Liu et al.


Disease resistance is an important goal of crop improvement. The molecular mechanism of resistance requires further study. Here, we report the identification of a rice leaf color …


Assembling Composite Dermal Papilla Spheres with Adipose-derived Stem Cells to Enhance Hair Follicle Induction


Chin-Fu Huang, Ya-Ju Chang, Yuan-Yu Hsueh et al.


Intradermal adipose tissue plays an essential role for hair follicles (HFs) regeneration by regulating hair cycles. However, the effect of reconstruction of HFs and the …


Monoclonal regulatory T cells provide insights into T cell suppression


Céline Gubser, Mathias Schmaler, Simona W. Rossi et al.


Regulatory T cells (Tregs) have a crucial role in maintaining lymphocyte homeostasis. However an understanding of how Tregs function at a cellular and molecular level has not yet …


Population dynamics of Agriophyllum squarrosum, a pioneer annual plant endemic to mobile sand dunes, in response to global climate change


Chaoju Qian, Hengxia Yin, Yong Shi et al.


Climate change plays an important role in the transition of ecosystems. Stratigraphic investigations have suggested that the Asian interior experienced frequent transitions …


MetaTrans: an open-source pipeline for metatranscriptomics


Xavier Martinez, Marta Pozuelo, Victoria Pascal et al.


To date, meta-omic approaches use high-throughput sequencing technologies, which produce a huge amount of data, thus challenging modern computers. Here we present MetaTrans, an …


Elevational sensitivity in an Asian ‘hotspot’: moth diversity across elevational gradients in tropical, sub-tropical and sub-alpine China


L. A. Ashton, A. Nakamura, C. J. Burwell et al.


South-western China is widely acknowledged as a biodiversity ‘hotspot’: there are high levels of diversity and endemism, and many environments are under significant anthropogenic …


Human papillomavirus DNA positivity and seropositivity in rural Chinese men and women: a population-based cross-sectional study


Fangfang Liu, Qiuju Deng, Chanyuan Zhang et al.


Data on simultaneous analysis of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA and serology and the correlations within a single general population are limited. Among 1603 men and 2187 women …


A Subject-Specific Acoustic Model of the Upper Airway for Snoring Sounds Generation


Shumit Saha, T. Douglas Bradley, Mahsa Taheri et al.


Monitoring variations in the upper airway narrowing during sleep is invasive and expensive. Since snoring sounds are generated by air turbulence and vibrations of the upper …


Artificial Autopolyploidization Modifies the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle and GABA Shunt in Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0


Fredd Vergara, Jun Kikuchi, Christian Breuer


Autopolyploidy is a process whereby the chromosome set is multiplied and it is a common phenomenon in angiosperms. Autopolyploidy is thought to be an important evolutionary force …


LASSO-based NTCP model for radiation-induced temporal lobe injury developing after intensity-modulated radiotherapy of nasopharyngeal carcinoma


Cheng Kong, Xiang-zhi Zhu, Tsair-Fwu Lee et al.


We investigated the incidence of temporal lobe injury (TLI) in 132 nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients who had undergone intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) in our …


Biodegradable Magnesium (Mg) Implantation Does Not Impose Related Metabolic Disorders in Rats with Chronic Renal Failure


Jiali Wang, Jiankun Xu, Waiching Liu et al.


Mg and its alloys have been considered as one of the most promising biodegradable medical devices, but it was still unclear whether hypermagnesemia involved health risks would …


Dynamic finite-element model for efficient modelling of electric currents in electroporated tissue


J. Langus, M. Kranjc, B. Kos et al.


In silico experiments (numerical simulations) are a valuable tool for non-invasive research of the influences of tissue properties, electrode placement and electric pulse …


Different prognostic value of circulating and disseminated tumor cells in primary breast cancer: Influence of bisphosphonate intake?


Sabine Kasimir-Bauer, Katharina Reiter, Bahriye Aktas et al.


Disseminated tumor cells (DTCs) in the bone marrow (BM) and circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in blood of breast cancer patients (pts) are known to correlate with worse outcome. …


Selective serotonin 5-HT1A receptor biased agonists elicitdistinct brain activation patterns: a pharmacoMRI study


G. Becker, R. Bolbos, N. Costes et al.


Serotonin 1A (5-HT1A) receptors are involved in several physiological and pathological processes and constitute therefore an important therapeutic target. The recent …


A genetically-engineered von Willebrand disease type 2B mouse model displays defects in hemostasis and inflammation


Frédéric Adam, Caterina Casari, Nicolas Prévost et al.


von Willebrand disease (VWD)-type 2B is characterized by gain-of-function mutations in the von Willebrand factor (VWF) A1-domain, leading to increased affinity for its …


Soil Fertility Map for Food Legumes Production Areas in China


Ling Li, Tao Yang, Robert Redden et al.


Given the limited resources of fossil energy, and the environmental risks of excess fertilizer on crops, it is time to reappraise the potential role of food legume biological …


Uncovering three-dimensional gradients in fibrillar orientation in an impact-resistant biological armour


Y. Zhang, O. Paris, N. J. Terrill et al.


The complex hierarchical structure in biological and synthetic fibrous nanocomposites entails considerable difficulties in the interpretation of the crystallographic texture from …


Evolutionary potential and adaptation of Banksia attenuata (Proteaceae) to climate and fire regime in southwestern Australia, a global biodiversity hotspot


Tianhua He, Haylee D’Agui, Sim Lin Lim et al.


Substantial climate changes are evident across Australia, with declining rainfall and rising temperature in conjunction with frequent fires. Considerable species loss and range …


The microbiomes and metagenomes of forest biochars


Genevieve L. Noyce, Carolyn Winsborough, Roberta Fulthorpe et al.


Biochar particles have been hypothesized to provide unique microhabitats for a portion of the soil microbial community, but few studies have systematically compared biochar …


Predicting global invasion risks: a management tool to prevent future introductions


D. H. Fletcher, P. K. Gillingham, J. R. Britton et al.


Predicting regions at risk from introductions of non-native species and the subsequent invasions is a fundamental aspect of horizon scanning activities that enable the …


Erratum: Predictive analytics of environmental adaptability in multi-omic network models


Claudio Angione, Pietro Lió



Bridging the gap: heparan sulfate and Scube2 assemble Sonic hedgehog release complexes at the surface of producing cells


P. Jakobs, P. Schulz, C. Ortmann et al.


Decision making in cellular ensembles requires the dynamic release of signaling molecules from the producing cells into the extracellular compartment. One important example of …


Distinctive proteomic profiles among different regions of human carotid plaques in men and women


Wenzhao Liang, Liam J. Ward, Helen Karlsson et al.


The heterogeneity of atherosclerotic tissue has limited comprehension in proteomic and metabolomic analyses. To elucidate the functional implications, and differences between …


Fast MS/MS acquisition without dynamic exclusion enables precise and accurate quantification of proteome by MS/MS fragment intensity


Shen Zhang, Qi Wu, Yichu Shan et al.


Most currently proteomic studies use data-dependent acquisition with dynamic exclusion to identify and quantify the peptides generated by the digestion of biological sample. …


The autophagy-related genes BbATG1 and BbATG8 have different functions in differentiation, stress resistance and virulence of mycopathogen Beauveria bassiana


Sheng-Hua Ying, Jing Liu, Xin-Ling Chu et al.


Autophagy-related proteins play significantly different roles in eukaryotes. In the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana, autophagy is associated with fungal growth and …


Monitoring live human mesenchymal stromal cell differentiation and subsequent selection using fluorescent RNA-based probes


Bojun Li, Ursula Menzel, Claudia Loebel et al.


Investigating mesenchymal stromal cell differentiation requires time and multiple samples due to destructive endpoint assays. Osteogenesis of human bone marrow derived …


Corrigendum: First evidence of European eels exiting the Mediterranean Sea during their spawning migration


Elsa Amilhat, Kim Aarestrup, Elisabeth Faliex et al.



Difference in Visual Social Predispositions Between Newborns at Low- and High-risk for Autism


Elisa Di Giorgio, Elisa Frasnelli, Orsola Rosa Salva et al.


Some key behavioural traits of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) have been hypothesized to be due to impairments in the early activation of subcortical orienting mechanisms, which …


Corrigendum: Differential root transcriptomics in a polyploid non-model crop: the importance of respiration during osmotic stress


Yasmín Zorrilla-Fontanesi, Mathieu Rouard, Alberto Cenci et al.



Multisensory effects on somatosensation: a trimodal visuo-vestibular-tactile interaction


Mariia Kaliuzhna, Elisa Raffaella Ferrè, Bruno Herbelin et al.


Vestibular information about self-motion is combined with other sensory signals. Previous research described both visuo-vestibular and vestibular-tactile bilateral interactions, …


Corrigendum: Super-resolution mapping of glutamate receptors in C. elegans by confocal correlated PALM


Jeroen Vangindertael, Isabel Beets, Susana Rocha et al.



Erratum: A genome-wide association study identifies a genomic region for the polycerate phenotype in sheep (Ovis aries)


Xue Ren, Guang-Li Yang, Wei-Feng Peng et al.



Corrigendum: Unlocking the genetic diversity of Creole wheats


Prashant Vikram, Jorge Franco, Juan Burgueño-Ferreira et al.



Pleistocene footprints show intensive use of lake margin habitats by Homo erectus groups


Neil T. Roach, Kevin G. Hatala, Kelly R. Ostrofsky et al.


Reconstructing hominin paleoecology is critical for understanding our ancestors’ diets, social organizations and interactions with other animals. Most paleoecological models lack …


LAMP Detection Assays for Boxwood Blight Pathogens: A Comparative Genomics Approach


Martha Malapi-Wight, Jill E. Demers, Daniel Veltri et al.


