Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Oncogenesis - Table of Contents alert Volume 3 April 2014



Volume 3, April 2014

In this issue
Original Articles

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Original Articles


Meta-analysis of the global gene expression profile of triple-negative breast cancer identifies genes for the prognostication and treatment of aggressive breast cancer

F Al-Ejeh, P T Simpson, J M Sanus, K Klein, M Kalimutho, W Shi, M Miranda, J Kutasovic, A Raghavendra, J Madore, L Reid, L Krause, G Chenevix-Trench, S R Lakhani and K K Khanna

Oncogenesis 2014 3: e100; 10.1038/oncsis.2014.14

Abstract | Full Text

MicroRNA-18a is elevated in prostate cancer and promotes tumorigenesis through suppressing STK4 in vitro and in vivo

T-I Hsu, C-H Hsu, K-H Lee, J-T Lin, C-S Chen, K-C Chang, C-YJ Su, M Hsiao and P-J Lu

Oncogenesis 2014 3: e99; 10.1038/oncsis.2014.12

Abstract | Full Text

RUNX family members are covalently modified and regulated by PIAS1-mediated sumoylation

J-H Kim, J-W Jang, Y-S Lee, J-W Lee, X-Z Chi, Y-H Li, M-K Kim, D-M Kim, B-S Choi, J Kim, H-M Kim, A van Wijnen, IlY Park and S-C Bae

Oncogenesis 2014 3: e101; 10.1038/oncsis.2014.15

Abstract | Full Text

Drosophila myeloid leukemia factor acts with DREF to activate the JNK signaling pathway

H Yanai, Y Yoshioka, H Yoshida, Y Nakao, A Plessis and M Yamaguchi

Oncogenesis 2014 3: e98; 10.1038/oncsis.2014.13

Abstract | Full Text

MiRNA-99a directly regulates AGO2 through translational repression in hepatocellular carcinoma

J Zhang, H Jin, H Liu, S lv, B Wang, R Wang, H Liu, M Ding, Y Yang, L Li, J Zhang, S Fu, D Xie, M Wu, W Zhou and Q Qian

Oncogenesis 2014 3: e97; 10.1038/oncsis.2014.11

Abstract | Full Text


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