Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Scientific Reports Biology Table of Contents e-alert: 21 July 2015

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  21 July 2015   
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Biological Sciences

Effects of Nt-truncation and coexpression of isolated Nt domains on the membrane trafficking of electroneutral Na+/HCO3 cotransporters


Deng-Ke Wang, Ying Liu, Evan J. Myers et al.


The SLC4 genes are all capable of producing multiple variants by alternative splicing or using alternative promoters. The physiological consequences of such diversity are of …


Early Effector CD8 T Cells Display Plasticity in Populating the Short-Lived Effector and Memory-Precursor Pools Following Bacterial or Viral Infection


Courtney R. Plumlee, Joshua J. Obar, Sara L. Colpitts et al.


Naïve antigen-specific CD8 T cells expand in response to infection and can be phenotypically separated into distinct effector populations, which include memory precursor effector …


Formation and reshuffling of disulfide bonds in bovine serum albumin demonstrated using tandem mass spectrometry with collision-induced and electron-transfer dissociation


Ine Rombouts, Bert Lagrain, Katharina A. Scherf et al.


Thermolysin hydrolyzates of freshly isolated, extensively stored (6 years, 6 °C, dry) and heated (60 min, 90 °C, in excess water) bovine serum albumin (BSA) samples were analyzed …


Economical analysis of saturation mutagenesis experiments


Carlos G. Acevedo-Rocha, Manfred T. Reetz, Yuval Nov


Saturation mutagenesis is a powerful technique for engineering proteins, metabolic pathways and genomes. In spite of its numerous applications, creating high-quality saturation …


Transcriptome sequencing of three Pseudo-nitzschia species reveals comparable gene sets and the presence of Nitric Oxide Synthase genes in diatoms


Valeria Di Dato, Francesco Musacchia, Giuseppe Petrosino et al.


Diatoms are among the most diverse eukaryotic microorganisms on Earth, they are responsible for a large fraction of primary production in the oceans and can be found in different …


Haplotypes in the promoter region of the CIDEC gene associated with growth traits in Nanyang cattle


Jing Wang, Liu-shuai Hua, Hong Pan et al.


Cell death-inducing DFFA-like effector c (CIDEC, also known as Fsp27) has emerged as an important regulator of metabolism associated with lipodystrophy, diabetes, and hepatic …


Efficient CRISPR/Cas9-mediated Targeted Mutagenesis in Populus in the First Generation


Di Fan, Tingting Liu, Chaofeng Li et al.


Recently, RNA-guided genome editing using the type II clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-associated protein (Cas) system has been applied to edit …


Opportunistic pathogen Candida albicans elicits a temporal response in primary human mast cells


José Pedro Lopes, Marios Stylianou, Gunnar Nilsson et al.


Immunosuppressed patients are frequently afflicted with severe mycoses caused by opportunistic fungal pathogens. Besides being a commensal, colonizing predominantly skin and …


The Balance of Expression of Dihydroflavonol 4-reductase and Flavonol Synthase Regulates Flavonoid Biosynthesis and Red Foliage Coloration in Crabapples


Ji Tian, Zhen-yun Han, Jie Zhang et al.


Red leaf color is an attractive trait of Malus families, including crabapple (Malus spp.); however, little is known about the molecular mechanisms that regulate the coloration. …


Impaired formation of homotypic cell-in-cell structures in human tumor cells lacking alpha-catenin expression


Manna Wang, Xiangkai Ning, Ang Chen et al.


Although cell-in-cell structures (CICs) could be detected in a wide range of human tumors, homotypic CICs formed between tumor cells occur at low rate for most of them. We …


Human rather than ape-like orbital morphology allows much greater lateral visual field expansion with eye abduction


Eric Denion, Martin Hitier, Eric Levieil et al.


While convergent, the human orbit differs from that of non-human apes in that its lateral orbital margin is significantly more rearward. This rearward position does not obstruct …


Investigation of Ion Channel Activities of Gramicidin A in the Presence of Ionic Liquids Using Model Cell Membranes


Hyunil Ryu, Hwankyu Lee, Seigo Iwata et al.


Ionic liquids (ILs) are considered to be green solvents because of their non-volatility. Although ILs are relatively safe in the atmospheric environment, they may be toxic in …


Corrigendum: Estimation of the hydrogen concentration in rat tissue using an airtight tube following the administration of hydrogen via various routes


Chi Liu, Ryosuke Kurokawa, Masayuki Fujino et al.



Regulatory B cells preferentially accumulate in tumor-draining lymph nodes and promote tumor growth


Sheila N. Ganti, Tina C. Albershardt, Brian M. Iritani et al.


