Wednesday, August 22, 2012

British Journal of Cancer - Table of Contents alert Volume 107 Issue 5


Volume 107, Issue 5 (757-900)
Published online 21 August 2012

In this issue
Clinical Studies
Translational Therapeutics
Molecular Diagnostics

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Clinical Studies


A retrospective observational study examining the characteristics and outcomes of tumours diagnosed within and without of the English NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme

E J A Morris, L E Whitehouse, T Farrell, C Nickerson, J D Thomas, P Quirke, M D Rutter, C Rees, P J Finan, J R Wilkinson and J Patnick

Br J Cancer 2012 107: 757-764; advance online publication, July 31, 2012; 10.1038/bjc.2012.331

Abstract | Full Text

Socioeconomic variation in uptake of colonoscopy following a positive faecal occult blood test result: a retrospective analysis of the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme

S Morris, G Baio, E Kendall, C von Wagner, J Wardle, W Atkin, S P Halloran, G Handley, R F Logan, A Obichere, S Rainbow, S Smith, J Snowball and R Raine

Br J Cancer 2012 107: 765-771; advance online publication, August 2, 2012; 10.1038/bjc.2012.303

Abstract | Full Text

Single-visit approach of cervical cancer screening: See and Treat in Indonesia

J N I Vet, J L Kooijman, F C Henderson, F M Aziz, G Purwoto, H Susanto, I G D Surya, S Budiningsih, S Cornain, G J Fleuren, J B Trimbos and A A W Peters

Br J Cancer 2012 107: 772-777; advance online publication, July 31, 2012; 10.1038/bjc.2012.334

Abstract | Full Text

To be screened or not to be screened? Modeling the consequences of PSA screening for the individual

E M Wever, J Hugosson, E A M Heijnsdijk, C H Bangma, G Draisma and H J de Koning

Br J Cancer 2012 107: 778-784; advance online publication, July 17, 2012; 10.1038/bjc.2012.317

Abstract | Full Text

Systematic lymphadenectomy in ovarian cancer at second-look surgery: a randomised clinical trial

T Dell’ Anna, M Signorelli, P Benedetti-Panici, A Maggioni, R Fossati, R Fruscio, R Milani, L Bocciolone, A Buda, C Mangioni, G Scambia, R Angioli, E Campagnutta, R Grassi and F Landoni

Br J Cancer 2012 107: 785-792; advance online publication, August 2, 2012; 10.1038/bjc.2012.336

Abstract | Full Text

Increased MET and HGF gene copy numbers are associated with trastuzumab failure in HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer

G Minuti, F Cappuzzo, R Duchnowska, J Jassem, A Fabi, T O’Brien, A D Mendoza, L Landi, W Biernat, B Czartoryska-Arłukowicz, T Jankowski, D Zuziak, J Zok, B Szostakiewicz, M Foszczyńska-Kłoda, A Tempińska-Szałach, E Rossi and M Varella-Garcia

Br J Cancer 2012 107: 793-799; advance online publication, July 31, 2012; 10.1038/bjc.2012.335

Abstract | Full Text

PREDICT Plus: development and validation of a prognostic model for early breast cancer that includes HER2

G C Wishart, C D Bajdik, E Dicks, E Provenzano, M K Schmidt, M Sherman, D C Greenberg, A R Green, K A Gelmon, V-M Kosma, J E Olson, M W Beckmann, R Winqvist, S S Cross, G Severi, D Huntsman, K Pylkäs, I Ellis, T O Nielsen, G Giles, C Blomqvist, P A Fasching, F J Couch, E Rakha, W D Foulkes, F M Blows, L R Bégin, L J van't Veer, M Southey, H Nevanlinna, A Mannermaa, A Cox, M Cheang, L Baglietto, C Caldas, M Garcia-Closas and P D P Pharoah

Br J Cancer 2012 107: 800-807; advance online publication, July 31, 2012; 10.1038/bjc.2012.338

Abstract | Full Text

Phase II study of first-line sagopilone plus prednisone in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer: a phase II study of the Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials Consortium

T M Beer, D C Smith, A Hussain, M Alonso, J Wang, M Giurescu, K Roth and Y Wang

Br J Cancer 2012 107: 808-813; advance online publication, July 31, 2012; 10.1038/bjc.2012.339

Abstract | Full Text

Personalising docetaxel and G-CSF schedules in cancer patients by a clinically validated computational model

O Vainas, S Ariad, O Amir, W Mermershtain, V Vainstein, M Kleiman, O Inbar, R Ben-Av, A Mukherjee, S Chan and Z Agur

