Thursday, November 5, 2015

Nature News highlights: 5 November 2015

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  05 November 2015    

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  Science Masterclass

The 2015 meeting between Nobel laureates and young researchers in Lindau, Germany cast a spotlight on super-resolution microscopy, as discussed in depth in this Nature Outlook, as well as fields as diverse as memory formation and the Higgs bosons.

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  • Latest News  

The tapeworm that turned into a tumour

04 November 2015

Bizarre case study reports how cancerous cells came from a tapeworm infection. Read More


Canada creates science-minister post

04 November 2015

New prime minister Justin Trudeau gives research a higher profile. Read More


Sexual selection makes female songbirds drab

04 November 2015

Study of 6,000 bird species shows why females sometimes evolve colourful feathers, but mostly don't. Read More

  • More Stories  

Antarctic Journal: Packing for the end of the world

04 November 2015

Nature follows an expedition to study the fate of Antarctica's ice. Read More


'Stealth bomb' antibiotic vanquishes drug-resistant bacteria

04 November 2015

Technique kills infections hiding away inside mouse cells. Read More


The week in science: 30 October–5 November 2015

04 November 2015

Probe visits geyser in space, China ends one child policy, and more woe for Volkswagen. Read More


Synthetic biology lures Silicon Valley investors

04 November 2015

Tech funders warm to start-ups that use microbes in manufacturing. Read More


The big baby experiment

04 November 2015

A London lab is deploying every technology it can to understand infant brains, and what happens when development goes awry. Read More


Historic Rosetta mission to end with crash into comet

04 November 2015

There were other options, but super close-up shots on descent will provide science bonanza. Read More


Memory-boosting devices tested in humans

03 November 2015

US military research suggests that electrodes can compensate for damaged tissue. Read More


Ancient DNA dispute raises questions about wheat trade in prehistoric Britain

03 November 2015

Wheat DNA reported to be 8,000 years old lacks damage expected of its age, study contends. Read More


Software predicts slew of fiendish crystal structures

03 November 2015

Chemists succeed at forecasting how complex molecules will assemble in 3D. Read More


The greatest vanishing act in prehistoric America

03 November 2015

Seven centuries ago, tens of thousands of people fled their homes in the American Southwest. Archaeologists are trying to work out why. Read More


Indonesia blazes threaten endangered orangutans

03 November 2015

Fuelled by El Niño and land-management blunders, fires consume precious habitat. Read More


Avoid major disasters by welcoming minor change

03 November 2015

Scientists can educate policymakers on how to deal with the European refugee crisis — it's all about alleviating the pressure, says Len Fisher. Read More

  Nature Plants: Call for Papers

Nature Plants launched in January and covers all aspects of plants be it their evolution, genetics, development or metabolism, their interactions with the environment, or their societal significance. The journal welcomes high quality submissions and encourages you and your colleagues to consider submitting your next research paper to the journal. 

Submit your next research paper to the journal.
  • Jobs   Science jobs of the week


Managing Director- Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory


University of Illinois 


Tenured Professorship in Human Evolutionary Biology


Harvard University 


Assistant Professor in Cognition and Perception (Development)


New York University 


Lecturer / Senior Lecturer / Reader in Vascular Physiology


University of East Anglia (UEA) 


Lecturer or Senior Lecturer or Reader in Microbiology


King's College London 


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