Rapid and accurate molecular diagnostic tools are critical to efforts to minimize the impact and spread of emergent pathogens. The identification of diagnostic markers for novel …


The synergy between the insect-inspired claws and adhesive pads increases the attachment ability on various rough surfaces


Yi Song, Zhendong Dai, Zhouyi Wang et al.


To attach reliably on various inclined rough surfaces, many insects have evolved both claws and adhesive pads on their feet. However, the interaction between these organs still …


Fungal communities in sediments of subtropical Chinese seas as estimated by DNA metabarcoding


Wei Li, Meng Meng Wang, Xi Guang Wang et al.


Ribosomal RNA internal transcribed spacer-1 (ITS1) metabarcoding was used to investigate the distribution patterns of fungal communities and the factors influencing these …


A bulk sub-femtoliter in vitro compartmentalization system using super-fine electrosprays


Bineet Sharma, Yuzuru Takamura, Tatsuya Shimoda et al.


The extreme miniaturization of biological and chemical assays in aqueous-droplet compartments enables spatiotemporal control for large-scale parallel experimentation and can thus …


Novel positive allosteric modulators of GABAA receptors with anesthetic activity


Maria C. Maldifassi, Roland Baur, David Pierce et al.


GABAA receptors are the main inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors in the brain and are targets for numerous clinically important drugs such as benzodiazepines, anxiolytics and …


Nrf2/Keap1 system regulates vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis for vascular homeostasis: role in neointimal formation after vascular injury


Takashi Ashino, Masayuki Yamamoto, Satoshi Numazawa


Abnormal increases in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) in the intimal region after a vascular injury is a key event in developing neointimal hyperplasia. To maintain vascular …


Knockout of ho-1 protects the striatum from ferrous iron-induced injury in a male-specific manner in mice


Li-Fang Wang, Kazunari K. Yokoyama, Chih-Lung Lin et al.


Men have worse survival than premenopausal women after intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). After ICH, overproduction of iron associated with induction of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) in …


Prevention of antipsychotic-induced hyperglycaemia by vitamin D: a data mining prediction followed by experimental exploration of the molecular mechanism


Takuya Nagashima, Hisashi Shirakawa, Takayuki Nakagawa et al.


Atypical antipsychotics are associated with an increased risk of hyperglycaemia, thus limiting their clinical use. This study focused on finding the molecular mechanism …


PKA-CREB-BDNF signaling regulated long lasting antidepressant activities of Yueju but not ketamine


Wenda Xue, Wei Wang, Tong Gong et al.


Yueju confers antidepressant effects in a rapid and long-lasting manner, similar to ketamine. CREB (cAMP-response element binding protein) signaling is implicated in depression …


Fly DPP10 acts as a channel ancillary subunit and possesses peptidase activity


Yohei Shiina, Tomohiro Muto, Zhili Zhang et al.


Mammalian DPP6 (DPPX) and DPP10 (DPPY) belong to a family of dipeptidyl peptidases, but lack enzyme activity. Instead, these proteins form complexes with voltage-gated K+


Persistence of Plasmodium falciparum parasitemia after artemisinin combination therapy: evidence from a randomized trial in Uganda


Hsiao-Han Chang, Elamaran Meibalan, Justin Zelin et al.


Artemisinin resistance is rapidly spreading in Southeast Asia. The efficacy of artemisinin-combination therapy (ACT) continues to be excellent across Africa. We performed …


Erratum: Sustained PI3K Activation exacerbates BLM-induced Lung Fibrosis via activation of pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic pathways


Julia Barbara Kral, Mario Kuttke, Waltraud Cornelia Schrottmaier et al.



Bulk development and stringent selection of microsatellite markers in the western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis


Li-Jun Cao, Ze-Min Li, Ze-Hua Wang et al.


Recent improvements in next-generation sequencing technologies have enabled investigation of microsatellites on a genome-wide scale. Faced with a huge amount of candidates, the …


Cyp2aa9 regulates haematopoietic stem cell development in zebrafish


Jingying Chen, Jianbo He, Li Li et al.


Definitive haematopoiesis occurs during the lifetime of an individual, which continuously replenishes all blood and immune cells. During embryonic development, haematopoietic …


Survey of the genome of Pogostemon cablin provides insights into its evolutionary history and sesquiterpenoid biosynthesis


Yang He, Hongtao Xiao, Cao Deng et al.


Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth. (Patchouli) is an important traditional Chinese medicinal plant that has both essential oil value and a broad range of therapeutic effects. Here …


Transcriptome shock invokes disruption of parental expression-conserved genes in tetraploid wheat


Huakun Zhang, Xiaowan Gou, Ai Zhang et al.


Allopolyploidy often triggers phenotypic novelty and gene expression remolding in the resulting polyploids. In this study, we employed multiple phenotypic and genetic approaches …


Corrigendum: White-nose syndrome without borders: Pseudogymnoascus destructans infection tolerated in Europe and Palearctic Asia but not in North America


Jan Zukal, Hana Bandouchova, Jiri Brichta et al.



Corrigendum: Indole-3-Acetic Acid Produced by Burkholderia heleia Acts as a Phenylacetic Acid Antagonist to Disrupt Tropolone Biosynthesis in Burkholderia plantarii


Mengcen Wang, Seiji Tachibana, Yuta Murai et al.



Mapping the ecological dimensions and potential distributions of endangered relic shrubs in western Ordos biodiversity center


Geng-Ping Zhu, Hui-Qi Li, Li Zhao et al.


Potential distributions of endemic relic shrubs in western Ordos were poorly mapped, which hindered our implementation of proper conservation. Here we investigated the …


Key role of scale morphology in flatfishes (Pleuronectiformes) in the ability to keep sand


Marlene Spinner, Mareike Kortmann, Camille Traini et al.


Flatfishes bury themselves for camouflage and protection. Whereas species-specific preferences for certain sediments were previously shown, the role of scales in interaction with …


Graphene Oxide promotes embryonic stem cell differentiation to haematopoietic lineage


Eva Garcia-Alegria, Maria Iluit, Monika Stefanska et al.


Pluripotent stem cells represent a promising source of differentiated tissue-specific stem and multipotent progenitor cells for regenerative medicine and drug testing. The …


RIG-like Helicase Regulation of Chitinase 3-like 1 Axis and Pulmonary Metastasis


Bing Ma, Erica L. Herzog, Meagan Moore et al.


Chi3l1 is induced by a variety of cancers where it portends a poor prognosis and plays a key role in the generation of metastasis. However, the mechanisms that Chi3l1 uses to …


Electrical stimulation influences chronic intermittent hypoxia-hypercapnia induction of muscle fibre transformation by regulating the microRNA/Sox6 pathway


Shiyuan Huang, Lu Jin, Jie Shen et al.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can cause muscle fibre transformation due to chronic intermittent hypoxia-hypercapnia (CIHH). Studies have shown that high expression of …


Imaging Tumor Vascularity and Response to Anti-Angiogenic Therapy Using Gaussia Luciferase


Rami S. Kantar, Ghazal Lashgari, Elie I. Tabet et al.


We developed a novel approach to assess tumor vascularity using recombinant Gaussia luciferase (rGluc) protein and bioluminescence imaging. Upon intravenous injection of rGluc …


Curcumin: A multi-target disease-modifying agent for late-stage transthyretin amyloidosis


Nelson Ferreira, Nádia P. Gonçalves, Maria J. Saraiva et al.


Transthyretin amyloidoses encompass a variety of acquired and hereditary diseases triggered by systemic extracellular accumulation of toxic transthyretin aggregates and fibrils, …


Compression loading-induced stress responses in intervertebral disc cells encapsulated in 3D collagen constructs


Wai Hon Chooi, Barbara Pui Chan


Cells protect themselves from stresses through a cellular stress response. In the interverebral disc, such response was also demonstrated to be induced by various environmental …


Erratum: A pharmacological inhibitor of NLRP3 inflammasome prevents non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in a mouse model induced by high fat diet


Gabsik Yang, Hye Eun Lee, Joo Young Lee



Corrigendum: Length of intact plasma membrane determines the diffusion properties of cellular water


Sato Eida, Marc Van Cauteren, Yuka Hotokezaka et al.



Corrigendum: Spinal cord injury affects the interplay between visual and sensorimotor representations of the body


Silvio Ionta, Michael Villiger, Catherine R. Jutzeler et al.



Embryonic development and inviability phenotype of chicken-Japanese quail F1 hybrids


Satoshi Ishishita, Keiji Kinoshita, Mikiharu Nakano et al.


Interspecific hybrid incompatibility, including inviability and sterility, is important in speciation; however, its genetic basis remains largely unknown in vertebrates. Crosses …


Expression of an Oncogenic BARD1 Splice Variant Impairs Homologous Recombination and Predicts Response to PARP-1 Inhibitor Therapy in Colon Cancer


Ozkan Ozden, Faraz Bishehsari, Jessica Bauer et al.


BRCA1-associated RING domain protein 1 (BARD1) stabilizes BRCA1 protein by forming a heterodimeric RING-RING complex, and impacts function of BRCA1, including homologous …


Membrane Topology and Structural Insights into the Peptide Pheromone Receptor ComD, A Quorum-Sensing Histidine Protein Kinase of Streptococcus mutans


Gaofeng Dong, Xiao-Lin Tian, Kayla Cyr et al.


Quorum sensing activation by signal pheromone (CSP) in Streptococcus mutans depends on the membrane-associated receptor ComD, which senses the signal and triggers the signaling …


Possible mechanisms of host resistance to Haemonchus contortus infection in sheep breeds native to the Canary Islands


Zhengyu Guo, Jorge Francisco González, Julia N. Hernandez et al.


