Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Table of Contents Alert: EMBO reports, Vol. 20, No. 8, August 2019

Creating is Understanding: Synthetic Biology Masters Complexity
Cover Image EMBO reports
Volume 20, Issue 8

August 2019


Comment on "Close loop peer review" by Michael Hill
Arie Horowitz

e48313 | First Published: 21 June 2019

Comment on "Close loop peer review" by Michael Hill.

Response by the author
Michael Hill

e48587 | First Published: 21 June 2019

The response by the author.

News & Views

Genetic manipulation of sex ratio in mammals: the Reaper comes for Mickey
Michael J Smanski, David Zarkower

e48577 | First Published: 01 July 2019

Biasing the sex ratio has the potential to increase breeding efficiency in agriculture. A study in this issue describes a genetic approach to bias the sex ratio by specifically disrupting essential genes in male mouse embryos.

Dangerous γδ T cells in aged mice
Immo Prinz, Inga Sandrock

e48678 | First Published: 09 July 2019

A subset of γδ T cells with limited clonal diversity strongly expands in lymph nodes of ageing mice, indicating a link between the aging‐dependent composition of γδ T cells and increased cancer risk in aged mice.

Transformation of a neural activation and patterning model
Arwa Al Anber, Benjamin L Martin

e48060 | First Published: 24 July 2019

The activation and transformation model of vertebrate nervous system formation has been a predominant model in the field. A study in the June issue along with other recent reports calls for an update of the model, showing that spinal cord induction is distinct from that of the brain.

Science & Society

Biological and evolutionary concepts for nanoscale engineering : Viruses as natural nanoparticles have great potential for a wide range of nanoscale products
Nicole F Steinmetz

e48806 | First Published: 17 July 2019

Biological materials are a rich resource for nanoscale engineering. Their structure is easily accessible via their DNA and they were optimised through evolution to fulfill their function.

Open Access
A dangerous balancing act: On matters of science, a well‐meaning desire to present all views equally can be an Trojan horse for damaging falsehoods
David Robert Grimes

e48706 | First Published: 09 July 2019

Journalistic impartiality is a laudable aim, but overly rigid application of unbiased reporting may do more harm than good. The issue of false balance in science reporting has severe consequences for health and the environment.

Public participation in science : How citizen science initiatives in healthcare and the environment are opening up new directions in research
Adam Gristwood

e48797 | First Published: 22 July 2019

Public participation in science is opening up new research avenues. Recognising the potential of citizen science in fields such as health care could help science to better meet societal needs.

The prospects for recombinant proteins from transgenic animals: A few successes along with the advent of new technologies increase the allure of transgenic animals for the production of therapeutic human proteins
Philip Hunter

e48757 | First Published: 15 July 2019

The use of GM animals to produce human recombinant therapeutic proteins has progressed only slowly. But recent successes and new technologies could speed up development.


Open Access
Microbial Experimental Evolution – a proving ground for evolutionary theory and a tool for discovery
Michael J McDonald

e46992 | First Published: 24 July 2019

Microbial experimental evolution uses controlled laboratory populations to study evolutionary mechanisms. This review highlights important findings using this approach, and discusses the experimental design and future directions for its creative application to problems in molecular biology.


A genetic system for biasing the sex ratio in mice
Ido Yosef, Liat Edry‐Botzer, Rea Globus, Inbar Shlomovitz, Ariel Munitz, Motti Gerlic, Udi Qimron

e48269 | First Published: 01 July 2019

Biasing the sex ratio by genetic and non‐genetic approaches has been demonstrated for diverse organisms except higher vertebrates. This study provides proof of concept for a genetic system in mammals that allows biased sex production.

The novel lncRNA CALIC upregulates AXL to promote colon cancer metastasis
Yoshihiro Kawasaki, Masaya Miyamoto, Takeaki Oda, Kosuke Matsumura, Lumi Negishi, Ryuichiro Nakato, Sakiko Suda, Naoko Yokota, Katsuhiko Shirahige, Tetsu Akiyama

e47052 | First Published: 29 July 2019

The lncRNA CALIC associates with hnRNP‐L to induce AXL expression and to enhance the metastatic potential of colon cancer cells.

Progressive dosage compensation during Drosophila embryogenesis is reflected by gene arrangement
Khairunnadiya Prayitno, Tamás Schauer, Catherine Regnard, Peter B Becker

e48138 | First Published: 09 July 2019

Dosage compensation to overcome X chromosome monosomy in Drosophila is established progressively during embryo development. Gradual dissemination of the active H4K16ac mark from DCC binding sites suggests that maturation of the X chromosome compartment is required for this process.


