Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The ISME Journal - Table of Contents alert Volume 9 Issue 12

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The ISME Journal


Volume 9, Issue 12 (December 2015)

In this issue
Original Articles
Short Communications

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Original Articles


Microbial DNA records historical delivery of anthropogenic mercury OPEN

Alexandre J Poulain, Stéphane Aris-Brosou, Jules M Blais, Michelle Brazeau, Wendel (Bill) Keller and Andrew M Paterson

ISME J 2015 9: 2541-2550; advance online publication, June 9, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.86

Abstract | Full Text

Local adaptation constrains the distribution potential of heat-tolerant Symbiodinium from the Persian/Arabian Gulf OPEN

Cecilia D'Angelo, Benjamin C C Hume, John Burt, Edward G Smith, Eric P Achterberg and Jörg Wiedenmann

ISME J 2015 9: 2551-2560; advance online publication, May 19, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.80

Abstract | Full Text

Long-term soil transplant simulating climate change with latitude significantly alters microbial temporal turnover OPEN

Yuting Liang, Yuji Jiang, Feng Wang, Chongqing Wen, Ye Deng, Kai Xue, Yujia Qin, Yunfeng Yang, Liyou Wu, Jizhong Zhou and Bo Sun

ISME J 2015 9: 2561-2572; advance online publication, May 19, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.78

Abstract | Full Text

Cross-depth analysis of marine bacterial networks suggests downward propagation of temporal changes

Jacob A Cram, Li C Xia, David M Needham, Rohan Sachdeva, Fengzhu Sun and Jed A Fuhrman

ISME J 2015 9: 2573-2586; advance online publication, May 19, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.76

Abstract | Full Text

Evolutionary transition in symbiotic syndromes enabled diversification of phytophagous insects on an imbalanced diet

Sailendharan Sudakaran, Franziska Retz, Yoshitomo Kikuchi, Christian Kost and Martin Kaltenpoth

ISME J 2015 9: 2587-2604; advance online publication, May 29, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.75

Abstract | Full Text

Meta-omics uncover temporal regulation of pathways across oral microbiome genera during in vitro sugar metabolism OPEN

Anna Edlund, Youngik Yang, Shibu Yooseph, Adam P Hall, Don D Nguyen, Pieter C Dorrestein, Karen E Nelson, Xuesong He, Renate Lux, Wenyuan Shi and Jeffrey S McLean

ISME J 2015 9: 2605-2619; advance online publication, May 29, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.72

Abstract | Full Text

Productivity links morphology, symbiont specificity and bleaching in the evolution of Caribbean octocoral symbioses OPEN

David M Baker, Christopher J Freeman, Nancy Knowlton, Robert W Thacker, Kiho Kim and Marilyn L Fogel

ISME J 2015 9: 2620-2629; advance online publication, May 19, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.71

Abstract | Full Text

Microbial catabolic activities are naturally selected by metabolic energy harvest rate

Rebeca González-Cabaleiro, Irina D Ofiţeru, Juan M Lema and Jorge Rodríguez

ISME J 2015 9: 2630-2641; advance online publication, July 10, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.69

Abstract | Full Text

Contrasting taxonomic stratification of microbial communities in two hypersaline meromictic lakes

Adrian-Ştefan Andrei, Michael S Robeson, II, Andreea Baricz, Cristian Coman, Vasile Muntean, Artur Ionescu, Giuseppe Etiope, Mircea Alexe, Cosmin Ionel Sicora, Mircea Podar and Horia Leonard Banciu

ISME J 2015 9: 2642-2656; advance online publication, May 1, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.60

Abstract | Full Text

Temporal and spatial constraints on community assembly during microbial colonization of wood in seawater

Dimitri Kalenitchenko, Sonja K Fagervold, Audrey M Pruski, Gilles Vétion, Mustafa Yücel, Nadine Le Bris and Pierre E Galand

ISME J 2015 9: 2657-2670; advance online publication, April 17, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.61

Abstract | Full Text

Soil-foraging animals alter the composition and co-occurrence of microbial communities in a desert shrubland

David J Eldridge, Jason N Woodhouse, Nathalie J A Curlevski, Matthew Hayward, Mark V Brown and Brett A Neilan

ISME J 2015 9: 2671-2681; advance online publication, May 1, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.70

Abstract | Full Text

Size-fraction partitioning of community gene transcription and nitrogen metabolism in a marine oxygen minimum zone

Sangita Ganesh, Laura A Bristow, Morten Larsen, Neha Sarode, Bo Thamdrup and Frank J Stewart

ISME J 2015 9: 2682-2696; advance online publication, April 7, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.44

Abstract | Full Text

Metagenomic and lipid analyses reveal a diel cycle in a hypersaline microbial ecosystem

Karen Andrade, Jörn Logemann, Karla B Heidelberg, Joanne B Emerson, Luis R Comolli, Laura A Hug, Alexander J Probst, Angus Keillar, Brian C Thomas, Christopher S Miller, Eric E Allen, John W Moreau, Jochen J Brocks and Jillian F Banfield

ISME J 2015 9: 2697-2711; advance online publication, April 28, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.66

Abstract | Full Text

Nitrogenase diversity and activity in the gastrointestinal tract of the wood-eating catfish Panaque nigrolineatus OPEN

Ryan McDonald, Fan Zhang, Joy E M Watts and Harold J Schreier

ISME J 2015 9: 2712-2724; advance online publication, April 24, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.65

Abstract | Full Text

High molecular weight dissolved organic matter enrichment selects for methylotrophs in dilution to extinction cultures OPEN

Oscar A Sosa, Scott M Gifford, Daniel J Repeta and Edward F DeLong

ISME J 2015 9: 2725-2739; advance online publication, May 15, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.68

Abstract | Full Text

Short Communications


Metabolic potential of fatty acid oxidation and anaerobic respiration by abundant members of Thaumarchaeota and Thermoplasmata in deep anoxic peat

Xueju Lin, Kim M Handley, Jack A Gilbert and Joel E Kostka

ISME J 2015 9: 2740-2744; advance online publication, May 22, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.77

Abstract | Full Text

Marine diatom proteorhodopsins and their potential role in coping with low iron availability

Adrian Marchetti, Dylan Catlett, Brian M Hopkinson, Kelsey Ellis and Nicolas Cassar

ISME J 2015 9: 2745-2748; advance online publication, May 29, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.74

Abstract | Full Text



Enrichment of DNRA bacteria in a continuous culture

Eveline M van den Berg, Udo van Dongen, Ben Abbas and Mark CM van Loosdrecht

ISME J 2015 9: 2749; 10.1038/ismej.2015.195

Full Text



Wilfred Röling (9 December 1966 – 25 September 2015)

Hauke Smidt

ISME J 2015 9: 2750-2752; 10.1038/ismej.2015.206

Full Text

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