Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Leukemia - Table of Contents alert Volume 29 Issue 7

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Volume 29, Issue 7 (July 2015)

In this issue
Original Articles
Letters To The Editor

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Which prognostic score in MDS? Both!

U Platzbecker

Leukemia 2015 29: 1447; advance online publication, May 22, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.92

Full Text

Reduced-Intensity transplants, conventional transplants or chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukemia in 1st remission: who knows; ask your wife?

R P Gale

Leukemia 2015 29: 1448-1449; advance online publication, March 24, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.84

Full Text

To RIC or not to RIC: that is the question

M Mohty and F Malard

Leukemia 2015 29: 1450-1451; advance online publication, April 14, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.82

Full Text



Membrane lipid rafts, master regulators of hematopoietic stem cell retention in bone marrow and their trafficking

M Z Ratajczak and M Adamiak

Leukemia 2015 29: 1452-1457; advance online publication, March 9, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.66

Abstract | Full Text

Deregulation of innate immune and inflammatory signaling in myelodysplastic syndromes

I Gañán-Gómez, Y Wei, D T Starczynowski, S Colla, H Yang, M Cabrero-Calvo, Z S Bohannan, A Verma, U Steidl and G Garcia-Manero

Leukemia 2015 29: 1458-1469; advance online publication, March 12, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.69

Abstract | Full Text

Original Articles



NFATc1 as a therapeutic target in FLT3-ITD-positive AML

S K Metzelder, C Michel, M von Bonin, M Rehberger, E Hessmann, S Inselmann, M Solovey, Y Wang, K Sohlbach, C Brendel, T Stiewe, J Charles, A Ten Haaf, V Ellenrieder, A Neubauer, S Gattenlöhner, M Bornhäuser and A Burchert

Leukemia 2015 29: 1470-1477; advance online publication, April 14, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.95

Abstract | Full Text


A comparative assessment of the curative potential of reduced intensity allografts in acute myeloid leukaemia

N H Russell, L Kjeldsen, C Craddock, A Pagliuca, J A Yin, R E Clark, A Howman, R K Hills and A K Burnett Written on behalf of the UK NCRI Adult AML Working Party

Leukemia 2015 29: 1478-1484; advance online publication, November 7, 2014; 10.1038/leu.2014.319

Abstract | Full Text

INPP4B overexpression is associated with poor clinical outcome and therapy resistance in acute myeloid leukemia

I Dzneladze, R He, J F Woolley, M H Son, M H Sharobim, S A Greenberg, M Gabra, C Langlois, A Rashid, A Hakem, N Ibrahimova, A Arruda, B Löwenberg, P J M Valk, M D Minden and L Salmena

Leukemia 2015 29: 1485-1495; advance online publication, March 4, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.51

Abstract | Full Text


HLA-matched allogeneic stem cell transplantation improves outcome of higher risk myelodysplastic syndrome A prospective study on behalf of SFGM-TC and GFM

M Robin, R Porcher, L Adès, E Raffoux, M Michallet, S François, J-Y Cahn, A Delmer, E Wattel, S Vigouroux, J-O Bay, J Cornillon, A Huynh, S Nguyen, M-T Rubio, L Vincent, N Maillard, A Charbonnier, R P de Latour, O Reman, H Dombret, P Fenaux and G Socié

Leukemia 2015 29: 1496-1501; advance online publication, February 13, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.37

Abstract | Full Text

Validation of WHO classification-based Prognostic Scoring System (WPSS) for myelodysplastic syndromes and comparison with the revised International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS-R). A study of the International Working Group for Prognosis in Myelodysplasia (IWG-PM)

M G Della Porta, H Tuechler, L Malcovati, J Schanz, G Sanz, G Garcia-Manero, F Solé, J M Bennett, D Bowen, P Fenaux, F Dreyfus, H Kantarjian, A Kuendgen, A Levis, J Cermak, C Fonatsch, M M Le Beau, M L Slovak, O Krieger, M Luebbert, J Maciejewski, S M M Magalhaes, Y Miyazaki, M Pfeilstöcker, M A Sekeres, W R Sperr, R Stauder, S Tauro, P Valent, T Vallespi, A A van de Loosdrecht, U Germing, D Haase, P L Greenberg and M Cazzola

Leukemia 2015 29: 1502-1513; advance online publication, February 27, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.55

Abstract | Full Text


Second generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors prevent disease progression in high-risk (high CIP2A) chronic myeloid leukaemia patients

C M Lucas, R J Harris, A K Holcroft, L J Scott, N Carmell, E McDonald, F Polydoros and R E Clark

Leukemia 2015 29: 1514-1523; advance online publication, March 13, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.71

Abstract | Full Text


Dinaciclib is a novel cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor with significant clinical activity in relapsed and refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia

J Flynn, J Jones, A J Johnson, L Andritsos, K Maddocks, S Jaglowski, J Hessler, M R Grever, E Im, H Zhou, Y Zhu, D Zhang, K Small, R Bannerji and J C Byrd

Leukemia 2015 29: 1524-1529; advance online publication, February 24, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.31

Abstract | Full Text


Inducible T-cell receptor expression in precursor T cells for leukemia control

S S Hoseini, M Hapke, J Herbst, D Wedekind, R Baumann, N Heinz, B Schiedlmeier, D A A Vignali, M R M van den Brink, A Schambach, B R Blazar and M G Sauer

Leukemia 2015 29: 1530-1542; advance online publication, February 5, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.20

Abstract | Full Text


NF-κB-dependent DNA damage-signaling differentially regulates DNA double-strand break repair mechanisms in immature and mature human hematopoietic cells

