| | Head of the Class |  | | | | - Does flipped instruction work?
A growing number of teachers have flipped their classrooms -- creating instructional videos for students and spending class time on practice. However, the strategy has potential drawbacks as well as benefits, some say. "Everyone initially thought that [flipping] was an innovative way [to teach] because we're so rooted in this idea that students don't like homework," said chemistry teacher Ramsey Musallam. "However, when you step back a little bit, what you're looking at is simply a time-shifting tool that is grounded in the same didactic, lecture-based philosophy." Education Week (premium article access compliments of EdWeek.org) (8/29)  |  | Travel Abroad With Your Students If you've ever considered leading a group of students overseas, download 5 Steps to Planning an Educational Tour. This free guide offers teachers the tools and knowledge to start organizing an unforgettable journey abroad as well as tips for selecting a tour style and obtaining school board approval. Get your free guide today. |
 |  | eLearning |  | | | | - Calif. students learn how to be good "Netizens"
Some students in California this year will be using a new Internet curriculum intended to teach children as young as 8 how to go online safely and responsibly. The Digital Passport online curriculum was developed by the San Francisco-based nonprofit Common Sense Media. The lessons touch on topics such as protecting privacy and passwords, using search engines and dealing with cyberbullying. San Jose Mercury News (Calif.) (free registration) (8/27)  |  | Publish from everywhere to anywhere! App for iPhone/Android. Mobile site for smartphones. Full website for desktop users. All information platforms synced instantly from whichever device you publish on. Save time, inform parents, engage pupils. Click for a 30-day free trial. |
 |  | Systems Management |  | | | | - Md. schools report greater need for classroom technology
In Frederick County, Md., school officials say they would like to expand the use of classroom technology, such as interactive whiteboards and other devices. There also is a need, officials say, for greater wireless Internet capacity. "There's a lot of excitement over technology, but there is always a greater need," said Bill Boyer, Frederick County Public Schools' executive director of technology services. The Frederick News-Post (Md.) (8/28)  |  | Discover the Top 8 Mistakes in Implementing Online Credit Recovery. About 6,000 students drop out of school daily. With early intervention these numbers can be curbed – if implemented correctly. Download this guide on implementing online credit recovery and learn how to avoid the most common pitfalls. |
 |  | Managing Budgets |  | | | |  |  | More than ever before, technology and agility can make a difference to a business's ability to innovate and grow. Visit the IBM® Business Agility website and learn how IBM can help by aligning your IT infrastructure to your operational processes. And in doing so, put your business in a stronger position to adapt and lead. Learn more. |
  |  | Schools and Social Media |  | | | | - Teachers tweet their feelings about returning to class
Educators responded through Twitter when asked what they are looking forward to and their concerns about this school year. Teachers tweeted their excitement about meeting students and their families for the first time. Teachers also completed the sentence, "My first thought when my students take their seat is ..." One teacher responded, "I have the power to change a life today." Education Week Teacher/Teaching Now blog (8/27)  |  | Can the language teachers use change their students' lives? In Opening Minds Peter Johnston (author of the groundbreaking Choice Words) shows how words can shape students' learning, their sense of self, and their social, emotional, and moral development. Preview the entire book online! |
 |  | - Student's Facebook page makes an old toothpick brand smile
Brazilian advertising student Riccky Lopes has created a Facebook sensation around the venerable Rela Gina toothpick brand. Lopes turned a picture on the company's package into a fictional character who answers fans' questions. Lopes says the key to the success of Facebook marketing is interactivity. Forbes (8/27)  | Courage is not the towering oak that sees storms come and go; it is the fragile blossom that opens in the snow." --Alice Mackenzie Swaim, Scottish-American poet  | | SmartBrief delivers need-to-know news in over 100 targeted email newsletters to over 3 million readers. All our industry briefings are FREE and open to everyone—sign up today! | | This SmartBrief was created for jmabs1@gmail.com | Advertise | Publisher, Education Group: Joe Riddle 202-407-7857 | | | | | | | Recent SmartBrief on EdTech Issues: - Tuesday, August 28, 2012
- Monday, August 27, 2012
- Friday, August 24, 2012
- Thursday, August 23, 2012
- Wednesday, August 22, 2012
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