Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Scientific Reports Earth Sciences Table of Contents e-alert: 21 July 2015

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  21 July 2015   
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Earth & Environmental Sciences

Atlantic Deep-water Response to the Early Pliocene Shoaling of the Central American Seaway


David B. Bell, Simon J. A. Jung, Dick Kroon et al.


The early Pliocene shoaling of the Central American Seaway (CAS), ~4.7–4.2 million years ago (mega annum-Ma), is thought to have strengthened Atlantic Meridional Overturning …


Water–use efficiency of dryland wheat in response to mulching and tillage practices on the Loess Plateau


Li-fang Wang, Zhou-ping Shangguan


Mulching and tillage are widely considered to be major practices for improving soil and water conservation where water is scarce. This paper studied the effects of FM (flat …


Diversity and distribution of 16S rRNA and phenol monooxygenase genes in the rhizosphere and endophytic bacteria isolated from PAH-contaminated sites


Anping Peng, Juan Liu, Wanting Ling et al.


This is the first investigation of the diversity and distribution of 16S rRNA and phenol monooxygenase (PHE) genes in endophytic and rhizosphere bacteria of plants at sites …


Aboveground-belowground biodiversity linkages differ in early and late successional temperate forests


Hui Li, Xugao Wang, Chao Liang et al.


Understanding ecological linkages between above- and below-ground biota is critical for deepening our knowledge on the maintenance and stability of ecosystem processes. …


Magnetic multi-granule nanoclusters: A model system that exhibits universal size effect of magnetic coercivity


Ji Sung Lee, Jin Myung Cha, Ha Young Yoon et al.


It is well known that the coercivity of magnetic nanomaterials increases up to a maximum and then decreases to zero with decreasing particle size. However, until now, no single …


Accelerated Sorption Diffusion for Cu(II) Retention by Anchorage of Nano-zirconium Dioxide onto Highly charged Polystyrene Material


Qingrui Zhang, Qing Du, Tifeng Jiao et al.


The development of nanocomposite with strong adsorption ability exhibits great potential applications for environmental remediation. However, the pore blocking in preparation …


Pu isotopes in soils collected downwind from Lop Nor: regional fallout vs. global fallout


Wenting Bu, Youyi Ni, Qiuju Guo et al.


For the first time, soil core samples from the Jiuquan region have been analyzed for Pu isotopes for radioactive source identification and radiological assessment. The Jiuquan …


The Kallisti Limnes, carbon dioxide-accumulating subsea pools


Richard Camilli, Paraskevi Nomikou, Javier Escartín et al.


Natural CO2 releases from shallow marine hydrothermal vents are assumed to mix into the water column, and not accumulate into stratified seafloor pools. We present newly …


Nanoscale characterization of PM2.5 airborne pollutants reveals high adhesiveness and aggregation capability of soot particles


Yuanyuan Shi, Yanfeng Ji, Hui Sun et al.


In 2012 air pollutants were responsible of seven million human death worldwide, and among them particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less (PM2.5) …


Ammonium sorption and ammonia inhibition of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria explain contrasting soil N2O production


Rodney T. Venterea, Timothy J. Clough, Jeffrey A. Coulter et al.


Better understanding of process controls over nitrous oxide (N2O) production in urine-impacted ‘hot spots’ and fertilizer bands is needed to improve mitigation strategies and …


Maximum temperature accounts for annual soil CO2 efflux in temperate forests of Northern China


Zhiyong Zhou, Meili Xu, Fengfeng Kang et al.


It will help understand the representation legality of soil temperature to explore the correlations of soil respiration with variant properties of soil temperature. Soil …


Seismic footprints of shallow dyke propagation at Etna, Italy


Susanna Falsaperla, Marco Neri


One of the key issues in forecasting volcanic eruptions is to detect signals that can track the propagation of dykes towards the surface. Continuous monitoring of active …


Flexural bending of southern Tibet in a retro foreland setting


Erchie Wang, Peter J. J. Kamp, Ganqing Xu et al.


The highest elevation of the Tibetan Plateau, lying 5,700 m above sea level, occurs within the part of the Lhasa block immediately north of the India-Tibet suture zone (Yarlung …


Stability of cooperation under image scoring in group interactions


Heinrich H. Nax, Matjaž Perc, Attila Szolnoki et al.


Image scoring sustains cooperation in the repeated two-player prisoner’s dilemma through indirect reciprocity, even though defection is the uniquely dominant selfish behaviour in …


Carbon Nanohorns Carried Iron Fluoride Nanocomposite with ultrahigh rate lithium ion storage properties


Lishuang Fan, Bingjiang Li, Naiqing Zhang et al.


Novel hierarchical carbon nanohorns (CNHs) carried iron fluoride nanocomposites have been constructed by direct growth of FeF3·0.33H2O nanoparticles on CNHs. In the FeF3·0.33H2


Normal fault earthquakes or graviquakes


C. Doglioni, E. Carminati, P. Petricca et al.


Earthquakes are dissipation of energy throughout elastic waves. Canonically is the elastic energy accumulated during the interseismic period. However, in crustal extensional …

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Postdoctoral Research Assistant


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Tenure-Track Faculty Position


University of Cambridge 


PhD-position (4 years) in Cancer Genetics / Genomics


University of Bergen 


Staff Clinician – Allergic Diseases


National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 


2 Postdocs in Alzheimer's / Prion disease research


University of Calgary 


Postdoctoral Research Assistant


University of Bristol 


Research Associate


University College London (UCL) 


W2 Professorship for Medical Physics


Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg 


Research Fellow


University of Sussex 


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