D Kraft, M Rall, M Volcic, E Metzler, A Groo, A Stahl, L Bauer, E Nasonova, D Salles, G Taucher-Scholz, H Bönig, C Fournier and L Wiesmüller

Leukemia 2015 29: 1543-1554; advance online publication, February 5, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.28

Abstract | Full Text


Pathological glycogenesis through glycogen synthase 1 and suppression of excessive AMP kinase activity in myeloid leukemia cells

H Bhanot, M M Reddy, A Nonami, E L Weisberg, D Bonal, P T Kirschmeier, S Salgia, K Podar, I Galinsky, T K Chowdary, D Neuberg, G Tonon, R M Stone, J Asara, J D Griffin and M Sattler

Leukemia 2015 29: 1555-1563; advance online publication, February 23, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.46

Abstract | Full Text


Different biological risk factors in young poor-prognosis and elderly patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

H Horn, M Ziepert, M Wartenberg, A M Staiger, T F E Barth, H-W Bernd, A C Feller, W Klapper, C Stuhlmann-Laeisz, M Hummel, H Stein, D Lenze, S Hartmann, M-L Hansmann, P Möller, S Cogliatti, M Pfreundschuh, L Trümper, M Loeffler, B Glass, N Schmitz, G Ott and A Rosenwald for the DSHNHL

Leukemia 2015 29: 1564-1570; advance online publication, February 17, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.43

Abstract | Full Text

Prognostic nomogram for overall survival in previously untreated patients with extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal-type: a multicenter study

Y Yang, Y-J Zhang, Y Zhu, J-Z Cao, Z-Y Yuan, L-M Xu, J-X Wu, W Wang, T Wu, B Lu, S-Y Zhu, L-T Qian, F-Q Zhang, X-R Hou, Q-F Liu and Y-X Li

Leukemia 2015 29: 1571-1577; advance online publication, February 20, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.44

Abstract | Full Text

Anti-CD22 and anti-CD79B antibody drug conjugates are active in different molecular diffuse large B-cell lymphoma subtypes

M Pfeifer, B Zheng, T Erdmann, H Koeppen, R McCord, M Grau, A Staiger, A Chai, T Sandmann, H Madle, B Dörken, Y-W Chu, A I Chen, D Lebovic, G A Salles, M S Czuczman, M C Palanca-Wessels, O W Press, R Advani, F Morschhauser, B D Cheson, P Lenz, G Ott, A G Polson, K E Mundt and G Lenz

Leukemia 2015 29: 1578-1586; advance online publication, February 24, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.48

Abstract | Full Text

Chlamydophila psittaci-negative ocular adnexal marginal zone lymphomas express self polyreactive B-cell receptors

D Zhu, S Bhatt, X Lu, F Guo, H Veelken, D K Hsu, F-T Liu, S Alvarez Cubela, K Kunkalla, F Vega, J R Chapman-Fredricks and I S Lossos

Leukemia 2015 29: 1587-1599; advance online publication, February 13, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.39

Abstract | Full Text

Letters To The Editor


Detection of leukemia-associated mutations in peripheral blood DNA of hematologically normal elderly individuals

J Score, A Chase, L A Forsberg, L Feng, K Waghorn, A V Jones, C Rasi, D C Linch, J P Dumanski, R E Gale and N C P Cross

Leukemia 2015 29: 1600-1602; advance online publication, January 28, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.13

Full Text

Obinutuzumab as frontline treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: updated results of the CLL11 study

V Goede, K Fischer, A Engelke, R Schlag, S Lepretre, L F C Montero, M Montillo, C Fegan, E Asikanius, K Humphrey, G Fingerle-Rowson and M Hallek

Leukemia 2015 29: 1602-1604; advance online publication, January 30, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.14

Full Text

Aberrant expression of CD123 (interleukin-3 receptor-α) on neoplastic mast cells

A Pardanani, T Lasho, D Chen, T K Kimlinger, C Finke, D Zblewski, M M Patnaik, K K Reichard, E Rowinsky, C A Hanson, C Brooks and A Tefferi

Leukemia 2015 29: 1605-1608; advance online publication, February 2, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.16

Full Text

Quantifying ultra-rare pre-leukemic clones via targeted error-corrected sequencing OPEN

A L Young, T N Wong, A E O Hughes, S E Heath, T J Ley, D C Link and T E Druley

Leukemia 2015 29: 1608-1611; advance online publication, February 3, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.17

Full Text

Analysis of mutational signatures in exomes from B-cell lymphoma cell lines suggest APOBEC3 family members to be involved in the pathogenesis of primary effusion lymphoma

R Wagener, L B Alexandrov, M Montesinos-Rongen, M Schlesner, A Haake, H G Drexler, J Richter, G R Bignell, U McDermott and R Siebert

Leukemia 2015 29: 1612-1615; advance online publication, February 4, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.22

Full Text

Early mortality in multiple myeloma

L J Costa, W I Gonsalves and S K Kumar

Leukemia 2015 29: 1616-1618; advance online publication, February 12, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.33

Full Text



Response to Ho-Wan Ip and Chi-Chiu

N C P Cross, M C Müller and A Hochhaus

Leukemia 2015 29: 1619; advance online publication, May 22, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.97

Full Text

Deep molecular response in chronic myelogenous leukemia: ensuring accuracy and consistency

H-W Ip and C-C So

Leukemia 2015 29: 1620-1621; advance online publication, April 24, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.93

Full Text

The failure of immune checkpoint blockade in multiple myeloma with PD-1 inhibitors in a phase 1 study

H Suen, R Brown, S Yang, P J Ho, J Gibson and D Joshua

Leukemia 2015 29: 1621-1622; advance online publication, May 19, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.104

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