Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Scientific Reports Physics Table of Contents e-alert: 29 April 2014

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  29 April 2014   
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Physical Sciences

A General Strategy for Hybrid Thin Film Fabrication and Transfer onto Arbitrary Substrates


Yong Zhang, John J. Magan, Werner J. Blau


The development of thin film-based structures/devices often requires thin films to be transferred onto arbitrary substrates/surfaces. Controllable and non-destructive transfer …


Single-photon quantum router with multiple output ports


Wei-Bin Yan, Heng Fan


The routing capability is a requisite in quantum network. Although the quantum routing of signals has been investigated in various systems both in theory and experiment, the …


Tailoring entanglement through domain engineering in a lithium niobate waveguide


Yang Ming, Ai-Hong Tan, Zi-Jian Wu et al.


We propose to integrate the electro-optic (EO) tuning function into on-chip domain engineered lithium niobate (LN) waveguide. Due to the versatility of LN, both the spontaneously …


MnO2 Nanorods Intercalating Graphene Oxide/Polyaniline Ternary Composites for Robust High-Performance Supercapacitors


Guangqiang Han, Yun Liu, Lingling Zhang et al.


New ternary composites of MnO2 nanorods, polyaniline (PANI) and graphene oxide (GO) have been prepared by a two-step process. The 100 nm-long MnO2 nanorods with a diameter ~20 nm …


Time-resolved double-slit interference pattern measurement with entangled photons


Piotr Kolenderski, Carmelo Scarcella, Kelsey D. Johnsen et al.


The double-slit experiment strikingly demonstrates the wave-particle duality of quantum objects. In this famous experiment, particles pass one-by-one through a pair of slits and …


Magnetic-assisted triboelectric nanogenerators as self-powered visualized omnidirectional tilt sensing system


Mengdi Han, Xiao-Sheng Zhang, Xuming Sun et al.


The triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) is a promising device in energy harvesting and self-powered sensing. In this work, we demonstrate a magnetic-assisted TENG, utilizing the …


Generation of Electromagnetic Waves with Arbitrary Orbital Angular Momentum Modes


Li Cheng, Wei Hong, Zhang-Cheng Hao


Recently, much attention has been focused on beams carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM) for radio communication. Here we experimentally demonstrate a planar-spiral phase plate …


Heterogeneous Structure of Stem Cells Dynamics: Statistical Models and Quantitative Predictions


Paul Bogdan, Bridget M. Deasy, Burhan Gharaibeh et al.


Understanding stem cell (SC) population dynamics is essential for developing models that can be used in basic science and medicine, to aid in predicting cells fate. These models …


Trapping photons on the line: controllable dynamics of a quantum walk


Peng Xue, Hao Qin, Bao Tang


Optical interferometers comprising birefringent-crystal beam displacers, wave plates, and phase shifters serve as stable devices for simulating quantum information processes such …


Transittability of complex networks and its applications to regulatory biomolecular networks


Fang-Xiang Wu, Lin Wu, Jianxin Wang et al.


We have often observed unexpected state transitions of complex systems. We are thus interested in how to steer a complex system from an unexpected state to a desired state. Here …


Preparation of Few-Layer Bismuth Selenide by Liquid-Phase-Exfoliation and Its Optical Absorption Properties


Liping Sun, Zhiqin Lin, Jian Peng et al.


Bismuth selenide (Bi2Se3), a new topological insulator, has attracted much attention in recent years owing to its relatively simple band structure and large bulk band gap. …


Higher order vortex gyrotropic modes in circular ferromagnetic nanodots


Junjia Ding, Gleb N. Kakazei, Xinming Liu et al.


Magnetic vortex that consists of an in-plane curling magnetization configuration and a needle-like core region with out-of-plane magnetization is known to be the ground state of …


Chip-based ingroove microplasma with orthogonal signal collection: new approach for carbon-containing species detection through open air reaction for performance enhancement


Fanying Meng, Xuemei Li, Yixiang Duan


A novel microplasma generator based on ceramic chips has been developed and coupled with optical emission spectrometry through orthogonal detection. Stable microplasma was …


Propagation mechanism of polymer optical fiber fuse


Yosuke Mizuno, Neisei Hayashi, Hiroki Tanaka et al.


