Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Scientific Reports Biology Table of Contents e-alert: 4 September 2018

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  03 September 2018    
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Biological Sciences

Graves’ orbitopathy occurs sex-independently in an autoimmune hyperthyroid mouse model ▶


Anke Schlüter, Ulrich Flögel, Salvador Diaz-Cano et al.


The effect of male age on patterns of sexual segregation in Siberian ibex ▶


Muyang Wang, Joana Alves, António Alves da Silva et al.


DR region of Na+-K+-ATPase is a new target to protect heart against oxidative injury ▶


Fei Hua, Zhiyuan Wu, Xiaofei Yan et al.


Chemo-immunotherapy of colon cancer with focused ultrasound and Salmonella-laden temperature sensitive liposomes (thermobots) ▶


Kalyani Ektate, Maria Cristina Munteanu, Harshini Ashar et al.


Genetic polymorphisms of ALDH2 are associated with lumbar disc herniation in a Chinese Han population ▶


Qi Dong, Guoxia Ren, Kuaiqiang Zhang et al.


Short-term high glucose culture potentiates pancreatic beta cell function ▶


Eduardo Rebelato, Laila R. Santos, Angelo R. Carpinelli et al.


Class I and II Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors Differentially Regulate Thermogenic Gene Expression in Brown Adipocytes ▶


Anubama Rajan, Hang Shi, Bingzhong Xue


A novel, non-invasive model for diagnosing liver fibrosis stage in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma ▶


Gao-Xiong Ouyang, Yu-mei Zhang, Shao-Liang Zhu et al.


Application of the fragment molecular orbital method to discover novel natural products for prion disease ▶


Jiwon Choi, Hyo-Jin Kim, Xuemei Jin et al.


Self-replication of circular DNA by a self-encoded DNA polymerase through rolling-circle replication and recombination ▶


Yoshihiro Sakatani, Tetsuya Yomo, Norikazu Ichihashi


The histamine H3R antagonist DL77 attenuates autistic behaviors in a prenatal valproic acid-induced mouse model of autism ▶


Nermin Eissa, Petrilla Jayaprakash, Sheikh Azimullah et al.


OncomiR-10b hijacks the small molecule inhibitor linifanib in human cancers ▶


Paloma del C. Monroig-Bosque, Maitri Y. Shah, Xiao Fu et al.


A fundamental catalytic difference between zinc and manganese dependent enzymes revealed in a bacterial isatin hydrolase ▶


Theis Sommer, Kaare Bjerregaard-Andersen, Lalita Uribe et al.


ALS-causing mutations in profilin-1 alter its conformational dynamics: A computational approach to explain propensity for aggregation ▶


Mahmoud Kiaei, Meenakshisundaram Balasubramaniam, Vivek Govind Kumar et al.


Effects of Synchronous Electrode Pulses on Neural Recruitment During Multichannel Microstimulation ▶


James A. Hokanson, Robert A. Gaunt, Douglas J. Weber


Induction of Ptp2 and Cmp2 protein phosphatases is crucial for the adaptive response to ER stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae ▶


Tomoaki Mizuno, Meyu Nakamura, Kenji Irie


PirVP genes causing AHPND identified in a new Vibrio species (Vibrio punensis) within the commensal Orientalis clade ▶


Leda Restrepo, Bonny Bayot, Sebastián Arciniegas et al.


Effects of sustained daily latanoprost application on anterior chamber anatomy and physiology in mice ▶


Laura M. Dutca, Danielle Rudd, Victor Robles et al.


Application of a dye-based mitochondrion-thermometry to determine the receptor downstream of prostaglandin E2 involved in the regulation of hepatocyte metabolism ▶


Lei Shen, Tao-Rong Xie, Run-Zhou Yang et al.


Detection of antibiotics synthetized in microfluidic picolitre-droplets by various actinobacteria ▶


Lisa Mahler, Konstantin Wink, R. Julia Beulig et al.


Chemometric Analysis of Cannabinoids: Chemotaxonomy and Domestication Syndrome ▶


E. M. Mudge, S. J. Murch, P. N. Brown


Differential DNA methylation of potassium channel KCa3.1 and immune signalling pathways is associated with infant immune responses following BCG vaccination ▶


Mateusz Hasso-Agopsowicz, Thomas J. Scriba, Willem A. Hanekom et al.


Vasopressin and oxytocin in sensory neurones: expression, exocytotic release and regulation by lactation ▶


Govindan Dayanithi, Oksana Forostyak, Serhiy Forostyak et al.


Enhancement of ethanol production in very high gravity fermentation by reducing fermentation-induced oxidative stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae ▶


Thanawat Burphan, Supinda Tatip, Tossapol Limcharoensuk et al.