Haemonchus contortus appears to be the most economically important helminth parasite for small ruminant production in many regions of the world. The two sheep breeds native to …


Functional assessment of glioma pathogenesis by in vivo multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging and in vitro analyses


Nai-Wei Yao, Chen Chang, Hsiu-Ting Lin et al.


Gliomas are aggressive brain tumors with poor prognosis. In this study, we report a novel approach combining both in vivo multi-parametric MRI and in vitro cell culture …


Coevolution analysis of Hepatitis C virus genome to identify the structural and functional dependency network of viral proteins


Raphaël Champeimont, Elodie Laine, Shuang-Wei Hu et al.


A novel computational approach of coevolution analysis allowed us to reconstruct the protein-protein interaction network of the Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) at the residue resolution. …


Piperlongumine inhibits lung tumor growth via inhibition of nuclear factor kappa B signaling pathway


Jie Zheng, Dong Ju Son, Sun Mi Gu et al.


Piperlongumine has anti-cancer activity in numerous cancer cell lines via various signaling pathways. But there has been no study regarding the mechanisms of PL on the lung …


A Small Molecule Inhibitor of PDK1/PLCγ1 Interaction Blocks Breast and Melanoma Cancer Cell Invasion


Claudio Raimondi, Veronique Calleja, Riccardo Ferro et al.


Strong evidence suggests that phospholipase Cγ1 (PLCγ1) is a suitable target to counteract tumourigenesis and metastasis dissemination. We recently identified a novel signalling …


An Atypical System for Studying Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Hepatocellular Carcinoma


Dhiviya Vedagiri, Hiren Vasantrai Lashkari, Abubakar Siddiq Mangani et al.


Intrahepatic and extrahepatic metastases are frequently detected in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is believed to drive metastasis. There …


Effect of Exercise and Calorie Restriction on Tissue Acylcarnitines, Tissue Desaturase Indices, and Fat Accumulation in Diet-Induced Obese Rats


Venkatesh Gopalan, Navin Michael, Seigo Ishino et al.


Both exercise and calorie restriction interventions have been recommended for inducing weight-loss in obese states. However, there is conflicting evidence on their relative …


The long noncoding RNA CASC2 functions as a competing endogenous RNA by sponging miR-18a in colorectal cancer


Guanli Huang, Xiaoli Wu, Shi Li et al.


Recent evidence highlights the crucial regulatory roles of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNA) in tumor biology. In colorectal cancer (CRC), the expression of several lncRNAs is …


Metabolomic Response of Skeletal Muscle to Aerobic Exercise Training in Insulin Resistant Type 1 Diabetic Rats


Michelle S. Dotzert, Michael R. Murray, Matthew W. McDonald et al.


The etiology of insulin resistance in Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is unknown, however it affects approximately 20% of T1D patients. Intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) have been identified …


Glycosyltransferase Gene Expression Profiles Classify Cancer Types and Propose Prognostic Subtypes


Jahanshah Ashkani, Kevin J. Naidoo


Aberrant glycosylation in tumours stem from altered glycosyltransferase (GT) gene expression but can the expression profiles of these signature genes be used to classify cancer …


AhR signaling activation disrupts migration and dendritic growth of olfactory interneurons in the developing mouse


Eiki Kimura, Yunjie Ding, Chiharu Tohyama


Perinatal exposure to a low level of dioxin, a ubiquitous environmental pollutant, has been shown to induce abnormalities in learning and memory, emotion, and sociality in …


Distinctive features of single nucleotide alterations in induced pluripotent stem cells with different types of DNA repair deficiency disorders


Kohji Okamura, Hironari Sakaguchi, Rie Sakamoto-Abutani et al.


Disease-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have been used as a model to analyze pathogenesis of disease. In this study, we generated iPSCs derived from a …


Clogging-free microfluidics for continuous size-based separation of microparticles


Yousang Yoon, Seonil Kim, Jusin Lee et al.


In microfluidic filtration systems, one of the leading obstacles to efficient, continuous operation is clogging of the filters. Here, we introduce a lateral flow microfluidic …


MicroRNA-30 inhibits neointimal hyperplasia by targeting Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIδ (CaMKIIδ)


Yong Feng Liu, Amy Spinelli, Li-Yan Sun et al.


The multifunctional Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II δ-isoform (CaMKIIδ) promotes vascular smooth muscle (VSM) proliferation, migration, and injury-induced vascular …


Interactions of Multiple Atmospheric Circulation Drive the Drought in Tarim River Basin


Yong-Ping Wu, Guo-Lin Feng, Bai-Lian Li


Global warming is likely to cause overall drying of land surfaces and aridity increasing leading to expansion of dry climate zones. There is an increased risk of extremely arid …


The molecular spectrum and distribution of haemoglobinopathies in Cyprus: a 20-year retrospective study


Petros Kountouris, Ioanna Kousiappa, Thessalia Papasavva et al.


Haemoglobinopathies are the most common monogenic diseases, posing a major public health challenge worldwide. Cyprus has one the highest prevalences of thalassaemia in the world …


Drosophila insulin-like peptide 1 (DILP1) is transiently expressed during non-feeding stages and reproductive dormancy


Yiting Liu, Sifang Liao, Jan A. Veenstra et al.


The insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling pathway is evolutionarily conserved in animals, and is part of nutrient-sensing mechanisms that control growth, metabolism, …


Decoupled form and function in disparate herbivorous dinosaur clades


Stephan Lautenschlager, Charlotte A. Brassey, David J. Button et al.


Convergent evolution, the acquisition of morphologically similar traits in unrelated taxa due to similar functional demands or environmental factors, is a common phenomenon in …


A key role for the N/OFQ-NOP receptor system in modulating nicotine taking in a model of nicotine and alcohol co-administration


Andrea Cippitelli, Jennifer Schoch, Ginamarie Debevec et al.


Alcohol and nicotine are often co-abused. Although the N/OFQ-NOP receptor system is considered a potential target for development of drug abuse pharmacotherapies, especially for …


Pseudouridine synthase 1 deficient mice, a model for Mitochondrial Myopathy with Sideroblastic Anemia, exhibit muscle morphology and physiology alterations


Joshua E. Mangum, Justin P. Hardee, Dennis K. Fix et al.


Mitochondrial myopathy with lactic acidosis and sideroblastic anemia (MLASA) is an oxidative phosphorylation disorder, with primary clinical manifestations of myopathic exercise …


Irc3 is a mitochondrial DNA branch migration enzyme


Ilja Gaidutšik, Tiina Sedman, Sirelin Sillamaa et al.


Integrity of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is essential for cellular energy metabolism. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a large number of nuclear genes influence the …


An in vivo invertebrate evaluation system for identifying substances that suppress sucrose-induced postprandial hyperglycemia


Yasuhiko Matsumoto, Masaki Ishii, Kazuhisa Sekimizu


Sucrose is a major sweetener added to various foods and beverages. Excessive intake of sucrose leads to increases in blood glucose levels, which can result in the development and …


Phenotypic dynamics of microglial and monocyte-derived cells in glioblastoma-bearing mice


Clément Ricard, Aurélie Tchoghandjian, Hervé Luche et al.


Inflammatory cells, an integral component of tumor evolution, are present in Glioblastomas multiforme (GBM). To address the cellular basis and dynamics of the inflammatory …


Cell-cell contact and matrix adhesion promote αSMA expression during TGFβ1-induced epithelial-myofibroblast transition via Notch and MRTF-A


Joseph W. O’Connor, Krunal Mistry, Dayne Detweiler et al.


During epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) epithelial cells lose cell-cell adhesion, exhibit morphological changes, and upregulate the expression of cytoskeletal proteins. …


Proteome-wide drug screening using mass spectrometric imaging of bead-arrays


Ying Zhou, Ziying Liu, Kenneth J. Rothschild et al.


A fundamental challenge in the drug discovery process is to develop compounds with high efficacy and minimal side-effects. We describe a new approach to proteome-wide drug …


Triclosan-induced genes Rv1686c-Rv1687c and Rv3161c are not involved in triclosan resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis


Andromeda Gomez, Núria Andreu, Mario Ferrer-Navarro et al.


A key issue towards developing new chemotherapeutic approaches to fight Mycobacterium tuberculosis is to understand the mechanisms underlying drug resistance. Previous studies …


Illumina MiSeq sequencing disfavours a sequence motif in the GFP reporter gene


Silvie Van den Hoecke, Judith Verhelst, Xavier Saelens


Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is one of the most used reporter genes. We have used next-generation sequencing (NGS) to analyse the genetic diversity of a recombinant influenza …


Targeting human respiratory syncytial virus transcription anti-termination factor M2-1 to inhibit in vivo viral replication


B. Bailly, C.-A. Richard, G. Sharma et al.


Human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV) is a leading cause of acute lower respiratory tract infection in infants, elderly and immunocompromised individuals. To date, no specific …


Effects of biotic and abiotic factors on phenotypic partitioning of wing morphology and development in Sclerodermus pupariae (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae)


Xiaoyi Wang, Ke Wei, Zhongqi Yang et al.


Wing phenotype polymorphism is commonly observed in insects, yet little is known about the influence of environmental cues on the development or expression of the alternative …


Comparative analysis of the integument transcriptomes of the black dilute mutant and the wild-type silkworm Bombyx mori


Songyuan Wu, Xiaoling Tong, Chenxing Peng et al.


The insect cuticle is a critical protective shell that is composed predominantly of chitin and various cuticular proteins and pigments. Indeed, insects often change their surface …


Development and evaluation of two subunit vaccine candidates containing antigens of hepatitis E virus, rotavirus, and astrovirus


Ming Xia, Chao Wei, Leyi Wang et al.


