Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Leukemia - Table of Contents alert Volume 30 Issue 5

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Volume 30, Issue 5 (May 2016)

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Original Articles
Letters to the Editor

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Management of relapsed multiple myeloma: recommendations of the International Myeloma Working Group

J Laubach, L Garderet, A Mahindra, G Gahrton, J Caers, O Sezer, P Voorhees, X Leleu, H E Johnsen, M Streetly, A Jurczyszyn, H Ludwig, U-H Mellqvist, W-J Chng, L Pilarski, H Einsele, J Hou, I Turesson, E Zamagni, C S Chim, A Mazumder, J Westin, J Lu, T Reiman, S Kristinsson, D Joshua, M Roussel, P O'Gorman, E Terpos, P McCarthy, M Dimopoulos, P Moreau, R Z Orlowski, J S Miguel, K C Anderson, A Palumbo, S Kumar, V Rajkumar, B Durie and P G Richardson

Leukemia 2016 30: 1005-1017; advance online publication, December 29, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.356

Abstract | Full Text

Myeloproliferative neoplasms and inflammation: whether to target the malignant clone or the inflammatory process or both

S Koschmieder, T I Mughal, H C Hasselbalch, G Barosi, P Valent, J-J Kiladjian, G Jeryczynski, H Gisslinger, J S Jutzi, H L Pahl, R Hehlmann, A Maria Vannucchi, F Cervantes, R T Silver and T Barbui

Leukemia 2016 30: 1018-1024; advance online publication, February 8, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.12

Abstract | Full Text

Original Articles



The combination of FLT3 and DNA methyltransferase inhibition is synergistically cytotoxic to FLT3/ITD acute myeloid leukemia cells

E Chang, S Ganguly, T Rajkhowa, C D Gocke, M Levis and H Konig

Leukemia 2016 30: 1025-1032; advance online publication, December 21, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.346

Abstract | Full Text


CDK6-mediated repression of CD25 is required for induction and maintenance of Notch1-induced T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

N Jena, J Sheng, J K Hu, W Li, W Zhou, G Lee, N Tsichlis, A Pathak, N Brown, A Deshpande, C Luo, G F Hu, P W Hinds, R A Van Etten and M G Hu

Leukemia 2016 30: 1033-1043; advance online publication, December 28, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.353

Abstract | Full Text


Long-term benefits and risks of frontline nilotinib vs imatinib for chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase: 5-year update of the randomized ENESTnd trial OPEN

A Hochhaus, G Saglio, T P Hughes, R A Larson, D-W Kim, S Issaragrisil, P D le Coutre, G Etienne, P E Dorlhiac-Llacer, R E Clark, I W Flinn, H Nakamae, B Donohue, W Deng, D Dalal, H D Menssen and H M Kantarjian

Leukemia 2016 30: 1044-1054; advance online publication, February 3, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.5

Abstract | Full Text


Next-generation IgVH sequencing CLL-like monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis reveals frequent oligoclonality and ongoing hypermutation

M Klinger, J Zheng, K S J Elenitoba-Johnson, S L Perkins, M Faham and D W Bahler

Leukemia 2016 30: 1055-1061; advance online publication, December 21, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.351

Abstract | Full Text


Recurrent activating mutations of CD28 in peripheral T-cell lymphomas

J Rohr, S Guo, J Huo, A Bouska, C Lachel, Y Li, P D Simone, W Zhang, Q Gong, C Wang, A Cannon, T Heavican, A Mottok, S Hung, A Rosenwald, R Gascoyne, K Fu, T C Greiner, D D Weisenburger, J M Vose, L M Staudt, W Xiao, G E O Borgstahl, S Davis, C Steidl, T McKeithan, J Iqbal and W C Chan

Leukemia 2016 30: 1062-1070; advance online publication, December 31, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.357

Abstract | Full Text


Gene signature combinations improve prognostic stratification of multiple myeloma patients

W J Chng, T-H Chung, S Kumar, S Usmani, N Munshi, H Avet-Loiseau, H Goldschmidt, B Durie and P Sonneveld on behalf of the International Myeloma Working Group

