Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Immunology and Cell Biology - Table of Contents alert Volume 95 Issue 5

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Immunology and Cell Biology


Volume 94, Issue 5 (May/June 2016)

In this issue
News And Commentary
Original Articles
Short Communication

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News And Commentary


Decidual endothelium, Notch1 and TGFβ, gatekeepers for Treg accumulation at the maternal–fetal interface

Tamara Tilburgs and Jack L Strominger

Immunol Cell Biol 2016 94: 419-420; advance online publication, March 29, 2016; 10.1038/icb.2016.23

Full Text

Original Articles


Distinct immune signatures in the colon of Crohn’s disease and ankylosing spondylitis patients in the absence of inflammation

Elliott T J Dunn, Edward S Taylor, Simon Stebbings, Michael Schultz, A Grant Butt and Roslyn A Kemp

Immunol Cell Biol 2016 94: 421-429; advance online publication, December 9, 2015; 10.1038/icb.2015.112

Abstract | Full Text

The CD169 sialoadhesin molecule mediates cytotoxic T-cell responses to tumour apoptotic vesicles

Lane VC Black, Sarah C Saunderson, Frazer P Coutinho, Morad-Rémy Muhsin-Sharafaldine, Tanvi T Damani, Amy C Dunn and Alexander D McLellan

Immunol Cell Biol 2016 94: 430-438; advance online publication, December 9, 2015; 10.1038/icb.2015.111

Abstract | Full Text

Induction of memory cytotoxic T cells to influenza A virus and subsequent viral clearance is not modulated by PB1-F2-dependent inflammasome activation OPEN

Patricia (Hoi Yee) Lee, Nicola Bird, Charley MacKenzie-Kludas, Ashley Mansell, Katherine Kedzierska, Lorena Brown and Julie McAuley

Immunol Cell Biol 2016 94: 439-446; advance online publication, December 15, 2015; 10.1038/icb.2015.115

Abstract | Full Text

A CD2 high-expressing stress-resistant human plasmacytoid dendritic-cell subset

Christian Bryant, Phillip D Fromm, Fiona Kupresanin, Georgina Clark, Kenneth Lee, Candice Clarke, Pablo A Silveira, Hayley Suen, Ross Brown, Elizabeth Newman, Ilona Cunningham, P Joy Ho, John Gibson, Kenneth Bradstock, Douglas Joshua and Derek NJ Hart

Immunol Cell Biol 2016 94: 447-457; advance online publication, January 21, 2016; 10.1038/icb.2015.116

Abstract | Full Text

Decidual vascular endothelial cells promote maternal–fetal immune tolerance by inducing regulatory T cells through canonical Notch1 signaling

Yanyi Yao, Jieping Song, Weipeng Wang and Nian Liu

Immunol Cell Biol 2016 94: 458-469; advance online publication, December 30, 2015; 10.1038/icb.2015.119

Abstract | Full Text

Fully human MAP-fusion protein selectively targets and eliminates proliferating CD64+ M1 macrophages

Dmitrij Hristodorov, Radoslav Mladenov, Rainer Fischer, Stefan Barth and Theo Thepen

Immunol Cell Biol 2016 94: 470-478; advance online publication, January 8, 2016; 10.1038/icb.2016.4

Abstract | Full Text

A short half-life of ULBP1 at the cell surface due to internalization and proteosomal degradation

Lola Fernández-Messina, Hugh T Reyburn and Mar Valés-Gómez

Immunol Cell Biol 2016 94: 479-485; advance online publication, January 6, 2016; 10.1038/icb.2016.2

Abstract | Full Text

PI3Kδ promotes CD4+ T-cell interactions with antigen-presenting cells by increasing LFA-1 binding to ICAM-1 OPEN

Fabien Garçon and Klaus Okkenhaug

Immunol Cell Biol 2016 94: 486-495; advance online publication, January 7, 2016; 10.1038/icb.2016.1

Abstract | Full Text

Nasal vaccination stimulates CD8+ T cells for potent protection against mucosal Brucella melitensis challenge

Beata Clapp, Xinghong Yang, Theresa Thornburg, Nancy Walters and David W Pascual

Immunol Cell Biol 2016 94: 496-508; advance online publication, January 11, 2016; 10.1038/icb.2016.5

Abstract | Full Text

Reduced interleukin-2 responsiveness impairs the ability of Treg cells to compete for IL-2 in nonobese diabetic mice

Cini R James, Irina Buckle, Franziska Muscate, Masayuki Otsuka, Mari Nakao, Jack SH Oon, Raymond J Steptoe, Ranjeny Thomas and Emma E Hamilton-Williams

Immunol Cell Biol 2016 94: 509-519; advance online publication, January 14, 2016; 10.1038/icb.2016.7

Abstract | Full Text

Short Communication


Correcting the NLRP3 inflammasome deficiency in macrophages from autoimmune NZB mice with exon skipping antisense oligonucleotides

Sara J Thygesen, David P Sester, Simon O Cridland, Steve D Wilton and Katryn J Stacey

Immunol Cell Biol 2016 94: 520-524; advance online publication, February 2, 2016; 10.1038/icb.2016.3

Abstract | Full Text



The danger model: questioning an unconvincing theory

Szczepan Józefowski

Immunol Cell Biol 2016 94: 525; 10.1038/icb.2016.29

Full Text

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