Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The ISME Journal - Table of Contents alert Volume 9 Issue 9

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The ISME Journal


Volume 9, Issue 9 (September 2015)

In this issue
Mini Review
Original Articles
Short Communication

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Cross-kingdom similarities in microbiome functions

Rodrigo Mendes and Jos M Raaijmakers

ISME J 2015 9: 1905-1907; advance online publication, February 3, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.7

Full Text

Mini Review


Monitoring host responses to the gut microbiota

Joshua S Lichtman, Justin L Sonnenburg and Joshua E Elias

ISME J 2015 9: 1908-1915; advance online publication, June 9, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.93

Abstract | Full Text

Original Articles


Habitat-specific environmental conditions primarily control the microbiomes of the coral Seriatopora hystrix

Olga Pantos, Pim Bongaerts, Paul G Dennis, Gene W Tyson and Ove Hoegh-Guldberg

ISME J 2015 9: 1916-1927; advance online publication, February 10, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.3

Abstract | Full Text

Microbial community successional patterns in beach sands impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill

Luis M Rodriguez-R, Will A Overholt, Christopher Hagan, Markus Huettel, Joel E Kostka and Konstantinos T Konstantinidis

ISME J 2015 9: 1928-1940; advance online publication, February 17, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.5

Abstract | Full Text

Marked seasonality and high spatial variability of protist communities in shallow freshwater systems

Marianne Simon, Purificación López-García, Philippe Deschamps, David Moreira, Gwendal Restoux, Paola Bertolino and Ludwig Jardillier

ISME J 2015 9: 1941-1953; advance online publication, March 13, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.6

Abstract | Full Text

Higher diversity and abundance of denitrifying microorganisms in environments than considered previously

Wei Wei, Kazuo Isobe, Tomoyasu Nishizawa, Lin Zhu, Yutaka Shiratori, Nobuhito Ohte, Keisuke Koba, Shigeto Otsuka and Keishi Senoo

ISME J 2015 9: 1954-1965; advance online publication, March 10, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.9

Abstract | Full Text

Microbial carbon metabolism associated with electrogenic sulphur oxidation in coastal sediments OPEN

Diana Vasquez-Cardenas, Jack van de Vossenberg, Lubos Polerecky, Sairah Y Malkin, Regina Schauer, Silvia Hidalgo-Martinez, Veronique Confurius, Jack J Middelburg, Filip JR Meysman and Henricus TS Boschker

ISME J 2015 9: 1966-1978; advance online publication, February 13, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.10

Abstract | Full Text

A phylo-functional core of gut microbiota in healthy young Chinese cohorts across lifestyles, geography and ethnicities OPEN

Jiachao Zhang, Zhuang Guo, Zhengsheng Xue, Zhihong Sun, Menghui Zhang, Lifeng Wang, Guoyang Wang, Fang Wang, Jie Xu, Hongfang Cao, Haiyan Xu, Qiang Lv, Zhi Zhong, Yongfu Chen, Sudu Qimuge, Bilige Menghe, Yi Zheng, Liping Zhao, Wei Chen and Heping Zhang

ISME J 2015 9: 1979-1990; advance online publication, February 3, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.11

Abstract | Full Text

Methane oxidation coupled to oxygenic photosynthesis in anoxic waters

Jana Milucka, Mathias Kirf, Lu Lu, Andreas Krupke, Phyllis Lam, Sten Littmann, Marcel MM Kuypers and Carsten J Schubert

ISME J 2015 9: 1991-2002; advance online publication, February 13, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.12

Abstract | Full Text

Quantifying the relative roles of selective and neutral processes in defining eukaryotic microbial communities

Peter Morrison-Whittle and Matthew R Goddard

ISME J 2015 9: 2003-2011; advance online publication, March 10, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.18

Abstract | Full Text

The microbe-mediated mechanisms affecting topsoil carbon stock in Tibetan grasslands OPEN

