Friday, January 18, 2013

NIH initiatives to boost your careers, opportunities in informal learning, and how to bag the best internship


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Latest articles from
Feature: Education: Free-range learning
16 January 2013
The budding field of informal science education offers varied research paths but uncertain funding.
Q&A: Francis Collins: Changes at the NIH
16 January 2013
Director lays out workforce initiatives geared towards early-career scientists.
Blog post: Eight ways to get the best internship
15 January 2013
Competition for internships is as fierce as ever. Follow these top tips to boost your chances.
Feature: Graduate students: Structured study
9 January 2013
European institutions are introducing organized doctoral programmes that broaden students' education.
Q&A: Turning point: Rui Costa
9 January 2013
Neuroscientist's passion for research yields big awards and post in his home country.
Blog post: A to Z of social media for academics
9 January 2013
A new email list for academics highlights social-media platforms and apps that can serve as useful tools.
Blog post: The accidents nobody talks about
8 January 2013
A personal story reveals how many scientists deal with lab accidents.
Blog post: Spot the sexist in you
8 January 2013
Our number-one careers New Year's Resolution? Challenge our own implicit biases.
Blog post: How safe is your lab?
3 January 2013
From snake bites to acid burns, accidents in the lab are a fairly common occurrence, says survey. articles
Recent science jobs
Research Associate - Molecular Biology/Virology
MedImmune UK
Postdoctoral Fellow
Emory University
Neuropharmacology Postdoc Position
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Lecturer in Genetics
University of Leicester
Postdoc Position - Physical Systems Biology
FOM Institute AMOLF
Scientific Officer
Cancer Research UK/London Research Institute
University of Stuttgart
Postdoctoral Opening in Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Division
Memorial Sloan - Kettering Cancer Center
PhD Scholarship in Nanotechnology
McGill University
Assistant Professor/Postdoctoral Fellows
University of Copenhagen
Economist/Adaptation Specialist
World Agroforestry Centre
Postdoctoral Position
Masaryk University, Faculty of Science
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of California at San Francisco
Senior Research Fellow
University of Sussex
Physiology and Neuroscience Professor
University of Rennes 1
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Elsewhere on
Knowledge trades
15 January 2013

China has the capacity to lead in carbon trading
15 January 2013

HIV trial under scrutiny
16 January 2013

Court lifts cloud over embryonic stem cells
15 January 2013

Scientific families: Dynasty
16 January 2013

Transparency: Two years of blogging the NIH
16 January 2013
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This month's poll
UK Labour MP Hazel Blears wants to outlaw the advertising of long-term unpaid internships. Is this a good idea?
Yes! Asking people to work for free is exploitative and illegal, so advertising these opportunities should be banned.
No! It's not real work, it's work experience. Removing adverts will drive these opportunities underground and benefit only those who are already well connected.
No! Any kind of internship, whether paid or unpaid, is a good way to gain experience in a time when jobs are scarce.
Vote in the poll

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