Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March 26, 2013 - Texas lab investigates missing zoonotic virus

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March 26, 2013
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News for animal health professionals

  Veterinary Medicine Update 
  • Texas lab investigates missing zoonotic virus
    Last week, lab workers at the University of Texas Medical Branch reported a missing vial of Guanarito virus, which causes the potentially deadly illness known as Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever. The disease caused 618 human illnesses in Venezuela between 1989 and 2006 and is transmitted from certain rodents to humans via aerosol inhalation. Officials think the vial was not stolen but instead was misplaced and likely destroyed during routine lab procedures, but they are investigating. The Inquisitr (3/25) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
  • Veterinarian outfitting crane with prosthetic limb
    After a sandhill crane's leg was severely injured by a golf ball, veterinarian Ken MacQuisten amputated the limb, which was damaged beyond repair, and fitted the crane with a temporary prosthetic limb. Once the bird has healed, it will get a permanent prosthetic limb, and Dr. MacQuisten hopes to return the crane to its golf course home. CBC.ca (Canada) (3/24) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
  • Other News

2013 AVMA Annual Convention, July 19 - 23 in Chicago. From education to entertainment, events to exhibits, you'll be informed and in touch with the brightest minds in the profession. Earn up to 42 hours of CE from over 1,000 sessions. Your first-choice veterinary convention in the Second City—Register by April 22 to receive $100 off!
  Animal News 
  • New Yorkers with pet pigs in a real mess
    New York City's health code does not allow ownership of pigs, and that is putting the pinch on the city's pig owners, who aren't willing to give up their portly pets. Those who have challenged the law, such as Danielle Forgione, contend that pigs make great pets. But the city maintains that the animals are a public health threat because they may become aggressive and can't be vaccinated for rabies. CBS News/The Associated Press (3/25) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
  • Tough questions for pet owners about money, life and loss
    Advances in veterinary medicine and pets' status as family members in many households mean people are willing to go to great lengths to treat illnesses in their animals and prolong their lives, but some observers say the trends raise important and tough questions about resources and the difficulty many people have with facing end-of-life issues -- for their pets and themselves. "Death is part of the cycle of life, and we have to accept that," said veterinarian Phillip Nelson, dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Western University of Health Sciences. The New York Times (tiered subscription model) (3/25) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
  • Other News
Simplifying Post-Trade Processing Across Asset Classes
As trading across multiple asset classes increases, operating in silos is no longer an effective strategy for optimizing post-trade efficiency, mitigating risk and capitalizing on market opportunities. Learn how leading firms are consolidating their operations, data and technology infrastructure to create a center of excellence for multi-asset, post-trade processing.

  Policy Watch 
  • N.Y. considers tougher laws protecting canine officers
    The New York state Senate approved a bill that would make the act of injuring or killing a police dog a felony. It is a misdemeanor under current law. The bill gained momentum after an FBI law enforcement dog, Ape, was shot to death while helping apprehend a suspect. Ape, a Czech German shepherd, was fatally shot by the man, who police said killed four people. The bill now goes to the state Assembly. The Post-Standard (Syracuse, N.Y.) (3/25) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
Research report: How the Major Mobility Platforms Compare in TCO and Security
Get the details on how Apple iOS, Google Android™, BlackBerry® and Windows Phone stack up in total cost of ownership (TCO) and security. Learn what businesses can glean from the public sector about best-practice Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM). Download the free White Paper.

  Association News 
  • Contest seeks "America's Favorite Veterinarian"
    Do you think your veterinarian is the best? The American Veterinary Medical Foundation is looking for nominees for its "America's Favorite Veterinarian Contest." Clients are encouraged to nominate their veterinarians through the AVMF Facebook page, where they can submit photos and a short story—250 words or less—on why their veterinarian deserves to be America's favorite. The winner will be announced July 21 during the AVMA Annual Convention in Chicago. The winning veterinarian will receive a named donation and the nominating client will receive a $250 cash prize. Both will receive a free night's stay in Chicago, plus travel expenses for those outside the area. The veterinarian will also receive complimentary registration to the convention. The contest is open through June 1. Nominate your veterinarian today! LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
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Every Animal Needs a Strong Foundation
As AVMA's charitable arm, we are uniquely positioned to forge the strength of thousands of veterinarians and millions of pet owners. Learn more about what we do at www.AVMF.org.
It is often laziness and timidity that keep us within our duty while virtue gets all the credit."
--François de la Rochefoucauld,
French writer

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