A fiber fuse phenomenon in polymer optical fibers (POFs) has recently been observed, and its unique properties such as slow propagation, low threshold power density, and the …


Electrically Robust Metal Nanowire Network Formation by In-Situ Interconnection with Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes


Jong Seok Woo, Joong Tark Han, Sunshin Jung et al.


Modulation of the junction resistance between metallic nanowires is a crucial factor for high performance of the network-structured conducting film. Here, we show that under …


Beyond network structure: How heterogeneous susceptibility modulates the spread of epidemics


Daniel Smilkov, Cesar A. Hidalgo, Ljupco Kocarev


The compartmental models used to study epidemic spreading often assume the same susceptibility for all individuals, and are therefore, agnostic about the effects that differences …


Nitrogen concentration driving the hardness of rhenium nitrides


Zhonglong Zhao, Kuo Bao, Da Li et al.


The structures and properties of rhenium nitrides are studied with density function based first principle method. New candidate ground states or high-pressure phases at Re:N …


Intermediate-band dynamics of quantum dots solar cell in concentrator photovoltaic modules


Tomah Sogabe, Yasushi Shoji, Mitsuyoshi Ohba et al.


We report for the first time a successful fabrication and operation of an InAs/GaAs quantum dot based intermediate band solar cell concentrator photovoltaic (QD-IBSC-CPV) module …


Ultrasmooth, extremely deformable and shape recoverable Ag nanowire embedded transparent electrode


Sanggil Nam, Myungkwan Song, Dong-Ho Kim et al.


Transparent electrodes have been widely used in electronic devices such as solar cells, displays, and touch screens. Highly flexible transparent electrodes are especially desired …


Quantum walks with tuneable self-avoidance in one dimension


Elizabeth Camilleri, Peter P. Rohde, Jason Twamley


Quantum walks exhibit many unique characteristics compared to classical random walks. In the classical setting, self-avoiding random walks have been studied as a variation on the …


Nanoscale mechanical contacts mapped by ultrashort time-scale electron transport


Motonobu Tomoda, Thomas Dehoux, Yohei Iwasaki et al.


Mechanical contacts are crucial to systems in engineering, electronics and biology. The microscopic nature of the contacting surfaces determines how they mesh on the nanoscale. …


Quenching ilmenite with a high-temperature and high-pressure phase using super-high-energy ball milling


Takeshi Hashishin, Zhenquan Tan, Kazuhiro Yamamoto et al.


The mass production of highly dense oxides with high-temperature and high-pressure phases allows us to discover functional properties that have never been developed. To date, the …


Universal Ferroelectric Switching Dynamics of Vinylidene Fluoride-trifluoroethylene Copolymer Films


Wei Jin Hu, Deng-Ming Juo, Lu You et al.


In this work, switching dynamics of poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) [P(VDF-TrFE)] copolymer films are investigated over unprecedentedly wide ranges of temperature and …


Bolus tracking with nanofilter-based multispectral videography for capturing microvasculature hemodynamics


Mohamadreza Najiminaini, Bozena Kaminska, Keith St. Lawrence et al.


Multispectral imaging is a highly desirable modality for material-based analysis in diverse areas such as food production and processing, satellite-based reconnaissance, and …


Ab initio molecular dynamics study of high-pressure melting of beryllium oxide


Dafang Li, Ping Zhang, Jun Yan


We investigate, through first-principles molecular dynamics simulations, the high-pressure melting of BeO in the range 0 ≤ p ≤ 100 GPa. The wurtzite (WZ), zinc blend (ZB), and …


Why a falling drop does not in general behave like a rising bubble


Manoj Kumar Tripathi, Kirti Chandra Sahu, Rama Govindarajan


Is a settling drop equivalent to a rising bubble? The answer is known to be in general a no, but we show that when the density of the drop is less than 1.2 times that of the …


NeuroArray: A Universal Interface for Patterning and Interrogating Neural Circuitry with Single Cell Resolution


Wei Li, Zhen Xu, Junzhe Huang et al.


