Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mucosal Immunology - Table of Contents alert Volume 5 Issue 5 pp 469 - 591


Volume 5, Issue 5 (September 2012)

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Mucosal Immunology's new impact factor is 6.963!
Thank you to all our authors, readers, editors, and reviewers for their contributions and support.

Check out the highest cited article contributing to the new impact factor

Intestinal epithelial cells promote colitis-protective regulatory T-cell differentiation through dendritic cell conditioning
I D Iliev and colleagues uncovered an essential mechanism in which epithelial cells control of dendritic cells function is required for tolerance induction.

In this Issue


In this Issue

Mucosal Immunol. 2012 5: 469; 10.1038/mi.2012.79

Full Text

News & Highlights


Got IELs?

Hilde Cheroutre and Yujun Huang

Mucosal Immunol. 2012 5: 470-471; 10.1038/mi.2012.64

Full Text



Leptin and mucosal immunity

N M Mackey-Lawrence and W A Petri, Jr

Mucosal Immunol. 2012 5: 472-479; advance online publication, June 13, 2012; 10.1038/mi.2012.40

Abstract | Full Text

Chronic inflammation and lung fibrosis: pleotropic syndromes but limited distinct phenotypes

A H Gifford, M Matsuoka, L Y Ghoda, R J Homer and R I Enelow

Mucosal Immunol. 2012 5: 480-484; advance online publication, July 18, 2012; 10.1038/mi.2012.68

Abstract | Full Text

Immunity to the respiratory pathogen Bordetella pertussis

R Higgs, S C Higgins, P J Ross and K H G Mills

Mucosal Immunol. 2012 5: 485-500; advance online publication, June 20, 2012; 10.1038/mi.2012.54

Abstract | Full Text



Targeted deletion of MyD88 in intestinal epithelial cells results in compromised antibacterial immunity associated with downregulation of polymeric immunoglobulin receptor, mucin-2, and antibacterial peptides

A L Frantz, E W Rogier, C R Weber, L Shen, D A Cohen, L A Fenton, M E C Bruno and C S Kaetzel

Mucosal Immunol. 2012 5: 501-512; advance online publication, April 11, 2012; 10.1038/mi.2012.23

Abstract | Full Text

Size and dynamics of mucosal and peripheral IL-17A+ T-cell pools in pediatric age, and their disturbance in celiac disease

R La Scaleia, M Barba, G Di Nardo, M Bonamico, S Oliva, R Nenna, F Valitutti, M Mennini, M Barbato, M Montuori, A Porzia, L Petrarca, S Battella, S Cucchiara, M Piccoli, A Santoni, F Mainiero and G Palmieri

Mucosal Immunol. 2012 5: 513-523; advance online publication, May 9, 2012; 10.1038/mi.2012.26

Abstract | Full Text

Altered regulation of Toll-like receptor responses impairs antibacterial immunity in the allergic lung

M Habibzay, J I Saldana, J Goulding, C M Lloyd and T Hussell

Mucosal Immunol. 2012 5: 524-534; advance online publication, May 2, 2012; 10.1038/mi.2012.28

Abstract | Full Text

Myeloid cell-specific expression of Ship1 regulates IL-12 production and immunity to helminth infection

S Hadidi, F Antignano, M R Hughes, S K H Wang, K Snyder, G M Sammis, W G Kerr, K M McNagny and C Zaph

Mucosal Immunol. 2012 5: 535-543; advance online publication, April 25, 2012; 10.1038/mi.2012.29

Abstract | Full Text

Lung transplant acceptance is facilitated by early events in the graft and is associated with lymphoid neogenesis

W Li, A C Bribriesco, R G Nava, A A Brescia, A Ibricevic, J H Spahn, S L Brody, J H Ritter, A E Gelman, A S Krupnick, M J Miller and D Kreisel

Mucosal Immunol. 2012 5: 544-554; advance online publication, May 2, 2012; 10.1038/mi.2012.30

Abstract | Full Text

IL-2 receptor γ-chain molecule is critical for intestinal T-cell reconstitution in humanized mice

P W Denton, T Nochi, A Lim, J F Krisko, F Martinez-Torres, S K Choudhary, A Wahl, R Olesen, W Zou, J P Di Santo, D M Margolis and J V Garcia

Mucosal Immunol. 2012 5: 555-566; advance online publication, May 9, 2012; 10.1038/mi.2012.31

Abstract | Full Text

Temporal and spatial interplay of microbiota and intestinal mucosa drive establishment of immune homeostasis in conventionalized mice

Sahar El Aidy, Peter van Baarlen, Muriel Derrien, Dicky J Lindenbergh-Kortleve, Guido Hooiveld, Florence Levenez, Joël Doré, Jan Dekker, Janneke N Samsom, Edward E S Nieuwenhuis and Michiel Kleerebezem

Mucosal Immunol. 2012 5: 567-579; advance online publication, May 23, 2012; 10.1038/mi.2012.32

Abstract | Full Text

Mesenteric fat—control site for bacterial translocation in colitis?

A Batra, M M Heimesaat, S Bereswill, A Fischer, R Glauben, D Kunkel, A Scheffold, U Erben, A Kühl, C Loddenkemper, H-A Lehr, M Schumann, J-D Schulzke, M Zeitz and B Siegmund

Mucosal Immunol. 2012 5: 580-591; advance online publication, May 9, 2012; 10.1038/mi.2012.33

Abstract | Full Text


Mucosal Immunology's call for Cover Images!

The editors of Mucosal Immunology are seeking illustrative images which are unique or highly illustrative of specific occurrences in mucosal immunology for use on the 2013 cover. All images should be accompanied by a brief one-paragraph description not to exceed 200 words of relevant clinical or basic scientific information. Should your image be selected, you will be credited in print and online and we'll send you a print of the cover as a thank you. The closing date for ALL cover image submissions is the 1st September 2012.

Please email your images to our editorial office.


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