Leukemia 2016 30: 1071-1078; advance online publication, December 16, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.341

Abstract | Full Text

Risk factors for and outcomes of patients with POEMS syndrome who experience progression after first-line treatment

T V Kourelis, F K Buadi, M A Gertz, M Q Lacy, S K Kumar, P Kapoor, R S Go, J A Lust, S R Hayman, V Rajkumar, S R Zeldenrust, S J Russell, D Dingli, Y Lin, N Leung, Y L Hwa, W Gonsalves, R A Kyle and A Dispenzieri

Leukemia 2016 30: 1079-1085; advance online publication, December 16, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.344

Abstract | Full Text

Dexamethasone treatment promotes Bcl-2 dependence in multiple myeloma resulting in sensitivity to venetoclax

S M Matulis, V A Gupta, A K Nooka, H V Hollen, J L Kaufman, S Lonial and L H Boise

Leukemia 2016 30: 1086-1093; advance online publication, December 28, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.350

Abstract | Full Text

Single-cell analysis of targeted transcriptome predicts drug sensitivity of single cells within human myeloma tumors

A K Mitra, U K Mukherjee, T Harding, J S Jang, H Stessman, Y Li, A Abyzov, J Jen, S Kumar, V Rajkumar and B Van Ness

Leukemia 2016 30: 1094-1102; advance online publication, December 29, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.361

Abstract | Full Text

Targeting vasculogenesis to prevent progression in multiple myeloma

M Moschetta, Y Mishima, Y Kawano, S Manier, B Paiva, L Palomera, Y Aljawai, A Calcinotto, C Unitt, I Sahin, A Sacco, S Glavey, J Shi, M R Reagan, F Prosper, M Bellone, M Chesi, L P Bergsagel, A Vacca, A M Roccaro and I M Ghobrial

Leukemia 2016 30: 1103-1115; advance online publication, February 3, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.3

Abstract | Full Text

Clonal B cells in Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia exhibit functional features of chronic active B-cell receptor signaling OPEN

K V Argyropoulos, R Vogel, C Ziegler, G Altan-Bonnet, E Velardi, M Calafiore, A Dogan, M Arcila, M Patel, K Knapp, C Mallek, Z R Hunter, S P Treon, M R M van den Brink and M L Palomba

Leukemia 2016 30: 1116-1125; advance online publication, February 12, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.8

Abstract | Full Text


Clinical impact of bone marrow morphology for the diagnosis of essential thrombocythemia: comparison between the BCSH and the WHO criteria OPEN

H Gisslinger, G Jeryczynski, B Gisslinger, A Wölfler, S Burgstaller, V Buxhofer-Ausch, M Schalling, M-T Krauth, A-I Schiefer, C Kornauth, I Simonitsch-Klupp, C Beham-Schmid, L Müllauer and J Thiele

Leukemia 2016 30: 1126-1132; advance online publication, December 29, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.360

Abstract | Full Text


Dnmt3a regulates myeloproliferation and liver-specific expansion of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells

O A Guryanova, Y K Lieu, F E Garrett-Bakelman, B Spitzer, J L Glass, K Shank, A B V Martinez, S A Rivera, B H Durham, F Rapaport, M D Keller, S Pandey, L Bastian, D Tovbin, A R Weinstein, J Teruya-Feldstein, O Abdel-Wahab, V Santini, C E Mason, A M Melnick, S Mukherjee and R L Levine

Leukemia 2016 30: 1133-1142; advance online publication, December 29, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.358

Abstract | Full Text


Mouse mesenchymal stem cells inhibit high endothelial cell activation and lymphocyte homing to lymph nodes by releasing TIMP-1 OPEN

L Zanotti, R Angioni, B Calì, C Soldani, C Ploia, F Moalli, M Gargesha, G D'Amico, S Elliman, G Tedeschi, E Maffioli, A Negri, S Zacchigna, A Sarukhan, J V Stein and A Viola