Recreation of neural network in vitro with designed topology is a valuable tool to decipher how neurons behave when interacting in hierarchical networks. In this study, we …


The use of polyimide-modified aluminum nitride fillers in AlN@PI/Epoxy composites with enhanced thermal conductivity for electronic encapsulation


Yongcun Zhou, Yagang Yao, Chia-Yun Chen et al.


Polymer modified fillers in composites has attracted the attention of numerous researchers. These fillers are composed of core-shell structures that exhibit enhanced physical and …


Career on the Move: Geography, Stratification, and Scientific Impact


Pierre Deville, Dashun Wang, Roberta Sinatra et al.


Changing institutions is an integral part of an academic life. Yet little is known about the mobility patterns of scientists at an institutional level and how these career choices …


Efficient Single-Mode Photon-Coupling Device Utilizing a Nanofiber Tip


Sho Chonan, Shinya Kato, Takao Aoki


Single-photon sources are important elements in quantum optics and quantum information science. It is crucial that such sources be able to couple photons emitted from a single …


Universal bursty behaviour in human violent conflicts


S. Picoli, M. del Castillo-Mussot, H. V. Ribeiro et al.


Understanding the mechanisms and processes underlying the dynamics of collective violence is of considerable current interest. Recent studies indicated the presence of robust …


6Li-loaded directionally sensitive anti-neutrino detector for possible geo-neutrinographic imaging applications


H. K. M. Tanaka, H. Watanabe


Despite the latent and unique benefits of imaging uranium and thorium's distribution in the earth's interior, previously proposed experimental techniques used to identify the …


Dual Inhibitory Pathways of Metallofullerenol Gd@C82(OH)22 on Matrix Metalloproteinase-2: Molecular insight into drug-like nanomedicine


Seung-gu Kang, Raul Araya-Secchi, Deqiang Wang et al.


Cancer metastasis is an important criterion to evaluate tumor malignancy. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play a crucial role in cancer proliferation and migration by virtue of …


Single cell imaging of Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase using an irreversible inhibitor


Anna Turetsky, Eunha Kim, Rainer H. Kohler et al.


A number of Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) inhibitors are currently in development, yet it has been difficult to visualize BTK expression and pharmacological inhibition in vivo in …


Superior Tensile Ductility in Bulk Metallic Glass with Gradient Amorphous Structure


Q. Wang, Y. Yang, H. Jiang et al.


Over centuries, structural glasses have been deemed as a strong yet inherently ‘brittle’ material due to their lack of tensile ductility. However, here we report bulk metallic …


Searching for effective forces in laboratory insect swarms


James G. Puckett, Douglas H. Kelley, Nicholas T. Ouellette


Collective animal behaviour is often modeled by systems of agents that interact via effective social forces, including short-range repulsion and long-range attraction. We search …


Nanocrystalline, Ultra-Degradation-Resistant Zirconia: Its Grain Boundary Nanostructure and Nanochemistry


Koji Matsui, Hidehiro Yoshida, Yuichi Ikuhara


Y2O3-stabilized tetragonal ZrO2 polycrystal (Y-TZP) has been known to be an excellent structural material with high strength and toughness since the pioneering study by Garvie et …


p-type Mesoscopic Nickel Oxide/Organometallic Perovskite Heterojunction Solar Cells


Kuo-Chin Wang, Jun-Yuan Jeng, Po-Shen Shen et al.


In this article, we present a new paradigm for organometallic hybrid perovskite solar cell using NiO inorganic metal oxide nanocrystalline as p-type electrode material and …


Hacking on decoy-state quantum key distribution system with partial phase randomization


Shi-Hai Sun, Mu-Sheng Jiang, Xiang-Chun Ma et al.


Quantum key distribution (QKD) provides means for unconditional secure key transmission between two distant parties. However, in practical implementations, it suffers from quantum …


Adsorption of SF6 decomposed gas on anatase (101) and (001) surfaces with oxygen defect: A density functional theory study


Xiaoxing Zhang, Qinchuan Chen, Ju Tang et al.


The detection of partial discharge by analyzing the components of SF6 gas in gas-insulated switchgears is important to the diagnosis and assessment of the operational state of …


Enabling an Integrated Rate-temporal Learning Scheme on Memristor


Wei He, Kejie Huang, Ning Ning et al.


