Friday, May 20, 2016

Molecular Psychiatry - Table of Contents alert Volume 21 Issue 6

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Molecular Psychiatry


Volume 21, Issue 6 (June 2016)

In this issue
Letters to the Editor
News and Commentary
Expert Review
Immediate Communications
Original Articles

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Shaping plasticity: Alterations in glutamate transporter localization as a pathophysiological mechanism in severe mental illness

R E McCullumsmith, S M O'Donovan, J B Drummond, F S Benesh, M Simmons, R Roberts, T Lauriat, V Haroutunian and J H Meador-Woodruff

Mol Psychiatry 2016 21: 723; 10.1038/mp.2016.79

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Letters to the Editor


The volumes of subcortical regions in depressed and healthy individuals are strikingly similar: a reinterpretation of the results by Schmaal et al.

E I Fried and R A Kievit

Mol Psychiatry 2016 21: 724-725; advance online publication, December 15, 2015; 10.1038/mp.2015.199

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Size matters; but so does what you do with it!

G S Malhi, P Das and T Outhred

Mol Psychiatry 2016 21: 725-726; advance online publication, January 5, 2016; 10.1038/mp.2015.200

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Response to Dr Fried & Dr Kievit, and Dr Malhi et al. OPEN

L Schmaal, D J Veltman, T G M van Erp, P G Sämann, T Frodl, N Jahanshad, E Loehrer, M W Vernooij, W J Niessen, M A Ikram, K Wittfeld, H J Grabe, A Block, K Hegenscheid, D Hoehn, M Czisch, J Lagopoulos, S N Hatton, I B Hickie, R Goya-Maldonado, B Krämer, O Gruber, B Couvy-Duchesne, M E Rentería, L T Strike, M J Wright, G I de Zubicaray, K L McMahon, S E Medland, N A Gillespie, G B Hall, L S van Velzen, M-J van Tol, N J van der Wee, I M Veer, H Walter, E Schramm, C Normann, D Schoepf, C Konrad, B Zurowski, A M McIntosh, H C Whalley, J E Sussmann, B R Godlewska, F H Fischer, B W J H Penninx, P M Thompson and D P Hibar for the ENIGMA-Major Depressive Disorder Working Group

Mol Psychiatry 2016 21: 726-728; advance online publication, February 23, 2016; 10.1038/mp.2016.9

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Parental age, birth order and neurodevelopmental disorders

A K Merikangas, R Segurado, E Kelleher, D Hogan, C Delaney, M Gill, L Gallagher, A P Corvin and E A Heron

Mol Psychiatry 2016 21: 728-730; advance online publication, August 25, 2015; 10.1038/mp.2015.127

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BDNF Val66Met genotype determines hippocampus-dependent behavior via sensitivity to glucocorticoid signaling OPEN

M Notaras, R Hill, J A Gogos and M van den Buuse

Mol Psychiatry 2016 21: 730-732; advance online publication, October 6, 2015; 10.1038/mp.2015.152

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News and Commentary


Connecting the dots, genome-wide association studies in substance use

M G Nivard, K J H Verweij, C C Minică, J L Treur, International Cannabis Consortium, J M Vink and D I Boomsma

Mol Psychiatry 2016 21: 733-735; advance online publication, March 15, 2016; 10.1038/mp.2016.14

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A brief proposal for improving clinical trials

Recent advances in diagnostics may significantly inspire and streamline clinical trials

A B Niculescu

Mol Psychiatry 2016 21: 736-737; advance online publication, March 29, 2016; 10.1038/mp.2016.42

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Expert Review


From gut dysbiosis to altered brain function and mental illness: mechanisms and pathways OPEN

G B Rogers, D J Keating, R L Young, M-L Wong, J Licinio and S Wesselingh

Mol Psychiatry 2016 21: 738-748; advance online publication, April 19, 2016; 10.1038/mp.2016.50