Hepatitis E virus (HEV), rotavirus (RV), and astrovirus (AstV) are important pathogens that transmit through a common fecal-oral route, causing hepatitis (HEV) and …


A Modified Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (mTI-RADS) For Thyroid Nodules in Coexisting Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis


Hang Zhou, Wen-Wen Yue, Lin-Yao Du et al.


To develop a conventional ultrasound (US) modified Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (mTI-RADS) to stratify the malignancy risk of thyroid nodule in coexisting …


Activity in the fronto-parietal network indicates numerical inductive reasoning beyond calculation: An fMRI study combined with a cognitive model


Peipeng Liang, Xiuqin Jia, Niels A. Taatgen et al.


Numerical inductive reasoning refers to the process of identifying and extrapolating the rule involved in numeric materials. It is associated with calculation, and shares the …


Diverse mechanisms shape the evolution of virulence factors in the potato late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans sampled from China


E-Jiao Wu, Li-Na Yang, Wen Zhu et al.


Evolution of virulence in plant pathogens is still poorly understood but the knowledge is important for the effective use of plant resistance and sustainable disease management. …


Controllability of protein-protein interaction phosphorylation-based networks: Participation of the hub 14-3-3 protein family


Marina Uhart, Gabriel Flores, Diego M. Bustos


Posttranslational regulation of protein function is an ubiquitous mechanism in eukaryotic cells. Here, we analyzed biological properties of nodes and edges of a human …


Single molecule targeted sequencing for cancer gene mutation detection


Yan Gao, Liwei Deng, Qin Yan et al.


With the rapid decline in cost of sequencing, it is now affordable to examine multiple genes in a single disease-targeted clinical test using next generation sequencing. Current …


Mucosal adherent bacterial dysbiosis in patients with colorectal adenomas


Yingying Lu, Jing Chen, Junyuan Zheng et al.


Recent reports have suggested that the gut microbiota is involved in the progression of colorectal cancer (CRC). The composition of gut microbiota in CRC precursors has not been …


When your pain signifies my gain: neural activity while evaluating outcomes based on another person’s pain


Fang Cui, Xiangru Zhu, Ruolei Gu et al.


The overlap between pain and reward processing pathways leds researchers to hypothesize that there are interactions between them in the human brain. Two hypotheses have been …


Changes in hydration structure are necessary for collective motions of a multi-domain protein


Tomotaka Oroguchi, Masayoshi Nakasako


Conformational motions of proteins are necessary for their functions. To date, experimental studies measuring conformational fluctuations of a whole protein structure have …


Identification and Characterization of miRNAs in Chondrus crispus by High-Throughput Sequencing and Bioinformatics Analysis


Fan Gao, FangRu Nan, Wei Song et al.


Chondrus crispus, an economically and medicinally important red alga, is a medicinally active substance and important for anti-tumor research. In this study, 117 C. crispus


A rationally engineered yeast pyruvyltransferase Pvg1p introduces sialylation-like properties in neo-human-type complex oligosaccharide


Yujiro Higuchi, Sho Yoshinaga, Ken-ichi Yoritsune et al.


Pyruvylation onto the terminus of oligosaccharide, widely seen from prokaryote to eukaryote, confers negative charges on the cell surface and seems to be functionally similar to …


Alteration of functional connectivity in autism spectrum disorder: effect of age and anatomical distance


Zhiliang Long, Xujun Duan, Dante Mantini et al.


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is associated with disruption of local- and long-range functional connectivity (FC). The direction of those changes in FC (increase or decrease), …


Functional dichotomy of Vδ2 γδ T cells in chronic hepatitis C virus infections: role in cytotoxicity but not for IFN-γ production


Wenwei Yin, Shiwen Tong, Qiongfang Zhang et al.


Vδ2 γδ (Vδ2) T cells, a major human γδ T cell subset, exhibit broad anti-tumor and anti-infective activity; however, their precise role in chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) …


Novel small molecule 11β-HSD1 inhibitor from the endophytic fungus Penicillium commune


Weiguang Sun, Xintao Chen, Qingyi Tong et al.


Two new phenone derivatives penicophenones A (1) and B (2), a new cyclic tetrapeptide penicopeptide A (3), and five known compounds were isolated from the culture broth of


The mitogenome of a 35,000-year-old Homo sapiens from Europe supports a Palaeolithic back-migration to Africa


M. Hervella, E. M. Svensson, A. Alberdi et al.


After the dispersal of modern humans (Homo sapiens) Out of Africa, hominins with a similar morphology to that of present-day humans initiated the gradual demographic expansion …


Intraindividual dynamics of transcriptome and genome-wide stability of DNA methylation


Ryohei Furukawa, Tsuyoshi Hachiya, Hideki Ohmomo et al.


Cytosine methylation at CpG dinucleotides is an epigenetic mechanism that affects the gene expression profiles responsible for the functional differences in various cells and …


In actio optophysiological analyses reveal functional diversification of dopaminergic neurons in the nematode C. elegans


Yuki Tanimoto, Ying Grace Zheng, Xianfeng Fei et al.


Many neuronal groups such as dopamine-releasing (dopaminergic) neurons are functionally divergent, although the details of such divergence are not well understood. Dopamine in …


An efficient algorithm to identify the optimal one-bit perturbation based on the basin-of-state size of Boolean networks


Mingxiao Hu, Liangzhong Shen, Xiangzhen Zan et al.


Boolean networks are widely used to model gene regulatory networks and to design therapeutic intervention strategies to affect the long-term behavior of systems. In this paper, …


Fast response to human voices in autism


I-Fan Lin, Trevor R. Agus, Clara Suied et al.


Individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are reported to allocate less spontaneous attention to voices. Here, we investigated how vocal sounds are processed in ASD …


Proteomic profiling of cellulase-aid-extracted membrane proteins for functional identification of cellulose synthase complexes and their potential associated- components in cotton fibers


Ao Li, Ruyi Wang, Xianliang Li et al.


Cotton fibers are an excellent model for understanding of cellulose biosynthesis in higher plants. In this study, we determined a high cellulose biosynthesis activity in vitro by …


Black perithecial pigmentation in Fusarium species is due to the accumulation of 5-deoxybostrycoidin-based melanin


Rasmus J. N. Frandsen, Silas A. Rasmussen, Peter B. Knudsen et al.


Biosynthesis of the black perithecial pigment in the filamentous fungus Fusarium graminearum is dependent on the polyketide synthase PGL1 (oPKS3). A seven-membered PGL1 gene …


Variation in infection length and superinfection enhance selection efficiency in the human malaria parasite


Hsiao-Han Chang, Lauren M. Childs, Caroline O. Buckee


The capacity for adaptation is central to the evolutionary success of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Malaria epidemiology is characterized by the circulation …


Mechanistic insight into cadmium-induced inactivation of the Bloom protein


Wei Qin, Nicolas Bazeille, Etienne Henry et al.


Cadmium is a toxic metal that inactivates DNA-repair proteins via multiple mechanisms, including zinc substitution. In this study, we investigated the effect of Cd2+ on the Bloom …


Network-assisted investigation of virulence and antibiotic-resistance systems in Pseudomonas aeruginosa


Sohyun Hwang, Chan Yeong Kim, Sun-Gou Ji et al.


Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative bacterium of clinical significance. Although the genome of PAO1, a prototype strain of P. aeruginosa, has been extensively studied, …


The cytosolic Fe-S cluster assembly component MET18 is required for the full enzymatic activity of ROS1 in active DNA demethylation


Xiaokang Wang, Qi Li, Wei Yuan et al.


DNA methylation patterns in plants are dynamically regulated by DNA methylation and active DNA demethylation in response to both environmental changes and development of plant. …


Bioactivity of 2′-deoxyinosine-incorporated aptamer AS1411


Xinmeng Fan, Lidan Sun, Yun Wu et al.


Aptamers can be chemically modified to enhance nuclease resistance and increase target affinity. In this study, we performed chemical modification of 2′-deoxyinosine in AS1411, …


Structural insight into antibody-mediated antagonism of the Glucagon-like peptide-1 Receptor


Stephanie Hennen, János T. Kodra, Vladyslav Soroka et al.


The Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) is a member of the class B G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) family and a well-established target for the treatment of type 2 …


DgcA, a diguanylate cyclase from Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae regulates bacterial pathogenicity on rice


Jianmei Su, Xia Zou, Liangbo Huang et al.


Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) is the causal agent of rice blight disease as well as a serious phytopathogen worldwide. It is also one of the model organisms for studying …


Structural and functional insights into the E3 ligase, RNF126


Ewelina M. Krysztofinska, Santiago Martínez-Lumbreras, Arjun Thapaliya et al.


RNF126 is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that collaborates with the BAG6 sortase complex to ubiquitinate hydrophobic substrates in the cytoplasm that are destined for proteasomal …


Transcriptional repression of p27 is essential for murine embryonic development


Youichi Teratake, Chisa Kuga, Yuta Hasegawa et al.


The Nczf gene has been identified as one of Ncx target genes and encodes a novel KRAB zinc-finger protein, which functions as a sequence specific transcriptional repressor. In …


Functional analysis of the N-terminal basic motif of a eukaryotic satellite RNA virus capsid protein in replication and packaging


Venkatesh Sivanandam, Deborah Mathews, Rees Garmann et al.


Efficient replication and assembly of virus particles are integral to the establishment of infection. In addition to the primary role of the capsid protein (CP) in encapsidating …


The nitrogen responsive transcriptome in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) reveals significant gene regulatory motifs


José Héctor Gálvez, Helen H. Tai, Martin Lagüe et al.


Nitrogen (N) is the most important nutrient for the growth of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Foliar gene expression in potato plants with and without N supplementation at 180 kg …


Lanthanide-Connecting and Lone-Electron-Pair Active Trigonal-Pyramidal-AsO3 Inducing Nanosized Poly(polyoxotungstate) Aggregates and Their Anticancer Activities


Jun-Wei Zhao, Hai-Lou Li, Xing Ma et al.


