Thursday, July 23, 2015

Genes and Immunity - Table of Contents alert Volume 16 Issue 5

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Genes and Immunity


Volume 16, Issue 5 (July 2015)

In this issue
Original Articles
Short Communications

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Original Articles


Genome-wide association study of IgG1 responses to the choline-binding protein PspC of Streptococcus pneumoniae

D Anderson, M Fakiola, B J Hales, C E Pennell, W R Thomas and J M Blackwell

Genes Immun 2015 16: 289-296; advance online publication, April 30, 2015; 10.1038/gene.2015.12

Abstract | Full Text

Fine-mapping butyrophilin family genes revealed several polymorphisms influencing viral genotype selection in hepatitis C infection

J Ampuero, J A del Campo, L Rojas, R J García-Lozano, M Buti, R Solá, X Forns, R Moreno-Otero, R Andrade, M Diago, J Salmerón, L Rodrigo, J A Pons, J M Navarro, J L Calleja, J García-Samaniego, M García-Valdecasas, Á Rojas, R Millán, M F González-Escribano and M Romero-Gómez

Genes Immun 2015 16: 297-300; advance online publication, April 30, 2015; 10.1038/gene.2015.14

Abstract | Full Text

2DL1, 2DL2 and 2DL3 all contribute to KIR phenotype variability on human NK cells

S E Dunphy, K J Guinan, C Ní Chorcora, J Jayaraman, J A Traherne, J Trowsdale, D Pende, D Middleton and C M Gardiner

Genes Immun 2015 16: 301-310; advance online publication, May 7, 2015; 10.1038/gene.2015.15

Abstract | Full Text

Suppression of autoimmunity by CD5+ IL-10-producing B cells in lupus-prone mice

Y Baglaenko, K P Manion, N-H Chang, C Loh, G Lajoie and J E Wither

Genes Immun 2015 16: 311-320; advance online publication, May 14, 2015; 10.1038/gene.2015.17

Abstract | Full Text

Hepatic expression levels of interferons and interferon-stimulated genes in patients with chronic hepatitis C: A phenotype–genotype correlation study

M Noureddin, Y Rotman, F Zhang, H Park, B Rehermann, E Thomas and T J Liang

Genes Immun 2015 16: 321-329; advance online publication, May 28, 2015; 10.1038/gene.2015.11

Abstract | Full Text

Stress-caused anergy of leukocytes towards Staphylococcal enterotoxin B and exposure transcriptome signatures

S Muhie, R Hammamieh, C Cummings, D Yang and M Jett

Genes Immun 2015 16: 330-346; advance online publication, May 28, 2015; 10.1038/gene.2015.16

Abstract | Full Text

Differential transcriptomic and metabolic profiles of M. africanum- and M. tuberculosis-infected patients after, but not before, drug treatment

L D Tientcheu, J Maertzdorf, J Weiner, I M Adetifa, H-J Mollenkopf, J S Sutherland, S Donkor, B Kampmann, S H E Kaufmann, H M Dockrell and M O Ota

Genes Immun 2015 16: 347-355; advance online publication, June 4, 2015; 10.1038/gene.2015.21

Abstract | Full Text

Short Communications


The uncovering of ESE-1 in human neutrophils: implication of its role in neutrophil function and survival

C M Lee, S Gupta, J Parodo, J Wu, J C Marshall and J Hu

Genes Immun 2015 16: 356-361; advance online publication, April 23, 2015; 10.1038/gene.2015.10

Abstract | Full Text

Toll-like receptor gene variants and bacterial vaginosis among HIV-1 infected and uninfected African women

R D Mackelprang, C W Scoville, C R Cohen, R O Ondondo, A W Bigham, C Celum, M S Campbell, M Essex, A Wald, J Kiarie, A Ronald, G Gray and J R Lingappa for the Partners in Prevention HSV/HIV Transmission Study Team

Genes Immun 2015 16: 362-365; advance online publication, April 30, 2015; 10.1038/gene.2015.13

Abstract | Full Text



Interleukin-10 receptor-1 expression in monocyte-derived antigen-presenting cell populations: dendritic cells partially escape from IL-10's inhibitory mechanisms

S von Haehling, K Wolk, C Höflich, S Kunz, B H Grünberg, W-D Döcke, U Reineke, K Asadullah, W Sterry, H-D Volk and R Sabat

Genes Immun 2015 16: 366; 10.1038/gene.2015.9

Full Text

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