Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Scientific Reports Table of Contents e-alert: 30 October 2018

  30 Oct 2018   
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 Biological Sciences    Chemical Sciences
 Physical Sciences    Earth & Environmental Sciences
 Health Sciences  


Biological Sciences

The common origin of symmetry and structure in genetic sequences ▶


Giampaolo Cristadoro, Mirko Degli Esposti, Eduardo G. Altmann


The first set of universal nuclear protein-coding loci markers for avian phylogenetic and population genetic studies ▶


Yang Liu, Simin Liu, Chia-Fen Yeh et al.


Calcite moonmilk of microbial origin in the Etruscan Tomba degli Scudi in Tarquinia, Italy ▶


Angela Cirigliano, Maria Cristina Tomassetti, Marta Di Pietro et al.


Antiviral activity of the mineralocorticoid receptor NR3C2 against Herpes simplex virus Type 1 (HSV-1) infection ▶


Jürgen G. Haas, Julia Weber, Orland Gonzalez et al.


Formation of neocortical memory circuits for unattended written word forms: neuromagnetic evidence ▶


Eino J. Partanen, Alina Leminen, Clare Cook et al.


GBS-derived SNP catalogue unveiled wide genetic variability and geographical relationships of Italian olive cultivars ▶


Nunzio D’Agostino, Francesca Taranto, Salvatore Camposeo et al.


Establishment of a dual-wavelength spectrophotometric method for analysing and detecting carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae ▶


Dan Takeuchi, Yukihiro Akeda, Yo Sugawara et al.


Effect of Deepwater Horizon Crude Oil Water Accommodated Fraction on Olfactory Function in the Atlantic Stingray, Hypanus sabinus ▶


Eloise J. Cave, Stephen M. Kajiura


In-vitro evaluation of apoptotic effect of OEO and thymol in 2D and 3D cell cultures and the study of their interaction mode with DNA ▶


Tahereh Jamali, Gholamreza Kavoosi, Maliheh Safavi et al.


Angiogenic and Osteogenic Synergy of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells Cocultured on a Nanomatrix ▶


Jun Chen, Lily Deng, Catherine Porter et al.


GroEL/ES mediated the in vivo recovery of TRAIL inclusion bodies in Escherichia coli ▶


Zhanqing Wang, Min Zhang, Xin Lv et al.


Nanogel tectonic porous 3D scaffold for direct reprogramming fibroblasts into osteoblasts and bone regeneration ▶


Yoshiki Sato, Kenta Yamamoto, Satoshi Horiguchi et al.


Target-distractor competition cannot be resolved across a saccade ▶


Kiki Arkesteijn, Jeroen B. J. Smeets, Mieke Donk et al.


Integrative taxonomy resolves taxonomic uncertainty for freshwater mussels being considered for protection under the U.S. Endangered Species Act ▶


Nathan A. Johnson, Chase H. Smith, John M. Pfeiffer et al.


Development and single dose clinical pharmacokinetics investigation of novel zein assisted- alpha lipoic acid nanoencapsulation of vardenafil ▶


Osama A. A. Ahmed


Whole genome sequencing, variant analysis, phylogenetics, and deep sequencing of Zika virus strains ▶


Susmita Shrivastava, Vinita Puri, Kari A. Dilley et al.


Comparison of efficacy and toxicity of bevacizumab, endostar and apatinib in transgenic and human lung cancer xenograftzebrafish model ▶


Yinghua Jin, Lingxiao Wei, Qiuying Jiang et al.


Liberation of recalcitrant cell wall sugars from oak barrels into bourbon whiskey during aging ▶


Jarrad Gollihue, Mitchell Richmond, Harlen Wheatley et al.


Characterization of transgenic rice expressing fusion protein Cry1Ab/Vip3A for insect resistance ▶


Chao Xu, Jiahui Cheng, Haiyan Lin et al.


Genome-wide RNA-seq analysis indicates that the DAG1 transcription factor promotes hypocotyl elongation acting on ABA, ethylene and auxin signaling ▶


Riccardo Lorrai, Francesco Gandolfi, Alessandra Boccaccini et al.




Chemical Sciences

Design-Considerations regarding Silicon/Graphite and Tin/Graphite Composite Electrodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries ▶


Manuel Otero, Christopher Heim, Ezequiel P. M. Leiva et al.


