| | Head of the Class |  | | |  | - How schools can set themselves up for success with iPads
Educator and author Matt Levinson in this blog post offers advice for schools seeking to use iPads in the classroom. Among his suggestions are to establish a flexibility policy that outlines expectations for using the devices, provide students with visual examples of how to care for the devices, solicit feedback throughout the year on how the program is working and make adjustments if necessary. KQED.org/Mind/Shift blog (8/29)  |  | Complete, Online Writing and Grammar Curriculum New from Zaner-Bloser: Meet 100% of the Writing and writing-related Language Common Core State Standards with Strategies for Writers—now available in a completely digital format! Tour our virtual classroom today to view and interact with free samples and to learn about the all-digital program option, the Strategies for Writers Online Writing Center. | |  | eLearning |  | | | | - One-to-one iPad program transforms teaching
Students at a Wisconsin high school are using iPads this year in their classes, including in geometry, where teachers say the device offers several tools that will help students succeed. The tools include a math glossary and reference site, as well as an application that allows students to take photos of math formulas she posts on the classroom board. While students will continue to turn in their homework on paper, they are expected to take about half of their tests using the iPad. Green Bay Press-Gazette (Wis.) (8/30) - Schools in Scotland to use online Encyclopaedia Britannica
All schools in Scotland will have free access to an online version of Encyclopaedia Britannica through the end of October. The version of the encyclopedia collection, designed specifically for schools, will be available after October for an annual fee. Officials say the program is intended to help students and teachers learn to use the resource -- which ended its print run earlier this year -- in the 21st century. Ananova (U.K.)/Press Association (8/30)  |  | Travel Abroad With Your Students If you've ever considered leading a group of students overseas, download 5 Steps to Planning an Educational Tour. This free guide offers teachers the tools and knowledge to start organizing an unforgettable journey abroad as well as tips for selecting a tour style and obtaining school board approval. Get your free guide today. |
 |  | Systems Management |  | | | | - Online security threats loom as students return to school
As students return to school, experts say schools, parents and students should turn their attention to online security. A free online security service has identified the top five risks for students, including weak passwords, online tracking, malware, mobile applications and unsecured Wi-Fi Internet connections. TMCNet.com (8/29)  |  | Reading Intervention Webinar Series, Part 1: 9/25, 2pm ET Join Foundations in Learning's panel of experts on Tuesday, Sept. 25, at 2:00pm ET to discuss Reading Intervention in the general population. Learn what has worked at Hillside Elementary School in West Des Moines, Iowa, and how RTI Tier II strategies have improved automatic word recognition skills and have facilitated fluency and comprehension. Register Now |
 |  | Managing Budgets |  | | | | - District invests in interactive whiteboards over iPads, e-books
A school system in Alabama will use a $1 million gift to outfit every classroom in the school district with an interactive whiteboard. The district, which has 53 schools, first considered using the donation to purchase other technology, such as iPads and electronic books. However, those options were too expensive, officials said. AL.com (Alabama) (8/29)  |  | What are 8 keys to schoolwide math success? Small Steps, Big Changes helps you and your staff set goals, create a culture of mathematical thinking, and translate high-level standards such as Common Core into effective classroom practice. Includes examples from diverse schools across the country. Preview the entire book online! |
 |  | - Twitter becomes a tool for student protest
Students in a Pennsylvania school district are using Twitter to protest increased meal prices and encourage students to bring lunches from home. Using the hashtag #BrownBagginIt -- which was trending in the Pittsburgh area this week -- students also expressed concerns over the quality and size of the meals, as well as new federal standards for nutrition. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (8/29) Last Byte |  | | | | - Are flexbooks the textbooks of the future?
When Brian Lindshield was a student, he didn't like paying as much as $500 for a single textbook. As an assistant nutrition professor at Kansas State University, Lindshield decided to do something about it. His new electronic textbook, or flexbook, is free and it includes such features as videos, animations, current events and online materials that aren't possible in a print text. The Sun Herald (Biloxi-Gulfport, Miss.) (8/27)  |  | Smarter Education: Building the foundations of success Education will be the critical determinant of success for individuals and our communities in the 21st century. Average college tuition and fees have risen by 440% over the past 25 years—this is not sustainable. Download the latest IBM education PoV on new models to address this and other higher education and K-12 school challenges. |
 |  |  | Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." --Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. president  | | SmartBrief delivers need-to-know news in over 100 targeted email newsletters to over 3 million readers. All our industry briefings are FREE and open to everyone—sign up today! | | This SmartBrief was created for jmabs1@gmail.com | Advertise | Publisher, Education Group: Joe Riddle 202-407-7857 | | | | | | | Recent SmartBrief on EdTech Issues: - Wednesday, August 29, 2012
- Tuesday, August 28, 2012
- Monday, August 27, 2012
- Friday, August 24, 2012
- Thursday, August 23, 2012
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