Thursday, August 6, 2015

Nature News highlights: 6 August 2015

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  06 August 2015    

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  EndoFectin™ Max Transfection Reagent

Do you have difficulty transfecting your cells? Try EndoFectin™ Max — a new lipid-based transfection reagent.
  • Superior transfection efficiency for a broad range of cell lines compared with Lipofectamine® 2000.
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  • Featured  

Ebola: Did we learn?


As the Ebola outbreak winds down, scientists and public health officials are looking closely at what it will take to finish the job and to prepare better for the next big crisis. The apparent success of a vaccine trial is a positive and instructive outcome. Future outbreaks would benefit from such nimble approaches to research. But many of the most important lessons come from failures in preparedness at the local and global level. Read More

  • Latest News  

Non-magnetic metals turned into magnets

05 August 2015

Thin films of copper and manganese made to behave like iron, cobalt or nickel. Read More


Train Africa's scientists in crisis response

05 August 2015

To prevent future epidemics, a new international effort must boost West Africa's scientific and public-health capacity, says Christian Bréchot. Read More


How to beat the next Ebola

05 August 2015

The world is ill-prepared for the next epidemic or pandemic. But the horror of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa may drive change. Read More

  • More Stories  

Bioethics accused of doing more harm than good

05 August 2015

Opinion piece that calls for bioethics to 'get out of the way' prompts self-reflection among ethicists. Read More


The week in science: 31 July–6 August 2015

05 August 2015

Protestors arrested in Hawaii; physicist accused of spying; chimpanzees are not legal persons. Read More


Trailblazing cancer–physics project accused of losing ambition

05 August 2015

Physical oncologists complain that US National Cancer Institute programme has lost sight of its mission. Read More


Crucial ocean-acidification models come up short

05 August 2015

Poorly designed studies leave future uncertain for sea dwellers. Read More


Hawaiian telescope project sparks protests at astronomy meeting

04 August 2015

Demonstration over Thirty Meter Telescope comes after arrests near Mauna Kea construction site. Read More


How Ebola-vaccine success could reshape clinical-trial policy

04 August 2015

Rapid result has implications for outbreak preparedness as well as West Africa's epidemic. Read More


Caution urged over editing DNA in wildlife (intentionally or not)

04 August 2015

Rapid alteration of gene pools could fight disease – and harm ecosystems. Read More


The slow-chemistry movement

04 August 2015

Slow, solid-state reactions used by lichens and Renaissance pigment-makers could help to make chemistry greener. Read More


Four-legged snake fossil sparks legal investigation

04 August 2015

Brazilian authorities are looking into whether the specimen was exported illegally. Read More


Physicists announce graphene's latest cousin: stanene

03 August 2015

First observation of 2D tin can't confirm whether material can conduct electricity without heat loss. Read More


Obama orders stronger limits on power-plant emissions

03 August 2015

The White House's latest action on climate change will cut greenhouse-gas output from the US electricity sector. Read More 


The week in science: Nature's news quiz

31 July 2015

Have you been paying attention to the science news? Read More

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  • Jobs   Science jobs of the week


Professor in Integrative Physiology


Faculty of Science, University of Fribourg 


Assistant Professor


Princeton University 


Full Professor (W3) of Geophysics


Karlsruher Institut fur Technologie (KIT) 


Assistant Professor in Chemistry


Washington University in St. Louis 


Head, Flow Cytometry Core Facility


Sloan Kettering Institute (SKI) 


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