Thursday, January 21, 2016

What does the future look like? How do you find job satisfaction in a health nonprofit? When is research dangerous?

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Latest articles from
Blog: Finding job satisfaction as a science strategist
20 January 2016
After his PhD and postdoc at The University of California, Berkeley, Gautham Venugopalan completed a science policy fellowship, and then became an analyst at a consultancy firm.
Column: Paper craft
20 January 2016
Consensus with co-authors is vital when writing up research, say Dmitry Budker and Derek Jackson Kimball.
Column: Tracked changes
20 January 2016
Writing together bridges disciplines, says Eli Lazarus.
Trade talk: Science strategist
20 January 2016
Working as a consultant demands scientific thinking, says Gautham Venugopalan.
Blog: The faculty series: A case study
18 January 2016
Be pro-active and prepare for long shifts if you want to land a lectureship. That’s how Samantha Terry did it.
Blog: Jobs of the Future: What will a science career look like in 2030?
15 January 2015
Scientists should be the ones designing the jobs of the future, say Michael Fischer and Mandë Holford. The Jobs of the Future initiative enables them to do so.
Blog: Finding job satisfaction in a health nonprofit
13 January 2015
After advanced training in psychology, neuroscience, and endocrinology, Lana Gent found job satisfaction as a director of science at the American Heart Association in Dallas.
Feature: Fieldwork: Extreme research
13 January 2016
Cavers, divers and climbers take their science to strange and wonderful places.
Trade talk: Science integrator
13 January 2016
Lana Gent manages volunteers, scientists and videographers to bring out the best in emergency medicine.
Advertising Feature  Inside view: Bettencourt Schueller Foundation
13 January 2015
Thomas Lecuit, Research Director of CNRS at the Developmental Biology Institute of Marseille (IBDM), explains the parallels between origami and developmental biology, and his future plans in the field.
Blog: The faculty series: Applying for grants
11 January 2015
A successful grant application is dependent on making your science and your message clear, says Viviane Callier.
Science communication: Do you struggle with staying impartial?
8 January 2015

Science communication: Writing for scientific and policy audiences
8 January 2015

Science communication: What are the differences between working for parliament or a learned society?
8 January 2015

Science communication: What's more important to publishing?
8 January 2015

Science communication: What is the organisational structure like in a company like Nature?
8 January 2015

Science communication: Why is the turn-over rate for editors so high?
8 January 2015 articles
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Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI)
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University of Glasgow
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Medical Research Council
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The Francis Crick Institute
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University Hospital Bonn
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Elsewhere on
Interdisciplinarity: Bring biologists into biomimetics
19 January 2015

Sexual harassment must not be kept under wraps
20 January 2016

Research gets increasingly international
19 January 2016

Harassment victims deserve better
20 January 2016

Turkish scientists rocked by accusations of supporting terrorism
18 January 2015
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This month's poll
What question should our Naturejobs expert answer about careers in academia?
What can you do to merge yourself into a research community?
How can you be sure that you are not made for a career in academia?
How do you know if you are a success or a failure in academia?
Is it possible to return to academia from industry?
How can you go further in science without becoming a professor?
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Selected images from Richard Novak, Andy Baker/Getty, Kyle Larson, Samantha Terry, Mande Holford, Viviane Callier, IBDM

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