Friday, August 24, 2012

Molecular Psychiatry - Table of Contents alert Volume 17 Issue 9


Volume 17, Issue 9 (September 2012)

In this issue
Expert Review
Immediate Communications
Original Articles

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The ADHD-linked gene Lphn3.1 controls locomotor activity and impulsivity in zebrafish

M Lange, W Norton, M Coolen, M Chaminade, S Merker, F Proft, A Schmitt, P Vernier, K-P Lesch and L Bally-Cuif

Mol Psychiatry 2012 17: 855; 10.1038/mp.2012.119

Full Text

Expert Review


The CHRNA5–A3–B4 gene cluster in nicotine addiction

W H Berrettini and G A Doyle

Mol Psychiatry 2012 17: 856-866; advance online publication, October 4, 2011; 10.1038/mp.2011.122

Abstract | Full Text

Immediate Communications


Visual analysis of geocoded twin data puts nature and nurture on the map

O S P Davis, C M A Haworth, C M Lewis and R Plomin

Mol Psychiatry 2012 17: 867-874; advance online publication, June 12, 2012; 10.1038/mp.2012.68

Abstract | Full Text

High frequency of potentially pathogenic SORL1 mutations in autosomal dominant early-onset Alzheimer disease

C Pottier, D Hannequin, S Coutant, A Rovelet-Lecrux, D Wallon, S Rousseau, S Legallic, C Paquet, S Bombois, J Pariente, C Thomas-Anterion, A Michon, B Croisile, F Etcharry-Bouyx, C Berr, J-F Dartigues, P Amouyel, H Dauchel, C Boutoleau-Bretonnière, C Thauvin, T Frebourg, J-C Lambert and D Campion PHRC GMAJ Collaborators

Mol Psychiatry 2012 17: 875-879; advance online publication, April 3, 2012; 10.1038/mp.2012.15

Abstract | Full Text

Genome-wide association study in a Swedish population yields support for greater CNV and MHC involvement in schizophrenia compared with bipolar disorder

S E Bergen, C T O'Dushlaine, S Ripke, P H Lee, D M Ruderfer, S Akterin, J L Moran, K D Chambert, R E Handsaker, L Backlund, U Ösby, S McCarroll, M Landen, E M Scolnick, P K E Magnusson, P Lichtenstein, C M Hultman, S M Purcell, P Sklar and P F Sullivan

Mol Psychiatry 2012 17: 880-886; advance online publication, June 12, 2012; 10.1038/mp.2012.73

Abstract | Full Text

Convergent functional genomics of schizophrenia: from comprehensive understanding to genetic risk prediction

M Ayalew, H Le-Niculescu, D F Levey, N Jain, B Changala, S D Patel, E Winiger, A Breier, A Shekhar, R Amdur, D Koller, J I Nurnberger, A Corvin, M Geyer, M T Tsuang, D Salomon, N J Schork, A H Fanous, M C O'Donovan and A B Niculescu

Mol Psychiatry 2012 17: 887-905; advance online publication, May 15, 2012; 10.1038/mp.2012.37

Abstract | Full Text

Original Articles


Association between genetic variation in a region on chromosome 11 and schizophrenia in large samples from Europe

M Rietschel, M Mattheisen, F Degenhardt, GROUP Investigators5, Genetic Risk and Outcome in Psychosis (GROUP Investigators) T W Mühleisen, P Kirsch, C Esslinger, S Herms, D Demontis, M Steffens, J Strohmaier, B Haenisch, R Breuer, P M Czerski, I Giegling, E Strengman, C Schmael, O Mors, P B Mortensen, D M Hougaard, T Ørntoft, P Kapelski, L Priebe, F B Basmanav, A J Forstner, P Hoffmann, S Meier, J Nikitopoulos, S Moebus, M Alexander, R Mössner, H-E Wichmann, S Schreiber, F Rivandeneira, A Hofman, A G Uitterlinden, T F Wienker, J Schumacher, J Hauser, W Maier, R M Cantor, S Erk, T G Schulze, SGENE-plus Consortium5, (Only those persons responsible for the samples of Replication 2 are listed) N Craddock, M J Owen, M C O'Donovan, A D Børglum, D Rujescu, H Walter, A Meyer-Lindenberg, M M Nöthen, R A Ophoff and S Cichon

Mol Psychiatry 2012 17: 906-917; advance online publication, July 12, 2011; 10.1038/mp.2011.80

Abstract | Full Text

Decreased dopamine activity predicts relapse in methamphetamine abusers

G J Wang, L Smith, N D Volkow, F Telang, J Logan, D Tomasi, C T Wong, W Hoffman, M Jayne, N Alia-Klein, P Thanos and J S Fowler

Mol Psychiatry 2012 17: 918-925; advance online publication, July 12, 2011; 10.1038/mp.2011.86

Abstract | Full Text

Organic cation transporter 2 controls brain norepinephrine and serotonin clearance and antidepressant response

A Bacq, L Balasse, G Biala, B Guiard, A M Gardier, A Schinkel, F Louis, V Vialou, M-P Martres, C Chevarin, M Hamon, B Giros and S Gautron

Mol Psychiatry 2012 17: 926-939; advance online publication, July 19, 2011; 10.1038/mp.2011.87

Abstract | Full Text

Risk of future depression in people who are obese but metabolically healthy: the English longitudinal study of ageing

M Hamer, G D Batty and M Kivimaki

Mol Psychiatry 2012 17: 940-945; advance online publication, April 24, 2012; 10.1038/mp.2012.30

Abstract | Full Text

The ADHD-susceptibility gene lphn3.1 modulates dopaminergic neuron formation and locomotor activity during zebrafish development

M Lange, W Norton, M Coolen, M Chaminade, S Merker, F Proft, A Schmitt, P Vernier, K-P Lesch and L Bally-Cuif

Mol Psychiatry 2012 17: 946-954; advance online publication, April 17, 2012; 10.1038/mp.2012.29

Abstract | Full Text


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