Thursday, August 16, 2012

ScienceDaily Top Science Headlines -- for Thursday, August 16, 2012

ScienceDaily Top Science Headlines

for Thursday, August 16, 2012

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Landslide fatalities are greater than previously thought (August 15, 2012) -- Landslides kill ten times more people across the world than was previously thought, according to new research. ... > full story

Climate change will have profound effects on northeast U.S. forests, report says (August 15, 2012) -- A new report by US and Canadian scientists analyzes decades of research and concludes that the climate of the Northeast has changed and is likely to change more. The report outlines the effects of climate change on multiple aspects of forests in the northeastern corner of the United States and eastern Canada and concludes with recommendations on adaptive and mitigating strategies for dealing with future effects. ... > full story

Lost letter experiment suggests wealthy London neighborhoods are 'more altruistic' (August 15, 2012) -- Neighborhood income deprivation has a strong negative effect on altruistic behavior when measured by a "lost letter" experiment. ... > full story

Golden age of prostate cancer treatment hailed as fourth drug in two years extends life (August 15, 2012) -- Scientists have hailed a golden age in prostate cancer drug discovery as for the fourth time in two years a new drug has been found to significantly extend life. A study now shows the drug enzalutamide can significantly extend life and improve quality of life in men with advanced prostate cancer -- in findings that could further widen the treatment options for men with the disease. ... > full story

Detection dogs spot northern spotted owls, even those alarmed by barred owls (August 15, 2012) -- A series of forest searches by dogs specially trained to sniff out northern spotted owl pellets -- the undigested bones, fur and other bits regurgitated by owls -- improved the probability of finding the owls by nearly 30 percent over a series of traditional vocalization surveys. ... > full story

Gut bacteria linked to obesity and metabolic syndrome identified (August 15, 2012) -- Researchers have identified 26 species of bacteria in the human gut microbiota that appear to be linked to obesity and related metabolic complications. These include insulin resistance, high blood sugar levels, increased blood pressure and high cholesterol, known collectively as "the metabolic syndrome," which significantly increases an individual's risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease and stroke. ... > full story

Two hurricane global hawks, two sets of instruments (August 15, 2012) -- NASA's Hurricane Severe Storm Sentinel Mission, or HS3, will be studying hurricanes at the end of the summer, and there will be two high-altitude, long-duration unmanned aircraft with different instruments flying over the storms. ... > full story

Exploring the two-way linkages between binge drinking and unemployment (August 15, 2012) -- Many studies have found that problem drinking is related to subsequent unemployment; However, the reverse association is unclear. Some studies have found that unemployment can increase total drinking, alcohol disorders, and/or problem drinking while others have found that unemployment can decrease drinking or have no effect at all. An analysis of binge drinking as either a predictor or outcome of unemployment has found that binge drinking among women seems to have a significant association with long-term unemployment. ... > full story

Continuous oral contraceptive pills offer women earlier pain relief (August 15, 2012) -- Taking oral contraceptives continuously, rather than as traditionally prescribed for each cycle, provides earlier relief for moderate to severe menstrual cramps -- dysmenorrhea -- according to researchers at Penn State College of Medicine. ... > full story

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spectrometer detects helium in moon's atmosphere (August 15, 2012) -- Scientists using the Lyman Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP) spectrometer aboard NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) have made the first spectroscopic observations of the noble gas helium in the tenuous atmosphere surrounding the Moon. ... > full story

A pack of walnuts a day keeps the fertility specialist away? (August 15, 2012) -- After eating 75 grams of walnuts every day for 12 weeks, healthy young men aged 21 to 35 saw increased sperm vitality, motility, and morphology, researchers report. ... > full story

Designing tiny molecules that glow in water to shed light on biological processes (August 15, 2012) -- Scientists have developed a way to switch fluorescent molecules on and off within aqueous environments, by strategically trapping the molecules inside water-soluble particles and controlling them with ultraviolet light. ... > full story

First direct observations of quantum effects in an optomechanical system (August 15, 2012) -- Using a unique optical trapping system that provides ensembles of ultracold atoms, scientists have recorded the first direct observations of distinctly quantum optical effects -- amplification and squeezing -- in an optomechanical system. Their findings point the way toward low-power quantum optical devices and enhanced detection of gravitational waves among other possibilities. ... > full story

Underwater noise decreases whale communications in Stellwagen Bank sanctuary (August 15, 2012) -- High levels of background noise, mainly due to ships, have reduced the ability of critically endangered North Atlantic right whales to communicate with each other by about two-thirds. ... > full story

New nanoparticles shrink tumors in mice (August 15, 2012) -- Researchers have developed RNA-delivering nanoparticles that allow for rapid screening of new drug targets in mice. In a study of mice with ovarian tumors, the researchers found that treatment with the RNAi nanoparticles eliminated most of the tumors. ... > full story