Cerebrovascular endothelial cells form transient Notch‐dependent cystic structures in zebrafish
Elisabeth C Kugler, Max van Lessen, Stephan Daetwyler, Karishma Chhabria, Aaron M Savage, Vishmi Silva, Karen Plant, Ryan B MacDonald, Jan Huisken, Robert N Wilkinson, Stefan Schulte‐Merker, Paul Armitage, Timothy JA Chico

e47047 | First Published: 18 June 2019

The endothelial cells of the cranial vasculature in zebrafish extrude transient spherical structures termed "kugeln" after the German for sphere. Kugeln only form on cerebral vessels and are highly reactive for nitric oxide but their function is currently unknown.

Open Access
IL‐7‐dependent compositional changes within the γδ T cell pool in lymph nodes during ageing lead to an unbalanced anti‐tumour response
Hung‐Chang Chen, Nils Eling, Celia Pilar Martinez‐Jimenez, Louise McNeill O'Brien, Valentina Carbonaro, John C Marioni, Duncan T Odom, Maike de la Roche

e47379 | First Published: 08 July 2019

Upon ageing, γδ17 T cells expand at the expense of γδ1 T cells in response to increased IL‐7 in the peripheral lymph nodes. This leads to enhanced infiltration of γδ17 T cells into the tumour microenvironment, promoting faster tumour growth.

Open Access
Checkpoint kinase 1 is essential for fetal and adult hematopoiesis
Fabian Schuler, Sehar Afreen, Claudia Manzl, Georg Häcker, Miriam Erlacher, Andreas Villunger

e47026 | First Published: 17 June 2019

Checkpoint kinase 1 is needed for hematopoietic stem cell expansion and survival in the fetal liver. Conditional deletion of Chk1 in hematopoietic cells of adult mice selects cells retaining CHK1, suggesting an essential role in functional hematopoiesis.

Open Access
Multiple C2 domains and transmembrane region proteins (MCTPs) tether membranes at plasmodesmata
Marie L Brault, Jules D Petit, Françoise Immel, William J Nicolas, Marie Glavier, Lysiane Brocard, Amèlia Gaston, Mathieu Fouché, Timothy J Hawkins, Jean‐Marc Crowet, Magali S Grison, Véronique Germain, Marion Rocher, Max Kraner, Vikram Alva, Stéphane Claverol, Andrea Paterlini, Ykä Helariutta, Magali Deleu, Laurence Lins, Jens Tilsner, Emmanuelle M Bayer

e47182 | First Published: 09 July 2019

Plant plasmodesmata are pore‐like cell‐to‐cell junctions containing a strand of endoplasmic reticulum in close contact to the plasma membrane. The MCTP protein family regulates these contact sites by acting as ER‐plasma membrane tethers.

U2AF65 assemblies drive sequence‐specific splice site recognition
Manel Tari, Valérie Manceau, Jean de Matha Salone, Asaki Kobayashi, David Pastré, Alexandre Maucuer

e47604 | First Published: 04 July 2019

The splicing factors U2AF65 and CAPERα engage multivalent interactions through their low complexity RS domains. The resulting assemblies can bridge the U2snRNP component SF3b155 with repeated polypyrimidine tracts in introns, to promote alternative splicing.

Open Access
Post‐metaphase correction of aberrant kinetochore‐microtubule attachments in mammalian eggs
Anna Kouznetsova, Tomoya S Kitajima, Hjalmar Brismar, Christer Höög

e47905 | First Published: 10 July 2019

3D chromosome dynamics analysis of live mouse oocytes reveals a striking difference in the frequencies of erroneous kinetochore attachments during metaphase II, lagging chromosomes during anaphase II and aneuploidy in eggs.

Afadin is a scaffold protein repressing insulin action via HDAC6 in adipose tissue
Morten Lundh, Patricia SS Petersen, Marie S Isidor, Dolly NM Kazoka‐Sørensen, Kaja Plucińska, Farnaz Shamsi, Cathrine Ørskov, Marco Tozzi, Erin L Brown, Emil Andersen, Tao Ma, Ulrich Müller, Romain Barrès, Viggo B Kristiansen, Zachary Gerhart‐Hines, Yu‐Hua Tseng, Brice Emanuelli

e48216 | First Published: 02 July 2019

The scaffold protein Afadin dampens insulin action in adipocytes and impairs adipose tissue function by a negative feedback mechanism involving Afadin phosphorylation, recruitment of HDAC6 and suppression of the insulin signaling pathway.

20 of 21 articles shown

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