Haowei Yue, Mengmeng Wang, Shiping Wang, Jack A Gilbert, Xin Sun, Linwei Wu, Qiaoyan Lin, Yigang Hu, Xiangzhen Li, Zhili He, Jizhong Zhou and Yunfeng Yang

ISME J 2015 9: 2012-2020; advance online publication, February 17, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.19

Abstract | Full Text

No evidence of inhibition of horizontal gene transfer by CRISPR–Cas on evolutionary timescales OPEN

Uri Gophna, David M Kristensen, Yuri I Wolf, Ovidiu Popa, Christine Drevet and Eugene V Koonin

ISME J 2015 9: 2021-2027; advance online publication, February 24, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.20

Abstract | Full Text

Comparative analysis of metagenomes from three methanogenic hydrocarbon-degrading enrichment cultures with 41 environmental samples

Boonfei Tan, S Jane Fowler, Nidal Abu Laban, Xiaoli Dong, Christoph W Sensen, Julia Foght and Lisa M Gieg

ISME J 2015 9: 2028-2045; advance online publication, March 3, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.22

Abstract | Full Text

Polar freshwater cyanophage S-EIV1 represents a new widespread evolutionary lineage of phages

C Chénard, A M Chan, W F Vincent and C A Suttle

ISME J 2015 9: 2046-2058; advance online publication, March 27, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.24

Abstract | Full Text

Nitrogen loss by anaerobic oxidation of ammonium in rice rhizosphere OPEN

San'an Nie, Hu Li, Xiaoru Yang, Zhaoji Zhang, Bosen Weng, Fuyi Huang, Gui-Bing Zhu and Yong-Guan Zhu

ISME J 2015 9: 2059-2067; advance online publication, February 17, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.25

Abstract | Full Text

The biogeography of abundant and rare bacterioplankton in the lakes and reservoirs of China

Lemian Liu, Jun Yang, Zheng Yu and David M Wilkinson

ISME J 2015 9: 2068-2077; advance online publication, March 6, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.29

Abstract | Full Text

The diversity and host interactions of Propionibacterium acnes bacteriophages on human skin

Jared Liu, Riceley Yan, Qiao Zhong, Sam Ngo, Nathanael J Bangayan, Lin Nguyen, Timothy Lui, Minghsun Liu, Marie C Erfe, Noah Craft, Shuta Tomida and Huiying Li

ISME J 2015 9: 2078-2093; advance online publication, April 7, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.47

Abstract | Full Text

Antarctic archaea–virus interactions: metaproteome-led analysis of invasion, evasion and adaptation

Bernhard Tschitschko, Timothy J Williams, Michelle A Allen, David Páez-Espino, Nikos Kyrpides, Ling Zhong, Mark J Raftery and Ricardo Cavicchioli

ISME J 2015 9: 2094-2107; advance online publication, June 30, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.110

Abstract | Full Text

Short Communication


Chlorophyll f-driven photosynthesis in a cavernous cyanobacterium

Lars Behrendt, Asker Brejnrod, Martin Schliep, Søren J Sørensen, Anthony WD Larkum and Michael Kühl

ISME J 2015 9: 2108-2111; advance online publication, February 10, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.14

Abstract | Full Text

α2u-globulins mediate manipulation of host attractiveness in Toxoplasma gondiiRattus novergicus association

Anand Vasudevan, Vineet Kumar, Yin Ning Chiang, Joanne Y Yew, Sabna Cheemadan and Ajai Vyas

ISME J 2015 9: 2112-2115; advance online publication, March 13, 2015; 10.1038/ismej.2015.33

Abstract | Full Text



The diversity and host interactions of Propionibacterium acnes bacteriophages on human skin

Jared Liu, Riceley Yan, Qiao Zhong, Sam Ngo, Nathanael J Bangayan, Lin Nguyen, Timothy Lui, Minghsun Liu, Marie C Erfe, Noah Craft, Shuta Tomida and Huiying Li

ISME J 2015 9: 2116; 10.1038/ismej.2015.144

Full Text

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