Our previous studies found that B16-F10 melanoma growth in the rear footpad of immunocompetent mice induces marked B cell accumulation within tumor-draining popliteal lymph nodes …


Development of a transformation system for Hirsutella spp. and visualization of the mode of nematode infection by GFP-labeled H. minnesotensis


Jingzu Sun, Sook-Young Park, Seogchan Kang et al.


Hirsutella rhossiliensis and H. minnesotensis are endoparasitic fungi of the second-stage juvenile (J2) of the soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) in nature. They also …


Association of astrocytes with neurons and astrocytes derived from distinct progenitor domains in the subpallium


Makio Torigoe, Kenta Yamauchi, Yan Zhu et al.


Astrocytes play pivotal roles in metabolism and homeostasis as well as in neural development and function in a manner thought to depend on their region-specific diversity. In the …


Sulfonoquinovosyl diacylglyceride selectively targets acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells and exerts potent anti-leukemic effects in vivo


Chetan Kumar Jain, Bhola Shankar Pradhan, Sukdeb Banerjee et al.


DNA topoisomerase II inhibitors e.g. doxorubicin and etoposide are currently used in the chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). These inhibitors have serious side …


Performance of genetic risk factors in prediction of trichloroethylene induced hypersensitivity syndrome


Yufei Dai, Ying Chen, Hanlin Huang et al.


Trichloroethylene induced hypersensitivity syndrome is dose-independent and potentially life threatening disease, which has become one of the serious occupational health issues …


Targeted Regression of Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Cancer-Specific RNA Replacement through MicroRNA Regulation


Juhyun Kim, Ranhui Won, Guyee Ban et al.


Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has a high fatality rate and limited therapeutic options with side effects and low efficacy. Here, we proposed a new anti-HCC approach based on …


Insights into the key interactions between human protein phosphatase 5 and cantharidin using molecular dynamics and site-directed mutagenesis bioassays


Ji-Yuan Liu, Xi-En Chen, Ya-Lin Zhang


Serine/threonine protein phosphatase 5 (PP5) is a promising novel target for anticancer therapies. This work aims to uncover the key interactions at the atomic level between PP5 …


Spinal muscular atrophy patient-derived motor neurons exhibit hyperexcitability


Huisheng Liu, Jianfeng Lu, Hong Chen et al.


Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) presents severe muscle weakness with limited motor neuron (MN) loss at an early stage, suggesting potential functional alterations in MNs that …


Water–use efficiency of dryland wheat in response to mulching and tillage practices on the Loess Plateau


Li-fang Wang, Zhou-ping Shangguan


Mulching and tillage are widely considered to be major practices for improving soil and water conservation where water is scarce. This paper studied the effects of FM (flat …


Apparent plasticity in functional traits determining competitive ability and spatial distribution: a case from desert


Jiang-Bo Xie, Gui-Qing Xu, G. Darrel Jenerette et al.


Species competitive abilities and their distributions are closely related to functional traits such as biomass allocation patterns. When we consider how nutrient supply affects …


Domain analysis of the Nematostella vectensis SNAIL ortholog reveals unique nucleolar localization that depends on the zinc-finger domains


Ada A. Dattoli, Mark A. Hink, Timothy Q. DuBuc et al.


SNAIL transcriptional factors are key regulators during development and disease. They arose early during evolution, and in cnidarians such as Nematostella vectensis, NvSNAILA/B …


Mechanism of influenza A M2 transmembrane domain assembly in lipid membranes


Elka R. Georgieva, Peter P. Borbat, Haley D. Norman et al.


M2 from influenza A virus functions as an oligomeric proton channel essential for the viral cycle, hence it is a high-priority pharmacological target whose structure and …


LRP-1-mediated intracellular antibody delivery to the Central Nervous System


Xiaohe Tian, Sophie Nyberg, Paul S. Sharp et al.


The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is by far the most important target in developing new approaches to improve delivery of drugs and diagnostic tools into the Central Nervous System …


Polyubiquitination of Transforming Growth Factor β-activated Kinase 1 (TAK1) at Lysine 562 Residue Regulates TLR4-mediated JNK and p38 MAPK Activation


I-Ting Chen, Pang-Hung Hsu, Wan-Ching Hsu et al.


Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) plays an important role in innate immunity by eliciting inflammation. Upon receptor engagement, transforming growth factor β-activated kinase 1 (TAK1) …


Regulation of DNA phosphorothioate modification in Salmonella enterica by DndB


Wei He, Teng Huang, You Tang et al.


DNA phosphorothioate (PT) modification, in which the non-bridging oxygen of the sugar-phosphate backbone is substituted by sulfur, occurs naturally in diverse bacteria and …


Rhes influences striatal cAMP/PKA-dependent signaling and synaptic plasticity in a gender-sensitive fashion


Veronica Ghiglieri, Francesco Napolitano, Barbara Pelosi et al.


