TABLE OF CONTENTS |  |  |  | Volume 110, Issue 9 (2165-2388) Published online 29 April 2014
|  | In this issue Clinical Studies Translational Therapeutics Molecular Diagnostics Epidemiology
Also new today Advance online publication Digital Edition
| |  |  |  | Advertisement |  | |  |  | Clinical Studies | Top |  | Multivariate prognostic factors analysis for second-line chemotherapy in advanced biliary tract cancer L Fornaro, S Cereda, G Aprile, S Di Girolamo, D Santini, N Silvestris, S Lonardi, F Leone, M Milella, C Vivaldi, C Belli, F Bergamo, S E Lutrino, R Filippi, M Russano, V Vaccaro, A E Brunetti, V Rotella, A Falcone, M A Barbera, J Corbelli, G Fasola, M Aglietta, V Zagonel, M Reni, E Vasile and G Brandi Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2165-2169; advance online publication, April 8, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.190 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | A phase I pharmacokinetic study of the vascular disrupting agent ombrabulin (AVE8062) and docetaxel in advanced solid tumours F A L M Eskens, P Tresca, D Tosi, L Van Doorn, H Fontaine, A Van der Gaast, C Veyrat-Follet, C Oprea, M Hospitel and V Dieras Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2170-2177; advance online publication, April 8, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.137 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | A feasibility study testing four hypotheses with phase II outcomes in advanced colorectal cancer (MRC FOCUS3): a model for randomised controlled trials in the era of personalised medicine? T S Maughan, A M Meade, R A Adams, S D Richman, R Butler, D Fisher, R H Wilson, B Jasani, G R Taylor, G T Williams, J R Sampson, M T Seymour, L L Nichols, S L Kenny, A Nelson, C M Sampson, E Hodgkinson, J A Bridgewater, D L Furniss, R Roy, M J Pope, J K Pope, M Parmar, P Quirke and R Kaplan Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2178-2186; advance online publication, April 17, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.182 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Spectrum of very early breast cancer in a setting without organised screening N Bhoo-Pathy, S Subramaniam, N A Taib, M Hartman, Z Alias, G-H Tan, R I Ibrahim, C-H Yip and H M Verkooijen Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2187-2194; advance online publication, April 15, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.183 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Histological grade concordance between diagnostic core biopsy and corresponding surgical specimen in HR-positive/HER2-negative breast carcinoma C Daveau, S Baulies, M Lalloum, M Bollet, B Sigal-Zafrani, X Sastre, A Vincent-Salomon, A Tardivon, F Thibault, J Y Pierga, P Cottu, M P Sablin, R Rouzier, C Malhaire, P Mallon and F Reyal Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2195-2200; advance online publication, April 8, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.143 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Prognostic and predictive value of plasma testosterone levels in patients receiving first-line chemotherapy for metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer A G de Liaño, O Reig, B Mellado, C Martin, E U Rull and J P Maroto Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2201-2208; advance online publication, April 10, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.189 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Prospective neoadjuvant analysis of PET imaging and mechanisms of resistance to Trastuzumab shows role of HIF1 and autophagy M I Koukourakis, A Giatromanolaki, A Bottini, M R Cappelletti, L Zanotti, G Allevi, C Strina, M Ardine, M Milani, G Brugnoli, M Martinotti, G Ferrero, R Bertoni, F Ferrozzi, A L Harris and D Generali Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2209-2216; advance online publication, April 10, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.196 Abstract | Full Text |  | Translational Therapeutics | Top |  | Lactate dehydrogenase 5 isoenzyme overexpression defines resistance of prostate cancer to radiotherapy M I Koukourakis, A Giatromanolaki, M Panteliadou, S E Pouliliou, P S Chondrou, S Mavropoulou and E Sivridis Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2217-2223; advance online publication, April 8, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.158 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Small molecule MIRA-1 induces in vitro and in vivo anti-myeloma activity and synergizes with current anti-myeloma agents M N Saha, Y Chen, M-H Chen, G Chen and H Chang Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2224-2231; advance online publication, April 1, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.164 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Regulation of somatostatin receptor 4-mediated cytostatic effects by CD26 in malignant pleural mesothelioma J Yamamoto, K Ohnuma, R Hatano, T Okamoto, E Komiya, H Yamazaki, S Iwata, N H Dang, K Aoe, T Kishimoto, T Yamada and C Morimoto Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2232-2245; advance online publication, April 17, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.151 Abstract | Full Text |  | Molecular Diagnostics | Top |  | Mutation analysis of components of the Mediator kinase module in MED12 mutation-negative uterine leiomyomas N Mäkinen, H-R Heinonen, J Sjöberg, J Taipale, P Vahteristo and L A Aaltonen Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2246-2249; advance online publication, March 18, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.138 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | GOLPH3 is a novel marker of poor prognosis and a potential therapeutic target in human renal cell carcinoma Y Xue, G Wu, Y Liao, G Xiao, X Ma, X Zou, G Zhang, R Xiao, X Wang, Q Liu, D Long, J Yang, H Xu, F Liu, M Liu, K Xie and R Huang Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2250-2260; advance online publication, March 4, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.124 