By virtue of the stereochemical effect of the lone-electron pair located on the trigonal-pyramidal-AsO3 groups and the one-pot self-assembly strategy in the conventional aqueous …


The Essential Role of H19 Contributing to Cisplatin Resistance by Regulating Glutathione Metabolism in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer


Zhi-Guo Zheng, Hong Xu, Sha-Sha Suo et al.


Primary and acquired drug resistance is one of the main obstacles encountered in high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSC) chemotherapy. Cisplatin induces DNA damage through …


What drivers phenotypic divergence in Leymus chinensis (Poaceae) on large-scale gradient, climate or genetic differentiation?


Shan Yuan, Linna Ma, Chengyuan Guo et al.


Elucidating the driving factors among-population divergence is an important task in evolutionary biology, however the relative contribution from natural selection and neutral …


Hyponatremia in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus


Jae Il Shin, Se Jin Park, Chang-Hee Suh et al.


The aim of this study was to determine whether decreased serum sodium concentration could be associated with the disease activity in SLE. We retrospectively analyzed the data of …


Development of antithrombotic nanoconjugate blocking integrin α2β1-collagen interactions


Chao Zhang, Lin Zhang, Youcai Zhang et al.


An antithrombotic nanoconjugate was designed in which a designed biomimetic peptide LWWNSYY was immobilized to the surface of poly(glycidyl methacrylate) nanoparticles (PGMA …


A significant causal association between C-reactive protein levels and schizophrenia


Masatoshi Inoshita, Shusuke Numata, Atsushi Tajima et al.


Many observational studies have shown elevated blood CRP levels in schizophrenia compared with controls, and one population-based prospective study has reported that elevated …


Limited value of pro-inflammatory oxylipins and cytokines as circulating biomarkers in endometriosis – a targeted ‘omics study


Yie Hou Lee, Liang Cui, Jinling Fang et al.


Endometriosis is a common, complex gynecologic disorder characterized by the presence of endometrial-like tissues at extrauterine sites. Elevation in protein and lipid mediators …


TNFα promotes CAR-dependent migration of leukocytes across epithelial monolayers


Penny E. Morton, Alexander Hicks, Elena Ortiz-Zapater et al.


Trans-epithelial migration (TEpM) of leukocytes during inflammation requires engagement with receptors expressed on the basolateral surface of the epithelium. One such receptor …


A first report of hydroxylated apatite as structural biomineral in Loasaceae – plants’ teeth against herbivores


Hans-Jürgen Ensikat, Thorsten Geisler, Maximilian Weigend


Biomineralization provides living organisms with various materials for the formation of resilient structures. Calcium phosphate is the main component of teeth and bones in …


Uniform electric field generation in circular multi-well culture plates using polymeric inserts


Hsieh-Fu Tsai, Ji-Yen Cheng, Hui-Fang Chang et al.


Applying uniform electric field (EF) in vitro in the physiological range has been achieved in rectangular shaped microchannels. However, in a circular-shaped device, it is …


Local anesthetic bupivacaine induced ovarian and prostate cancer apoptotic cell death and underlying mechanisms in vitro


Wei Xuan, Hailin Zhao, James Hankin et al.


Retrospective studies indicate that the use of regional anesthesia can reduce cancer recurrence after surgery which could be due to ranging from immune function preservation to …


Evolving Trends in Female to Male Incidence and Male Mortality of Primary Biliary Cholangitis


Ana Lleo, Peter Jepsen, Emanuela Morenghi et al.


Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) has been regarded as female-predominant without evidence of gender difference in survival. We aimed to compare the overall survival, incidence …


Nutritional properties of the largest bamboo fruit Melocanna baccifera and its ecological significance


Balaji Govindan, Anil John Johnson, Sadasivan Nair Ajikumaran Nair et al.


Melocanna baccifera is a unique bamboo which produces the largest fruits in the grass family. Its gregarious flowering once in 45–50 years in north east India and adjacent …


Role of Human Corneal Stroma-Derived Mesenchymal-Like Stem Cells in Corneal Immunity and Wound Healing


Zoltán Veréb, Szilárd Póliska, Réka Albert et al.


Corneal tissue regeneration is of crucial importance for maintaining normal vision. We aimed to isolate and cultivate human corneal stroma-derived mesenchymal stem-like cells …


Legionella pneumophila strain associated with the first evidence of person-to-person transmission of Legionnaires’ disease: a unique mosaic genetic backbone


Vítor Borges, Alexandra Nunes, Daniel A. Sampaio et al.


A first strong evidence of person-to-person transmission of Legionnaires’ Disease (LD) was recently reported. Here, we characterize the genetic backbone of this case-related


The simple neuroendocrine-immune regulatory network in oyster Crassostrea gigas mediates complex functions


Zhaoqun Liu, Lingling Wang, Zhi Zhou et al.


The neuroendocrine-immune (NEI) regulatory network is a complex system, which plays an indispensable role in the immunity of the host. In the present study, the bioinformatical …


Fructose, but not glucose, impairs insulin signaling in the three major insulin-sensitive tissues


Miguel Baena, Gemma Sangüesa, Alberto Dávalos et al.


Human studies support the relationship between high intake of fructose-sweetened beverages and type 2 diabetes, but there is a debate on whether this effect is fructose-specific …


Integrative microbial community analysis reveals full-scale enhanced biological phosphorus removal under tropical conditions


Yingyu Law, Rasmus Hansen Kirkegaard, Angel Anisa Cokro et al.


Management of phosphorus discharge from human waste is essential for the control of eutrophication in surface waters. Enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) is a …


Liposome production by microfluidics: potential and limiting factors


Dario Carugo, Elisabetta Bottaro, Joshua Owen et al.


This paper provides an analysis of microfluidic techniques for the production of nanoscale lipid-based vesicular systems. In particular we focus on the key issues associated with …


Subtle reproductive impairment through nitric oxide-mediated mechanisms in sea urchins from an area affected by harmful algal blooms


Oriana Migliaccio, Immacolata Castellano, Davide Di Cioccio et al.


The health of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, a key species in the Mediterranean Sea, is menaced by several pressures in coastal environments. Here, we aimed at assessing …


Endocytosis of indium-tin-oxide nanoparticles by macrophages provokes pyroptosis requiring NLRP3-ASC-Caspase1 axis that can be prevented by mesenchymal stem cells


Abderrahim Naji, Basilua André Muzembo, Ken-ichi Yagyu et al.


The biological effects of indium-tin-oxide (ITO) are of considerable importance because workers exposed to indium compounds have been diagnosed with interstitial lung disease or …


Therapeutic Blockade of Immune Complex-Mediated Glomerulonephritis by Highly Selective Inhibition of Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase


Samantha A. Chalmers, Jessica Doerner, Todd Bosanac et al.


Lupus nephritis (LN) is a potentially dangerous end organ pathology that affects upwards of 60% of lupus patients. Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK) is important for B cell …


Targeting membrane proteins for antibody discovery using phage display


Martina L. Jones, Mohamed A. Alfaleh, Sumukh Kumble et al.


A critical factor in the successful isolation of new antibodies by phage display is the presentation of a correctly folded antigen. While this is relatively simple for soluble …


Heat Shock Factor 1 Mediates Latent HIV Reactivation


Xiao-Yan Pan, Wei Zhao, Xiao-Yun Zeng et al.


HSF1, a conserved heat shock factor, has emerged as a key regulator of mammalian transcription in response to cellular metabolic status and stress. To our knowledge, it is not …


A Biphasic Calcium Sulphate/Hydroxyapatite Carrier Containing Bone Morphogenic Protein-2 and Zoledronic Acid Generates Bone


Deepak Bushan Raina, Hanna Isaksson, Werner Hettwer et al.


In orthopedic surgery, large amount of diseased or injured bone routinely needs to be replaced. Autografts are mainly used but their availability is limited. Commercially …


Analysis of serum immune markers in seropositive and seronegative rheumatoid arthritis and in high-risk seropositive arthralgia patients


Paulina Chalan, Johan Bijzet, Anke van den Berg et al.


Presence of autoantibodies precedes development of seropositive rheumatoid arthritis (SP RA) and seropositive arthralgia patients (SAP) are at risk of developing RA. The aims of …


Multisensory signalling enhances pupil dilation


Silvia Rigato, Gerulf Rieger, Vincenzo Romei


Detecting and integrating information across the senses is an advantageous mechanism to efficiently respond to the environment. In this study, a simple auditory-visual detection …


IL-17A impairs host tolerance during airway chronic infection by Pseudomonas aeruginosa


Nicola Ivan Lorè, Cristina Cigana, Camilla Riva et al.


Resistance and tolerance mechanisms participate to the interplay between host and pathogens. IL-17-mediated response has been shown to be crucial for host resistance to …


An intein-mediated modulation of protein stability system and its application to study human cytomegalovirus essential gene function


Deng Pan, Baoqin Xuan, Yamei Sun et al.


Functional analysis of the essential proteins encoded by human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is hindered by the lack of complementing systems. To overcome this difficulty, we have …


Elongator Protein 3 (Elp3) stabilizes Snail1 and regulates neural crest migration in Xenopus


Xiangcai Yang, Jiejing Li, Wanli Zeng et al.


Elongator protein 3 (Elp3) is the enzymatic unit of the elongator protein complex, a histone acetyltransferase complex involved in transcriptional elongation. It has long been …


Chiral amino acid metabolomics for novel biomarker screening in the prognosis of chronic kidney disease


Tomonori Kimura, Kenji Hamase, Yurika Miyoshi et al.