Dynamic volume magnetic domain wall imaging in grain oriented electrical steel at power frequencies with accumulative high-frame rate neutron dark-field imaging ▶


Ralph P. Harti, Markus Strobl, Rudolf Schäfer et al.


Delay in the dispersal of flocks moving in unbounded space using long-range interactions ▶


Martín Zumaya, Hernán Larralde, Maximino Aldana


Quantum interferometric generation of polarization entangled photons ▶


Haruka Terashima, Satoshi Kobayashi, Takaho Tsubakiyama et al.


Temperature - dependent polymer absorber as a switchable state NIR reactor ▶


Mark E. Alston, Robert Barber


Composite topological structure of domain walls in synthetic antiferromagnets ▶


A. G. Kolesnikov, V. S. Plotnikov, E. V. Pustovalov et al.


Rolling dopant and strain in Y-doped BiFeO3 epitaxial thin films for photoelectrochemical water splitting ▶


F. Haydous, N. D. Scarisoreanu, R. Birjega et al.


Improving the electron spin properties of nitrogen-vacancy centres in nanodiamonds by near-field etching ▶


F. Brandenburg, R. Nagumo, K. Saichi et al.


Electric Bias Induced Degradation in Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes ▶


Bing Xu, Weigao Wang, Xiaoli Zhang et al.


Reconfigurable sound anomalous absorptions in transparent waveguide with modularized multi-order Helmholtz resonator ▶


Houyou Long, Ying Cheng, Xiaojun Liu


Negative Magnetoresistance in Nanotwinned NiMnGa Epitaxial Films ▶


V. O. Golub, V. A. Chernenko, A. Apolinario et al.


Interplay between correlations and Majorana mode in proximitized quantum dot ▶


G. Górski, J. Barański, I. Weymann et al.


Simultaneous weak measurement of non-commuting observables: a generalized Arthurs-Kelly protocol ▶


Maicol A. Ochoa, Wolfgang Belzig, Abraham Nitzan


Coexisting crystal and liquid-like properties in a 2D long-range self-consistent model ▶


J. M. Maciel, M. A. Amato, M. -C. Firpo


Ultra-fast artificial neuron: generation of picosecond-duration spikes in a current-driven antiferromagnetic auto-oscillator ▶


Roman Khymyn, Ivan Lisenkov, James Voorheis et al.


PT -symmetric interference transistor ▶


Alexander A. Gorbatsevich, Gennadiy Ya. Krasnikov, Nikolay M. Shubin


Nanoscale enhancement of photoconductivity by localized charge traps in the grain structures of monolayer MoS 2  ▶


Myungjae Yang, Tae-Young Kim, Takhee Lee et al.


Correlation between defect density in mechanically milled graphite and total oxygen content of graphene oxide produced from oxidizing the milled graphite ▶


Zinia Mohanta, Hanudatta S. Atreya, Chandan Srivastava


Enhanced excitonic emission efficiency in porous GaN ▶


Thi Huong Ngo, Bernard Gil, Tatiana V. Shubina et al.


Machine learning assisted optimization of electrochemical properties for Ni-rich cathode materials ▶


Kyoungmin Min, Byungjin Choi, Kwangjin Park et al.




Physical Sciences

Design-Considerations regarding Silicon/Graphite and Tin/Graphite Composite Electrodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries ▶


Manuel Otero, Christopher Heim, Ezequiel P. M. Leiva et al.


Dynamic volume magnetic domain wall imaging in grain oriented electrical steel at power frequencies with accumulative high-frame rate neutron dark-field imaging ▶


Ralph P. Harti, Markus Strobl, Rudolf Schäfer et al.


Delay in the dispersal of flocks moving in unbounded space using long-range interactions ▶


Martín Zumaya, Hernán Larralde, Maximino Aldana


Quantum interferometric generation of polarization entangled photons ▶


Haruka Terashima, Satoshi Kobayashi, Takaho Tsubakiyama et al.


Temperature - dependent polymer absorber as a switchable state NIR reactor ▶


Mark E. Alston, Robert Barber


Composite topological structure of domain walls in synthetic antiferromagnets ▶


A. G. Kolesnikov, V. S. Plotnikov, E. V. Pustovalov et al.


Rolling dopant and strain in Y-doped BiFeO3 epitaxial thin films for photoelectrochemical water splitting ▶


F. Haydous, N. D. Scarisoreanu, R. Birjega et al.


Improving the electron spin properties of nitrogen-vacancy centres in nanodiamonds by near-field etching ▶


F. Brandenburg, R. Nagumo, K. Saichi et al.


Electric Bias Induced Degradation in Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes ▶


Bing Xu, Weigao Wang, Xiaoli Zhang et al.