Abstract | Full Text | PDF

Immediate Communications


Genome-wide analysis of over 106000 individuals identifies 9 neuroticism-associated loci OPEN

D J Smith, V Escott-Price, G Davies, M E S Bailey, L Colodro-Conde, J Ward, A Vedernikov, R Marioni, B Cullen, D Lyall, S P Hagenaars, D C M Liewald, M Luciano, C R Gale, S J Ritchie, C Hayward, B Nicholl, B Bulik-Sullivan, M Adams, B Couvy-Duchesne, N Graham, D Mackay, J Evans, B H Smith, D J Porteous, S E Medland, N G Martin, P Holmans, A M McIntosh, J P Pell, I J Deary and M C O'Donovan

Mol Psychiatry 2016 21: 749-757; advance online publication, April 12, 2016; 10.1038/mp.2016.49

Abstract | Full Text | PDF

Genome-wide association study of cognitive functions and educational attainment in UK Biobank (N=112151) OPEN

G Davies, R E Marioni, D C Liewald, W D Hill, S P Hagenaars, S E Harris, S J Ritchie, M Luciano, C Fawns-Ritchie, D Lyall, B Cullen, S R Cox, C Hayward, D J Porteous, J Evans, A M McIntosh, J Gallacher, N Craddock, J P Pell, D J Smith, C R Gale and I J Deary

Mol Psychiatry 2016 21: 758-767; advance online publication, April 5, 2016; 10.1038/mp.2016.45

Abstract | Full Text | PDF

Towards understanding and predicting suicidality in women: biomarkers and clinical risk assessment

D F Levey, E M Niculescu, H Le-Niculescu, H L Dainton, P L Phalen, T B Ladd, H Weber, E Belanger, D L Graham, F N Khan, N P Vanipenta, E C Stage, A Ballew, M Yard, T Gelbart, A Shekhar, N J Schork, S M Kurian, G E Sandusky, D R Salomon and A B Niculescu

Mol Psychiatry 2016 21: 768-785; advance online publication, April 5, 2016; 10.1038/mp.2016.31

Abstract | Full Text | PDF

Original Articles


Gut microbiome remodeling induces depressive-like behaviors through a pathway mediated by the host’s metabolism

P Zheng, B Zeng, C Zhou, M Liu, Z Fang, X Xu, L Zeng, J Chen, S Fan, X Du, X Zhang, D Yang, Y Yang, H Meng, W Li, N D Melgiri, J Licinio, H Wei and P Xie

Mol Psychiatry 2016 21: 786-796; advance online publication, April 12, 2016; 10.1038/mp.2016.44

Abstract | Full Text | PDF

Inflammasome signaling affects anxiety- and depressive-like behavior and gut microbiome composition OPEN

M-L Wong, A Inserra, M D Lewis, C A Mastronardi, L Leong, J Choo, S Kentish, P Xie, M Morrison, S L Wesselingh, G B Rogers and J Licinio

Mol Psychiatry 2016 21: 797-805; advance online publication, April 19, 2016; 10.1038/mp.2016.46

Abstract | Full Text | PDF

Subcortical brain alterations in major depressive disorder: findings from the ENIGMA Major Depressive Disorder working group OPEN

L Schmaal, D J Veltman, T G M van Erp, P G Sämann, T Frodl, N Jahanshad, E Loehrer, H Tiemeier, A Hofman, W J Niessen, M W Vernooij, M A Ikram, K Wittfeld, H J Grabe, A Block, K Hegenscheid, H Völzke, D Hoehn, M Czisch, J Lagopoulos, S N Hatton, I B Hickie, R Goya-Maldonado, B Krämer, O Gruber, B Couvy-Duchesne, M E Rentería, L T Strike, N T Mills, G I de Zubicaray, K L McMahon, S E Medland, N G Martin, N A Gillespie, M J Wright, G B Hall, G M MacQueen, E M Frey, A Carballedo, L S van Velzen, M J van Tol, N J van der Wee, I M Veer, H Walter, K Schnell, E Schramm, C Normann, D Schoepf, C Konrad, B Zurowski, T Nickson, A M McIntosh, M Papmeyer, H C Whalley, J E Sussmann, B R Godlewska, P J Cowen, F H Fischer, M Rose, B W J H Penninx, P M Thompson and D P Hibar for the ENIGMA-Major Depressive Disorder Working Group