Br J Cancer 2012 107: 814-822; advance online publication, July 19, 2012; 10.1038/bjc.2012.316

Abstract | Full Text

Translational Therapeutics


βV-tubulin expression is associated with outcome following taxane-based chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer

D C Christoph, S Kasper, T C Gauler, C Loesch, M Engelhard, D Theegarten, C Poettgen, R Hepp, A Peglow, H Loewendick, S Welter, G Stamatis, F R Hirsch, M Schuler, W E E Eberhardt and J Wohlschlaeger

Br J Cancer 2012 107: 823-830; advance online publication, July 26, 2012; 10.1038/bjc.2012.324

Abstract | Full Text

Molecular Diagnostics


Expression of oestrogen receptor β and prognosis of colorectal cancer

A Rudolph, C Toth, M Hoffmeister, W Roth, E Herpel, L Jansen, A Marx, H Brenner and J Chang-Claude

Br J Cancer 2012 107: 831-839; advance online publication, July 24, 2012; 10.1038/bjc.2012.323

Abstract | Full Text

Plasma osteopontin as a biomarker of prostate cancer aggression: relationship to risk category and treatment response

J W Thoms, A Dal Pra, P H Anborgh, E Christensen, N Fleshner, C Menard, K Chadwick, M Milosevic, C Catton, M Pintilie, A F Chambers and R G Bristow

Br J Cancer 2012 107: 840-846; advance online publication, August 7, 2012; 10.1038/bjc.2012.345

Abstract | Full Text

Resistance to the mTOR-inhibitor RAD001 elevates integrin α2- and β1-triggered motility, migration and invasion of prostate cancer cells

I Tsaur, J Makarević, E Juengel, M Gasser, A-M Waaga-Gasser, M Kurosch, M Reiter, S Wedel, G Bartsch, A Haferkamp, C Wiesner and R A Blaheta

Br J Cancer 2012 107: 847-855; advance online publication, July 10, 2012; 10.1038/bjc.2012.313

Abstract | Full Text

Expression and prognostic significance of Src family members in renal clear cell carcinoma

T Qayyum, P A McArdle, G W Lamb, F Jordan, C Orange, M Seywright, P G Horgan, R J Jones, G Oades, M A Aitchison and J Edwards

Br J Cancer 2012 107: 856-863; advance online publication, July 19, 2012; 10.1038/bjc.2012.314

Abstract | Full Text

The relationship between components of tumour inflammatory cell infiltrate and clinicopathological factors and survival in patients with primary operable invasive ductal breast cancer

Z MA Mohammed, J J Going, J Edwards, B Elsberger, J C Doughty and D C McMillan

Br J Cancer 2012 107: 864-873; advance online publication, August 9, 2012; 10.1038/bjc.2012.347

Abstract | Full Text



Coffee and black tea consumption and breast cancer mortality in a cohort of Swedish women

H R Harris, L Bergkvist and A Wolk

Br J Cancer 2012 107: 874-878; advance online publication, July 26, 2012; 10.1038/bjc.2012.337

Abstract | Full Text

Alcohol drinking, tobacco smoking and subtypes of haematological malignancy in the UK Million Women Study

M E Kroll, F Murphy, K Pirie, G K Reeves, J Green and V Beral for the Million Women Study Collaborators

Br J Cancer 2012 107: 879-887; advance online publication, August 9, 2012; 10.1038/bjc.2012.333

Abstract | Full Text

Gastric atrophy and oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma: possible interaction with dental health and oral hygiene habit

D Nasrollahzadeh, R Malekzadeh, K Aghcheli, M Sotoudeh, S Merat, F Islami, F Kamangar, C C Abnet, R Shakeri, A Pourshams, S Semnani, P Boffetta, S M Dawsey and W Ye

Br J Cancer 2012 107: 888-894; advance online publication, July 19, 2012; 10.1038/bjc.2012.332

Abstract | Full Text

Dietary cadmium exposure and prostate cancer incidence: a population-based prospective cohort study

B Julin, A Wolk, J-E Johansson, S-O Andersson, O Andrén and A Åkesson

Br J Cancer 2012 107: 895-900; advance online publication, July 31, 2012; 10.1038/bjc.2012.311

Abstract | Full Text

Hot off the press!!

Did you know this article from British Journal of Cancer recently appeared in the press?

Identifying patients with undetected colorectal cancer: an independent validation of QCancer (Colorectal)
G S Collins and D G Altman

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