Potential hurdle to universal flu vaccine development may be overcome, study suggests (August 15, 2012) -- In the quest for a universal influenza vaccine -- one that elicits broadly neutralizing antibodies that can protect against most or all strains of flu virus -- scientists have faced a sobering question: Does pre-existing immunity generated by prior exposure to influenza virus or vaccine hamper production of broadly neutralizing antibodies? If so, then a universal flu vaccine might work best (and perhaps only) in very young children who have had limited exposure to influenza viruses or vaccines. ... > full story

Blocking destruction of defective proteins unexpectedly delays neurodegeneration in mice (August 15, 2012) -- One might expect that ridding a brain cell of damaged proteins would be a universally good thing, and that impairing the cell's ability to do this would allow the faulty proteins to accumulate within the cell, possibly to toxic levels. So a lot of scientific effort has gone into looking for ways to enhance the process by which cells dispose of banged-up proteins. But this thinking may need some revision, according to a new study. ... > full story

Previously unknown cleaning system in brain: Newer imaging technique brings 'glymphatic system' to light (August 15, 2012) -- A previously unrecognized system that drains waste from the brain at a rapid clip has been discovered by neuroscientists. The highly organized system acts like a series of pipes that piggyback on the brain's blood vessels, sort of a shadow plumbing system that seems to serve much the same function in the brain as the lymph system does in the rest of the body -- to drain away waste products. ... > full story

Link between hormone levels and risk for metabolic disease uncovered (August 15, 2012) -- A team of researchers has shown for the first time a link between low levels of a specific hormone and increased risk of metabolic disease in humans. ... > full story

New device to replace aortic valve in patients who can't have open-heart surgery (August 15, 2012) -- UCLA has performed its first transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), using a new device approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to replace an aortic valve in a patient who was not a candidate for open-heart surgery. ... > full story

Phoenix cluster sets record pace at forming stars (August 15, 2012) -- Astronomers have found an extraordinary galaxy cluster, one of the largest objects in the universe, that is breaking several important cosmic records. Observations of the Phoenix cluster with NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, the National Science Foundation's South Pole Telescope, and eight other world-class observatories may force astronomers to rethink how these colossal structures and the galaxies that inhabit them evolve. ... > full story

New report presents research program for solar and space physics over the next decade (August 15, 2012) -- A new report from the National Research Council presents a prioritized program of basic and applied research for 2013-2022 that will advance scientific understanding of the sun. ... > full story

Ocean health index provides first global assessment combining natural and human dimensions of sustainability (August 15, 2012) -- Using a new comprehensive index designed to assess the benefits to people of healthy oceans, scientists have evaluated the ecological, social, economic, and political conditions for every coastal country in the world. Their findings show that the global ocean scores 60 out of 100 overall on the Ocean Health Index. Individual country scores range widely, from 36 to 86. ... > full story

'CYCLOPS' genes may serve as an Achilles' heel in tumor cells (August 15, 2012) -- Researchers have identified a new class of genes, dubbed CYCLOPS, that may serve as an Achilles' heel for many forms of cancer. ... > full story

Behaviors of the tiniest water droplets revealed (August 15, 2012) -- A new study has uncovered fundamental details about the hexamer structures that make up the tiniest droplets of water, the key component of life -- and one that scientists still don't fully understand. ... > full story

DNA deletions promote cancer, collateral damage makes it vulnerable (August 15, 2012) -- Genomic deletions promote cancer by carving up or eliminating tumor-suppressor genes, but now scientists report that the collateral damage they inflict on neighboring genes exposes cancer cells to vulnerabilities and new avenues for attack. ... > full story

Future increases in US natural gas exports and domestic prices may not be as large as thought (August 15, 2012) -- Amid policy debate over potential liquefied natural gas exports from the United States, a new article predicts the long-term volume of exports from the US will not likely be very large. ... > full story

Greenland melting breaks record four weeks before season's end (August 15, 2012) -- Melting over the Greenland ice sheet shattered the seasonal record on Aug. 8 -- a full four weeks before the close of the melting season, researchers report. ... > full story

Genetic material in blood cells may affect malaria parasites (August 15, 2012) -- Researchers may finally have discovered why people with sickle cell disease get milder cases of malaria than individuals who have normal red blood cells. In a finding that has eluded scientists for years, the researchers discovered that genetic material in red blood cells may help alter parasite activity via a novel mechanism that alters parasite gene regulation. ... > full story

Therapy combining exercise and neuroprotective agent shows promise for stroke victims (August 15, 2012) -- In a new study, scientists report that a therapy combining exercise with the neurovascular protective agent S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) improved recovery from stroke in a rat model. GSNO is a compound found naturally in the body and it has no known side effects or toxicity. ... > full story

Breastfeeding may protect infants from HIV transmission (August 15, 2012) -- An international team of researchers has found that certain bioactive components found in human milk are associated with a reduced risk of HIV transmission from an HIV infected mother to her breast-fed infant. ... > full story