Mechanisms of gender-specific synaptic plasticity in the striatum, a brain region that controls motor, cognitive and psychiatric functions, remain unclear. Here we report that


Brain Performance versus Phase Transitions


Joaquín J. Torres, J. Marro


We here illustrate how a well-founded study of the brain may originate in assuming analogies with phase-transition phenomena. Analyzing to what extent a weak signal endures in …


Strain-level bacterial identification by CeO2-catalyzed MALDI-TOF MS fatty acid analysis and comparison to commercial protein-based methods


C. R. Cox, K. R. Jensen, N. R. Saichek et al.


Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has emerged as a rapid approach for clinical bacterial identification. However, …


TMPRSS4 facilitates epithelial-mesenchymal transition of hepatocellular carcinoma and is a predictive marker for poor prognosis of patients after curative resection


Cheng-Hao Wang, Zhong-Yi Guo, Ze-Ting Chen et al.


TMPRSS4 (Transmembrane protease serine 4) is up-regulated in a broad spectrum of cancers. However, little is known about the biological effects of TMPRSS4 on hepatocellular …


Engineering functionalized multi-phased silicon/silicon oxide nano-biomaterials to passivate the aggressive proliferation of cancer


P. Premnath, B. Tan, K. Venkatakrishnan


Currently, the use of nano silicon in cancer therapy is limited as drug delivery vehicles and markers in imaging, not as manipulative/controlling agents. This is due to limited …


Bioresponsive antisense DNA gold nanobeacons as a hybrid in vivo theranostics platform for the inhibition of cancer cells and metastasis


Chenchen Bao, João Conde, James Curtin et al.


Gold nanobeacons can be used as a powerful tool for cancer theranostics. Here, we proposed a nanomaterial platform based on gold nanobeacons to detect, target and inhibit the …


Corrigendum: The impact of resveratrol and hydrogen peroxide on muscle cell plasticity shows a dose-dependent interaction


Alessandra Bosutti, Hans Degens



The making of a branching annelid: an analysis of complete mitochondrial genome and ribosomal data of Ramisyllis multicaudata


M. Teresa Aguado, Christopher J. Glasby, Paul C. Schroeder et al.


Ramisyllis multicaudata is a member of Syllidae (Annelida, Errantia, Phyllodocida) with a remarkable branching body plan. Using a next-generation sequencing approach, the …


Social Comparison Manifests in Event-related Potentials


Yi Luo, Chunliang Feng, Tingting Wu et al.


Social comparison, a widespread phenomenon in human society, has been found to affect outcome evaluation. The need to belong to a social group may result in distinct neural …


Selective targeting of PPARγ by the natural product chelerythrine with a unique binding mode and improved antidiabetic potency


Weili Zheng, Lin Qiu, Rui Wang et al.


Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a pervasive metabolic syndrome that is characterized by insulin resistance, hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia. As full agonists of PPARγ, …


A standardized and reproducible protocol for serum-free monolayer culturing of primary paediatric brain tumours to be utilized for therapeutic assays


Emma Sandén, Sofia Eberstål, Edward Visse et al.


In vitro cultured brain tumour cells are indispensable tools for drug screening and therapeutic development. Serum-free culture conditions tentatively preserve the features of …


Rice Xa21 primed genes and pathways that are critical for combating bacterial blight infection


Hai Peng, Zheng Chen, Zhiwei Fang et al.


Rice bacterial blight (BB) is a devastating rice disease. The Xa21 gene confers a broad and persistent resistance against BB. We introduced Xa21 into Oryza sativa L ssp indica


Improved Oocyte Isolation and Embryonic Development of Outbred Deer Mice


Jung Kyu Choi, Xiaoming He


In this study, we improved the protocol for isolating cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) from the outbred deer mice by using only one hormone (instead of the widely used combination …


Silencing a sugar transporter gene reduces growth and fecundity in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae)


Lin-Quan Ge, Yi-Ping Jiang, Ting Xia et al.


The brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens, sugar transporter gene 6 (Nlst6) is a facilitative glucose/fructose transporter (often called a passive carrier) expressed in …


Aboveground-belowground biodiversity linkages differ in early and late successional temperate forests


Hui Li, Xugao Wang, Chao Liang et al.


Understanding ecological linkages between above- and below-ground biota is critical for deepening our knowledge on the maintenance and stability of ecosystem processes. …


MAD1L1 Arg558His and MAD2L1 Leu84Met interaction with smoking increase the risk of colorectal cancer


Rong Zhong, Xiaohua Chen, Xueqin Chen et al.


The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) has been established as an important mechanism of driving aneuploidy, which occurs at a high frequency in the colorectal tumorigenesis. Two …


The detection of EpCAM+ and EpCAM circulating tumor cells


Sanne de Wit, Guus van Dalum, Aufried T. M. Lenferink et al.