Leukemia 2016 30: 1143-1154; advance online publication, February 22, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.33

Abstract | Full Text


BCOR regulates myeloid cell proliferation and differentiation

Q Cao, M D Gearhart, S Gery, S Shojaee, H Yang, H Sun, D-c Lin, J-w Bai, M Mead, Z Zhao, Q Chen, W-w Chien, S Alkan, T Alpermann, T Haferlach, M Müschen, V J Bardwell and H P Koeffler

Leukemia 2016 30: 1155-1165; advance online publication, February 5, 2016; 10.1038/leu.2016.2

Abstract | Full Text


The target cell of transformation is distinct from the leukemia stem cell in murine CALM/AF10 leukemia models

S Dutta, A Krause, S Vosberg, T Herold, B Ksienzyk, L Quintanilla-Martinez, B Tizazu, M Chopra, A Graf, S Krebs, H Blum, P A Greif, A Vetter, K Metzeler, M Rothenberg-Thurley, M R Schneider, M Dahlhoff, K Spiekermann, U Zimber-Strobl, E Wolf and S K Bohlander

Leukemia 2016 30: 1166-1176; advance online publication, December 21, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.349

Abstract | Full Text

Letters to the Editor


Effect of the type of treatment facility on the outcome of acute myeloid leukemia in adolescents and young adults

R S Go, A C Bartley, A Al-Kali, N D Shah and E B Habermann

Leukemia 2016 30: 1177-1180; advance online publication, August 26, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.239

Full Text

Unrelated cord blood transplantation for childhood acute myelogenous leukemia: The influence of cytogenetic risk group stratification

G Michel, R Cunha, A Ruggeri, T A O'Brien, H Bittencourt, J H Dalle, F Locatelli, A P Iori, M Mauad, C Oudin, F Giannotti, F Volt, E Gluckman, P Bader and V Rocha on behalf of Eurocord, Cord Blood Committee of Cellular Therapy Immunobiology and Pediatric Disease Working parties of EBMT

Leukemia 2016 30: 1180-1183; advance online publication, September 15, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.243

Full Text

Outcome of relapsed infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated on the interfant-99 protocol

E M C Driessen, P de Lorenzo, M Campbell, M Felice, A Ferster, I Hann, A Vora, L Hovi, G Escherich, C K Li, G Mann, T Leblanc, F Locatelli, A Biondi, J Rubnitz, M Schrappe, L Silverman, J Stary, R Suppiah, T Szczepanski, M Valsecchi and R Pieters

Leukemia 2016 30: 1184-1187; advance online publication, September 15, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.246

Full Text

Risk factors for second acute myeloid leukemia/myelodysplastic syndrome among survivors of non-Hodgkin lymphoma

C J K Lam, R E Curtis, G M Dores, E A Engels, N E Caporaso, A Polliack, J L Warren, H A Young, P H Levine, A F Elmi, J F Fraumeni, M A Tucker and L M Morton

Leukemia 2016 30: 1187-1190; advance online publication, September 15, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.248

Full Text

Comprehensive quantitative proteomic profiling of the pharmacodynamic changes induced by MLN4924 in acute myeloid leukemia cells establishes rationale for its combination with azacitidine

V Visconte, S T Nawrocki, C M Espitia, K R Kelly, A Possemato, S A Beausoleil, Y Han, H E Carraway, A Nazha, A S Advani, J P Maciejewski, M A Sekeres and J S Carew

Leukemia 2016 30: 1190-1194; advance online publication, September 15, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.250

Full Text

A functional polymorphism in the CEBPE gene promoter influences acute lymphoblastic leukemia risk through interaction with the hematopoietic transcription factor Ikaros

J L Wiemels, A J de Smith, J Xiao, S-T Lee, M O Muench, M E Fomin, M Zhou, H M Hansen, A Termuhlen, C Metayer and K M Walsh

Leukemia 2016 30: 1194-1197; advance online publication, September 16, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.251

Full Text

Identification of characteristic and prognostic values of chromosome 1p abnormality by multi-gene fluorescence in situ hybridization in multiple myeloma

