Thursday, July 13, 2023

[NASA HQ News] NASA to Host Small Business Administration’s Annual Scorecard Event

  July 13, 2023 
NASA to Host Small Business Administration's Annual Scorecard Event
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Credits: NASA

Media are invited to join NASA and Small Business Administration leadership at 9:30 a.m. EDT on Tuesday, July 18, at NASA Headquarters in Washington to highlight how federal agencies rank on meeting their small business goals.

During the event hosted by NASA Administrator Bill Nelson and NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy, Small Business Administration (SBA) Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman will unveil the Fiscal Year 2022 Small Business Federal Procurement Scorecard, including NASA's rating.

NASA's Karla Smith Jackson, deputy chief acquisition officer and assistant administrator for procurement, and Glenn Delgado, associate administrator for the agency's Office of Small Business Programs, as well as small businesses leaders who work with NASA, will attend. Jackson and Delgado are available for interviews following the news conference.

The event will take place in the agency's recently opened Earth Information Center in the Easy Lobby at NASA Headquarters, located at 300 E St. SW in Washington.

Media interested in covering the event must RSVP to Tiffani Clements no later than two hours prior to the start of the event via email at: Space is limited.

In previous years, the space agency has received an "A" rating from SBA for its work with small businesses including historically underutilized, women-owned, and veteran-owned/service-disabled businesses.

Learn more about NASA's Office of Small Business Programs at:



Press Contacts

Cheryl Warner
Headquarters, Washington

Tiffani Clements
Small Business Administration


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