D-Amino acids, the enantiomers of L-amino acids, are increasingly recognized as novel biomarkers. Although the amounts of D-amino acids are usually very trace in human, some of …


Chitosan oligosaccharide induces resistance to Tobacco mosaic virus in Arabidopsis via the salicylic acid-mediated signalling pathway


Xiaochen Jia, Qingshan Meng, Haihong Zeng et al.


Chitosan is one of the most abundant carbohydrate biopolymers in the world, and chitosan oligosaccharide (COS), which is prepared from chitosan, is a plant immunity regulator. …


Disruption of Notch signaling aggravates irradiation-induced bone marrow injury, which is ameliorated by a soluble Dll1 ligand through Csf2rb2 upregulation


Juan-Juan Chen, Xiao-Tong Gao, Lan Yang et al.


Physical and chemical insult-induced bone marrow (BM) damage often leads to lethality resulting from the depletion of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) and/or a …


Whole genome nucleosome sequencing identifies novel types of forensic markers in degraded DNA samples


Chun-nan Dong, Ya-dong Yang, Shu-jin Li et al.


In the case of mass disasters, missing persons and forensic caseworks, highly degraded biological samples are often encountered. It can be a challenge to analyze and interpret …


Intravenous administration of lidocaine directly acts on spinal dorsal horn and produces analgesic effect: An in vivo patch-clamp analysis


Miyuki Kurabe, Hidemasa Furue, Tatsuro Kohno


Intravenous lidocaine administration produces an analgesic effect in various pain states, such as neuropathic and acute pain, although the underlying mechanisms remains unclear. …


A novel pathway for fungal D-glucuronate catabolism contains an L-idonate forming 2-keto-L-gulonate reductase


Joosu Kuivanen, Maura H. Sugai-Guérios, Mikko Arvas et al.


For the catabolism of D-glucuronate, different pathways are used by different life forms. The pathways in bacteria and animals are established, however, a fungal pathway has not …


Integrin CD11b attenuates colitis by strengthening Src-Akt pathway to polarize anti-inflammatory IL-10 expression


Xiang Hu, Chaofeng Han, Jing Jin et al.


Interleukin-10 (IL-10) plays a central role in regulation of intestinal mucosal homeostasis and prevention of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). We previously reported that CD11bhi


A New Method for Preparing Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Labeling with Ferumoxytol for Cell Tracking by MRI


Li Liu, Lanya Tseng, Qing Ye et al.


Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are among the major stem cells used for cell therapy and regenerative medicine. In-vivo cell-tracking by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is crucial …


Topical Delivery of Protein and Peptide Using Novel Cell Penetrating Peptide IMT-P8


Ankur Gautam, Jagpreet Singh Nanda, Jesse S. Samuel et al.


Skin, being the largest organ of the body, is an important site for drug administration. However, most of the drugs have poor permeability and thus drug delivery through the skin …


Evolutionary origin of the NCSI gene subfamily encoding norcoclaurine synthase is associated with the biosynthesis of benzylisoquinoline alkaloids in plants


Sornkanok Vimolmangkang, Xianbao Deng, Albert Owiti et al.


Sacred lotus is rich in biologically active compounds, particularly benzylisoquinoline alkaloids (BIAs). Here, we report on isolation of genes encoding (S)-norcoclaurine synthase …


The contribution of inflammasome components on macrophage response to surface nanotopography and chemistry


Susan Christo, Akash Bachhuka, Kerrilyn R. Diener et al.


Implantable devices have become an established part of medical practice. However, often a negative inflammatory host response can impede the integration and functionality of the …


Polar flagella rotation in Vibrio parahaemolyticus confers resistance to bacteriophage infection


Hui Zhang, Lu Li, Zhe Zhao et al.


Bacteriophage has been recognized as a novel approach to treat bacterial infectious diseases. However, phage resistance may reduce the efficacy of phage therapy. Here, we …


Generation of a high resolution map of sRNAs from Fusarium graminearum and analysis of responses to viral infection


Shuangchao Wang, Pengfei Li, Jingze Zhang et al.


Previously, we characterized F. graminearum hypovirus 1 (FgHV1) and F. graminearum hypovirus 2 (FgHV2), which are the only two hypoviruses in F. graminearum that are closely …


TRPV1 is crucial for proinflammatory STAT3 signaling and thermoregulation-associated pathways in the brain during inflammation


Ayaka Yoshida, Eriko Furube, Tetsuya Mannari et al.


Transient receptor potential vanilloid receptor 1 (TRPV1) is a non-selective cation channel that is stimulated by heat (>43 °C), mechanical/osmotic stimuli, and low pH. The …


Commercial processed soy-based food product contains glycated and glycoxidated lunasin proteoforms


Aida Serra, Xavier Gallart-Palau, Rachel Su-En See-Toh et al.


Nutraceuticals have been proposed to exert positive effects on human health and confer protection against many chronic diseases. A major bioactive component of soy-based foods is …


Power Calculation of Multi-step Combined Principal Components with Applications to Genetic Association Studies


Zhengbang Li, Wei Zhang, Dongdong Pan et al.


Principal component analysis (PCA) is a useful tool to identify important linear combination of correlated variables in multivariate analysis and has been applied to detect …


A Novel Strategy for Live Detection of Viral Infection in Drosophila melanogaster


Jens-Ola Ekström, Dan Hultmark


We have created a transgenic reporter for virus infection, and used it to study Nora virus infection in Drosophila melanogaster. The transgenic construct, Munin, expresses the …


ApoE4 expression accelerates hippocampus-dependent cognitive deficits by enhancing Aβ impairment of insulin signaling in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model


Elizabeth S. Chan, Mahesh Shivarama Shetty, Sreedharan Sajikumar et al.


The apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4) is the strongest genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The AD brain was shown to be insulin resistant at end stage, but the interplay …


Insight into structure dynamics of soil microbiota mediated by the richness of replanted Pseudostellaria heterophylla


Yong-Po Zhao, Sheng Lin, Leixia Chu et al.


Consecutive monoculture of crops causes serious diseases and significant decline in yield and quality, and microbes in the rhizosphere are closely linked with plant health. Here …


Sirt6 cooperates with Blimp1 to positively regulate osteoclast differentiation


So Jeong Park, Jeong-Eun Huh, Jihye Shin et al.


Global deletion of the gene encoding a nuclear histone deacetylase sirtuin 6 (Sirt6) in mice leads to osteopenia with a low bone turnover due to impaired bone formation. But …


Contrasting movement strategies among juvenile albatrosses and petrels


Sophie de Grissac, Luca Börger, Audrey Guitteaud et al.


Animal movement is a fundamental eco-evolutionary process yet the behaviour of juvenile animals is largely unknown for many species, especially for soaring seabirds which can …


Glycans affect DNA extraction and induce substantial differences in gut metagenomic studies


Emmanouil Angelakis, Dipankar Bachar, Bernard Henrissat et al.


Exopolysaccharides produced by bacterial species and present in feces are extremely inhibitory to DNA restriction and can cause discrepancies in metagenomic studies. We …


Long-term expression of miRNA for RNA interference using a novel vector system based on a negative-strand RNA virus


Tomoyuki Honda, Yusuke Yamamoto, Takuji Daito et al.


RNA interference (RNAi) has emerged as a promising technique for gene therapy. However, the safe and long-term expression of small RNA molecules is a major concern for the …


Corrigendum: Mutation analysis of the phospholamban gene in 315 South Africans with dilated, hypertrophic, peripartum and arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathies


Maryam Fish, Gasnat Shaboodien, Sarah Kraus et al.



Aligned Nanotopography Promotes a Migratory State in Glioblastoma Multiforme Tumor Cells


Alexander Beliveau, Gawain Thomas, Jiaxin Gong et al.


Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is an aggressive, Grade IV astrocytoma with a poor survival rate, primarily due to the GBM tumor cells migrating away from the primary tumor site …


Fe-MIL-101 exhibits selective cytotoxicity and inhibition of angiogenesis in ovarian cancer cells via downregulation of MMP


Jiaqiang Wang, Daomei Chen, Bin Li et al.


Though metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have inspired potential applications in biomedicine, cytotoxicity studies of MOFs have been relatively rare. Here we demonstrate for the …


Whole-transcriptome analysis of UUO mouse model of renal fibrosis reveals new molecular players in kidney diseases


Eleni Arvaniti, Panagiotis Moulos, Athina Vakrakou et al.


Transcriptome analysis by RNA-seq technology allows novel insights into gene expression and regulatory networks in health and disease. To better understand the molecular basis of …


HIV infection results in metabolic alterations in the gut microbiota different from those induced by other diseases


Sergio Serrano-Villar, David Rojo, Mónica Martínez-Martínez et al.


Imbalances in gut bacteria have been associated with multiple diseases. However, whether there are disease-specific changes in gut microbial metabolism remains unknown. Here, we …


Morc3 mutant mice exhibit reduced cortical area and thickness, accompanied by altered haematopoietic stem cells niche and bone cell differentiation


Gaurav Jadhav, Dian Teguh, Jacob Kenny et al.


Morc3, a member of a highly conserved nuclear matrix protein super-family plays an important part in chromatin remodeling, DNA repair, epigenetic regulation and cellular …


Physiological maturation and drug responses of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cortical neuronal networks in long-term culture


A. Odawara, H. Katoh, N. Matsuda et al.


The functional network of human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived neurons is a potentially powerful in vitro model for evaluating disease mechanisms and drug …


Topological distortion and reorganized modular structure of gut microbial co-occurrence networks in inflammatory bowel disease


Steven N. Baldassano, Danielle S. Bassett


The gut microbiome plays a key role in human health, and alterations of the normal gut flora are associated with a variety of distinct disease states. Yet, the natural …


Identification of biomarkers for development of end-stage kidney disease in chronic kidney disease by metabolomic profiling


Tomonori Kimura, Keiko Yasuda, Ryohei Yamamoto et al.