F Li, L Hu, Y Xu, Z Li, S Yi, Z Gu, C Li, M Hao, K Ru, F Zhan, A Zetterberg, W Yuan, T Cheng and L Qiu

Leukemia 2016 30: 1197-1201; advance online publication, September 16, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.254

Full Text

Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for T-cell large granular lymphocyte leukemia: a retrospective study of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

T Marchand, T Lamy, H Finel, W Arcese, S Choquet, J Finke, A Huynh, G Irrera, D Karakasis, J Konopacki, J Lambert, M Michieli, H C Schouten, W Schroyens, G Sucak, J Tischer, E Vandenberghe and P Dreger on behalf of the Lymphoma Working Party of the EBMT

Leukemia 2016 30: 1201-1204; advance online publication, September 22, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.256

Full Text

Activating somatic mutations outside the SH2-domain of STAT3 in LGL leukemia

E Andersson, H Kuusanmäki, S Bortoluzzi, S Lagström, A Parsons, H Rajala, A van Adrichem, S Eldfors, T Olson, M J Clemente, A Laasonen, P Ellonen, C Heckman, T P Loughran, J P Maciejewski and S Mustjoki

Leukemia 2016 30: 1204-1208; advance online publication, September 30, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.263

Full Text

Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria induced by the occurrence of BCR-ABL in a PIGA mutant hematopoietic progenitor cell

R Tominaga, T Katagiri, K Kataoka, K Kataoka, R K C Wee, A Maeda, H Gomyo, I Mizuno, T Murayama, S Ogawa and S Nakao

Leukemia 2016 30: 1208-1210; advance online publication, October 6, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.268

Full Text

Prospective molecular monitoring of minimal residual disease after non-myeloablative allografting in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma

M Ladetto, S Ferrero, D Drandi, M Festuccia, F Patriarca, N Mordini, S Cena, R Benedetto, G Guarona, F Ferrando, L Brunello, P Ghione, V Boccasavia, R Fanin, P Omedè, L Giaccone, A Palumbo, R Passera, M Boccadoro and B Bruno

Leukemia 2016 30: 1211-1214; advance online publication, October 6, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.269

Full Text

Oncogenic activation of MPL/thrombopoietin receptor by 17 mutations at W515: implications for myeloproliferative neoplasms

J-P Defour, I Chachoua, C Pecquet and S N Constantinescu

Leukemia 2016 30: 1214-1216; advance online publication, October 6, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.271

Full Text

Idiotype-specific CD4+ T cells eradicate disseminated myeloma

O A Haabeth, A Tveita, M Fauskanger, K Hennig, P O Hofgaard and B Bogen

Leukemia 2016 30: 1216-1220; advance online publication, October 9, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.278

Full Text

Impact of FLT3-ITD location on sensitivity to TKI-therapy in vitro and in vivo

P Arreba-Tutusaus, T S Mack, L Bullinger, T M Schnöder, A Polanetzki, S Weinert, A Ballaschk, Z Wang, A J Deshpande, S A Armstrong, K Döhner, T Fischer and F H Heidel

Leukemia 2016 30: 1220-1225; advance online publication, October 21, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.292

Full Text

Palmitoylacyltransferase Zdhhc9 inactivation mitigates leukemogenic potential of oncogenic Nras

P Liu, B Jiao, R Zhang, H Zhao, C Zhang, M Wu, D Li, X Zhao, Q Qiu, J Li and R Ren

Leukemia 2016 30: 1225-1228; advance online publication, October 22, 2015; 10.1038/leu.2015.293

Full Text

The International Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Foundation (iCMLf) are pleased to share with you, the Handbook of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
Timothy P. Hughes, et al (2016).

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The iCMLf have partnered with Springer Healthcare IME to bring this book to hematologists with a strong interest in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. This practical handbook provides healthcare providers involved in the diagnosis and treatment of CML with a concise and up-to-date survey of the field. This independent educational resource is supported by a grant from Novartis Oncology.
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