Monday, June 3, 2019

The EMBO Journal Table of Contents for 3 June 2019; Vol. 38, No. 11

EMBO Press Focus on Pathogen-immunity and Signaling  
3 June 2019 | Volume 38, Number 11 Submit

Table of Contents

News & Views

Volume 38, Number 11

News & Views

New work reveals an unexpected, non‐lethal immune defence role of the mitochondrial apoptotic machinery, via mtDNA release and STING activation.

Joel S Riley and Stephen WG Tait
Published online 17.05.2019


Increasing density of F‐actin nucleating from the main interphase microtubule‐organizing center creates a physical barrier for nascent microtubules in lymphocytes and in vitro.

Daisuke Inoue, Dorian Obino, Judith Pineau, Francesca Farina, Jérémie Gaillard, Christophe Guerin, Laurent Blanchoin, Ana‐Maria Lennon‐Duménil and Manuel Théry
Published online 22.03.2019


Centrosomes organize both microtubule and actin filaments during mitosis, with a transient burst of actin nucleation in anaphase correlating with reduced microtubule density.

Francesca Farina, Nitya Ramkumar, Louise Brown, Dureen Samandar Eweis, Jannis Anstatt, Thomas Waring, Jessica Bithell, Giorgio Scita, Manuel Thery, Laurent Blanchoin, Tobias Zech and Buzz Baum
Published online 23.04.2019 Open Access


Different pathogens can trigger sub‐lethal engagement of the mitochondrial apoptosis machinery in epithelial cells, resulting however not in cell death but rather promoting cytokine production and reducing pathogen growth.

Dominik Brokatzky, Benedikt Dörflinger, Aladin Haimovici, Arnim Weber, Susanne Kirschnek, Juliane Vier, Arlena Metz, Julia Henschel, Tobias Steinfeldt, Ian E Gentle and Georg Häcker
Published online 12.04.2019


TRF2 has extratelomeric roles enabling tumor cells to adjust their glycocalyx and to attract immunosuppressive immature myeloid cells.

Julien Cherfils‐Vicini, Charlene Iltis, Ludovic Cervera, Sabrina Pisano, Olivier Croce, Nori Sadouni, Balázs Győrffy, Romy Collet, Valérie M Renault, Martin Rey‐Millet, Carlo Leonetti, Pasquale Zizza, Fabrice Allain, Francois Ghiringhelli, Nicolas Soubeiran, Marina Shkreli, Eric Vivier, Annamaria Biroccio and Eric Gilson
Published online 18.04.2019


The macrophage scavenger receptor 1 (MSR1) promotes the recruitment of the TAK1/MKK7/JNK signalling complex to the phagosome to drive a macrophage phenotypic shift from an anti‐inflammatory to a pro‐inflammatory one.

Manman Guo, Anetta Härtlova, Marek Gierliński, Alan Prescott, Josep Castellvi, Javier Hernandez Losa, Sine K Petersen, Ulf A Wenzel, Brian D Dill, Christoph H Emmerich, Santiago Ramon Y Cajal, David G Russell and Matthias Trost
Published online 26.04.2019 Open Access


Regulation of PI3‐kinase‐FoxO1 by the lipid phosphatase PTEN is critical for the activation of IgD expression, which is needed for the generation of mature B cells fully responsive to antigen complexes.

Corinna S Setz, Ahmad Khadour, Valerio Renna, Joseena Iype, Eva Gentner, Xiaocui He, Moumita Datta, Marc Young, Lars Nitschke, Jürgen Wienands, Palash C Maity, Michael Reth and Hassan Jumaa
Published online 23.04.2019 Open Access


New crystal structures reveal modes of keratin assembly in health and keratinopathy.

Sherif A Eldirany, Minh Ho, Alexander J Hinbest, Ivan B Lomakin and Christopher G Bunick
Published online 29.04.2019


Yeast SUMO‐targeted ubiquitin ligases (STUbLs) and ubiquitin co‐localize to seven genomics loci marked by the transcription factor‐like protein Euc1.

Markus Höpfler, Maximilian J Kern, Tobias Straub, Roman Prytuliak, Bianca H Habermann, Boris Pfander and Stefan Jentsch
Published online 23.04.2019 Open Access


A modified RNA‐seq method reveals a large population of mRNA/lncRNA fragments in plasma that are missed by standard small RNA‐seq protocols including ones that are associated with disease.

Maria D Giraldez, Ryan M Spengler, Alton Etheridge, Annika J Goicochea, Missy Tuck, Sung Won Choi, David J Galas and Muneesh Tewari
Published online 03.05.2019 Open Access

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Copyright © 2019 by the European Molecular Biology Organisation.
Life Science Alliance  

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