A critical issue in the management of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is to prevent patients from the progression to end-stage kidney disease (ESKD), however, there is only limited …


Reduced tonic inhibition after stroke promotes motor performance and epileptic seizures


Nadine Jaenisch, Lutz Liebmann, Madlen Guenther et al.


Stroke survivors often recover from motor deficits, either spontaneously or with the support of rehabilitative training. Since tonic GABAergic inhibition controls network …


Impaired Mobilization of Vascular Reparative Bone Marrow Cells in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes but not in Leptin Receptor-Deficient db/db Mice


Goutham Vasam, Shrinidh Joshi, Yagna P. R. Jarajapu


Diabetes is associated with impaired mobilization of bone marrow stem/progenitor cells that accelerate vascularization of ischemic areas. This study characterized mobilization of …


Metabolomics Investigation Reveals Metabolite Mediators Associated with Acute Lung Injury and Repair in a Murine Model of Influenza Pneumonia


Liang Cui, Dahai Zheng, Yie Hou Lee et al.


Influenza virus infection (IVI) can cause primary viral pneumonia, which may progress to acute lung injury (ALI) and respiratory failure with a potentially fatal outcome. At …


Zinc isotope ratios of bones and teeth as new dietary indicators: results from a modern food web (Koobi Fora, Kenya)


Klervia Jaouen, Melanie Beasley, Margaret Schoeninger et al.


In order to explore the possibilities of using zinc (Zn) stable isotope ratios as dietary indicators, we report here on the measurements of the ratio of stable isotopes of zinc (


Penfluridol suppresses pancreatic tumor growth by autophagy-mediated apoptosis


Alok Ranjan, Sanjay K. Srivastava


Pancreatic tumors exhibit enhanced autophagy as compared to any other cancer, making it resistant to chemotherapy. We evaluated the effect of penfluridol against pancreatic …


Contrasting Linguistic and Genetic Origins of the Asian Source Populations of Malagasy


Pradiptajati Kusuma, Nicolas Brucato, Murray P. Cox et al.


The Austronesian expansion, one of the last major human migrations, influenced regions as distant as tropical Asia, Remote Oceania and Madagascar, off the east coast of Africa. …


Chronic administration of Angelica sinensis polysaccharide effectively improves fatty liver and glucose homeostasis in high-fat diet-fed mice


Kaiping Wang, Peng Cao, Hanxiang Wang et al.


This study aimed to investigate the therapeutic effects of Angelica sinensis polysaccharide (ASP), an active component derived from a water extract of Angelica sinensis, in …


Self-assembly modified-mushroom nanocomposite for rapid removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution with bubbling fluidized bed


Fei Xu, Xu Liu, Yijiao Chen et al.


A self-assembled modified Pleurotus Cornucopiae material (SMPM) combined with improved Intermittent Bubbling Fluidized Bed (IBFB) was investigated to remove the hexavalent …


SOX7 co-regulates Wnt/β-catenin signaling with Axin-2: both expressed at low levels in breast cancer


Huidi Liu, Emilio Mastriani, Zi-Qiao Yan et al.


SOX7 as a tumor suppressor belongs to the SOX F gene subfamily and is associated with a variety of human cancers, including breast cancer, but the mechanisms involved are largely …


Infused polymers for cell sheet release


Nidhi Juthani, Caitlin Howell, Haylea Ledoux et al.


Tissue engineering using whole, intact cell sheets has shown promise in many cell-based therapies. However, current systems for the growth and release of these sheets can be …


Superparamagnetic Properties of Hemozoin


M. Inyushin, Yu. Kucheryavih, L. Kucheryavih et al.


We report that hemozoin nanocrystals demonstrate superparamagnetic properties, with direct measurements of the synthetic hemozoin magnetization. The results show that the …


Rho kinase inhibitor enables cell-based therapy for corneal endothelial dysfunction


Naoki Okumura, Yuji Sakamoto, Keita Fujii et al.


The corneal endothelium maintains corneal transparency; consequently, its dysfunction causes severe vision loss. Tissue engineering-based therapy, as an alternative to …


VEGF-B inhibits hyperglycemia- and Macugen-induced retinal apoptosis


Delong Huang, Chen Zhao, Rong Ju et al.


Vascular endothelial growth factor B (VEGF-B) was discovered a long time ago. However, its role in hyperglycemia- and VEGF-A inhibition-induced retinal apoptosis remains unknown …


Multicolor 4D Fluorescence Microscopy using Ultrathin Bessel Light Sheets


Teng Zhao, Sze Cheung Lau, Ying Wang et al.


We demonstrate a simple and efficient method for producing ultrathin Bessel (‘non-diffracting’) light sheets of any color using a line-shaped beam and an annulus filter. With …


Identification and Characterization of Epstein-Barr Virus Genomes in Lung Carcinoma Biopsy Samples by Next-Generation Sequencing Technology


Shanshan Wang, Hongchao Xiong, Shi Yan et al.


Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been detected in the tumor cells of several cancers, including some cases of lung carcinoma (LC). However, the genomic characteristics and diversity …


Patients with first-episode, drug-naive schizophrenia and subjects at ultra-high risk of psychosis shared increased cerebellar-default mode network connectivity at rest


Houliang Wang, Wenbin Guo, Feng Liu et al.


Increased cerebellar-default mode network (DMN) connectivity has been observed in first-episode, drug-naive patients with schizophrenia. However, it remains unclear whether …


Assessing mutant p53 in primary high-grade serous ovarian cancer using immunohistochemistry and massively parallel sequencing


Alexander J. Cole, Trisha Dwight, Anthony J. Gill et al.


The tumour suppressor p53 is mutated in cancer, including over 96% of high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC). Mutations cause loss of wild-type p53 function due to either gain …


In vivo Real-Time Mass Spectrometry for Guided Surgery Application


Benoit Fatou, Philippe Saudemont, Eric Leblanc et al.


Here we describe a new instrument (SpiderMass) designed for in vivo and real-time analysis. In this instrument ion production is performed remotely from the MS instrument and the …


Single Molecule Spectroscopy of Monomeric LHCII: Experiment and Theory


Pavel Malý, J. Michael Gruber, Rienk van Grondelle et al.


We derive approximate equations of motion for excited state dynamics of a multilevel open quantum system weakly interacting with light to describe fluorescence-detected single …


Triazole resistance mediated by mutations of a conserved active site tyrosine in fungal lanosterol 14α-demethylase


Alia A. Sagatova, Mikhail V. Keniya, Rajni K. Wilson et al.


Emergence of fungal strains showing resistance to triazole drugs can make treatment of fungal disease problematic. Triazole resistance can arise due to single mutations in the …


Mice with Dab1 or Vldlr insufficiency exhibit abnormal neonatal vocalization patterns


E. R. Fraley, Z. D. Burkett, N. F. Day et al.


Genetic and epigenetic changes in components of the Reelin-signaling pathway (RELN, DAB1) are associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) risk. Social communication deficits …


Molecular Subtyping of Serous Ovarian Cancer Based on Multi-omics Data


Zhe Zhang, Ke Huang, Chenglei Gu et al.


Classification of ovarian cancer by morphologic features has a limited effect on serous ovarian cancer (SOC) treatment and prognosis. Here, we proposed a new system for SOC …


Induction of C/EBP homologous protein-mediated apoptosis and autophagy by licochalcone A in non-small cell lung cancer cells


Zheng-Hai Tang, Xin Chen, Zhao-Yu Wang et al.


Licochalcone A (LCA), a flavonoid isolated from the famous Chinese medicinal herb Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch, presents obvious anti-cancer effects. In this study, the …


KLF4 transcriptionally activates non-canonical WNT5A to control epithelial stratification


Marie-Pier Tetreault, Daniel Weinblatt, Khvaramze Shaverdashvili et al.


Epithelial differentiation and stratification are essential for normal homeostasis, and disruption of these processes leads to both injury and cancer. The zinc-finger …


Hyperosmosis and its combination with nutrient-limitation are novel environmental stressors for induction of triacylglycerol accumulation in cells of Chlorella kessleri


Kazuho Hirai, Taihei Hayashi, Yuri Hasegawa et al.


Triacylglycerols of oleaginous algae are promising for production of food oils and biodiesel fuel. Air-drying of cells induces triacylglycerol accumulation in a freshwater green …


Effects of cue focality on the neural mechanisms of prospective memory: A meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies


Giorgia Cona, Patrizia Silvia Bisiacchi, Giuseppe Sartori et al.


Remembering to execute pre-defined intentions at the appropriate time in the future is typically referred to as Prospective Memory (PM). Studies of PM showed that distinct …


Loss of ubiquitin E2 Ube2w rescues hypersensitivity of Rnf4 mutant cells to DNA damage


Jean-François Maure, Sandra C. Moser, Ellis G. Jaffray et al.


SUMO and ubiquitin play important roles in the response of cells to DNA damage. These pathways are linked by the SUMO Targeted ubiquitin Ligase Rnf4 that catalyses transfer of …


Epitope mapping by a Wnt-blocking antibody: evidence of the Wnt binding domain in heparan sulfate


Wei Gao, Yongmei Xu, Jian Liu et al.


Heparan sulfate (HS) is a polysaccharide known to modulate many important biological processes, including Wnt signaling. However, the biochemical interaction between HS and Wnt …


Combination of deep eutectic solvent and ionic liquid to improve biocatalytic reduction of 2-octanone with Acetobacter pasteurianus GIM1.158 cell


Pei Xu, Peng-Xuan Du, Min-Hua Zong et al.


