Thursday, May 5, 2016

Nature News highlights: 5 May 2016

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  05 May 2016    

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  CRE-Luc GPCR REPORTER PLATFORM: An in vitro/in vivo luciferase reporter platform for profiling of GPCR targeting compounds

  • A panel of luciferase reporter mice to assay GPCR ligand binding and pathway activation in different tissues.
  • Same reporter system supports in vitro, in vivo, or ex vivo assays
  • Provides in vivo PK/PD profiling of compounds.
CLICK to learn more
  Do you know of an innovative approach to selectively deliver new chemical entities to podocytes in diabetic nephropathy patients? If so, Boehringer Ingelheim invites you to enter their InnoCentive Challenge.
A $20,000 award fund is available along with options for Research Collaborations. The deadline for submissions is May 13, 2016. See the full details and enter here
  • Latest News  

Computer gleans chemical insight from lab notebook failures

04 May 2016

Machine-learning approach mines unpublished 'dark' reactions that don't work, as well as ones that do. Read More


Human embryos grown in lab for longer than ever before

04 May 2016

Embryos cultured for up to 13 days after fertilization open a window into early development. Read More


Can artificial intelligence create the next wonder material?

04 May 2016

Some researchers believe that machine-learning techniques can revolutionize how materials science is done. Read More

The Naturejobs Career Expo is coming back to Boston!

May 18, 2016

This career fair offers young, talented researchers an excellent opportunity to meet a diverse selection of national and international employers from academic institutions and scientific industries, such as pharmaceutical organisations, digital technology companies, science publishing and more.

Register for FREE today! 
  • More Stories  

How club drug ketamine fights depression

04 May 2016

Breakdown product of drug reduces signs of depression in mice without side effects. Read More


The week in science: 29 April–5 May 2016

04 May 2016

New Mars missions shape up; Nobel laureate passes away; and a marten stops the world's biggest science experiment. Read More


US and China eye up European gravitational-wave mission

04 May 2016

Space-based detector draws interest, but regulatory hurdles might complicate a partnership. Read More


Citizen scientists aid Ecuador earthquake relief

03 May 2016

Effort to identify damaged areas combines crowdsourcing with machine-learning algorithms. Read More


Set up a public registry of competing interests

03 May 2016

The problem of bias in published research must be tackled in a consistent and comprehensive fashion, says Adam G. Dunn. Read More


UK graphene inquiry reveals commercial struggles

03 May 2016

Concerns about the University of Manchester's National Graphene Institute reflect a broader decline in industrial research and development. Read More


Stem-cell plan aims to bring rhino back from brink of extinction

03 May 2016

Ambitious effort depends on transformation of rhino tissue into sperm and egg cells. Read More


Nine years of censorship

03 May 2016

Canadian scientists are now allowed to speak out about their work — and the government policy that had restricted communications. Read More


Paper piracy sparks online debate

02 May 2016

Data on Sci-Hub activity prompts discussion about why the research-paper website is so popular. Read More


Cattle drug threatens thousands of vultures

29 April 2016

Modelling study paints bleak picture for Europe's bird populations. Read More


Higgs Bison or Niels Bohrson? Twitter offers names for Fermilab's baby bison

29 April 2016

A request to christen the newborn animal kicks off a flurry of physics puns. Read More


Software error doomed Japanese Hitomi spacecraft

28 April 2016

Space agency declares the astronomy satellite a loss. Read More

  Free naturejobs webcast

From bench to business: Top tips from experts and entrepreneurs on how to take your research all the way from idea to product. You’ll also learn how to find the right funding and how to create the perfect pitch to get your research off the ground.

Wednesday May 25th, 2016 at 8AM PST, 11AM EST, 4PM BST & 5PM CEST

Register for the webcast and the live Q&A session

Produced with support from: Novo Nordisk
  BJC collections: Cancer Immunotherapy

Immunotherapies have revolutionised therapy for some cancers. In parallel with therapeutic trials, many other mechanisms and pathways are being investigated in optimising these treatments.

Access this collection from British Journal of Cancer - free online for six months

Produced with support from: EMD Serono

Inside View

Advertisement Feature

Short and informative Q&As with leaders in science and technology.

  • Jobs   Science jobs of the week


Senior Lecturer / Associate Professor (Structural Biologist)


Melbourne University 


Senior Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Biology / Bioinformatics


South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute 


Head of Scientific Data, Information and Integration




Co-Director of the Lyell Centre and BGS Strategic Lead in Scotland


British Geological Survey 


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