Reconfigurable sound anomalous absorptions in transparent waveguide with modularized multi-order Helmholtz resonator ▶


Houyou Long, Ying Cheng, Xiaojun Liu


Negative Magnetoresistance in Nanotwinned NiMnGa Epitaxial Films ▶


V. O. Golub, V. A. Chernenko, A. Apolinario et al.


Interplay between correlations and Majorana mode in proximitized quantum dot ▶


G. Górski, J. Barański, I. Weymann et al.


Simultaneous weak measurement of non-commuting observables: a generalized Arthurs-Kelly protocol ▶


Maicol A. Ochoa, Wolfgang Belzig, Abraham Nitzan


Coexisting crystal and liquid-like properties in a 2D long-range self-consistent model ▶


J. M. Maciel, M. A. Amato, M. -C. Firpo


Ultra-fast artificial neuron: generation of picosecond-duration spikes in a current-driven antiferromagnetic auto-oscillator ▶


Roman Khymyn, Ivan Lisenkov, James Voorheis et al.


PT -symmetric interference transistor ▶


Alexander A. Gorbatsevich, Gennadiy Ya. Krasnikov, Nikolay M. Shubin


Nanoscale enhancement of photoconductivity by localized charge traps in the grain structures of monolayer MoS 2  ▶


Myungjae Yang, Tae-Young Kim, Takhee Lee et al.


Correlation between defect density in mechanically milled graphite and total oxygen content of graphene oxide produced from oxidizing the milled graphite ▶


Zinia Mohanta, Hanudatta S. Atreya, Chandan Srivastava


Enhanced excitonic emission efficiency in porous GaN ▶


Thi Huong Ngo, Bernard Gil, Tatiana V. Shubina et al.


Machine learning assisted optimization of electrochemical properties for Ni-rich cathode materials ▶


Kyoungmin Min, Byungjin Choi, Kwangjin Park et al.




Earth & Environmental Sciences

The biological role of N-acyl-homoserine lactone-based quorum sensing (QS) in EPS production and microbial community assembly during anaerobic granulation process ▶


Haijun Ma, Sijia Ma, Haidong Hu et al.


Quantification of ash sedimentation dynamics through depolarisation imaging with AshCam ▶


Ben Esse, Michael Burton, Matthew Varnam et al.


Pore geometry control of apparent wetting in porous media ▶


Harris Sajjad Rabbani, Benzhong Zhao, Ruben Juanes et al.


Cell Transport Prompts the Performance of Low-Voltage Electroporation for Cell Inactivation ▶


Zheng-Yang Huo, Guo-Qiang Li, Tong Yu et al.


Dynamic multilevel spiral phase plate generator ▶


M. Caño-García, X. Quintana, J. M. Otón et al.


A synthesis of modern organic carbon accumulation rates in coastal and aquatic inland ecosystems ▶


Grace M. Wilkinson, Alice Besterman, Cal Buelo et al.


Contribution of hurricane-induced sediment resuspension to coastal oxygen dynamics ▶


Laura Bianucci, Karthik Balaguru, Richard W. Smith et al.


Mortality induced by PM2.5 exposure following the 1783 Laki eruption using reconstructed meteorological fields ▶


Y. Balkanski, L. Menut, E. Garnier et al.


Void structure stability in wet granular matter and its application to crab burrows and cometary pits ▶


Ayuko Shinoda, Shin-ichi Fujiwara, Hirofumi Niiya et al.



BROWSE MORE Earth & Environmental Sciences ARTICLES ONLINE ▶

Health Sciences

Hyperhomocysteinemia Causes Chorioretinal Angiogenesis with Placental Growth Factor Upregulation ▶


Yih-Jing Lee, Chia-Ying Ke, Ni Tien et al.


The Optimal Timing of Enterostomy Closure in Extremely Low Birth Weight Patients for Acute Abdomen ▶


Hee-Beom Yang, Ji-Won Han, Joong Kee Youn et al.


In Vivo Imaging Markers for Prediction of Radiotherapy Response in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: RESOLVE DWI versus DKI ▶


Wei-Yuan Huang, Meng-Meng Li, Shao-Min Lin et al.


