Monday, September 3, 2012

Nature Photonics contents September 2012 Volume 6 Number 9 pp 567-636

Nature Photonics


September 2012 Volume 6, Issue 9

Books and Arts
Research Highlights
News and Views

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Nature Insight: Chemistry and Energy

This Insight focuses on the developments in solar energy, water-based methods of electricity generation and the production of biofuels.

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Breaking down barriers   p567
Closer collaboration between physicists, engineers and biologists is vital for the future success of biophotonics.



Laserlab Europe expands in third phase   pp568 - 570
David Pile
The consortium that brought together laser research institutions from across Europe has been extended for three more years. The geographical expansion of the group, particularly in central and Eastern Europe and scientifically less well-developed countries, paints a picture for photonics in Europe.

Books and Arts


New titles at a glance   p571
Fourier Modal Method and Its Applications in Computational Nanophotonics by Hwi Kim

Research Highlights


Nonlinear optics: Negative-frequency mode | Optofluidics: Reconfigurable cavities | Art conservation: Quasi-reflectography | Semiconductor lasers: A steady sweep | Plasmonics: Photorefractive control | Laser scanners: No moving parts | Photonic computing: Mimicking the brain | Light sources: Sun-powered lasers | Subwavelength imaging: Polychromatic metalens | Biophotonics: Low-power nanosurgery

News and Views


X-ray imaging: High-resolution surface structures   pp574 - 575
Adrian P. Mancuso and Garth J. Williams
A three-dimensional imaging technique that harnesses reflected, coherent X-rays promises the ability to image nanomaterials within substrates.

See also: Letter by Sun et al.

Biophotonics: Photonic crystals aid fish's night vision   p575
Seiji Armstrong

Energy transfer: Dye lasers with a difference   pp576 - 577
José M. G. Martinho
Scientists have shown that Forster resonance energy transfer can be used to realize new designs of dye laser that offer improved photostability and access to new pumping and emission wavelengths.

See also: Article by Cerdán et al.

Hybrid silicon lasers: Rubber stamp for silicon photonics   pp577 - 579
Robert W. Kelsall
The demonstration of edge- and surface-emitting lasers made by transfer-printing epitaxial layers of compound semiconductors onto silicon substrates creates new opportunities for optoelectronics.

See also: Letter by Justice et al. | Article by Yang et al.

Quantum optics: Wave-particle superposition   pp579 - 580
Gerardo Adesso and Davide Girolami
The implementation of a quantum Wheeler's delayed-choice experiment defies the conventional boundaries set by the complementarity principle and shows photons coherently oscillating between particle and wave behaviours in a single experimental set-up.

See also: Letter by Tang et al.

JOBS of the week
Director of Center for Photonics and Nanoelectronics
Lehigh University
PhD Positions in Nanochemistry (Nanocrystals - Quantum Dots) at the Italian Institute of Technology
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Professorship (W3) in Experimental Physics
Bielefeld University
Full professor position in Optics-Bioimaging-Neurophotonics
University Paris Descartes
More Science jobs from
Latin American Optics & Photonics Conference
Sao Sebastiao, Brazil
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Maximal energy transport through disordered media with the implementation of transmission eigenchannels   pp583 - 587
Moonseok Kim, Youngwoon Choi, Changhyeong Yoon, Wonjun Choi, Jaisoon Kim, Q-Han Park and Wonshik Choi
Researchers realize transmission eigenchannels in a disordered medium and demonstrate that a single eigenchannel can transport 3.99 times more energy than uncontrolled waves. This work opens up new avenues for enhancing light-energy delivery to biological tissues and controlling the lasing threshold in random lasers.

Three-dimensional coherent X-ray surface scattering imaging near total external reflection   pp588 - 592
Tao Sun, Zhang Jiang, Joseph Strzalka, Leonidas Ocola and Jin Wang
Researchers demonstrate coherent X-ray surface scattering imaging in a grazing-incidence geometry that takes advantage of enhanced X-ray surface scattering and interference near total external reflection. Surface patterns are reconstructed in three dimensions with nanometre resolution. The approach has applications in the analysis of buried nano-electronic and nanophotonic structures.

