Thursday, November 5, 2015

Nature on networking; Managing laboratory members; The new faculty series

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Latest articles from
Blog: Networking: How to make the most out of professional societies
5 November 2015
Like-minded individuals, networking and career advancement opportunities are just some of the things professional societies can offer, says Alaina G. Levine.
Feature: Supervision: Clear Direction
4 November 2015
Managing laboratory members as well as a research strategy can be difficult for early-career principal investigators, but help is at hand.
Advertising Feature  Spotlight: Denmark: Going global
4 November 2015
Research leaders in Denmark are pushing for a stronger international presence.
Advertising Feature  Inside View: University of Copenhagen
4 November 2015
Ulla Margret Wewer, dean of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, spoke with Nature about the faculty's visions, priorities, and the importance of international collaboration in both of these things.
Advertising Feature  Inside View: Novo Nordisk Foundation
4 November 2015
Birgitte Nauntofte, CEO of the Foundation, spoke with Nature about the Foundation's new international PhD program and why it's investing so heavily in luring foreign talent to Denmark.
Blog: #SciData15: Research Data for Discovery: Prepare to Share
4 November 2015
Speakers at #SciData15 advocated for a wider degree of awareness of the field of data science and the implementation of data sharing technologies.
Video: Science communication: Whose responsibility is it?
3 November 2015
Young scientists at the 2015 Lindau Nobel meeting discuss whose responsibility it is to disseminate scientific research to wider societies.
Blog: The faculty series: An introduction
2 November 2015
New faculty share their experiences on their transition in the first of a new series on being part of the academic elite.
Blog: Most read on Naturejobs: October 2015
30 October 2015
Career uncertainty, industrial postdocs, writing for highly-selective journals and more!
Blog: Academia to industry and back again
29 October 2015
Eric Betzig shares what he leaned in working in academia and industry, and how he applies it to his career now.
Feature: Networking: Hello stranger
28 October 2015
Conferences are great for career development, but miscalculated moves can foil future prospects.
Q&A: Turning Point: Alaina Levine
28 October 2015
Friendly mathematician describes scientists' natural advantages for meeting new colleagues.
Advertising Feature  Spotlight: Singapore: Looking 50 years back, and 100 years into the future
28 October 2015
Singapore's short political history, and dramatic scientific progress
Blog: Career decisions: Too complex for the rational brain?
28 October 2015
Combining our rational thought process and gut instinct may give us the best of both worlds, says Julia Yates at the 2015 Naturejobs Career Expo in London.
Blog: Science communication: sculpting your role
28 October 2015
The field of science communication is highly varied, so don't be afraid to find what works for you, says the panel at the 2015 Naturejobs Career Expo in London.
Blog: Career paths: How to decide which path to take
23 October 2015
Rui Pires Martins, researcher development advisor at Queen Mary University of London, encourages scientists to self-reflect in order to make future career decisions.
Blog: Data sharing: Contribute to the community
22 October 2015
Data sharing can make a significant contribution to the scientific community, but it comes with challenges, says Caroline Weight.
Video: The pigeon, the antenna and me: Robert Wilson
22 October 2015
Radioastronomer Robert Wilson recalls a pair of pigeons who almost thwarted the discovery of cosmic background radiation, which earned him a share of the 1978 Nobel Prize in physics.
Advertising Feature  Spotlight: Postgraduate Opportunities
21 October 2015
Broaden your horizons beyond research and hone skills for success outside academia.
Blog: Data sharing: Fewer experiments, more knowledge
21 October 2015
Data sharing will reduce the experiments needed in the lab and will increase the speed of knowledge generation by decreasing the time spent on the generation of equivalent datasets.
Blog: Open research: Open up to open access
20 October 2015
Six myths about open access were addressed in an open research workshop at the 2015 Naturejobs Career Expo in London.
Blog: Big data: Automation and collaboration
19 October 2015
Data-intensive science requires more laboratory automation and collaboration between different stakeholders, says Daniela Quaglia.
Blog: The 2015 Nature Careers Graduate Student Survey
16 October 2015
See how current graduate students around the world feel about their future career paths in next week's issue of Nature as the results from the 2015 Nature Careers Graduate Student Survey are published.
Blog: Careers in industry: The options
16 October 2015
As PhD studentships far out-number the quantity of post-doctoral opportunities, young researchers might want to consider a career in research outside of academia.
Video: One photon's journey: Saul Perlmutter
15 October 2015
The story of the evolution of life on earth during one photon's journey across the universe, by Saul Perlmutter who shared the 2011 Nobel Prize in physics for the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe. articles
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Elsewhere on
Society: Build digital democracy
2 November 2015

Grant application rejected over choice of font
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US budget deal could ease uncertainty over science spending
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China's birth rate won't be dramatically affected by end of one-child policy
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Nature Video: Nobel laureates in their own words

"Are you sitting comfortably? Then let me tell you about my Nobel prize-winning science."

In this series of animations, Nobel prize-winning scientists talk about work, life and discoveries that change the world. Recorded at the 65th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting.

Watch the animations free online.

Supported by Mars, Incorporated.
This month's poll
What question should our Naturejobs expert answer about careers in academia?
What can you do to merge myself into a research community?
How can you be sure that you are not made for a career in academia?
How do you know if you are a success or a failure in academia?
Is it possible to return to academia from industry?
How can you go further in science without becoming a professor?
Vote in the poll

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