Mol Psychiatry 2016 21: 806-812; advance online publication, June 30, 2015; 10.1038/mp.2015.69

Abstract | Full Text | PDF

Allelic variation in CRHR1 predisposes to panic disorder: evidence for biased fear processing

H Weber, J Richter, B Straube, U Lueken, K Domschke, C Schartner, B Klauke, C Baumann, C Pané-Farré, C P Jacob, C-J Scholz, P Zwanzger, T Lang, L Fehm, A Jansen, C Konrad, T Fydrich, A Wittmann, B Pfleiderer, A Ströhle, A L Gerlach, G W Alpers, V Arolt, P Pauli, H-U Wittchen, L Kent, A Hamm, T Kircher, J Deckert and A Reif

Mol Psychiatry 2016 21: 813-822; advance online publication, September 1, 2015; 10.1038/mp.2015.125

Abstract | Full Text | PDF

Cell-specific abnormalities of glutamate transporters in schizophrenia: sick astrocytes and compensating relay neurons?

R E McCullumsmith, S M O’Donovan, J B Drummond, F S Benesh, M Simmons, R Roberts, T Lauriat, V Haroutunian and J H Meador-Woodruff

Mol Psychiatry 2016 21: 823-830; advance online publication, September 29, 2015; 10.1038/mp.2015.148

Abstract | Full Text | PDF

SORL1 rare variants: a major risk factor for familial early-onset Alzheimer’s disease

G Nicolas, C Charbonnier, D Wallon, O Quenez, C Bellenguez, B Grenier-Boley, S Rousseau, A-C Richard, A Rovelet-Lecrux, K Le Guennec, D Bacq, J-G Garnier, R Olaso, A Boland, V Meyer, J-F Deleuze, P Amouyel, H M Munter, G Bourque, M Lathrop, T Frebourg, R Redon, L Letenneur, J-F Dartigues, E Génin, J-C Lambert, D Hannequin, D Campion and The CNR-MAJ collaborators

Mol Psychiatry 2016 21: 831-836; advance online publication, August 25, 2015; 10.1038/mp.2015.121

Abstract | Full Text | PDF

Genome-wide autozygosity is associated with lower general cognitive ability

D P Howrigan, M A Simonson, G Davies, S E Harris, A Tenesa, J M Starr, D C Liewald, I J Deary, A McRae, M J Wright, G W Montgomery, N Hansell, N G Martin, A Payton, M Horan, W E Ollier, A Abdellaoui, D I Boomsma, P DeRosse, E E M Knowles, D C Glahn, S Djurovic, I Melle, O A Andreassen, A Christoforou, V M Steen, S L Hellard, K Sundet, I Reinvang, T Espeseth, A J Lundervold, I Giegling, B Konte, A M Hartmann, D Rujescu, P Roussos, S Giakoumaki, K E Burdick, P Bitsios, G Donohoe, R P Corley, P M Visscher, N Pendleton, A K Malhotra, B M Neale, T Lencz and M C Keller

Mol Psychiatry 2016 21: 837-843; advance online publication, September 22, 2015; 10.1038/mp.2015.120

Abstract | Full Text | PDF

Liver X receptors regulate cerebrospinal fluid production

Y-b Dai, W-f Wu, B Huang, Y-f Miao, S Nadarshina, M Warner and J-Å Gustafsson

Mol Psychiatry 2016 21: 844-856; advance online publication, September 1, 2015; 10.1038/mp.2015.133

Abstract | Full Text | PDF

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