Biochemistry, hormones and adipocytokines in prepubertal children born with IUGR evoke metabolic, hepatic and renal derangements ▶


Elpida J. Sidiropoulou, George Paltoglou, George Valsamakis et al.


Impact of pulmonary emphysema on exercise capacity and its physiological determinants in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ▶


Benjamin M. Smith, Dennis Jensen, Marc Brosseau et al.


Computational Simulations of Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Ischaemic Stroke ▶


Andris Piebalgs, Boram Gu, Dylan Roi et al.


Utility of the Tympanic Membrane Pressure Waveform for Non-invasive Estimation of The Intracranial Pressure Waveform ▶


Karen Brastad Evensen, Klaus Paulat, Fabrice Prieur et al.


Effectiveness and safety of self-managed oral anticoagulant therapy compared with direct oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation ▶


Erik Lerkevang Grove, Flemming Skjøth, Peter Brønnum Nielsen et al.


Assessment of the distribution of load on the lower limbs and balance before and after ankle arthrodesis with the Ilizarov method ▶


Piotr Morasiewicz, Grzegorz Konieczny, Maciej Dejnek et al.


High resolution laboratory grating-based X-ray phase-contrast CT ▶


Manuel Viermetz, Lorenz Birnbacher, Marian Willner et al.


Instantaneous frequency from Hilbert-Huang transformation of digital volume pulse as indicator of diabetes and arterial stiffness in upper-middle-aged subjects ▶


Hai-Cheng Wei, Ming-Xia Xiao, Hong-Yu Chen et al.


Visualizing large choroidal blood flow by subtraction of the choriocapillaris projection artifacts in swept source optical coherence tomography angiography in normal eyes ▶


Ichiro Maruko, Taizo Kawano, Hisaya Arakawa et al.


Acupuncture reduces the time from extubation to ‘ready for discharge’ from the post anaesthesia care unit: results from the randomised controlled AcuARP trial ▶


J. Fleckenstein, P. Baeumler, C. Gurschler et al.


Determinants of mortality after hip fracture surgery in Sweden: a registry-based retrospective cohort study ▶


Rasmus Åhman, Pontus Forsberg Siverhall, Johan Snygg et al.


Amplification of the Melanocortin-1 Receptor in Nephrotic Syndrome Identifies a Target for Podocyte Cytoskeleton Stabilization ▶


Lovisa Bergwall, Hanna Wallentin, Johannes Elvin et al.


A Network Model of Resilience Factors for Adolescents with and without Exposure to Childhood Adversity ▶


J. Fritz, E. I. Fried, I. M. Goodyer et al.


Previous antiretroviral drug use compromises standard first-line HIV therapy and is mediated through drug-resistance ▶


Seth C. Inzaule, Cissy M. Kityo, Margaret Siwale et al.


Diagnosis of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in a Possible Usual Interstitial Pneumonia Pattern: a meta-analysis ▶


Heekyung Kim, Soon Ho Yoon, Hyunsook Hong et al.


More evening preference is positively associated with systemic inflammation in prediabetes and type 2 diabetes patients ▶


Hataikarn Nimitphong, Apichana Mahattanapreut, La-or Chailurkit et al.


Surveillance of CKD epidemiology in the US – a joint analysis of NHANES and KEEP ▶


O. B. Myers, V. S. Pankratz, K. C. Norris et al.




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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Must Read

This is a testimonial message about my father who is 52 years old we live in Liverpool, UK. He has been living with pulmonary fibrosis for 3 years. Since his diagnosis it has not been easy for us I watch my father suffering and I was unhappy about this horrible disease he had to make significant changes to his life.his symptoms are shortness of breath, feeling tired and coughing – especially in the morning. He struggle to climb or walk ,he get out of breath easily and a lot of side effects came along with his Medications we have tried everything in finding a cure but the case just keep getting worse with time.

I was home a good Sunday morning when my pulmonologist call me due to what we have talk about all this years of me being open to any form of suggestion regarding to my dad illness he said it was shocking one of his patients who have IPF for 3 years has been confirmed cure with the help of herbal medication called Malva-H, he asked me to contact the herbalist through his blog; https://curetoidiopathicpulmonaryfibrosis. blogspot . com or with his Email; dr.georgetom @ gmail . com, I Purchased the herbal medicine and I am happy to say my dad is being cure, contact him for IPF and COPD, the is testimony is to create awareness about Doctor George and his herbal medicine Malva-H.