Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Nature Methods Application Notes e-UPDATE: 10 November 2015

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10 November 2015 
Application Notes bring you the latest information about innovative tools and technologies and their applications in the lab. We hope that you will find this service useful and informative and encourage you to sign up for future Updates to ensure that you never miss one!
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Quantitative analysis tools and correlative imaging applications for N-STORM
www.nikon.com >
Super-resolution techniques have had a significant impact on our understanding of biological processes at the molecular level. However, one of the challenges to their broad utilization has been our limited ability to quantitatively analyze super-resolution images of complex biological tissues. In this Application Note, we highlight recent work by Dudok et al. utilizing Nikon's N-STORM system to develop new correlative imaging methods and quantitative analysis tools to study the mechanism of cannabinoid signaling in the brain.

DNA library construction using Gibson Assembly®
www.syntheticgenomics.com >
Since its introduction 6 years ago, the Gibson Assembly method has been widely adopted as a preferred cloning method. Here we describe an application of Gibson Assembly beyond routine cloning: assembly in DNA library construction. Advantages of using Gibson Assembly, specifically the SGI-DNA Gibson Assembly HiFi 1 Step kit, in library construction include speed, efficiency, scarless assembly with vector and versatility.

The Role of Multiplexed Assays in Vaccine Development
www.luminexcorp.com >
Vaccine development is a complex and lengthy process, involving multiple stages. The goal of the first stage is to understand the disease burden and pathogenicity of a disease, including all of the variants of the disease-causing organism, and identify the antigens. Next, the preclinical stage of development begins with antigen characterization and purification, in order to develop vaccine candidates.

NGS library preparation for balanced, comprehensive methylome coverage from low-input quantities
www.swiftbiosci.com >
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) of bisulfite-converted DNA to detect methylation status with per-base resolution is currently restricted by the requirement of large amounts of input material. Here we show how the Accel-NGS® Methyl-Seq DNA library kit, with its unique chemistry, enables the construction of high-complexity libraries from 1 ng of input. With this kit, scientists will no longer be bforced to sacrifice library quality when using low quantities of starting material.

Automated live cell imaging of cell migration across a microfluidic-controlled chemoattractant gradient
www.millipore.com >
The quantification of cell-migration behavior in response to gradients is critical for understanding cellular movement and development. The CellASIC® ONIX microfluidic platform offers a microfluidic gradient plate to enable precision-controlled chemoattractant diffusion across perfusion barriers, enabling a quantitatively defined diffusion gradient stable enough for long-term, live cell analysis. Using the system, we studied the effect of a serum gradient on metastatic breast cancer cell migration distance, velocity and degree of chemotaxis.

MAGNETOFECTION™,the tool of choice to reach high transfection andtransduction efficiency with low toxicity on Primary cells
www.ozbiosciences.com >
Magnetofection is a powerful method for introducing nucleic acids into cells, that successful overcomes the limitations encountered by traditional nucleic acid delivery systems such as low efficiency, toxicity, difficulty to handle. Magnetofection™ has been successfully tested on a broad range of cell lines, hard-to-transfect and primary cells. It is perfect for non-dividing or slowly dividing cells, meaning that the genetic materials can go to the nucleus without cell division.

Optimized lysis system: ideal for extraction of genomic DNA from different kind of FFPE tissue samples
www.analytik-jena.com >
Analytik Jena's blackPREP FFPE DNA Kit is optimized for DNA extraction from a variety of FFPE (formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded) tissue sample, e.g. adipose tissue, pancreatic tissue or placenta as starting materials.


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