Strengthening the efficacy of official food control improves Listeria monocytogenes prevention in fish-processing plants ▶


Mariella Aalto-Araneda, Hannu Korkeala, Janne Lundén


Elucidating the transactivation domain of the pleiotropic transcription factor Myrf ▶


Jin-ok Choi, Chuandong Fan, Dongkyeong Kim et al.


Yeast quality in juvenile diet affects Drosophila melanogaster adult life traits ▶


Cédric Grangeteau, Fairouz Yahou, Claude Everaerts et al.


Sex-specific effects of food supplementation on hibernation performance and reproductive timing in free-ranging common hamsters ▶


Carina Siutz, Margit Valent, Viktoria Ammann et al.


ADAMTS1 protease is required for a balanced immune cell repertoire and tumour inflammatory response ▶


Francisco Javier Rodríguez-Baena, Silvia Redondo-García, Carlos Peris-Torres et al.


CEA: Combination-based gene set functional enrichment analysis ▶


Duanchen Sun, Yinliang Liu, Xiang-Sun Zhang et al.


Subcontinental heat wave triggers terrestrial and marine, multi-taxa responses ▶


Katinka X. Ruthrof, David D. Breshears, Joseph B. Fontaine et al.


Optimal multisensory integration leads to optimal time estimation ▶


Yuki Murai, Yuko Yotsumoto


Real-time in vivo two-photon imaging study reveals decreased cerebro-vascular volume and increased blood-brain barrier permeability in chronically stressed mice ▶


Sohee Lee, Bok-Man Kang, Jae Hwan Kim et al.


Multiple polymerase gene mutations for human adaptation occurring in Asian H5N1 influenza virus clinical isolates ▶


Yasuha Arai, Norihito Kawashita, Kozue Hotta et al.


Predictions of novel Schistosoma mansoni - human protein interactions consistent with experimental data ▶


J. White Bear, Thavy Long, Danielle Skinner et al.


A common polymorphism of COMT was associated with symptomatic lumbar disc herniation based on a large sample with Chinese Han ancestry ▶


Hongliang Liu, Hongmou Zhao, Zhong Li et al.


Whole grain intake associated molecule 5-aminovaleric acid betaine decreases β-oxidation of fatty acids in mouse cardiomyocytes ▶


Olli Kärkkäinen, Tomi Tuomainen, Ville Koistinen et al.


The Ras-related gene ERAS is involved in human and murine breast cancer ▶


Cristian Suárez-Cabrera, Bárbara de la Peña, Laura L. González et al.


Comprehensive Investigation on Controlling for CT Imaging Variabilities in Radiomics Studies ▶


Rachel B. Ger, Shouhao Zhou, Pai-Chun Melinda Chi et al.


Synergistic effect of land-use and vegetation greenness on vulture nestling body condition in arid ecosystems ▶


Andrea Santangeli, Orr Spiegel, Peter Bridgeford et al.


Reconciling material cultures in archaeology with genetic data: The nomenclature of clusters emerging from archaeogenomic analysis ▶


Stefanie Eisenmann, Eszter Bánffy, Peter van Dommelen et al.


Adaptation reveals sensory and decision components in the visual estimation of locomotion speed ▶


George Mather, Todd Parsons


Domestic horses (Equus caballus) discriminate between negative and positive human nonverbal vocalisations ▶


Amy Victoria Smith, Leanne Proops, Kate Grounds et al.


The invasiveness of human cervical cancer associated to the function of NaV1.6 channels is mediated by MMP-2 activity ▶


Osbaldo Lopez-Charcas, Ana Maria Espinosa, Ana Alfaro et al.


A novel logistic regression model combining semi-supervised learning and active learning for disease classification ▶


Hua Chai, Yong Liang, Sai Wang et al.


The surface reactivity of iron oxide nanoparticles as a potential hazard for aquatic environments: A study on Daphnia magna adults and embryos ▶


Massimiliano Magro, Marco De Liguoro, Eleonora Franzago et al.


The phylogenetic relationships and species richness of host-specific Dactylogyrus parasites shaped by the biogeography of Balkan cyprinids ▶


Michal Benovics, Yves Desdevises, Jasna Vukić et al.


Unsupervised Medical Image Segmentation Based on the Local Center of Mass ▶


Iman Aganj, Mukesh G. Harisinghani, Ralph Weissleder et al.


OsPIN1b is Involved in Rice Seminal Root Elongation by Regulating Root Apical Meristem Activity in Response to Low Nitrogen and Phosphate ▶


Huwei Sun, Jinyuan Tao, Yang Bi et al.


Study to Probe Subsistence of Host-Guest Inclusion Complexes of α and β-Cyclodextrins with Biologically Potent Drugs for Safety Regulatory Dischargement ▶


Biplab Rajbanshi, Subhadeep Saha, Koyeli Das et al.