The efficient anti-Prelog asymmetric reduction of 2-octanone with Acetobacter pasteurianus GIM1.158 cells was successfully performed in a biphasic system consisting of deep …


Brain Tumor Genetic Modification Yields Increased Resistance to Paclitaxel in Physical Confinement


Loan Bui, Alissa Hendricks, Jamie Wright et al.


Brain tumor cells remain highly resistant to radiation and chemotherapy, particularly malignant and secondary cancers. In this study, we utilized microchannel devices to examine …


A critical role for Piezo2 channels in the mechanotransduction of mouse proprioceptive neurons


Danny Florez-Paz, Kiran Kumar Bali, Rohini Kuner et al.


Proprioceptors are responsible for the conscious sensation of limb position and movement, muscle tension or force, and balance. Recent evidence suggests that Piezo2 is a low …


In vivo organ specific drug delivery with implantable peristaltic pumps


Joshua S. Speed, Kelly A. Hyndman


Classic methods for delivery of agents to specific organs are technically challenging and causes superfluous stress. The current study describes a method using programmable, …


Molecular determinants of plaque size as an indicator of dengue virus attenuation


Kenneth Choon Meng Goh, Choon Kit Tang, Diana Catherine Norton et al.


The development of live viral vaccines relies on empirically derived phenotypic criteria, especially small plaque sizes, to indicate attenuation. However, while some candidate …


Vitamin-D receptor agonist calcitriol reduces calcification in vitro through selective upregulation of SLC20A2 but not SLC20A1 or XPR1


M. P. Keasey, R. R. Lemos, T. Hagg et al.


Vitamin D deficiency (hypovitaminosis D) causes osteomalacia and poor long bone mineralization. In apparent contrast, hypovitaminosis D has been reported in patients with primary …


Krüppel homolog 1 and E93 mediate Juvenile hormone regulation of metamorphosis in the common bed bug, Cimex lectularius


Hemant Gujar, Subba Reddy Palli


The common bed bug is an obligate hematophagous parasite of humans. We studied the regulation of molting and metamorphosis in bed bugs with a goal to identify key players …


Spatial organization of heterologous metabolic system in vivo based on TALE


Ling-yun Zhu, Xin-yuan Qiu, Ling-yun Zhu et al.


For years, prokaryotic hosts have been widely applied in bio-engineering. However, the confined in vivo enzyme clustering of heterologous metabolic pathways in these organisms …


Temporal interactions of plant - insect - predator after infection of bacterial pathogen on rice plants


Ze Sun, Zhuang Liu, Wen Zhou et al.


Pathogenic infection on plants may affect interactions of host-plants with their herbivores, as well as the herbivores with their predators. In this study, the effects of …


Species-specific mutual regulation of p53 and miR-138 between human, rat and mouse


Jie Li, Wei Xia, Xueting Su et al.


In recent years, p53 was identified to regulate the expression of many miRNAs and was also regulated by miRNAs. In this paper, we found that miR-138 showed a pronounced increase …


Inhibiting complex IL-17A and IL-17RA interactions with a linear peptide


Shenping Liu, Joel Desharnais, Parag V. Sahasrabudhe et al.


IL-17A is a pro-inflammatory cytokine that has been implicated in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Monoclonal antibodies inhibiting IL-17A signaling have demonstrated …


Ecology of conflict: marine food supply affects human-wildlife interactions on land


Kyle A. Artelle, Sean C. Anderson, John D. Reynolds et al.


Human-wildlife conflicts impose considerable costs to people and wildlife worldwide. Most research focuses on proximate causes, offering limited generalizable understanding of …


Balancing intestinal and systemic inflammation through cell type-specific expression of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor repressor


Olga Brandstätter, Oliver Schanz, Julia Vorac et al.


As a sensor of polyaromatic chemicals the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) exerts an important role in immune regulation besides its requirement for xenobiotic metabolism. …


Visible-light photoredox synthesis of unnatural chiral α-amino acids


Min Jiang, Yunhe Jin, Haijun Yang et al.


Unnatural chiral α-amino acids are widely used in fields of organic chemistry, biochemistry and medicinal chemistry, and their synthesis has attracted extensive attention. …


Differential investment in visual and olfactory brain areas reflects behavioural choices in hawk moths


Anna Stöckl, Stanley Heinze, Alice Charalabidis et al.


Nervous tissue is one of the most metabolically expensive animal tissues, thus evolutionary investments that result in enlarged brain regions should also result in improved …


Characteristics of Mitochondrial Transformation into Human Cells


E. E. Kesner, A. Saada-Reich, H. Lorberboum-Galski


Mitochondria can be incorporated into mammalian cells by simple co-incubation of isolated mitochondria with cells, without the need of transfection reagents or any other type of …


Nuclease Footprints in Sperm Project Past and Future Chromatin Regulatory Events


Graham D. Johnson, Meritxell Jodar, Roger Pique-Regi et al.


Nuclear remodeling to a condensed state is a hallmark of spermatogenesis. This is achieved by replacement of histones with protamines. Regions retaining nucleosomes may be of …


In vitro flow cytometry-based screening platform for cellulase engineering


Georgette Körfer, Christian Pitzler, Ljubica Vojcic et al.


Ultrahigh throughput screening (uHTS) plays an essential role in directed evolution for tailoring biocatalysts for industrial applications. Flow cytometry-based uHTS provides an …


Integrated metabolomic and transcriptome analyses reveal finishing forage affects metabolic pathways related to beef quality and animal welfare


José A. Carrillo, Yanghua He, Yaokun Li et al.


Beef represents a major dietary component and source of protein in many countries. With an increasing demand for beef, the industry is currently undergoing changes towards …


The rice thylakoid membrane-bound ascorbate peroxidase OsAPX8 functions in tolerance to bacterial blight


Guanghuai Jiang, Dedong Yin, Jiying Zhao et al.


Thylakoid membrane-bound ascorbate peroxidase (tAPX) is a major H2O2-scavenging enzyme. To clarify its functions in tolerance to rice bacterial blight, we produced rice lines …


Elizabethkingia anophelis bacteremia is associated with clinically significant infections and high mortality


Susanna K. P. Lau, Wang-Ngai Chow, Chuen-Hing Foo et al.


Unlike Elizabethkingia meningoseptica, the clinical importance of E. anophelis is poorly understood. We determined the clinical and molecular epidemiology of bacteremia caused by


A systems biology pipeline identifies new immune and disease related molecular signatures and networks in human cells during microgravity exposure


Sayak Mukhopadhyay, Rohini Saha, Anbarasi Palanisamy et al.


Microgravity is a prominent health hazard for astronauts, yet we understand little about its effect at the molecular systems level. In this study, we have integrated a set of …


Exposure to organochlorine pesticides and non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a meta-analysis of observational studies


Dan Luo, Tingting Zhou, Yun Tao et al.


Growing evidence indicates that exposure to organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) could increase non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) risk. However, results from epidemiological studies …


Functional evaluation of TERT-CLPTM1L genetic variants associated with susceptibility of papillary thyroid carcinoma


Minghua Ge, Meng Shi, Changming An et al.


TERT is the catalytic subunit of telomerase which plays an essential part in cellular immortality by maintaining telomere integrity. TERT is commonly over-expressed in human …


Gender differences in CNV burden do not confound schizophrenia CNV associations


Jun Han, James T. R. Walters, George Kirov et al.


Compared with the general population, an excess of rare copy number variants (CNVs) has been identified in people with schizophrenia. Females with neurodevelopmental disorders …


MicroRNA-27a Induces Mesangial Cell Injury by Targeting of PPARγ, and its In Vivo Knockdown Prevents Progression of Diabetic Nephropathy


Lina Wu, Qingzhu Wang, Feng Guo et al.


MicroRNAs play important roles in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy (DN). In this study, we found that high glucose upregulated miR-27a expression in cultured glomerular …


Modified serpinA1 as risk marker for Parkinson’s disease dementia: Analysis of baseline data


Steffen Halbgebauer, Magdalena Nagl, Hans Klafki et al.


Early detection of dementia in Parkinson disease is a prerequisite for preventive therapeutic approaches. Modified serpinA1 in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was suggested as an early …


Comparative Evaluation of the Artefacts Index of Dental Materials on Two-Dimensional Cone-beam Computed Tomography


Fusong Yuan, Litong Chen, Xiaofei Wang et al.


The aim of the study was to propose the artefact index on cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images of clinical prosthodontics materials, and to compare the effect of the …


Defective excitation-contraction coupling is partially responsible for impaired contractility in hindlimb muscles of Stac3 knockout mice


Xiaofei Cong, Jonathan Doering, Robert W. Grange et al.


The Stac3 gene is exclusively expressed in skeletal muscle, and Stac3 knockout is perinatal lethal in mice. Previous data from Stac3-deleted diaphragms indicated that Stac3


A robust operational model for predicting where tropical cyclone waves damage coral reefs


Marji Puotinen, Jeffrey A. Maynard, Roger Beeden et al.


Tropical cyclone (TC) waves can severely damage coral reefs. Models that predict where to find such damage (the ‘damage zone’) enable reef managers to: 1) target management …


Regulation of Irregular Neuronal Firing by Autaptic Transmission


Daqing Guo, Shengdun Wu, Mingming Chen et al.


The importance of self-feedback autaptic transmission in modulating spike-time irregularity is still poorly understood. By using a biophysical model that incorporates autaptic …


Reduced levels of dopamine and altered metabolism in brains of HPRT knock-out rats: a new rodent model of Lesch-Nyhan Disease


Stephen Meek, Alison J. Thomson, Linda Sutherland et al.


Lesch-Nyhan disease (LND) is a severe neurological disorder caused by loss-of-function mutations in the gene encoding hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT), an enzyme …

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