See also: News and Views by Mancuso & Williams

Enhanced power-conversion efficiency in polymer solar cells using an inverted device structure   pp593 - 597
Zhicai He, Chengmei Zhong, Shijian Su, Miao Xu, Hongbin Wu and Yong Cao
Polymer solar cells are lightweight and may represent a low-cost source of energy, although efficiency still prohibits many practical applications. Here researchers demonstrate polymer solar cells with a certified efficiency of 9.2%. This is achieved by employing an inverted structure that aids photogenerated charge-carrier collection and photon harvesting.

Observation of one-way Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering   pp598 - 601
Vitus Händchen, Tobias Eberle, Sebastian Steinlechner, Aiko Samblowski, Torsten Franz, Reinhard F. Werner & Roman Schnabel
Recent theory predicts that Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen arguments enable an effect in which one party can steer the other but not the converse. Researchers have now demonstrated this one-way steering effect with two entangled Gaussian modes of light, potentially opening up a new field of applications in quantum information.

Realization of quantum Wheeler's delayed-choice experiment   pp602 - 606
Jian-Shun Tang, Yu-Long Li, Xiao-Ye Xu, Guo-Yong Xiang, Chuan-Feng Li and Guang-Can Guo
Researchers experimentally realize the quantum delayed-choice experiment and show that the quantum wave-particle superposition is clearly different from the classical mixture by comparing interference fringes under various conditions. This work reveals the deep relationship between the complementarity principle and the superposition principle of light.

See also: News and Views by Adesso & Girolami

Ultrafast all-optical switching by single photons   pp607 - 611
Thomas Volz, Andreas Reinhard, Martin Winger, Antonio Badolato, Kevin J. Hennessy, Evelyn L. Hu and Ataç Imamoğlu
Researchers report the first demonstration of an ultrafast all-optical switch in the single-photon regime. The device, which consists of an InAs/GaAs quantum dot in a photonic crystal defect cavity, exhibits a coherent coupling constant of 141 meV and a quality factor of 25,000. The overall switching time is around 50 ps.

Wafer-scale integration of group III-V lasers on silicon using transfer printing of epitaxial layers   pp612 - 616
John Justice, Chris Bower, Matthew Meitl, Marcus B. Mooney, Mark A. Gubbins and Brian Corbett
The realization of GaAs lasers on a silicon substrate using a print transfer process offers an alternative wafer-bonding technique for the hybrid integration of optoelectronics.

See also: News and Views by Kelsall



Transfer-printed stacked nanomembrane lasers on silicon   pp617 - 622
Hongjun Yang, Deyin Zhao, Santhad Chuwongin, Jung-Hun Seo, Weiquan Yang, Yichen Shuai, Jesper Berggren, Mattias Hammar, Zhenqiang Ma and Weidong Zhou
A hybrid laser that combines silicon photonic-crystal reflectors with transfer-printed InGaAsP quantum wells offers a convenient means of realizing surface-emitting lasers on silicon.

See also: News and Views by Kelsall

FRET-assisted laser emission in colloidal suspensions of dye-doped latex nanoparticles   pp623 - 628
Luis Cerdán, Eduardo Enciso, Virginia Martín, Jorge Bañuelos, Iñigo López-Arbeloa, Angel Costela & Inmaculada García-Moreno
Researchers show that Forster resonance energy transfer between two different dyes makes it possible to realize an efficient and stable laser for applications in biophotonics.

See also: News and Views by Martinho

Sapphire-derived all-glass optical fibres   pp629 - 635
P. Dragic, T. Hawkins, P. Foy, S. Morris and J. Ballato
Optical fibres heavily doped with alumina are shown to exhibit an exceptionally low Brillouin gain coefficient and an athermal Brillouin frequency response. Such fibres could prove useful for applications that employ fibre sensing or require high-power fibre laser systems.

See also: Interview with Peter Dragic & JohnBallato



Alumina aplenty   p636
Interview with Peter Dragic and John Ballato
Brillouin scattering threatens to limit continued power-scaling for many fibre applications, but sapphire-derived all-glass fibres with large concentrations of alumina may help to eliminate this problem. Nature Photonics spoke to Peter Dragic and John Ballato to learn more.

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