Corticosterone levels reflect variation in metabolic rate, independent of ‘stress’ ▶


Blanca Jimeno, Michaela Hau, Simon Verhulst


Schlafen2 mutation in mice causes an osteopetrotic phenotype due to a decrease in the number of osteoclast progenitors ▶


Ibrahim Omar, Gali Guterman-Ram, Dolev Rahat et al.


Rapid and simple detection of Tamiflu-resistant influenza virus: Development of oseltamivir derivative-based lateral flow biosensor for point-of-care (POC) diagnostics ▶


Seul Gee Hwang, Kab Ha, Kyeonghye Guk et al.


Phytolith analysis for differentiating between broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum) and its weed/feral type (Panicum ruderale) ▶


Jianping Zhang, Houyuan Lu, Minxuan Liu et al.


High prevalence of ventricular repolarization abnormalities in people carrying TGFβR2 mutations ▶


F. Extramiana, O. Milleron, S. Elbitar et al.


Gut microbiota mediates the anti-obesity effect of calorie restriction in mice ▶


Shuo Wang, Meiqin Huang, Xue You et al.


The Alboran volcanic-arc modulated the Messinian faunal exchange and salinity crisis ▶


Guillermo Booth-Rea, César R. Ranero, Ingo Grevemeyer


Ras-dva small GTPases lost during evolution of amniotes regulate regeneration in anamniotes ▶


Anastasiya S. Ivanova, Daria D. Korotkova, Galina V. Ermakova et al.


A Sensitive Thresholding Method for Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope Image Stacks of Microbial Biofilms ▶


Ting L. Luo, Marisa C. Eisenberg, Michael A. L. Hayashi et al.


Nexilin/NEXN controls actin polymerization in smooth muscle and is regulated by myocardin family coactivators and YAP ▶


Baoyi Zhu, Catarina Rippe, Johan Holmberg et al.


Weighted Stochastic Block Models of the Human Connectome across the Life Span ▶


Joshua Faskowitz, Xiaoran Yan, Xi-Nian Zuo et al.


Prolonged co-treatment with HGF sustains epithelial integrity and improves pharmacological rescue of Phe508del-CFTR ▶


Ana M. Matos, Andreia Gomes-Duarte, Márcia Faria et al.


Genetic and animal model analyses reveal the pathogenic role of a novel deletion of RELN in schizophrenia ▶


Akira Sobue, Itaru Kushima, Taku Nagai et al.


Differentiation and comparison of Wolfiporia cocos raw materials based on multi-spectral information fusion and chemometric methods ▶


Yan Li, Yuanzhong Wang


Redox state affects fecundity and insecticide susceptibility in Anopheles gambiae ▶


Cody J. Champion, Jiannong Xu


Stress response of Escherichia coli to essential oil components – insights on low-molecular-weight proteins from MALDI-TOF ▶


Matěj Božik, Pavel Cejnar, Martina Šašková et al.


Time-Series Analysis of Tumorigenesis in a Murine Skin Carcinogenesis Model ▶


Yoshimasa Aoto, Kazuhiro Okumura, Tsuyoshi Hachiya et al.


Development of a Novel 3D Tumor-tissue Invasion Model for High-throughput, High-content Phenotypic Drug Screening ▶


T. J. Puls, Xiaohong Tan, Mahera Husain et al.


A steam-based method to investigate biofilm ▶


Jason Tasse, Andréa Cara, Maude Saglio et al.


A gene-rich fraction analysis of the Passiflora edulis genome reveals highly conserved microsyntenic regions with two related Malpighiales species ▶


Carla Freitas Munhoz, Zirlane Portugal Costa, Luiz Augusto Cauz-Santos et al.


Ovary abortion is prevalent in diverse maize inbred lines and is under genetic control ▶


Jeffery L. Gustin, Susan K. Boehlein, Janine R. Shaw et al.


Septins are critical regulators of osteoclastic bone resorption ▶


Anaïs M. J. Møller, Ernst-Martin Füchtbauer, Annemarie Brüel et al.


Rhythmogenesis evolves as a consequence of long-term plasticity of inhibitory synapses ▶


Sarit Soloduchin, Maoz Shamir


Rab GTPase regulation of bacteria and protozoa phagocytosis occurs through the modulation of phagocytic receptor surface expression ▶


Elsa Seixas, Cristina Escrevente, Miguel C. Seabra et al.


A Serine/Threonine Kinase 16-Based Phospho-Proteomics Screen Identifies WD Repeat Protein-1 As A Regulator Of Constitutive Secretion ▶


Alfonso López-Coral, Anneliese C. Striz, Pamela L. Tuma


Modified RNA triplexes: Thermodynamics, structure and biological potential ▶


Marta Szabat, Elzbieta Kierzek, Ryszard Kierzek


Systemic Injection of Substance P Promotes Murine Calvarial Repair Through Mobilizing Endogenous Mesenchymal Stem Cells ▶


Yueling Zhang, Shu An, Jin Hao et al.

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