EpCAM expressing circulating tumor cells, detected by CellSearch, are predictive of short survival in several cancers and may serve as a liquid biopsy to guide therapy. Here we …


MiR-135b-5p and MiR-499a-3p Promote Cell Proliferation and Migration in Atherosclerosis by Directly Targeting MEF2C


Zhiliang Xu, Yeming Han, Jiying Liu et al.


Proliferation and migration of endothelial cells (ECs) and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) are critical processes involved in atherosclerosis. Recent studies have revealed …


Effects of Four Different Regulatory Mechanisms on the Dynamics of Gene Regulatory Cascades


Sabine Hansen, Sandeep Krishna, Szabolcs Semsey et al.


Gene regulatory cascades (GRCs) are common motifs in cellular molecular networks. A given logical function in these cascades, such as the repression of the activity of a …


Characterization of species-specific genes regulated by E2-2 in human plasmacytoid dendritic cells


Menglan Cheng, Xuyuan Zhang, Haisheng Yu et al.


Dendritic cells (DCs) are sentinels of the immune system and comprise two distinct subsets: conventional DCs (cDCs) and plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs). Human pDCs are distinguished from …


Corrigendum: Serotonin Deficiency Exacerbates Acetaminophen-Induced Liver Toxicity In Mice


Jingyao Zhang, Sidong Song, Qing Pang et al.



Corrigendum: Potent effects of dioscin against obesity in mice


Min Liu, Lina Xu, Lianhong Yin et al.



Corrigendum: H+-type and OH-type biological protonic semiconductors and complementary devices


Yingxin Deng, Erik Josberger, Jungho Jin et al.



A cross-talk between Hepatitis B virus and host mRNAs confers viral adaptation to liver


Jun Hu, Yaxing Xu, Changfei Li et al.


Hepatitis B virus (HBV) chronically infects approximately 350 million people worldwide. The replication of HBV which genome is only 3.2 kb long relies heavily on host factors. …


The tetraspanin web revisited by super-resolution microscopy


Malou Zuidscherwoude, Fabian Göttfert, Vera Marie E. Dunlock et al.


The spatial organization of membrane proteins in the plasma membrane is critical for signal transduction, cell communication and membrane trafficking. Tetraspanins organize …


Resilience and receptivity worked in tandem to sustain a geothermal mat community amidst erratic environmental conditions


Wriddhiman Ghosh, Chayan Roy, Rimi Roy et al.


To elucidate how geothermal irregularities affect the sustainability of high-temperature microbiomes we studied the synecological dynamics of a geothermal microbial mat community …


Genetic Inhibition Of The Ubiquitin Ligase Rnf5 Attenuates Phenotypes Associated To F508del Cystic Fibrosis Mutation


Valeria Tomati, Elvira Sondo, Andrea Armirotti et al.


Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by mutations in the CFTR chloride channel. Deletion of phenylalanine 508 (F508del), the most frequent CF mutation, impairs CFTR trafficking and …


Pandemic HIV-1 Vpu overcomes intrinsic herd immunity mediated by tetherin


Shingo Iwami, Kei Sato, Satoru Morita et al.


Among the four groups of HIV-1 (M, N, O, and P), HIV-1M alone is pandemic and has rapidly expanded across the world. However, why HIV-1M has caused a devastating pandemic while …


Factors influencing real time internal structural visualization and dynamic process monitoring in plants using synchrotron-based phase contrast X-ray imaging


Chithra Karunakaran, Rachid Lahlali, Ning Zhu et al.


Minimally invasive investigation of plant parts (root, stem, leaves, and flower) has good potential to elucidate the dynamics of plant growth, morphology, physiology, and …


Identification of ULK1 as a novel biomarker involved in miR-4487 and miR-595 regulation in neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell autophagy


Yi Chen, Shuya Wang, Lan Zhang et al.


Autophagy, referring to an evolutionarily conserved, multi-step lysosomal degradation process, has been well-known to be initiated by Unc-51 like kinase 1 (ULK1) with some links …


Change in Tear Film Lipid Layer Thickness, Corneal Thickness, Volume and Topography after Superficial Cauterization for Conjunctivochalasis


Tommy C. Y. Chan, Cong Ye, Paul KF Ng et al.


We evaluated the change in tear film lipid layer thickness, corneal thickness, volume and topography after superficial cauterization of symptomatic conjunctivochalasis. Bilateral …


Computational Prediction and Validation of BAHD1 as a Novel Molecule for Ulcerative Colitis


Huatuo Zhu, Xingyong Wan, Jing Li et al.


Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a common inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) producing intestinal inflammation and tissue damage. The precise aetiology of UC remains unknown. In this …


Promoter-level expression clustering identifies time development of transcriptional regulatory cascades initiated by ErbB receptors in breast cancer cells


Marco Mina, Shigeyuki Magi, Giuseppe Jurman et al.


The analysis of CAGE (Cap Analysis of Gene Expression) time-course has been proposed by the FANTOM5 Consortium to extend the understanding of the sequence of events facilitating …


Free Language Selection in the Bilingual Brain: An Event-Related fMRI Study


Yong Zhang, Tao Wang, Peiyu Huang et al.


Bilingual speakers may select between two languages either on demand (forced language selection) or on their own volition (free language selection). However, the neural …


The virus-induced protein APOBEC3G inhibits anoikis by activation of Akt kinase in pancreatic cancer cells


Jia Wu, Tian-Hui Pan, Song Xu et al.


Pancreatic cancer is one of the more common cancers with a poor prognosis. Some varieties of cancer are related to virus infection. As a virus-induced protein, APOBEC3G (A3G) …


Poplar PdMYB221 is involved in the direct and indirect regulation of secondary wall biosynthesis during wood formation


Xianfeng Tang, Yamei Zhuang, Guang Qi et al.


Wood is formed by the successive addition of secondary xylem, which consists of cells with a conspicuously thickened secondary wall composed mainly of cellulose, xylan and …


Exploring Host-Microbiome Interactions using an in Silico Model of Biomimetic Robots and Engineered Living Cells


Keith C. Heyde, Warren C. Ruder


The microbiome’s underlying dynamics play an important role in regulating the behavior and health of its host. In order to explore the details of these interactions, we created …


Ca2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase IV Promotes Interplay of Proteins in Chromatoid Body of Male Germ Cells


Guishuan Wang, Huijuan Zhang, Lu Wang et al.


The chromatoid body is a granule-like structure of male germ cells, containing many proteins and RNAs, and is important for spermatogenesis. However, the molecular mechanisms for …


Biochemical investigations of the mechanism of action of small molecules ZL006 and IC87201 as potential inhibitors of the nNOS-PDZ/PSD-95-PDZ interactions


Anders Bach, Søren W. Pedersen, Liam A. Dorr et al.


ZL006 and IC87201 have been presented as efficient inhibitors of the nNOS/PSD-95 protein-protein interaction and shown great promise in cellular experiments and animal models of …


Translocation of Non-Canonical Polypeptides into Cells Using Protective Antigen


Amy E. Rabideau, Xiaoli Liao, Gizem Akçay et al.


A variety of pathogenic bacteria infect host eukaryotic cells using protein toxins, which enter the cytosol and exert their cytotoxic effects. Anthrax lethal toxin, for example, …


Homo sapiens exhibit a distinct pattern of CNV genes regulation: an important role of miRNAs and SNPs in expression plasticity


Harsh Dweep, Nada Kubikova, Norbert Gretz et al.


Gene expression regulation is a complex and highly organized process involving a variety of genomic factors. It is widely accepted that differences in gene expression can …


Differential patterns of blood oxygenation in the prefrontal cortex between patients with methamphetamine-induced psychosis and schizophrenia


Kazuhiko Yamamuro, Manabu Makinodan, Sohei Kimoto et al.


Despite some slight differences in symptomatology, differential diagnosis of methamphetamine-induced psychosis (MAP) versus schizophrenia can be challenging because both …


Dopamine modulates hemocyte phagocytosis via a D1-like receptor in the rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis


Shun-Fan Wu, Gang Xu, David Stanley et al.


Dopamine (DA) is a signal moiety bridging the nervous and immune systems. DA dysregulation is linked to serious human diseases, including addiction, schizophrenia, and …


The mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase 1 gene GhmMDH1 is involved in plant and root growth under phosphorus deficiency conditions in cotton


Zhi-An Wang, Qing Li, Xiao-Yang Ge et al.


Cotton, an important commercial crop, is cultivated for its natural fibers, and requires an adequate supply of soil nutrients, including phosphorus, for its growth. Soil …


Oral administration of the Aureobasidium pullulans-derived β-glucan effectively prevents the development of high fat diet-induced fatty liver in mice


Shiho Aoki, Atsushi Iwai, Koji Kawata et al.


Aureobasidium pullulans-derived β-glucan (AP-PG) consisting of a β-(1,3)-linked glucose main chain and β-(1,6)-linked glucose branches is taken as a supplement to improve health. …


Zbtb16 (PLZF) is stably suppressed and not inducible in non-innate T cells via T cell receptor-mediated signaling


Sai Zhang, Amale Laouar, Lisa K. Denzin et al.