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | High CXC chemokine receptor 4 expression is an adverse prognostic factor in patients with clear-cell renal cell carcinoma H An, L Xu, Y Zhu, T Lv, W Liu, Y Liu, H Liu, L Chen, J Xu and Z Lin Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2261-2268; advance online publication, April 8, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.179 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Ascites-derived pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma primary cell cultures as a platform for personalised medicine T Golan, D Atias, I Barshack, C Avivi, R S Goldstein and R Berger Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2269-2276; advance online publication, March 25, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.123 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Diagnostic and mechanistic implications of serum free light chains, albumin and alpha-fetoprotein in hepatocellular carcinoma M Teng, S Pirrie, D G Ward, L K Assi, R G Hughes, D Stocken and P J Johnson Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2277-2282; advance online publication, March 6, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.121 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Notch1 activation is a poor prognostic factor in patients with gastric cancer H Zhang, X Wang, J Xu and Y Sun Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2283-2290; advance online publication, March 18, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.135 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | A five-microRNA panel in plasma was identified as potential biomarker for early detection of gastric cancer C Zhu, C Ren, J Han, Y Ding, J Du, N Dai, J Dai, H Ma, Z Hu, H Shen, Y Xu and G Jin Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2291-2299; advance online publication, March 4, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.119 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | MicroRNA-145 inhibits tumour growth and metastasis in colorectal cancer by targeting fascin-1 Y Feng, J Zhu, C Ou, Z Deng, M Chen, W Huang and L Li Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2300-2309; advance online publication, March 18, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.122 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | TAp63 suppress metastasis via miR-133b in colon cancer cells C W Lin, X R Li, Y Zhang, G Hu, Y H Guo, J Y Zhou, J Du, L Lv, K Gao, Y Zhang and H Deng Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2310-2320; advance online publication, March 4, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.118 Abstract | Full Text |  | Epidemiology | Top |  | Organic food consumption and the incidence of cancer in a large prospective study of women in the United Kingdom K E Bradbury, A Balkwill, E A Spencer, A W Roddam, G K Reeves, J Green, T J Key, V Beral, K Pirie and The Million Women Study Collaborators Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2321-2326; advance online publication, March 27, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.148 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Higher dietary folate intake reduces the breast cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis P Chen, C Li, X Li, J Li, R Chu and H Wang Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2327-2338; advance online publication, March 25, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.155 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Cigarette smoking and postmenopausal breast cancer risk in a prospective cohort S J Nyante, G L Gierach, C M Dallal, N D Freedman, Y Park, K N Danforth, A R Hollenbeck and L A Brinton Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2339-2347; advance online publication, March 18, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.132 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Cholecystectomy, gallstones, tonsillectomy, and pancreatic cancer risk: a population-based case-control study in minnesota J Zhang, A E Prizment, I B Dhakal and K E Anderson Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2348-2353; advance online publication, March 25, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.154 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Paediatric head CT scan and subsequent risk of malignancy and benign brain tumour: a nation-wide population-based cohort study W-Y Huang, C-H Muo, C-Y Lin, Y-M Jen, M-H Yang, J-C Lin, F-C Sung and C-H Kao Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2354-2360; advance online publication, February 25, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.103 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Does cancer risk increase with HbA1c, independent of diabetes? J C de Beer and L Liebenberg Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2361-2368; advance online publication, March 27, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.150 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Prevalence of human papillomavirus among oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma cases: systematic review and meta-analysis J L Petrick, A B Wyss, A M Butler, C Cummings, X Sun, C Poole, J S Smith and A F Olshan Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2369-2377; advance online publication, March 11, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.96 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Cyclooxygenase inhibitors use is associated with reduced risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma in patients with Barrett’s esophagus: a meta-analysis S Zhang, X-Q Zhang, X-W Ding, R-K Yang, S-L Huang, F Kastelein, M Bruno, X-J Yu, D Zhou and X-P Zou Br J Cancer 2014 110: 2378-2388; advance online publication, March 20, 2014; 10.1038/bjc.2014.127 Abstract | Full Text |  |  |  | Please note that you need to be a subscriber or site-licence holder to enjoy full-text access to British Journal of Cancer. 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