New method to remove phosphorus from wastewater (August 15, 2012) -- Researchers are developing a new method of removing phosphorus from wastewater -- a problem seriously affecting lakes and streams across the United States. ... > full story

Recreating a slice of the universe: Computational approach follows thousands of galaxies over billions of years (August 15, 2012) -- Scientists have invented a new computational approach that can accurately follow the birth and evolution of thousands of galaxies over billions of years. For the first time it is now possible to build a universe from scratch that brims with galaxies like we observe around us. ... > full story

Doing the math to fight childhood obesity (August 15, 2012) -- Dieters often use online calorie calculators to stay true to their weight-loss plan. Translating the concept to the population health arena, researchers have created the Caloric Calculator to help policymakers, school district administrators, and others assess the potential impact of health policy choices on childhood obesity. ... > full story

Better ways for developing, testing cancer therapies (August 15, 2012) -- Scientists have made valuable findings in the search for cancer's cure. While researching ways to improve animal health, the scientists have made two important discoveries that can also improve human health. Not only have they found pigs with severe combined immunodeficiency but they are also the first to discover the connection with human cancer, particularly melanomas and pancreatic cancers. ... > full story

Potential new treatment target identified for melanoma skin cancer (August 15, 2012) -- New research has identified a potential new target for the treatment of melanoma, the deadliest of all skin cancers. Scientists have discovered a new channel-forming protein called Pannexin (Panx1) that is expressed in normal levels on the surface of healthy skin cells. But they found, in melanoma, Panx1 is over-produced to a pathological level. The researchers also discovered that if you reduce it, the cell becomes more normal. ... > full story

High potency and synthetic marijuana pose real dangers in first weeks of pregnancy (August 15, 2012) -- Experts say the argument that marijuana is a harmless drug is no longer valid due to the emergence of "high potency" marijuana and synthetic marijuana which pose a potential real threat for pregnant women and their unborn children. ... > full story

Karate black belts' white matter shows how a powerful punch comes from the brain (August 15, 2012) -- Brain scans have revealed distinctive features in the brain structure of karate experts, which could be linked to their ability to punch powerfully from close range. Researchers found that differences in the structure of white matter -- the connections between brain regions -- were correlated with how black belts and novices performed in a test of punching ability. ... > full story

Pre-test genetic counseling increases cancer knowledge for BRCA patients (August 15, 2012) -- Researchers have found that when breast cancer patients are offered pre-test genetic counseling before definitive breast cancer surgery, patients exhibited decreases in distress. Those offered pre-test genetic counseling after surgery improved their informed decision-making. Patients in both groups showed increases in their cancer knowledge with pre-test genetic counseling. ... > full story

Novel nano-structures to realize hydrogen's energy potential (August 15, 2012) -- Using a unique nanostructure, researchers have demonstrated for the first time that a promising hydrogen storage material can release and reabsorb energy. ... > full story

Color-coded markers may help doctors diagnose neural diseases through the eyes (August 15, 2012) -- Scientists have devised several new fluorescent probes that change color depending on what type of amyloid they encounter. Because amyloids accumulate in the eye as well as the brain, their discovery offers hope that one day neurodegenerative diseases could be differentially diagnosed with simple eye drops or ointment and an eye exam. ... > full story

Giving to charity: Why do we donate more money to individuals when they are members of a group? (August 15, 2012) -- When charity recipients seem to belong to a cohesive group, donors will make stronger judgments about the victims, which leads to greater concern and increased donations if these judgments are positive, according to a new study. ... > full story

When it comes to food, chimps only think of themselves (August 15, 2012) -- A sense of fairness is an important part of human behavior, yet a research team found it did not evolve from our closest living relatives. The study tested whether our great ape relatives, the chimpanzees and bonobos, have a sense of fairness like humans. ... > full story

Babies may not have a 'moral compass' after all (August 15, 2012) -- New research is casting doubt on a landmark US study that suggested infants as young as six months old possess an innate moral compass that allows them to evaluate individuals as "good" or "bad." ... > full story

Antimicrobials from personal care products found in statewide survey of Minnesota's rivers and lakes (August 15, 2012) -- A team of scientists has completed the first statewide analysis of freshwater bodies in Minnesota, finding widespread evidence of the presence of active ingredients of personal care products in Minnesota lakes, streams and rivers. ... > full story

Noise down, neuron signals up (August 15, 2012) -- A new model of background noise present in the nervous system could help better understand neuronal signalling delay in response to a stimulus. ... > full story

Vaccine targets malignant brain cancer antigens, significantly lengthens survival (August 15, 2012) -- An experimental immune-based therapy more than doubled median survival of patients diagnosed with the most aggressive malignant brain tumor, researchers report. ... > full story

Mechanisms of acquired chemoresistance in ovarian cancer identified (August 15, 2012) -- Disease has high heterogeneity. First-line chemosensitivity associated with subsequent chemoresistance. Gene identified that may predict chemoresistance. ... > full story

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