The transcription factor PLZF (promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger; zbtb16) is essential for nearly all of the unique characteristics of NKT cells including their rapid and potent …


Strong phylogenetic signals and phylogenetic niche conservatism in ecophysiological traits across divergent lineages of Magnoliaceae


Hui Liu, Qiuyuan Xu, Pengcheng He et al.


The early diverged Magnoliaceae shows a historical temperate-tropical distribution among lineages indicating divergent evolution, yet which ecophysiological traits are …


Age-related changes in platelet function are more profound in women than in men


Jonathan Cowman, Eimear Dunne, Irene Oglesby et al.


Age is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD), however the effect of age on platelet function remains unclear. Ideally, platelet function should be assayed under flow and …


A large, short-armed, winged dromaeosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Early Cretaceous of China and its implications for feather evolution


Junchang Lü, Stephen L. Brusatte


The famous ‘feathered dinosaurs’ from the Early Cretaceous of Liaoning Province, northeastern China, include several dromaeosaurids, which are among the closest relatives of …


Efficient search for a face by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)


Masaki Tomonaga, Tomoko Imura


The face is quite an important stimulus category for human and nonhuman primates in their social lives. Recent advances in comparative-cognitive research clearly indicate that …


Maximum temperature accounts for annual soil CO2 efflux in temperate forests of Northern China


Zhiyong Zhou, Meili Xu, Fengfeng Kang et al.


It will help understand the representation legality of soil temperature to explore the correlations of soil respiration with variant properties of soil temperature. Soil …


Design and improvement of artificial redox modules by molecular fusion of flavodoxin and flavodoxin reductase from Escherichia coli


Patrick J. Bakkes, Stefan Biemann, Ansgar Bokel et al.


A variety of fusion proteins between the versatile redox partners flavodoxin (FldA) and flavodoxin reductase (Fpr) from Escherichia coli was constructed with the aim to improve …


EGCG reverses human neutrophil elastase-induced migration in A549 cells by directly binding to HNE and by regulating α1-AT


Yilixiati Xiaokaiti, Haoming Wu, Ya Chen et al.


Lung carcinogenesis is a complex process that occurs in unregulated inflammatory environment. EGCG has been extensively investigated as a multi-targeting anti-tumor and …


Regulation of microtubule dynamics by DIAPH3 influences amoeboid tumor cell mechanics and sensitivity to taxanes


Samantha Morley, Sungyong You, Sara Pollan et al.


Taxanes are widely employed chemotherapies for patients with metastatic prostate and breast cancer. Here, we show that loss of Diaphanous-related formin-3 (DIAPH3), frequently …


Earliest evidence of dental caries manipulation in the Late Upper Palaeolithic


Gregorio Oxilia, Marco Peresani, Matteo Romandini et al.


Prehistoric dental treatments were extremely rare, and the few documented cases are known from the Neolithic, when the adoption of early farming culture caused an increase of …


Insights into the pan-microbiome: skin microbial communities of Chinese individuals differ from other racial groups


Marcus H. Y. Leung, David Wilkins, Patrick K. H. Lee


Many studies have characterized microbiomes of western individuals. However, studies involving non-westerners are scarce. This study characterizes the skin microbiomes of Chinese …


‘Spotted Nanoflowers’: Gold-seeded Zinc Oxide Nanohybrid for Selective Bio-capture


Veeradasan Perumal, U. Hashim, Subash C.B. Gopinath et al.


Hybrid gold nanostructures seeded into nanotextured zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoflowers (NFs) were created for novel biosensing applications. The selected ‘spotted NFs’ had a …


Binocular Goggle Augmented Imaging and Navigation System provides real-time fluorescence image guidance for tumor resection and sentinel lymph node mapping


Suman B. Mondal, Shengkui Gao, Nan Zhu et al.


The inability to identify microscopic tumors and assess surgical margins in real-time during oncologic surgery leads to incomplete tumor removal, increases the chances of tumor …


Erratum: CRISPR-engineered mosaicism rapidly reveals that loss of Kcnj13 function in mice mimics human disease phenotypes


Hua Zhong, Yiyun Chen, Yumei Li et al.



Corrigendum: STAT3 controls IL6-dependent regulation of serotonin transporter function and depression-like behaviour


Eryan Kong, Sonja Sucic, Francisco J. Monje et al.



Corrigendum: Meta-Analysis of the Relationship between XRCC1-Arg399Gln and Arg280His Polymorphisms and the Risk of Prostate Cancer


Jie Yan, Xiantao Wang, Hui Tao et al.



Ultrasensitive measurement of huntingtin protein in cerebrospinal fluid demonstrates increase with Huntington disease stage and decrease following brain huntingtin suppression


Amber L. Southwell, Stephen E.P. Smith, Tessa R. Davis et al.