Learning scheme is the key to the utilization of spike-based computation and the emulation of neural/synaptic behaviors toward realization of cognition. The biological …


Evolution: Why all plumes and jets evolve to round cross sections


A. Bejan, S. Ziaei, S. Lorente


Turbulent curtains of smoke rise initially as flat plumes and, above a certain height, they become round plumes. The same evolution of cross-sectional shape is exhibited by jets …


Amorphous effect on the advancing of wide-range absorption and structural-phase transition in γ-In2Se3 polycrystalline layers


Ching-Hwa Ho


The exploitation of potential functions in material is crucial in materials research. In this study, we demonstrate a III-VI chalcogenide, polycrystalline γ-In2Se3, which …


Heteroatom-enriched and renewable banana-stem-derived porous carbon for the electrochemical determination of nitrite in various water samples


Rajesh Madhu, Vediyappan Veeramani, Shen-Ming Chen


For the first time, high-surface-area (approximately 1465 m2 g−1), highly porous and heteroatom-enriched activated carbon (HAC) was prepared from banana stems (Musa paradisiaca, …


A Vectorial Semantics Approach to Personality Assessment


Yair Neuman, Yochai Cohen


Personality assessment and, specifically, the assessment of personality disorders have traditionally been indifferent to computational models. Computational personality is a new …


2′-Epi-uscharin from the Latex of Calotropis gigantea with HIF-1 Inhibitory Activity


Supawadee Parhira, Guo-Yuan Zhu, Ren-Wang Jiang et al.


Two stereoisomeric cardenolides, uscharin (1) and a new compound, 2′-epi-uscharin (2), were isolated from the latex of Calotropis gigantea (Asclepiadaceae). Their structures were …


Label-free blood plasma test based on surface-enhanced Raman scattering for tumor stages detection in nasopharyngeal cancer


Duo Lin, Jianji Pan, Hao Huang et al.


This study aims to evaluate the feasibility of a label-free nanobiosensor based on blood plasma surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) method for exploring variability of …


Revolutionizing the FRET-Based Light Emission in Core-Shell Nanostructures via Comprehensive Activity of Surface Plasmons


Saji Thomas Kochuveedu, Taehwang Son, Youmin Lee et al.


We demonstrate the surface-plasmon-induced enhancement of Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)using a model multilayer core-shell nanostructure consisting of an Au core and …


Biomimicry of multifunctional nanostructures in the neck feathers of mallard (Anas platyrhynchos L.) drakes


Tural Khudiyev, Tamer Dogan, Mehmet Bayindir


Biological systems serve as fundamental sources of inspiration for the development of artificially colored devices, and their investigation provides a great number of photonic …


A Strategy to Create Spin-Split Metallic Bands on Silicon Using a Dense Alloy Layer


Dimitry V. Gruznev, Leonid V. Bondarenko, Andrey V. Matetskiy et al.


To exploit Rashba effect in a 2D electron gas on silicon surface for spin transport, it is necessary to have surface reconstruction with spin-split metallic surface-state bands. …


Ultra-High Performance, High-Temperature Superconducting Wires via Cost-effective, Scalable, Co-evaporation Process


Ho-Sup Kim, Sang-Soo Oh, Hong-Soo Ha et al.


Long-length, high-temperature superconducting (HTS) wires capable of carrying high critical current, Ic, are required for a wide range of applications. Here, we report extremely …


Ultrafast Atomic Layer-by-Layer Oxygen Vacancy-Exchange Diffusion in Double-Perovskite LnBaCo2O5.5+δ Thin Films


Shanyong Bao, Chunrui Ma, Garry Chen et al.


Surface exchange and oxygen vacancy diffusion dynamics were studied in double-perovskites LnBaCo2O5.5δ (LnBCO) single-crystalline thin films (Ln=Er, Pr; −0.5 < δ < 0.5) by …


Exploring the boundary between a siphon and barometer in a hypobaric chamber


Stephen Hughes, Som Gurung


Siphons have been used since ancient times, but exactly how they work is still a matter of debate. In order to elucidate the modus operandi of a siphon, a 1.5 m high siphon was …

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