Thursday, May 5, 2016

Oncogene - Table of Contents alert Volume 35 Issue 18

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Oncogenesis is an online-only, open access journal exploring the molecular basis of cancer and related phenomena. The journal seeks to promote diverse and integrated areas of molecular biology, cell biology, oncology, and genetics. The journal has an Impact Factor of 3.952.

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Volume 35, Issue 18 (May 2016)

In this issue
Original Articles
Short Communications

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npj Precision Oncology is a new open access, online-only, peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing cutting-edge scientific research in all aspects of precision oncology from basic science to translational applications, to clinical medicine. The journal is part of the Nature Partner Journals series and published in partnership with The Hormel Institute, University of Minnesota. 

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hPso4/hPrp19: a critical component of DNA repair and DNA damage checkpoint complexes

K Mahajan

Oncogene 2016 35: 2279-2286; advance online publication, September 14, 2015; 10.1038/onc.2015.321

Abstract | Full Text

Original Articles


Imipramine blue halts head and neck cancer invasion through promoting F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 14-mediated Twist1 degradation

W-H Yang, Y-H Su, W-H Hsu, C-C Wang, J L Arbiser and M-H Yang

Oncogene 2016 35: 2287-2298; advance online publication, August 10, 2015; 10.1038/onc.2015.291

Abstract | Full Text

NF-κB1 p105 suppresses lung tumorigenesis through the Tpl2 kinase but independently of its NF-κB function

F Sun, Z Qu, Y Xiao, J Zhou, T F Burns, L P Stabile, J M Siegfried and G Xiao

Oncogene 2016 35: 2299-2310; advance online publication, August 24, 2015; 10.1038/onc.2015.299

Abstract | Full Text

Functional features of EVI1 and EVI1Δ324 isoforms of MECOM gene in genome-wide transcription regulation and oncogenicity

A Sayadi, J Jeyakani, S H Seet, C-L Wei, G Bourque, F A Bard, N A Jenkins, N G Copeland and E A Bard-Chapeau

Oncogene 2016 35: 2311-2321; advance online publication, August 3, 2015; 10.1038/onc.2015.286

Abstract | Full Text

PIAS1 is a determinant of poor survival and acts as a positive feedback regulator of AR signaling through enhanced AR stabilization in prostate cancer OPEN

M Puhr, J Hoefer, A Eigentler, D Dietrich, G van Leenders, B Uhl, M Hoogland, F Handle, B Schlick, H Neuwirt, V Sailer, G Kristiansen, H Klocker and Z Culig

Oncogene 2016 35: 2322-2332; advance online publication, August 10, 2015; 10.1038/onc.2015.292

Abstract | Full Text

PTEN activation through K163 acetylation by inhibiting HDAC6 contributes to tumour inhibition

Z Meng, L-F Jia and Y-H Gan

Oncogene 2016 35: 2333-2344; advance online publication, August 17, 2015; 10.1038/onc.2015.293

Abstract | Full Text

Comprehensive proteomic profiling identifies the androgen receptor axis and other signaling pathways as targets of microRNAs suppressed in metastatic prostate cancer

C Coarfa, W Fiskus, V K Eedunuri, K Rajapakshe, C Foley, S A Chew, S S Shah, C Geng, J Shou, J S Mohamed, B W O'Malley and N Mitsiades

Oncogene 2016 35: 2345-2356; advance online publication, September 14, 2015; 10.1038/onc.2015.295

Abstract | Full Text

Oncoprotein ZNF322A transcriptionally deregulates alpha-adducin, cyclin D1 and p53 to promote tumor growth and metastasis in lung cancer OPEN

J Jen, L-L Lin, H-T Chen, S-Y Liao, F-Y Lo, Y-A Tang, W-C Su, R Salgia, C-L Hsu, H-C Huang, H-F Juan and Y-C Wang

Oncogene 2016 35: 2357-2369; advance online publication, August 17, 2015; 10.1038/onc.2015.296

Abstract | Full Text

Myeloid-specific TGF-β signaling in bone promotes basic-FGF and breast cancer bone metastasis

X Meng, A Vander Ark, P Lee, G Hostetter, N A Bhowmick, L M Matrisian, B O Williams, C K Miranti and X Li

Oncogene 2016 35: 2370-2378; advance online publication, August 17, 2015; 10.1038/onc.2015.297

Abstract | Full Text

Spatiotemporal control of estrogen-responsive transcription in ERα-positive breast cancer cells OPEN

P-Y Hsu, H-K Hsu, T-H Hsiao, Z Ye, E Wang, A L Profit, I Jatoi, Y Chen, N B Kirma, V X Jin, Z D Sharp and T H-M Huang

Oncogene 2016 35: 2379-2389; advance online publication, August 24, 2015; 10.1038/onc.2015.298

Abstract | Full Text

Sustained adrenergic signaling leads to increased metastasis in ovarian cancer via increased PGE2 synthesis

A S Nagaraja, P L Dorniak, N C Sadaoui, Y Kang, T Lin, G Armaiz-Pena, S Y Wu, R Rupaimoole, J K Allen, K M Gharpure, S Pradeep, B Zand, R A Previs, J M Hansen, C Ivan, C Rodriguez-Aguayo, P Yang, G Lopez-Berestein, S K Lutgendorf, S W Cole and A K Sood

Oncogene 2016 35: 2390-2397; advance online publication, August 10, 2015; 10.1038/onc.2015.302

Abstract | Full Text

Short Communications


The putative oncogene CEP72 inhibits the mitotic function of BRCA1 and induces chromosomal instability

S Lüddecke, N Ertych, A Stenzinger, W Weichert, T Beissbarth, J Dyczkowski, J Gaedcke, O Valerius, G H Braus, M Kschischo and H Bastians

Oncogene 2016 35: 2398-2406; advance online publication, August 24, 2015; 10.1038/onc.2015.290

Abstract | Full Text

GNASR201H and KrasG12D cooperate to promote murine pancreatic tumorigenesis recapitulating human intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm

K Taki, M Ohmuraya, E Tanji, H Komatsu, D Hashimoto, K Semba, K Araki, Y Kawaguchi, H Baba and T Furukawa

Oncogene 2016 35: 2407-2412; advance online publication, August 10, 2015; 10.1038/onc.2015.294

Abstract | Full Text

Presented by Nature Genetics in association with the Wellcome Trust

September 25-28, 2016
Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel | Baltimore, MD, USA

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