Quantitation of huntingtin protein in the brain is needed, both as a marker of Huntington disease (HD) progression and for use in clinical gene silencing trials. Measurement of …


Corrigendum: RILP interacts with HOPS complex via VPS41 subunit to regulate endocytic trafficking


Xiaosi Lin, Ting Yang, Shicong Wang et al.



Time-dependent deacclimation after cold acclimation in Arabidopsis thaliana accessions


Ellen Zuther, Ilona Juszczak, Yang Ping Lee et al.


During low temperature exposure, Arabidopsis thaliana and many other plants from temperate climates increase in freezing tolerance in a process termed cold acclimation. However, …


Circulating levels of sphingosine-1-phosphate are elevated in severe, but not mild psoriasis and are unresponsive to anti-TNF-α treatment


Antonio Checa, Ning Xu, Daniel G. Sar et al.


Sphingolipids are bioactive molecules with a putative role in inflammation. Alterations in sphingolipids, in particular ceramides, have been consistently observed in psoriatic …


ZBTB20 is a sequence-specific transcriptional repressor of alpha-fetoprotein gene


Hai Zhang, Dongmei Cao, Luting Zhou et al.


Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) represents a classical model system to study developmental gene regulation in mammalian cells. We previously reported that liver ZBTB20 is developmentally …


Large scale systematic proteomic quantification from non-metastatic to metastatic colorectal cancer


Xuefei Yin, Yang Zhang, Shaowen Guo et al.


A systematic proteomic quantification of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) colorectal cancer tissues from stage I to stage IIIC was performed in large scale. 1017 proteins …


Genome-wide characterisation and analysis of bHLH transcription factors related to tanshinone biosynthesis in Salvia miltiorrhiza


Xin Zhang, Hongmei Luo, Zhichao Xu et al.


Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge (Labiatae) is an emerging model plant for traditional medicine, and tanshinones are among the pharmacologically active constituents of this plant. …


Analysis of gene expression of secreted factors associated with breast cancer metastases in breast cancer subtypes


Elana J. Fertig, Esak Lee, Niranjan B. Pandey et al.


Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease, having multiple subtypes with different malignant phenotypes. The triple-negative breast cancer, or basal breast cancer, is highly …


Identification of reproducible drug-resistance-related dysregulated genes in small-scale cancer cell line experiments


Lu Ao, Haidan Yan, Tingting Zheng et al.


Researchers usually measure only a few technical replicates of two types of cell line, resistant or sensitive to a drug, and use a fold-change (FC) cut-off value to detect …


Copper depletion inhibits CoCl2-induced aggressive phenotype of MCF-7 cells via downregulation of HIF-1 and inhibition of Snail/Twist-mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transition


Shun Li, Jing Zhang, Hong Yang et al.


Copper, a strictly regulated trace element, is essential for many physiological processes including angiogenesis. Dysregulated angiogenesis has been associated with increased …


Prostate-specific RNA aptamer: promising nucleic acid antibody-like cancer detection


Karina Marangoni, Adriana F. Neves, Rafael M. Rocha et al.


We described the selection of a novel nucleic acid antibody-like prostate cancer (PCa) that specifically binds to the single-stranded DNA molecule from a 277-nt fragment that may …


Corrigendum: A Network Flow-based Analysis of Cognitive Reserve in Normal Ageing and Alzheimer’s Disease


Sang Wook Yoo, Cheol E. Han, Joseph S. Shin et al.



Polymerase/DNA interactions and enzymatic activity: multi-parameter analysis with electro-switchable biosurfaces


Andreas Langer, Michael Schräml, Ralf Strasser et al.


The engineering of high-performance enzymes for future sequencing and PCR technologies as well as the development of many anticancer drugs requires a detailed analysis of DNA/RNA …


Consequences of the variability of the CovRS and RopB regulators among Streptococcus pyogenes causing human infections


Ana Friães, Catarina Pato, José Melo-Cristino et al.


To evaluate the importance of covRS and ropB mutations in invasive disease caused by Group A Streptococci (GAS), we determined the sequence of the covRS and ropB genes of 191 …


Nonparametric Risk and Nonparametric Odds in Quantitative Genetic Association Studies


Wei Zhang, Qizhai Li


The coefficient in a linear regression model is commonly employed to evaluate the genetic effect of a single nucleotide polymorphism associated with a quantitative trait under …


Nogo-B protects mice against lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury


Wujian Xu, Ying Zhu, Yunye Ning et al.


Nogo-B, a member of the reticulon 4 protein family, plays a critical role in tissue repair and acute inflammation. Its role in acute lung injury (ALI) remains unclear. Here, we …


Transforming berberine into its intestine-absorbable form by the gut microbiota


Ru Feng, Jia-Wen Shou, Zhen-Xiong Zhao et al.


The gut microbiota is important in the pathogenesis of energy-metabolism related diseases. We focused on the interaction between intestinal bacteria and orally administered …


Digestion of Nucleic Acids Starts in the Stomach


Yu Liu, Yanfang Zhang, Ping Dong et al.


The ingestion of nucleic acids (NAs) as a nutritional supplement or in genetically modified food has attracted the attention of researchers in recent years. Discussions over the …


EEG neural oscillatory dynamics reveal semantic and response conflict at difference levels of conflict awareness


Jun Jiang, Qinglin Zhang, Simon Van Gaal


Although previous work has shown that conflict can be detected in the absence of awareness, it is unknown how different sources of conflict (i.e., semantic, response) are …


RNA editing differently affects protein-coding genes in D. melanogaster and H. sapiens


Luigi Grassi, Guido Leoni, Anna Tramontano


When an RNA editing event occurs within a coding sequence it can lead to a different encoded amino acid. The biological significance of these events remains an open question: …


Evidence for bystander signalling between human trophoblast cells and human embryonic stem cells


Anna J Jones, Paul J Gokhale, Thomas F Allison et al.


Maternal exposure during pregnancy to toxins can occasionally lead to miscarriage and malformation. It is currently thought that toxins pass through the placental barrier, albeit …


Extracellular vimentin interacts with insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor to promote axonal growth


Michiko Shigyo, Tomoharu Kuboyama, Yusuke Sawai et al.


Vimentin, an intermediate filament protein, is generally recognised as an intracellular protein. Previously, we reported that vimentin was secreted from astrocytes and promoted …


iCut: an Integrative Cut Algorithm Enables Accurate Segmentation of Touching Cells


Yong He, Hui Gong, Benyi Xiong et al.


Individual cells play essential roles in the biological processes of the brain. The number of neurons changes during both normal development and disease progression. …


Mitochondrial oxidative stress promotes atrial fibrillation


Wenjun Xie, Gaetano Santulli, Steven R. Reiken et al.


Oxidative stress has been suggested to play a role in the pathogenesis of atrial fibrillation (AF). Indeed, the prevalence of AF increases with age as does oxidative stress. …


Fasting activates macroautophagy in neurons of Alzheimer’s disease mouse model but is insufficient to degrade amyloid-beta


Xigui Chen, Kanoh Kondo, Kazumi Motoki et al.


We developed a new technique to observe macroautophagy in the brain in vivo, and examined whether fasting induced macroautophagy in neurons and how the induction was different …


Responding to the challenge of untreatable gonorrhea: ETX0914, a first-in-class agent with a distinct mechanism-of-action against bacterial Type II topoisomerases


Gregory S. Basarab, Gunther H. Kern, John McNulty et al.


With the diminishing effectiveness of current antibacterial therapies, it is critically important to discover agents that operate by a mechanism that circumvents existing …


Chromatin states modify network motifs contributing to cell-specific functions


Hongying Zhao, Tingting Liu, Ling Liu et al.


Epigenetic modification can affect many important biological processes, such as cell proliferation and apoptosis. It can alter chromatin conformation and contribute to gene …


Artificial targeting of misfolded cytosolic proteins to endoplasmic reticulum as a mechanism for clearance


Fen Liu, Deanna M. Koepp, Kylie J. Walters


We report that misfolded cytosolic proteins can be cleared from mammalian cells by directing them to endoplasmic reticulum (ER). NAT1 R64W and Parkin R42P are naturally occurring …


Adalimumab Reduces Photoreceptor Cell Death in A Mouse Model of Retinal Degeneration


Cristina Martínez-Fernández de la Cámara, Alberto M. Hernández-Pinto, Lorena Olivares-González et al.


Growing evidence suggests that inflammation is involved in the progression of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) both in patients and in animal models. The aim of this study was to …


Studying biological membranes with extended range high-speed atomic force microscopy


Adrian P. Nievergelt, Blake W. Erickson, Nahid Hosseini et al.


High—speed atomic force microscopy has proven to be a valuable tool for the study of biomolecular systems at the nanoscale. Expanding its application to larger biological …


Graph Curvature for Differentiating Cancer Networks


Romeil Sandhu, Tryphon Georgiou, Ed Reznik et al.


Cellular interactions can be modeled as complex dynamical systems represented by weighted graphs. The functionality of such networks, including measures of robustness, …


Ortho-methylated 3-hydroxypyridines hinder hen egg-white lysozyme fibrillogenesis


Laura Mariño, Kris Pauwels, Rodrigo Casasnovas et al.


Protein aggregation with the concomitant formation of amyloid fibrils is related to several neurodegenerative diseases, but also to non-neuropathic amyloidogenic diseases and …

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